
136 lines
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(* *)
(* Caml Special Light *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
exception Graphic_failure of string
(* Initializations *)
external raw_open_graph: string -> unit = "gr_open_graph"
external raw_close_graph: unit -> unit = "gr_close_graph"
external sigio_signal: unit -> int = "gr_sigio_signal"
external sigio_handler: int -> unit = "gr_sigio_handler"
external register_graphic_failure: exn -> unit = "gr_register_graphic_failure"
let _ = register_graphic_failure(Graphic_failure "")
let open_graph arg =
Sys.signal (sigio_signal()) (Sys.Signal_handle sigio_handler);
raw_open_graph arg
let close_graph () =
Sys.signal (sigio_signal()) Sys.Signal_ignore;
raw_close_graph ()
external clear_graph : unit -> unit = "gr_clear_graph"
external size_x : unit -> int = "gr_size_x"
external size_y : unit -> int = "gr_size_y"
(* Colors *)
type color = int
let rgb r g b = (r lsl 16) + (g lsl 8) + b
external set_color : color -> unit = "gr_set_color"
let black = 0x000000
and white = 0xFFFFFF
and red = 0xFF0000
and green = 0x00FF00
and blue = 0x0000FF
and yellow = 0xFFFF00
and cyan = 0x00FFFF
and magenta = 0xFF00FF
let background = white
and foreground = black
(* Drawing *)
external plot : int -> int -> unit = "gr_plot"
external point_color : int -> int -> color = "gr_point_color"
external moveto : int -> int -> unit = "gr_moveto"
external current_point : unit -> int * int = "gr_current_point"
external lineto : int -> int -> unit = "gr_lineto"
external draw_arc : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
= "gr_draw_arc"
let draw_ellipse x y rx ry = draw_arc x y rx ry 0 360
let draw_circle x y r = draw_arc x y r r 0 360
external set_line_width : int -> unit = "gr_set_line_width"
external fill_rect : int -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_fill_rect"
external fill_poly : (int * int) array -> unit = "gr_fill_poly"
external fill_arc : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
= "gr_fill_arc"
let fill_ellipse x y rx ry = fill_arc x y rx ry 0 360
let fill_circle x y r = fill_arc x y r r 0 360
(* Text *)
external draw_char : char -> unit = "gr_draw_char"
external draw_string : string -> unit = "gr_draw_string"
external set_font : string -> unit = "gr_set_font"
let set_text_size sz = ()
external text_size : string -> int * int = "gr_text_size"
(* Images *)
type image
let transp = -1
external make_image : color array array -> image = "gr_make_image"
external dump_image : image -> color array array = "gr_dump_image"
external draw_image : image -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_draw_image"
external create_image : int -> int -> image = "gr_create_image"
external blit_image : image -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_blit_image"
let get_image x y w h =
let image = create_image w h in
blit_image image x y;
(* Events *)
type status =
{ mouse_x : int;
mouse_y : int;
button : bool;
keypressed : bool;
key : char }
type event =
| Button_up
| Key_pressed
| Mouse_motion
| Poll
external wait_next_event : event list -> status = "gr_wait_event"
let mouse_pos () =
let e = wait_next_event [Poll] in (e.mouse_x, e.mouse_y)
let button_down () =
let e = wait_next_event [Poll] in e.button
let read_key () =
let e = wait_next_event [Key_pressed] in e.key
let key_pressed () =
let e = wait_next_event [Poll] in e.keypressed
(*** Sound *)
external sound : int -> int -> unit = "gr_sound"