
327 lines
4.7 KiB

type foo = ..
type foo +=
| B of int
let is_a x =
match x with
A -> true
| _ -> false
(* The type must be open to create extension *)
type foo
type foo += A of int (* Error type is not open *)
(* The type parameters must match *)
type 'a foo = ..
type ('a, 'b) foo += A of int (* Error: type parameter mismatch *)
(* In a signature the type does not have to be open *)
module type S =
type foo
type foo += A of float
(* But it must still be extensible *)
module type S =
type foo = A of int
type foo += B of float (* Error foo does not have an extensible type *)
(* Signatures can change the grouping of extensions *)
type foo = ..
module M = struct
type foo +=
A of int
| B of string
type foo +=
C of int
| D of float
module type S = sig
type foo +=
B of string
| C of int
type foo += D of float
type foo += A of int
module M_S = (M : S)
(* Extensions can be GADTs *)
type 'a foo = ..
type _ foo +=
A : int -> int foo
| B : int foo
let get_num : type a. a foo -> a -> a option = fun f i1 ->
match f with
A i2 -> Some (i1 + i2)
| _ -> None
(* Extensions must obey constraints *)
type 'a foo = .. constraint 'a = [> `Var ]
type 'a foo += A of 'a
let a = A 9 (* ERROR: Constraints not met *)
type 'a foo += B : int foo (* ERROR: Constraints not met *)
(* Signatures can make an extension private *)
type foo = ..
module M = struct type foo += A of int end
let a1 = M.A 10
module type S = sig type foo += private A of int end
module M_S = (M : S)
let is_s x =
match x with
M_S.A _ -> true
| _ -> false
let a2 = M_S.A 20 (* ERROR: Cannot create a value using a private constructor *)
(* Extensions can be rebound *)
type foo = ..
module M = struct type foo += A1 of int end
type foo += A2 = M.A1
type bar = ..
type bar += A3 = M.A1 (* Error: rebind wrong type *)
module M = struct type foo += private B1 of int end
type foo += private B2 = M.B1
type foo += B3 = M.B1 (* Error: rebind private extension *)
type foo += C = Unknown (* Error: unbound extension *)
(* Extensions can be rebound even if type is closed *)
module M : sig type foo type foo += A1 of int end
= struct type foo = .. type foo += A1 of int end
type M.foo += A2 = M.A1
(* Rebinding handles abbreviations *)
type 'a foo = ..
type 'a foo1 = 'a foo = ..
type 'a foo2 = 'a foo = ..
type 'a foo1 +=
A of int
| B of 'a
| C : int foo1
type 'a foo2 +=
D = A
| E = B
| F = C
(* Extensions must obey variances *)
type +'a foo = ..
type 'a foo += A of (int -> 'a)
type 'a foo += B of ('a -> int)
(* ERROR: Parameter variances are not satisfied *)
type _ foo += C : ('a -> int) -> 'a foo
(* ERROR: Parameter variances are not satisfied *)
type 'a bar = ..
type +'a bar += D of (int -> 'a) (* ERROR: type variances do not match *)
(* Exceptions are compatible with extensions *)
module M : sig
type exn +=
Foo of int * float
| Bar : 'a list -> exn
end = struct
exception Bar : 'a list -> exn
exception Foo of int * float
module M : sig
exception Bar : 'a list -> exn
exception Foo of int * float
end = struct
type exn +=
Foo of int * float
| Bar : 'a list -> exn
exception Foo of int * float
exception Bar : 'a list -> exn
module M : sig
type exn +=
Foo of int * float
| Bar : 'a list -> exn
end = struct
exception Bar = Bar
exception Foo = Foo
(* Test toplevel printing *)
type foo = ..
type foo +=
Foo of int * int option
| Bar of int option
let x = Foo(3, Some 4), Bar(Some 5) (* Prints Foo and Bar successfully *)
type foo += Foo of string
let y = x (* Prints Bar but not Foo (which has been shadowed) *)
exception Foo of int * int option
exception Bar of int option
let x = Foo(3, Some 4), Bar(Some 5) (* Prints Foo and Bar successfully *)
type foo += Foo of string
let y = x (* Prints Bar and part of Foo (which has been shadowed) *)
(* Test Obj functions *)
type foo = ..
type foo +=
| Bar of int
let extension_name e = Obj.extension_name (Obj.extension_constructor e);;
let extension_id e = Obj.extension_id (Obj.extension_constructor e);;
let n1 = extension_name Foo
let n2 = extension_name (Bar 1)
let t = (extension_id (Bar 2)) = (extension_id (Bar 3)) (* true *)
let f = (extension_id (Bar 2)) = (extension_id Foo) (* false *)
let is_foo x = (extension_id Foo) = (extension_id x)
type foo += Foo
let f = is_foo Foo
let _ = Obj.extension_constructor 7 (* Invald_arg *)
let _ = Obj.extension_constructor (object method m = 3 end) (* Invald_arg *)