
50 lines
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let check_suffix name suff =
String.length name >= String.length suff &
String.sub name (String.length name - String.length suff) (String.length suff)
= suff
let chop_suffix name suff =
let n = String.length name - String.length suff in
if n < 0 then invalid_arg "chop_suffix" else String.sub name 0 n
let current_dir_name = "."
let concat dirname filename =
let l = String.length dirname - 1 in
if l < 0 or String.get dirname l = '/'
then dirname ^ filename
else dirname ^ "/" ^ filename
let is_absolute n =
(String.length n >= 1 & String.sub n 0 1 = "/")
or (String.length n >= 2 & String.sub n 0 2 = "./")
or (String.length n >= 3 & String.sub n 0 3 = "../")
let slash_pos s =
let rec pos i =
if i < 0 then raise Not_found
else if String.get s i = '/' then i
else pos (i - 1)
in pos (String.length s - 1)
let basename name =
let p = slash_pos name + 1 in
String.sub name p (String.length name - p)
with Not_found ->
let dirname name =
match slash_pos name with
0 -> "/"
| n -> String.sub name 0 (slash_pos name)
with Not_found ->