
257 lines
8.8 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Generate an .annot file from a .cmt file. *)
open Asttypes
open Typedtree
open Tast_mapper
let bind_variables scope =
let super = Tast_mapper.default in
let pat sub p =
begin match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var (id, _) | Tpat_alias (_, id, _) ->
Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (p.pat_loc,
Ident.name id,
Annot.Idef scope))
| _ -> ()
super.pat sub p
{super with pat}
let bind_variables scope =
let o = bind_variables scope in
fun p -> ignore (o.pat o p)
let bind_bindings scope bindings =
let o = bind_variables scope in
List.iter (fun x -> o x.vb_pat) bindings
let bind_cases l =
(fun {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
let loc =
let open Location in
match c_guard with
| None -> c_rhs.exp_loc
| Some g -> {c_rhs.exp_loc with loc_start=g.exp_loc.loc_start}
bind_variables loc c_lhs
let record_module_binding scope mb =
Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident
Annot.Idef scope))
let rec iterator ~scope rebuild_env =
let super = Tast_mapper.default in
let class_expr sub node =
Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_class node);
super.class_expr sub node
and module_expr _sub node =
Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_mod node);
super.module_expr (iterator ~scope:node.mod_loc rebuild_env) node
and expr sub exp =
begin match exp.exp_desc with
| Texp_ident (path, _, _) ->
let full_name = Path.name ~paren:Oprint.parenthesized_ident path in
let env =
if rebuild_env then
Env.env_of_only_summary Envaux.env_from_summary exp.exp_env
with Envaux.Error err ->
Format.eprintf "%a@." Envaux.report_error err;
exit 2
let annot =
let desc = Env.find_value path env in
let dloc = desc.Types.val_loc in
if dloc.Location.loc_ghost then Annot.Iref_external
else Annot.Iref_internal dloc
with Not_found ->
(Stypes.An_ident (exp.exp_loc, full_name , annot))
| Texp_let (Recursive, bindings, _) ->
bind_bindings exp.exp_loc bindings
| Texp_let (Nonrecursive, bindings, body) ->
bind_bindings body.exp_loc bindings
| Texp_match (_, f1, _) ->
bind_cases f1
| Texp_function { cases = f; }
| Texp_try (_, f) ->
bind_cases f
| Texp_letmodule (_, modname, _, _, body ) ->
Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident
(modname.loc,modname.txt,Annot.Idef body.exp_loc))
| _ -> ()
Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_expr exp);
super.expr sub exp
and pat sub p =
Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_pat p);
super.pat sub p
let structure_item_rem sub str rem =
let open Location in
let loc = str.str_loc in
begin match str.str_desc with
| Tstr_value (rec_flag, bindings) ->
let doit loc_start = bind_bindings {scope with loc_start} bindings in
begin match rec_flag, rem with
| Recursive, _ -> doit loc.loc_start
| Nonrecursive, [] -> doit loc.loc_end
| Nonrecursive, {str_loc = loc2} :: _ -> doit loc2.loc_start
| Tstr_module mb ->
{ scope with Location.loc_start = loc.loc_end } mb
| Tstr_recmodule mbs ->
List.iter (record_module_binding
{ scope with Location.loc_start = loc.loc_start }) mbs
| _ ->
Stypes.record_phrase loc;
super.structure_item sub str
let structure_item sub s =
(* This will be used for Partial_structure_item.
We don't have here the location of the "next" item,
this will give a slightly different scope for the non-recursive
binding case. *)
structure_item_rem sub s []
and structure sub l =
let rec loop = function
| str :: rem -> structure_item_rem sub str rem :: loop rem
| [] -> []
{l with str_items = loop l.str_items}
{super with class_expr; module_expr; expr; pat; structure_item; structure}
let binary_part iter x =
let app f x = ignore (f iter x) in
let open Cmt_format in
match x with
| Partial_structure x -> app iter.structure x
| Partial_structure_item x -> app iter.structure_item x
| Partial_expression x -> app iter.expr x
| Partial_pattern x -> app iter.pat x
| Partial_class_expr x -> app iter.class_expr x
| Partial_signature x -> app iter.signature x
| Partial_signature_item x -> app iter.signature_item x
| Partial_module_type x -> app iter.module_type x
(* Save cmt information as faked annotations, attached to
Location.none, on top of the .annot file. Only when -save-cmt-info is
provided to ocaml_cmt.
let record_cmt_info cmt =
let location_none = {
Location.none with Location.loc_ghost = false }
let location_file file = {
Location.none with
Location.loc_start = {
Location.none.Location.loc_start with
Lexing.pos_fname = file }}
let record_info name value =
let ident = Printf.sprintf ".%s" name in
Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (location_none, ident,
Annot.Idef (location_file value)))
let open Cmt_format in
(* record in reverse order to get them in correct order... *)
List.iter (fun dir -> record_info "include" dir) (List.rev cmt.cmt_loadpath);
record_info "chdir" cmt.cmt_builddir;
(match cmt.cmt_sourcefile with
None -> () | Some file -> record_info "source" file)
let gen_annot ?(save_cmt_info=false) target_filename filename cmt =
let open Cmt_format in
Envaux.reset_cache ();
List.iter Load_path.add_dir (List.rev cmt.cmt_loadpath);
let target_filename =
match target_filename with
| None -> Some (filename ^ ".annot")
| Some "-" -> None
| Some _ -> target_filename
if save_cmt_info then record_cmt_info cmt;
let iterator = iterator ~scope:Location.none cmt.cmt_use_summaries in
match cmt.cmt_annots with
| Implementation typedtree ->
ignore (iterator.structure iterator typedtree);
Stypes.dump target_filename
| Interface _ ->
Printf.eprintf "Cannot generate annotations for interface file\n%!";
exit 2
| Partial_implementation parts ->
Array.iter (binary_part iterator) parts;
Stypes.dump target_filename
| Packed _ ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "Packed files not yet supported\n%!";
Stypes.dump target_filename
| Partial_interface _ ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "File was generated with an error\n%!";
exit 2
let gen_ml target_filename filename cmt =
let (printer, ext) =
match cmt.Cmt_format.cmt_annots with
| Cmt_format.Implementation typedtree ->
(fun ppf -> Pprintast.structure ppf
(Untypeast.untype_structure typedtree)),
| Cmt_format.Interface typedtree ->
(fun ppf -> Pprintast.signature ppf
(Untypeast.untype_signature typedtree)),
| _ ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "File was generated with an error\n%!";
exit 2
let target_filename = match target_filename with
None -> Some (filename ^ ext)
| Some "-" -> None
| Some _ -> target_filename
let oc = match target_filename with
None -> None
| Some filename -> Some (open_out filename) in
let ppf = match oc with
None -> Format.std_formatter
| Some oc -> Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
printer ppf;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
match oc with
None -> flush stdout
| Some oc -> close_out oc