
119 lines
3.2 KiB

(* This filter implements the following extensions:
In structures:
... --> included if the environment variable X is defined
... --> included if the environment variable X is undefined
In expressions:
[%GETENV X] ---> the string literal representing the compile-time value
of environment variable X
In variant type declarations:
type t =
| C [@IFDEF X] of ... --> the constructor is kept only if X is defined
In match clauses (function/match...with/try...with):
P when [%IFDEF X] -> E --> the case is kept only if X is defined
open Ast_helper
open! Asttypes
open Parsetree
open Longident
let getenv loc arg =
match arg with
| PStr [{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval({pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident sym; _}, None); _}, _); _}] ->
(try Sys.getenv sym with Not_found -> "")
| _ ->
Format.eprintf "%a** IFDEF: bad syntax."
Location.print_error loc;
exit 2
let empty_str_item = Str.include_ (Mod.structure [])
let ifdef _args =
let stack = ref [] in
let eval_attributes =
| {txt="IFDEF"; loc}, arg -> getenv loc arg <> ""
| {txt="IFNDEF"; loc}, arg -> getenv loc arg = ""
| _ -> true)
let filter_constr cd = eval_attributes cd.pcd_attributes in
let open Ast_mapper in
let super = default_mapper in
super with
type_declaration =
(fun this td ->
let td =
match td with
| {ptype_kind = Ptype_variant cstrs; _} as td ->
with ptype_kind = Ptype_variant(List.filter filter_constr cstrs)}
| td -> td
super.type_declaration this td
cases =
(fun this l ->
let l =
(fun c rest ->
match c with
| {pc_guard=Some {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="IFDEF";loc}, arg); _}; _} ->
if getenv loc arg = "" then rest else {c with pc_guard=None} :: rest
| c -> c :: rest
) l []
super.cases this l
structure_item =
(fun this i ->
match i.pstr_desc, !stack with
| Pstr_extension(({txt="IFDEF";loc}, arg), _), _ ->
stack := (getenv loc arg <> "") :: !stack;
| Pstr_extension(({txt="ELSE";loc=_}, _), _), (hd :: tl) ->
stack := not hd :: tl;
| Pstr_extension(({txt="END";loc=_}, _), _), _ :: tl ->
stack := tl;
| Pstr_extension(({txt="ELSE"|"END";loc}, _), _), [] ->
Format.printf "%a** IFDEF: mo matching [%%%%IFDEF]"
Location.print_error loc;
exit 2
| _, (true :: _ | []) -> super.structure_item this i
| _, false :: _ -> empty_str_item
expr =
(fun this -> function
| {pexp_desc = Pexp_extension({txt="GETENV";loc=l}, arg);
pexp_loc = loc; _} ->
Exp.constant ~loc (Const_string (getenv l arg, None))
| x -> super.expr this x
let () = Ast_mapper.run_main ifdef