
943 lines
29 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
open Lexing
type t = Warnings.loc =
{ loc_start: position; loc_end: position; loc_ghost: bool };;
let in_file name =
let loc = { dummy_pos with pos_fname = name } in
{ loc_start = loc; loc_end = loc; loc_ghost = true }
let none = in_file "_none_";;
let curr lexbuf = {
loc_start = lexbuf.lex_start_p;
loc_end = lexbuf.lex_curr_p;
loc_ghost = false
let init lexbuf fname =
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- {
pos_fname = fname;
pos_lnum = 1;
pos_bol = 0;
pos_cnum = 0;
let symbol_rloc () = {
loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start_pos ();
loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end_pos ();
loc_ghost = false;
let symbol_gloc () = {
loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start_pos ();
loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end_pos ();
loc_ghost = true;
let rhs_loc n = {
loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start_pos n;
loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end_pos n;
loc_ghost = false;
let rhs_interval m n = {
loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start_pos m;
loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end_pos n;
loc_ghost = false;
(* return file, line, char from the given position *)
let get_pos_info pos =
(pos.pos_fname, pos.pos_lnum, pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol)
type 'a loc = {
txt : 'a;
loc : t;
let mkloc txt loc = { txt ; loc }
let mknoloc txt = mkloc txt none
(* Input info *)
let input_name = ref "_none_"
let input_lexbuf = ref (None : lexbuf option)
let input_phrase_buffer = ref (None : Buffer.t option)
(* Terminal info *)
let status = ref Terminfo.Uninitialised
let setup_terminal () =
if !status = Terminfo.Uninitialised then
status := Terminfo.setup stdout
(* The number of lines already printed after input.
This is used by [highlight_terminfo] to identify the current position of the
input in the terminal. This would not be possible without this information,
since printing several warnings/errors adds text between the user input and
the bottom of the terminal.
let num_loc_lines = ref 0
(* This is used by the toplevel to reset [num_loc_lines] before each phrase *)
let reset () =
num_loc_lines := 0
(* This is used by the toplevel *)
let echo_eof () =
print_newline ();
incr num_loc_lines
(* Code printing errors and warnings must be wrapped using this function, in
order to update [num_loc_lines].
[print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf f arg] is equivalent to calling [f ppf
arg], and additionally updates [num_loc_lines]. *)
let print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf f arg =
let open Format in
let out_functions = pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
let out_string str start len =
let rec count i c =
if i = start + len then c
else if String.get str i = '\n' then count (succ i) (succ c)
else count (succ i) c in
num_loc_lines := !num_loc_lines + count start 0 ;
out_functions.out_string str start len in
pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
{ out_functions with out_string } ;
f ppf arg ;
pp_print_flush ppf ();
pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf out_functions
let setup_colors () =
Misc.Color.setup !Clflags.color
(* Printing locations, e.g. 'File "foo.ml", line 3, characters 10-12' *)
let rewrite_absolute_path path =
match Misc.get_build_path_prefix_map () with
| None -> path
| Some map -> Build_path_prefix_map.rewrite map path
let absolute_path s = (* This function could go into Filename *)
let open Filename in
let s =
if not (is_relative s) then s
else (rewrite_absolute_path (concat (Sys.getcwd ()) s))
(* Now simplify . and .. components *)
let rec aux s =
let base = basename s in
let dir = dirname s in
if dir = s then dir
else if base = current_dir_name then aux dir
else if base = parent_dir_name then dirname (aux dir)
else concat (aux dir) base
aux s
let show_filename file =
if !Clflags.absname then absolute_path file else file
let print_filename ppf file =
Format.pp_print_string ppf (show_filename file)
(* Best-effort printing of the text describing a location, of the form
'File "foo.ml", line 3, characters 10-12'.
Some of the information (filename, line number or characters numbers) in the
location might be invalid; in which case we do not print it.
let print_loc ppf loc =
setup_colors ();
let file_valid = function
| "_none_" ->
(* This is a dummy placeholder, but we print it anyway to please editors
that parse locations in error messages (e.g. Emacs). *)
| "" | "//toplevel//" -> false
| _ -> true
let line_valid line = line > 0 in
let chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar = startchar <> -1 && endchar <> -1 in
let file =
(* According to the comment in location.mli, if [pos_fname] is "", we must
use [!input_name]. *)
if loc.loc_start.pos_fname = "" then !input_name
else loc.loc_start.pos_fname
let startline = loc.loc_start.pos_lnum in
let endline = loc.loc_end.pos_lnum in
let startchar = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_end.pos_bol in
let first = ref true in
let capitalize s =
if !first then (first := false; String.capitalize_ascii s)
else s in
let comma () =
if !first then () else Format.fprintf ppf ", " in
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<loc>";
if file_valid file then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s \"%a\"" (capitalize "file") print_filename file;
(* Print "line 1" in the case of a dummy line number. This is to please the
existing setup of editors that parse locations in error messages (e.g.
Emacs). *)
comma ();
let startline = if line_valid startline then startline else 1 in
let endline = if line_valid endline then endline else startline in
begin if startline = endline then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s %i" (capitalize "line") startline
Format.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "lines") startline endline
if chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar then (
comma ();
Format.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "characters") startchar endchar
Format.fprintf ppf "@}"
(* Print a comma-separated list of locations *)
let print_locs ppf locs =
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
print_loc ppf locs
(* An interval set structure; additionally, it stores user-provided information
at interval boundaries.
The implementation provided here is naive and assumes the number of intervals
to be small, but the interface would allow for a more efficient
implementation if needed.
Note: the structure only stores maximal intervals (that therefore do not
module ISet : sig
type 'a bound = 'a * int
type 'a t
(* bounds are included *)
val of_intervals : ('a bound * 'a bound) list -> 'a t
val mem : 'a t -> pos:int -> bool
val find_bound_in : 'a t -> range:(int * int) -> 'a bound option
val is_start : 'a t -> pos:int -> 'a option
val is_end : 'a t -> pos:int -> 'a option
val extrema : 'a t -> ('a bound * 'a bound) option
type 'a bound = 'a * int
(* non overlapping intervals *)
type 'a t = ('a bound * 'a bound) list
let of_intervals intervals =
let pos =
List.map (fun ((a, x), (b, y)) ->
if x > y then [] else [((a, x), `S); ((b, y), `E)]
) intervals
|> List.flatten
|> List.sort (fun ((_, x), k) ((_, y), k') ->
(* Make `S come before `E so that consecutive intervals get merged
together in the fold below *)
let kn = function `S -> 0 | `E -> 1 in
compare (x, kn k) (y, kn k'))
let nesting, acc =
List.fold_left (fun (nesting, acc) (a, kind) ->
match kind, nesting with
| `S, `Outside -> `Inside (a, 0), acc
| `S, `Inside (s, n) -> `Inside (s, n+1), acc
| `E, `Outside -> assert false
| `E, `Inside (s, 0) -> `Outside, ((s, a) :: acc)
| `E, `Inside (s, n) -> `Inside (s, n-1), acc
) (`Outside, []) pos in
assert (nesting = `Outside);
List.rev acc
let mem iset ~pos =
List.exists (fun ((_, s), (_, e)) -> s <= pos && pos <= e) iset
let find_bound_in iset ~range:(start, end_) =
Misc.Stdlib.List.find_map (fun ((a, x), (b, y)) ->
if start <= x && x <= end_ then Some (a, x)
else if start <= y && y <= end_ then Some (b, y)
else None
) iset
let is_start iset ~pos =
Misc.Stdlib.List.find_map (fun ((a, x), _) ->
if pos = x then Some a else None
) iset
let is_end iset ~pos =
Misc.Stdlib.List.find_map (fun (_, (b, y)) ->
if pos = y then Some b else None
) iset
let extrema iset =
if iset = [] then None
else Some (fst (List.hd iset), snd (List.hd (List.rev iset)))
(* Toplevel: highlighting and quoting locations *)
(* Highlight the locations using standout mode.
If [locs] is empty, this function is a no-op.
let highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs =
Format.pp_print_flush ppf (); (* avoid mixing Format and normal output *)
(* Char 0 is at offset -lb.lex_abs_pos in lb.lex_buffer. *)
let pos0 = -lb.lex_abs_pos in
(* Do nothing if the buffer does not contain the whole phrase. *)
if pos0 < 0 then raise Exit;
(* Count number of lines in phrase *)
let lines = ref !num_loc_lines in
for i = pos0 to lb.lex_buffer_len - 1 do
if Bytes.get lb.lex_buffer i = '\n' then incr lines
(* If too many lines, give up *)
if !lines >= Terminfo.num_lines stdout - 2 then raise Exit;
(* Move cursor up that number of lines *)
flush stdout; Terminfo.backup stdout !lines;
(* Print the input, switching to standout for the location *)
let bol = ref false in
print_string "# ";
for pos = 0 to lb.lex_buffer_len - pos0 - 1 do
if !bol then (print_string " "; bol := false);
if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum) locs then
Terminfo.standout stdout true;
if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum) locs then
Terminfo.standout stdout false;
let c = Bytes.get lb.lex_buffer (pos + pos0) in
print_char c;
bol := (c = '\n')
(* Make sure standout mode is over *)
Terminfo.standout stdout false;
(* Position cursor back to original location *)
Terminfo.resume stdout !num_loc_lines;
flush stdout
let highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs =
try highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs
with Exit -> ()
(* Highlight the location by printing it again.
There are two different styles for highlighting errors in "dumb" mode,
depending if the error fits on a single line or spans across several lines.
For single-line errors,
foo the_error bar
gets displayed as follows, where X is the line number:
X | foo the_error bar
For multi-line errors,
foo the_
error bar
gets displayed as:
X1 | ....the_
X2 | error....
An ellipsis hides the middle lines of the multi-line error if it has more
than [max_lines] lines.
If [locs] is empty then this function is a no-op.
type input_line = {
text : string;
start_pos : int;
(* Takes a list of lines with possibly missing line numbers.
If the line numbers that are present are consistent with the number of lines
between them, then infer the intermediate line numbers.
This is not always the case, typically if lexer line directives are
involved... *)
let infer_line_numbers
(lines: (int option * input_line) list):
(int option * input_line) list
let (_, offset, consistent) =
List.fold_left (fun (i, offset, consistent) (lnum, _) ->
match lnum, offset with
| None, _ -> (i+1, offset, consistent)
| Some n, None -> (i+1, Some (n - i), consistent)
| Some n, Some m -> (i+1, offset, consistent && n = m + i)
) (0, None, true) lines
match offset, consistent with
| Some m, true ->
List.mapi (fun i (_, line) -> (Some (m + i), line)) lines
| _, _ ->
(* [get_lines] must return the lines to highlight, given starting and ending
See [lines_around_from_current_input] below for an instantiation of
[get_lines] that reads from the current input.
let highlight_quote ppf
~(get_lines: start_pos:position -> end_pos:position -> input_line list)
?(max_lines = 10)
let iset = ISet.of_intervals @@ List.filter_map (fun loc ->
let s, e = loc.loc_start, loc.loc_end in
if s.pos_cnum = -1 || e.pos_cnum = -1 then None
else Some ((s, s.pos_cnum), (e, e.pos_cnum - 1))
) locs in
match ISet.extrema iset with
| None -> ()
| Some ((leftmost, _), (rightmost, _)) ->
let lines =
get_lines ~start_pos:leftmost ~end_pos:rightmost
|> List.map (fun ({ text; start_pos } as line) ->
let end_pos = start_pos + String.length text - 1 in
let line_nb =
match ISet.find_bound_in iset ~range:(start_pos, end_pos) with
| None -> None
| Some (p, _) -> Some p.pos_lnum
(line_nb, line))
|> infer_line_numbers
|> List.map (fun (lnum, { text; start_pos }) ->
Option.fold ~some:Int.to_string ~none:"" lnum,
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>";
begin match lines with
| [] | [("", _, _)] -> ()
| [(line, line_nb, line_start_cnum)] ->
(* Single-line error *)
Format.fprintf ppf "%s | %s@," line_nb line;
Format.fprintf ppf "%*s " (String.length line_nb) "";
for pos = line_start_cnum to rightmost.pos_cnum - 1 do
if ISet.is_start iset ~pos <> None then
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<%s>" highlight_tag;
if ISet.mem iset ~pos then Format.pp_print_char ppf '^'
else Format.pp_print_char ppf ' ';
if ISet.is_end iset ~pos <> None then
Format.fprintf ppf "@}"
Format.fprintf ppf "@}@,"
| _ ->
(* Multi-line error *)
Misc.pp_two_columns ~sep:"|" ~max_lines ppf
@@ List.map (fun (line, line_nb, line_start_cnum) ->
let line = String.mapi (fun i car ->
if ISet.mem iset ~pos:(line_start_cnum + i) then car else '.'
) line in
(line_nb, line)
) lines
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
let lines_around
~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
~(seek: int -> unit)
~(read_char: unit -> char option):
input_line list
seek start_pos.pos_bol;
let lines = ref [] in
let bol = ref start_pos.pos_bol in
let cur = ref start_pos.pos_bol in
let b = Buffer.create 80 in
let add_line () =
if !bol < !cur then begin
let text = Buffer.contents b in
Buffer.clear b;
lines := { text; start_pos = !bol } :: !lines;
bol := !cur
let rec loop () =
if !bol >= end_pos.pos_cnum then ()
else begin
match read_char () with
| None ->
(* end of input *)
add_line ()
| Some c ->
incr cur;
match c with
| '\r' -> loop ()
| '\n' -> add_line (); loop ()
| _ -> Buffer.add_char b c; loop ()
loop ();
List.rev !lines
(* Try to get lines from a lexbuf *)
let lines_around_from_lexbuf
~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
(lb: lexbuf):
input_line list
(* Converts a global position to one that is relative to the lexing buffer *)
let rel n = n - lb.lex_abs_pos in
if rel start_pos.pos_bol < 0 then begin
(* Do nothing if the buffer does not contain the input (because it has been
refilled while lexing it) *)
end else begin
let pos = ref 0 in (* relative position *)
let seek n = pos := rel n in
let read_char () =
if !pos >= lb.lex_buffer_len then (* end of buffer *) None
let c = Bytes.get lb.lex_buffer !pos in
incr pos; Some c
lines_around ~start_pos ~end_pos ~seek ~read_char
(* Attempt to get lines from the phrase buffer *)
let lines_around_from_phrasebuf
~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
(pb: Buffer.t):
input_line list
let pos = ref 0 in
let seek n = pos := n in
let read_char () =
if !pos >= Buffer.length pb then None
else begin
let c = Buffer.nth pb !pos in
incr pos; Some c
lines_around ~start_pos ~end_pos ~seek ~read_char
(* Get lines from a file *)
let lines_around_from_file
~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
(filename: string):
input_line list
let cin = open_in_bin filename in
let read_char () =
try Some (input_char cin) with End_of_file -> None
let lines =
lines_around ~start_pos ~end_pos ~seek:(seek_in cin) ~read_char
close_in cin;
with Sys_error _ -> []
(* A [get_lines] function for [highlight_quote] that reads from the current
It first tries to read from [!input_lexbuf], then if that fails (because the
lexbuf no longer contains the input we want), it reads from [!input_name]
directly *)
let lines_around_from_current_input ~start_pos ~end_pos =
(* Be a bit defensive, and do not try to open one of the possible
[!input_name] values that we know do not denote valid filenames. *)
let file_valid = function
| "//toplevel//" | "_none_" | "" -> false
| _ -> true
let from_file () =
if file_valid !input_name then
lines_around_from_file !input_name ~start_pos ~end_pos
match !input_lexbuf, !input_phrase_buffer, !input_name with
| _, Some pb, "//toplevel//" ->
begin match lines_around_from_phrasebuf pb ~start_pos ~end_pos with
| [] -> (* Could not read the input from the phrase buffer. This is likely
a sign that we were given a buggy location. *)
| lines ->
| Some lb, _, _ ->
begin match lines_around_from_lexbuf lb ~start_pos ~end_pos with
| [] -> (* The input is likely not in the lexbuf anymore *)
from_file ()
| lines ->
| None, _, _ ->
from_file ()
(* Reporting errors and warnings *)
type msg = (Format.formatter -> unit) loc
let msg ?(loc = none) fmt =
Format.kdprintf (fun txt -> { loc; txt }) fmt
type report_kind =
| Report_error
| Report_warning of string
| Report_warning_as_error of string
| Report_alert of string
| Report_alert_as_error of string
type report = {
kind : report_kind;
main : msg;
sub : msg list;
type report_printer = {
(* The entry point *)
pp : report_printer ->
Format.formatter -> report -> unit;
pp_report_kind : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> report_kind -> unit;
pp_main_loc : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
pp_main_txt : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit;
pp_submsgs : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> msg list -> unit;
pp_submsg : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> msg -> unit;
pp_submsg_loc : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
pp_submsg_txt : report_printer -> report ->
Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit;
let is_dummy_loc loc =
(* Fixme: this should be just [loc.loc_ghost] and the function should be
inlined below. However, currently, the compiler emits in some places ghost
locations with valid ranges that should still be printed. These locations
should be made non-ghost -- in the meantime we just check if the ranges are
valid. *)
loc.loc_start.pos_cnum = -1 || loc.loc_end.pos_cnum = -1
(* It only makes sense to highlight (i.e. quote or underline the corresponding
source code) locations that originate from the current input.
As of now, this should only happen in the following cases:
- if dummy locs or ghost locs leak out of the compiler or a buggy ppx;
- more generally, if some code uses the compiler-libs API and feeds it
locations that do not match the current values of [!Location.input_name],
- when calling the compiler on a .ml file that contains lexer line directives
indicating an other file. This should happen relatively rarely in practice --
in particular this is not what happens when using -pp or -ppx or a ppx
let is_quotable_loc loc =
not (is_dummy_loc loc)
&& loc.loc_start.pos_fname = !input_name
&& loc.loc_end.pos_fname = !input_name
let error_style () =
match !Clflags.error_style with
| Some setting -> setting
| None -> Misc.Error_style.default_setting
let batch_mode_printer : report_printer =
let pp_loc _self report ppf loc =
let tag = match report.kind with
| Report_warning_as_error _
| Report_alert_as_error _
| Report_error -> "error"
| Report_warning _
| Report_alert _ -> "warning"
let highlight ppf loc =
match error_style () with
| Misc.Error_style.Contextual ->
if is_quotable_loc loc then
highlight_quote ppf
tag [loc]
| Misc.Error_style.Short ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a:@ %a@]" print_loc loc highlight loc
let pp_txt ppf txt = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%t@]" txt in
let pp self ppf report =
setup_colors ();
(* Make sure we keep [num_loc_lines] updated. *)
print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a: %a%a@]@."
(self.pp_main_loc self report) report.main.loc
(self.pp_report_kind self report) report.kind
(self.pp_main_txt self report) report.main.txt
(self.pp_submsgs self report) report.sub
) ()
let pp_report_kind _self _ ppf = function
| Report_error -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}"
| Report_warning w -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<warning>Warning@} %s" w
| Report_warning_as_error w ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@} (warning %s)" w
| Report_alert w -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<warning>Alert@} %s" w
| Report_alert_as_error w ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@} (alert %s)" w
let pp_main_loc self report ppf loc =
pp_loc self report ppf loc
let pp_main_txt _self _ ppf txt =
pp_txt ppf txt
let pp_submsgs self report ppf msgs =
List.iter (fun msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" (self.pp_submsg self report) msg
) msgs
let pp_submsg self report ppf { loc; txt } =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a %a@]"
(self.pp_submsg_loc self report) loc
(self.pp_submsg_txt self report) txt
let pp_submsg_loc self report ppf loc =
if not loc.loc_ghost then
pp_loc self report ppf loc
let pp_submsg_txt _self _ ppf loc =
pp_txt ppf loc
{ pp; pp_report_kind; pp_main_loc; pp_main_txt;
pp_submsgs; pp_submsg; pp_submsg_loc; pp_submsg_txt }
let terminfo_toplevel_printer (lb: lexbuf): report_printer =
let pp self ppf err =
setup_colors ();
(* Highlight all toplevel locations of the report, instead of displaying
the main location. Do it now instead of in [pp_main_loc], to avoid
messing with Format boxes. *)
let sub_locs = List.map (fun { loc; _ } -> loc) err.sub in
let all_locs = err.main.loc :: sub_locs in
let locs_highlighted = List.filter is_quotable_loc all_locs in
highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs_highlighted;
batch_mode_printer.pp self ppf err
let pp_main_loc _ _ _ _ = () in
let pp_submsg_loc _ _ ppf loc =
if not loc.loc_ghost then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a:@ " print_loc loc in
{ batch_mode_printer with pp; pp_main_loc; pp_submsg_loc }
let best_toplevel_printer () =
setup_terminal ();
match !status, !input_lexbuf with
| Terminfo.Good_term, Some lb ->
terminfo_toplevel_printer lb
| _, _ ->
(* Creates a printer for the current input *)
let default_report_printer () : report_printer =
if !input_name = "//toplevel//" then
best_toplevel_printer ()
let report_printer = ref default_report_printer
let print_report ppf report =
let printer = !report_printer () in
printer.pp printer ppf report
(* Reporting errors *)
type error = report
let report_error ppf err =
print_report ppf err
let mkerror loc sub txt =
{ kind = Report_error; main = { loc; txt }; sub }
let errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) =
Format.kdprintf (mkerror loc sub)
let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) msg_str =
mkerror loc sub (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf msg_str)
let error_of_printer ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) pp x =
mkerror loc sub (fun ppf -> pp ppf x)
let error_of_printer_file print x =
error_of_printer ~loc:(in_file !input_name) print x
(* Reporting warnings: generating a report from a warning number using the
information in [Warnings] + convenience functions. *)
let default_warning_alert_reporter report mk (loc: t) w : report option =
match report w with
| `Inactive -> None
| `Active { Warnings.id; message; is_error; sub_locs } ->
let msg_of_str str = fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf str in
let kind = mk is_error id in
let main = { loc; txt = msg_of_str message } in
let sub = List.map (fun (loc, sub_message) ->
{ loc; txt = msg_of_str sub_message }
) sub_locs in
Some { kind; main; sub }
let default_warning_reporter =
(fun is_error id ->
if is_error then Report_warning_as_error id
else Report_warning id
let warning_reporter = ref default_warning_reporter
let report_warning loc w = !warning_reporter loc w
let formatter_for_warnings = ref Format.err_formatter
let print_warning loc ppf w =
match report_warning loc w with
| None -> ()
| Some report -> print_report ppf report
let prerr_warning loc w = print_warning loc !formatter_for_warnings w
let default_alert_reporter =
(fun is_error id ->
if is_error then Report_alert_as_error id
else Report_alert id
let alert_reporter = ref default_alert_reporter
let report_alert loc w = !alert_reporter loc w
let print_alert loc ppf w =
match report_alert loc w with
| None -> ()
| Some report -> print_report ppf report
let prerr_alert loc w = print_alert loc !formatter_for_warnings w
let alert ?(def = none) ?(use = none) ~kind loc message =
prerr_alert loc {Warnings.kind; message; def; use}
let deprecated ?def ?use loc message =
alert ?def ?use ~kind:"deprecated" loc message
(* Reporting errors on exceptions *)
let error_of_exn : (exn -> error option) list ref = ref []
let register_error_of_exn f = error_of_exn := f :: !error_of_exn
exception Already_displayed_error = Warnings.Errors
let error_of_exn exn =
match exn with
| Already_displayed_error -> Some `Already_displayed
| _ ->
let rec loop = function
| [] -> None
| f :: rest ->
match f exn with
| Some error -> Some (`Ok error)
| None -> loop rest
loop !error_of_exn
let () =
| Sys_error msg ->
Some (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name) "I/O error: %s" msg)
| _ -> None
external reraise : exn -> 'a = "%reraise"
let report_exception ppf exn =
let rec loop n exn =
match error_of_exn exn with
| None -> reraise exn
| Some `Already_displayed -> ()
| Some (`Ok err) -> report_error ppf err
| exception exn when n > 0 -> loop (n-1) exn
loop 5 exn
exception Error of error
let () =
| Error e -> Some e
| _ -> None
let raise_errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) =
Format.kdprintf (fun txt -> raise (Error (mkerror loc sub txt)))