538 lines
19 KiB
538 lines
19 KiB
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
for the core language *)
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Primitive
open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
open Lambda
open Translobj
type error =
| Illegal_letrec_expr
| Free_super_var
exception Error of Location.t * error
(* Translation of primitives *)
let comparisons_table = create_hashtable 11 [
(Pccall{prim_name = "equal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Ceq,
Pfloatcomp Ceq,
Pccall{prim_name = "string_equal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
(Pccall{prim_name = "notequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cneq,
Pfloatcomp Cneq,
Pccall{prim_name = "string_notequal"; prim_arity = 2;
prim_alloc = false; prim_native_name = "";
prim_native_float = false});
(Pccall{prim_name = "lessthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Clt,
Pfloatcomp Clt,
Pccall{prim_name = "lessthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
(Pccall{prim_name = "greaterthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cgt,
Pfloatcomp Cgt,
Pccall{prim_name = "greaterthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
(Pccall{prim_name = "lessequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cle,
Pfloatcomp Cle,
Pccall{prim_name = "lessequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
(Pccall{prim_name = "greaterequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cge,
Pfloatcomp Cge,
Pccall{prim_name = "greaterequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false})
let primitives_table = create_hashtable 31 [
"%identity", Pidentity;
"%field0", Pfield 0;
"%field1", Pfield 1;
"%setfield0", Psetfield(0, true);
"%makeblock", Pmakeblock(0, Immutable);
"%makemutable", Pmakeblock(0, Mutable);
"%raise", Praise;
"%sequand", Psequand;
"%sequor", Psequor;
"%boolnot", Pnot;
"%negint", Pnegint;
"%succint", Poffsetint 1;
"%predint", Poffsetint(-1);
"%addint", Paddint;
"%subint", Psubint;
"%mulint", Pmulint;
"%divint", Pdivint;
"%modint", Pmodint;
"%andint", Pandint;
"%orint", Porint;
"%xorint", Pxorint;
"%lslint", Plslint;
"%lsrint", Plsrint;
"%asrint", Pasrint;
"%eq", Pintcomp Ceq;
"%noteq", Pintcomp Cneq;
"%ltint", Pintcomp Clt;
"%leint", Pintcomp Cle;
"%gtint", Pintcomp Cgt;
"%geint", Pintcomp Cge;
"%incr", Poffsetref(1);
"%decr", Poffsetref(-1);
"%intoffloat", Pintoffloat;
"%floatofint", Pfloatofint;
"%negfloat", Pnegfloat;
"%absfloat", Pabsfloat;
"%addfloat", Paddfloat;
"%subfloat", Psubfloat;
"%mulfloat", Pmulfloat;
"%divfloat", Pdivfloat;
"%eqfloat", Pfloatcomp Ceq;
"%noteqfloat", Pfloatcomp Cneq;
"%ltfloat", Pfloatcomp Clt;
"%lefloat", Pfloatcomp Cle;
"%gtfloat", Pfloatcomp Cgt;
"%gefloat", Pfloatcomp Cge;
"%string_length", Pstringlength;
"%string_safe_get", Pstringrefs;
"%string_safe_set", Pstringsets;
"%string_unsafe_get", Pstringrefu;
"%string_unsafe_set", Pstringsetu;
"%array_length", Parraylength Pgenarray;
"%array_safe_get", Parrayrefs Pgenarray;
"%array_safe_set", Parraysets Pgenarray;
"%array_unsafe_get", Parrayrefu Pgenarray;
"%array_unsafe_set", Parraysetu Pgenarray;
"%obj_size", Parraylength Paddrarray;
"%obj_field", Parrayrefu Paddrarray;
"%obj_set_field", Parraysetu Paddrarray
let has_base_type exp base_ty =
(* Do not expand abbreviations here, to avoid bringing in external
interfaces that are not strictly necessary. This results in sligthly
suboptimal code. The correct way of doing this would be to
consult the type definition (as in array_element_kind below)
to return false if exp.exp_type is a variant or record type. *)
match ((Ctype.repr exp.exp_type).desc, (Ctype.repr base_ty).desc) with
(Tconstr(p1, [], _), Tconstr(p2, [], _)) -> Path.same p1 p2
| (_, _) -> false
let maybe_pointer arg =
not(has_base_type arg Predef.type_int or has_base_type arg Predef.type_char)
let rec array_element_kind env ty =
let ty = Ctype.repr ty in
match ty.desc with
Tvar ->
| Tconstr(p, args, abbrev) ->
if Path.same p Predef.path_int || Path.same p Predef.path_char then
else if Path.same p Predef.path_float then
else if Path.same p Predef.path_string ||
Path.same p Predef.path_array then
else begin
match Env.find_type p env with
{type_kind = Type_abstract} ->
begin try
array_element_kind env
(Ctype.expand_abbrev env p args abbrev ty.level)
with Ctype.Cannot_expand ->
| {type_kind = Type_variant cstrs}
when List.for_all (fun (name, args) -> args = []) cstrs ->
| {type_kind = _} ->
with Not_found ->
(* This can happen due to e.g. missing -I options,
causing some .cmi files to be unavailable.
Maybe we should emit a warning. *)
| _ -> Paddrarray
let array_kind arg =
let array_ty = Ctype.expand_root arg.exp_env arg.exp_type in
match (Ctype.repr array_ty).desc with
Tconstr(p, [elt_ty], _) when Path.same p Predef.path_array ->
array_element_kind arg.exp_env elt_ty
| _ ->
fatal_error "Translcore.array_kind"
let prim_makearray =
{ prim_name = "make_vect"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = true;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false }
let transl_prim prim args =
let (gencomp, intcomp, floatcomp, stringcomp) =
Hashtbl.find comparisons_table prim.prim_name in
match args with
[arg1; {exp_desc = Texp_construct({cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}] ->
| [{exp_desc = Texp_construct({cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}; arg2] ->
| [arg1; arg2] when has_base_type arg1 Predef.type_int
or has_base_type arg1 Predef.type_char ->
| [arg1; arg2] when has_base_type arg1 Predef.type_float ->
| [arg1; arg2] when has_base_type arg1 Predef.type_string ->
| _ ->
with Not_found ->
let p = Hashtbl.find primitives_table prim.prim_name in
(* Try strength reduction based on the type of the argument *)
begin match (p, args) with
(Psetfield(n, _), [arg1; arg2]) -> Psetfield(n, maybe_pointer arg2)
| (Parraylength Pgenarray, [arg]) -> Parraylength(array_kind arg)
| (Parrayrefu Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parrayrefu(array_kind arg1)
| (Parraysetu Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parraysetu(array_kind arg1)
| (Parrayrefs Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parrayrefs(array_kind arg1)
| (Parraysets Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parraysets(array_kind arg1)
| _ -> p
with Not_found ->
Pccall prim
(* Eta-expand a primitive without knowing the types of its arguments *)
let transl_primitive p =
let prim =
let (gencomp, intcomp, floatcomp, stringcomp) =
Hashtbl.find comparisons_table p.prim_name in
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.find primitives_table p.prim_name
with Not_found ->
Pccall p in
let rec make_params n =
if n <= 0 then [] else Ident.create "prim" :: make_params (n-1) in
let params = make_params p.prim_arity in
Lfunction(Curried, params, Lprim(prim, List.map (fun id -> Lvar id) params))
(* To check the well-formedness of r.h.s. of "let rec" definitions *)
let check_recursive_lambda idlist lam =
let rec check_top = function
Lfunction(kind, params, body) as funct -> true
| Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut), args) -> List.for_all check args
| Lprim(Pmakearray kind, args) -> List.for_all check args
| Llet(str, id, arg, body) -> check arg & check_top body
| Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
List.for_all (fun (id, arg) -> check arg) bindings & check_top body
| _ -> false
and check = function
Lvar _ -> true
| Lconst cst -> true
| Lfunction(kind, params, body) -> true
| Llet(str, id, arg, body) -> check arg & check body
| Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
List.for_all (fun (id, arg) -> check arg) bindings & check body
| Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut), args) -> List.for_all check args
| Lprim(Pmakearray kind, args) -> List.for_all check args
| lam ->
let fv = free_variables lam in
List.for_all (fun id -> not(IdentSet.mem id fv)) idlist
in check_top lam
(* To propagate structured constants *)
exception Not_constant
let extract_constant = function
Lconst sc -> sc
| _ -> raise Not_constant
let extract_float = function
Const_base(Const_float f) -> f
| _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.extract_float"
(* To find reasonable names for let-bound and lambda-bound idents *)
let rec name_pattern default = function
[] -> Ident.create default
| (p, e) :: rem ->
match p.pat_desc with
Tpat_var id -> id
| Tpat_alias(p, id) -> id
| _ -> name_pattern default rem
(* Translation of expressions *)
let rec transl_exp e =
match e.exp_desc with
Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_prim p}) ->
transl_primitive p
| Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_anc _}) ->
raise(Error(e.exp_loc, Free_super_var))
| Texp_ident(path, desc) ->
transl_path path
| Texp_constant cst ->
Lconst(Const_base cst)
| Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_exp body)
| Texp_function pat_expr_list ->
let (kind, params, body) =
transl_function e.exp_loc !Clflags.native_code pat_expr_list in
Lfunction(kind, params, body)
| Texp_apply({exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_prim p})}, args)
when List.length args = p.prim_arity ->
Lprim(transl_prim p args, transl_list args)
| Texp_apply(funct, args) ->
begin match transl_exp funct with
Lapply(lfunct, largs) ->
Lapply(lfunct, largs @ transl_list args)
| Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs) ->
Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs @ transl_list args)
| lexp ->
Lapply(lexp, transl_list args)
| Texp_match({exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl} as arg, pat_expr_list) ->
Matching.for_multiple_match e.exp_loc
(transl_list argl) (transl_cases pat_expr_list)
| Texp_match(arg, pat_expr_list) ->
Matching.for_function e.exp_loc
(transl_exp arg) (transl_cases pat_expr_list)
| Texp_try(body, pat_expr_list) ->
let id = Ident.create "exn" in
Ltrywith(transl_exp body, id,
Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) (transl_cases pat_expr_list))
| Texp_tuple el ->
let ll = transl_list el in
begin try
Lconst(Const_block(0, List.map extract_constant ll))
with Not_constant ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), ll)
| Texp_construct(cstr, args) ->
let ll = transl_list args in
begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_constant n ->
Lconst(Const_pointer n)
| Cstr_block n ->
begin try
Lconst(Const_block(n, List.map extract_constant ll))
with Not_constant ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock(n, Immutable), ll)
| Cstr_exception path ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), transl_path path :: ll)
| Texp_record ((lbl1, _) :: _ as lbl_expr_list) ->
let lv = Array.create (Array.length lbl1.lbl_all) Lstaticfail in
(fun (lbl, expr) -> lv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- transl_exp expr)
let ll = Array.to_list lv in
if List.exists (fun (lbl, expr) -> lbl.lbl_mut = Mutable) lbl_expr_list
then begin
match lbl1.lbl_repres with
Record_regular -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), ll)
| Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll)
end else begin
let cl = List.map extract_constant ll in
match lbl1.lbl_repres with
Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
| Record_float ->
Lconst(Const_float_array(List.map extract_float cl))
with Not_constant ->
match lbl1.lbl_repres with
Record_regular -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), ll)
| Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll)
| Texp_field(arg, lbl) ->
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
| Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg])
| Texp_setfield(arg, lbl, newval) ->
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
Record_regular -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval)
| Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg; transl_exp newval])
| Texp_array expr_list ->
let kind = array_kind e in
let len = List.length expr_list in
if len <= Config.max_young_wosize then
Lprim(Pmakearray kind, transl_list expr_list)
else begin
let v = Ident.create "makearray" in
let rec fill_fields pos = function
[] ->
Lvar v
| arg :: rem ->
Lsequence(Lprim(Parraysetu kind,
[Lvar v;
Lconst(Const_base(Const_int pos));
transl_exp arg]),
fill_fields (pos+1) rem) in
Llet(Strict, v,
Lprim(Pccall prim_makearray,
[Lconst(Const_base(Const_int len));
transl_exp (List.hd expr_list)]),
fill_fields 1 (List.tl expr_list))
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_exp ifso, transl_exp ifnot)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_exp ifso, lambda_unit)
| Texp_sequence(expr1, expr2) ->
Lsequence(transl_exp expr1, transl_exp expr2)
| Texp_while(cond, body) ->
Lwhile(transl_exp cond, transl_exp body)
| Texp_for(param, low, high, dir, body) ->
Lfor(param, transl_exp low, transl_exp high, dir, transl_exp body)
| Texp_when(cond, body) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_exp body, Lstaticfail)
| Texp_send(expr, met) ->
Lsend(Lvar (meth met), transl_exp expr, [])
| Texp_new cl ->
Lprim(Pfield 0, [transl_path cl])
| Texp_instvar(path_self, path) ->
Lprim(Parrayrefu Paddrarray , [transl_path path_self; transl_path path])
| Texp_setinstvar(path_self, path, expr) ->
transl_setinstvar (transl_path path_self) path expr
| Texp_override(path_self, modifs) ->
let cpy = Ident.create "copy" in
Llet(Strict, cpy, Lapply(oo_prim "copy", [transl_path path_self]),
(fun (path, expr) rem ->
Lsequence(transl_setinstvar (Lvar cpy) path expr,
(Lvar cpy))
| _ ->
fatal_error "Translcore.transl"
and transl_list expr_list =
List.map transl_exp expr_list
and transl_cases pat_expr_list =
List.map (fun (pat, expr) -> (pat, transl_exp expr)) pat_expr_list
and transl_tupled_cases patl_expr_list =
List.map (fun (patl, expr) -> (patl, transl_exp expr)) patl_expr_list
and transl_function loc untuplify_fn pat_expr_list =
match pat_expr_list with
[pat, ({exp_desc = Texp_function pl} as exp)] ->
let param = name_pattern "param" pat_expr_list in
let (_, params, body) = transl_function exp.exp_loc false pl in
(Curried, param :: params,
Matching.for_function loc (Lvar param) [pat, body])
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_tuple pl}, _) :: _ when untuplify_fn ->
begin try
let size = List.length pl in
let pats_expr_list =
(fun (pat, expr) -> (Matching.flatten_pattern size pat, expr))
pat_expr_list in
let params = List.map (fun p -> Ident.create "param") pl in
(Tupled, params,
Matching.for_tupled_function loc params
(transl_tupled_cases pats_expr_list))
with Matching.Cannot_flatten ->
let param = name_pattern "param" pat_expr_list in
(Curried, [param],
Matching.for_function loc (Lvar param) (transl_cases pat_expr_list))
| _ ->
let param = name_pattern "param" pat_expr_list in
(Curried, [param],
Matching.for_function loc (Lvar param) (transl_cases pat_expr_list))
and transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
match rec_flag with
Nonrecursive ->
let rec transl = function
[] ->
| (pat, expr) :: rem ->
Matching.for_let pat.pat_loc (transl_exp expr) pat (transl rem)
in transl pat_expr_list
| Recursive ->
let idlist =
(fun (pat, expr) ->
match pat.pat_desc with
Tpat_var id -> id
| _ -> raise(Error(pat.pat_loc, Illegal_letrec_pat)))
pat_expr_list in
let transl_case (pat, expr) id =
let lam = transl_exp expr in
if not (check_recursive_lambda idlist lam) then
raise(Error(expr.exp_loc, Illegal_letrec_expr));
(id, lam) in
Lletrec(List.map2 transl_case pat_expr_list idlist, body)
and transl_setinstvar self var expr =
Lprim(Parraysetu (if maybe_pointer expr then Paddrarray else Pintarray),
[self; transl_path var; transl_exp expr])
(* Compile an exception definition *)
let transl_exception id decl =
Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
[Lconst(Const_base(Const_string(Ident.name id)))])
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error = function
Illegal_letrec_pat ->
"Only variables are allowed as left-hand side of `let rec'"
| Illegal_letrec_expr ->
"This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'"
| Free_super_var ->
"Ancestor names can only be used to select inherited methods"