
345 lines
10 KiB

(* camlp4 ./pa_o.cmo q_MLast.cmo pa_extend.cmo pr_dump.cmo *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Alain Frisch's contribution *)
open Syntax
open Lexgen
open Compact
(* Adapted from output.ml *)
(* Output the DFA tables and its entry points *)
(* To output an array of short ints, encoded as a string *)
let output_byte buf b =
Buffer.add_char buf '\\';
Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr(48 + b / 100));
Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr(48 + (b / 10) mod 10));
Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr(48 + b mod 10))
let loc = (-1,-1)
let output_array v =
let b = Buffer.create (Array.length v * 3) in
for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do
output_byte b (v.(i) land 0xFF);
output_byte b ((v.(i) asr 8) land 0xFF);
if i land 7 = 7 then Buffer.add_string b "\\\n "
let s = Buffer.contents b in
<:expr< $str:s$ >>
let output_byte_array v =
let b = Buffer.create (Array.length v * 2) in
for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do
output_byte b (v.(i) land 0xFF);
if i land 15 = 15 then Buffer.add_string b "\\\n "
let s = Buffer.contents b in
<:expr< $str:s$ >>
(* Output the tables *)
let output_tables tbl =
<:str_item< value lex_tables = {
Lexing.lex_base = $output_array tbl.tbl_base$;
Lexing.lex_backtrk = $output_array tbl.tbl_backtrk$;
Lexing.lex_default = $output_array tbl.tbl_default$;
Lexing.lex_trans = $output_array tbl.tbl_trans$;
Lexing.lex_check = $output_array tbl.tbl_check$;
Lexing.lex_base_code = $output_array tbl.tbl_base_code$;
Lexing.lex_backtrk_code = $output_array tbl.tbl_backtrk_code$;
Lexing.lex_default_code = $output_array tbl.tbl_default_code$;
Lexing.lex_trans_code = $output_array tbl.tbl_trans_code$;
Lexing.lex_check_code = $output_array tbl.tbl_check_code$;
Lexing.lex_code = $output_byte_array tbl.tbl_code$
} >>
(* Output the entries *)
let rec make_alias n = function
| [] -> []
| h::t ->
(h, "__ocaml_lex_arg_" ^ (string_of_int n)) :: (make_alias (succ n) t)
let abstraction =
List.fold_right (fun (p,a) e -> <:expr< fun ($p$ as $lid:a$) -> $e$ >>)
let application =
List.fold_left (fun f (_,a) -> <:expr< $f$ $lid:a$ >>)
let int i = <:expr< $int:string_of_int i$ >>
let output_memory_actions acts =
let aux = function
| Copy (tgt, src) ->
<:expr< lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.($int tgt$) :=
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.($int src$) >>
| Set tgt ->
<:expr< lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.($int tgt$) :=
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos >>
<:expr< do { $list:List.map aux acts$ } >>
let output_base_mem = function
| Mem i -> <:expr< lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.($int i$) >>
| Start -> <:expr< lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos >>
| End -> <:expr< lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos >>
let output_tag_access = function
| Sum (a,0) -> output_base_mem a
| Sum (a,i) -> <:expr< $output_base_mem a$ + $int i$ >>
let rec output_env e = function
| [] -> e
| (x, Ident_string (o,nstart,nend)) :: rem ->
let $lid:x$ =
Lexing.$lid:if o then "sub_lexeme_opt" else "sub_lexeme"$
lexbuf $output_tag_access nstart$ $output_tag_access nend$
in $output_env e rem$
| (x, Ident_char (o,nstart)) :: rem ->
let $lid:x$ =
Lexing.$lid: if o then "sub_lexeme_char_opt" else "sub_lexeme_char"$
lexbuf $output_tag_access nstart$
in $output_env e rem$
let output_entry e =
let init_num, init_moves = e.auto_initial_state in
let args = make_alias 0 (e.auto_args @ [ <:patt< lexbuf >> ]) in
let f = "__ocaml_lex_rec_" ^ e.auto_name ^ "_rec" in
let call_f = application <:expr< $lid:f$ >> args in
let body_wrapper =
do {
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem := Array.create $int e.auto_mem_size$ (-1) ;
$output_memory_actions init_moves$;
$call_f$ $int init_num$
} >> in
let cases =
(fun (num, env, (loc,e)) ->
<:patt< $int:string_of_int num$ >>,
output_env <:expr< $e$ >> env
(* Note: the <:expr<...>> above is there to set the location *)
) e.auto_actions @
[ <:patt< __ocaml_lex_n >>,
<:expr< do
{ lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf; $call_f$ __ocaml_lex_n }>> ]
let engine =
if e.auto_mem_size = 0
then <:expr< Lexing.engine >>
else <:expr< Lexing.new_engine >> in
let body =
<:expr< fun state ->
match $engine$ lex_tables state lexbuf with [ $list:cases$ ] >> in
<:patt< $lid:e.auto_name$ >>, (abstraction args body_wrapper);
<:patt< $lid:f$ >>, (abstraction args body)
(* Main output function *)
exception Table_overflow
let output_lexdef tables entry_points =
"pa_ocamllex: lexer found; %d states, %d transitions, table size %d bytes\n"
(Array.length tables.tbl_base)
(Array.length tables.tbl_trans)
(2 * (Array.length tables.tbl_base + Array.length tables.tbl_backtrk +
Array.length tables.tbl_default + Array.length tables.tbl_trans +
Array.length tables.tbl_check));
let size_groups =
(2 * (Array.length tables.tbl_base_code +
Array.length tables.tbl_backtrk_code +
Array.length tables.tbl_default_code +
Array.length tables.tbl_trans_code +
Array.length tables.tbl_check_code) +
Array.length tables.tbl_code) in
if size_groups > 0 then
Printf.eprintf "pa_ocamllex: %d additional bytes used for bindings\n"
size_groups ;
flush stderr;
if Array.length tables.tbl_trans > 0x8000 then raise Table_overflow;
let entries = List.map output_entry entry_points in
[output_tables tables; <:str_item< value rec $list:List.flatten entries$ >> ]
(* Adapted from parser.mly and main.ml *)
(* Auxiliaries for the parser. *)
let char s = Char.code (Token.eval_char s)
let named_regexps =
(Hashtbl.create 13 : (string, regular_expression) Hashtbl.t)
let regexp_for_string s =
let rec re_string n =
if n >= String.length s then Epsilon
else if succ n = String.length s then
Characters (Cset.singleton (Char.code s.[n]))
(Characters(Cset.singleton (Char.code s.[n])),
re_string (succ n))
in re_string 0
let char_class c1 c2 = Cset.interval c1 c2
let all_chars = Cset.all_chars
let rec remove_as = function
| Bind (e,_) -> remove_as e
| Epsilon|Eof|Characters _ as e -> e
| Sequence (e1, e2) -> Sequence (remove_as e1, remove_as e2)
| Alternative (e1, e2) -> Alternative (remove_as e1, remove_as e2)
| Repetition e -> Repetition (remove_as e)
let () =
Hashtbl.add named_regexps "eof" (Characters Cset.eof)
(* The parser *)
let let_regexp = Grammar.Entry.create Pcaml.gram "pa_ocamllex let"
let header = Grammar.Entry.create Pcaml.gram "pa_ocamllex header"
let lexer_def = Grammar.Entry.create Pcaml.gram "pa_ocaml lexerdef"
GLOBAL: Pcaml.str_item let_regexp header lexer_def;
let_regexp: [
[ x = LIDENT; "="; r = regexp ->
if Hashtbl.mem named_regexps x then
"pa_ocamllex (warning): multiple definition of named regexp '%s'\n"
Hashtbl.add named_regexps x r;
lexer_def: [
[ def = LIST0 definition SEP "and" ->
let (entries, transitions) = make_dfa def in
let tables = compact_tables transitions in
let output = output_lexdef tables entries in
<:str_item< declare $list: output$ end >>
|Table_overflow ->
failwith "Transition table overflow in lexer, automaton is too big"
| Lexgen.Memory_overflow ->
failwith "Position memory overflow in lexer, too many as variables")
Pcaml.str_item: [
[ "pa_ocamllex"; LIDENT "rule"; d = lexer_def -> d
| "pa_ocamllex"; "let"; let_regexp ->
<:str_item< declare $list: []$ end >>
definition: [
[ x=LIDENT; pl = LIST0 Pcaml.patt; "=";
short=[ LIDENT "parse" -> false | LIDENT "shortest" -> true ];
OPT "|"; l = LIST0 [ r=regexp; a=action -> (r,a) ] SEP "|" ->
{ name=x ; shortest=short ; args=pl ; clauses = l } ]
action: [
[ "{"; e = OPT Pcaml.expr; "}" ->
let e = match e with
| Some e -> e
| None -> <:expr< () >>
header: [
[ "{"; e = LIST0 [ si = Pcaml.str_item; OPT ";;" -> si ]; "}" ->
[<:str_item< declare $list:e$ end>>, loc] ]
| [ -> [] ]
regexp: [
[ r = regexp; "as"; i = LIDENT -> Bind (r,i) ]
| [ r1 = regexp; "|"; r2 = regexp -> Alternative(r1,r2) ]
| [ r1 = regexp; r2 = regexp -> Sequence(r1,r2) ]
| [ r = regexp; "*" -> Repetition r
| r = regexp; "+" -> Sequence(Repetition (remove_as r), r)
| r = regexp; "?" -> Alternative(Epsilon, r)
| "("; r = regexp; ")" -> r
| "_" -> Characters all_chars
| c = CHAR -> Characters (Cset.singleton (char c))
| s = STRING -> regexp_for_string (Token.eval_string s)
| "["; cc = ch_class; "]" -> Characters cc
| x = LIDENT ->
try Hashtbl.find named_regexps x
with Not_found ->
("pa_ocamllex (error): reference to unbound regexp name `"^x^"'")
ch_class: [
[ "^"; cc = ch_class -> Cset.complement cc]
| [ c1 = CHAR; "-"; c2 = CHAR -> Cset.interval (char c1) (char c2)
| c = CHAR -> Cset.singleton (char c)
| cc1 = ch_class; cc2 = ch_class -> Cset.union cc1 cc2
(* We have to be careful about "rule"; in standalone mode,
it is used as a keyword (otherwise, there is a conflict
with named regexp); in normal mode, it is used as LIDENT
(we do not want to reserve such an useful identifier).
Plexer does not like identifiers used as keyword _and_
as LIDENT ...
let standalone =
let already = ref false in
fun () ->
if not (!already) then
already := true;
Printf.eprintf "pa_ocamllex: stand-alone mode\n";
DELETE_RULE Pcaml.str_item: "pa_ocamllex"; LIDENT "rule";lexer_def END;
DELETE_RULE Pcaml.str_item: "pa_ocamllex"; "let"; let_regexp END;
let ocamllex = Grammar.Entry.create Pcaml.gram "pa_ocamllex" in
EXTEND GLOBAL: ocamllex let_regexp header lexer_def;
ocamllex: [
[ h = header;
l = [LIST0 ["let"; let_regexp]; "rule"; d = lexer_def -> (d,loc)];
t = header; EOI -> h @ (l :: t) ,false
Pcaml.parse_implem := Grammar.Entry.parse ocamllex
let () =
Pcaml.add_option "-ocamllex" (Arg.Unit standalone)
"Activate (standalone) ocamllex emulation mode."