
200 lines
7.4 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Marcell Fischbach, University of Siegen *)
(* Benedikt Meurer, University of Siegen *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2011 Lehrstuhl für Compilerbau und Softwareanalyse, *)
(* Universität Siegen. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Linear scan register allocation. *)
open Interval
open Reg
(* Live intervals per register class *)
type class_intervals =
mutable ci_fixed: Interval.t list;
mutable ci_active: Interval.t list;
mutable ci_inactive: Interval.t list;
let active = Array.init Proc.num_register_classes (fun _ -> {
ci_fixed = [];
ci_active = [];
ci_inactive = []
(* Insert interval into list sorted by end position *)
let rec insert_interval_sorted i = function
[] -> [i]
| j :: _ as il when j.iend <= i.iend -> i :: il
| j :: il -> j :: insert_interval_sorted i il
let rec release_expired_fixed pos = function
i :: il when i.iend >= pos ->
Interval.remove_expired_ranges i pos;
i :: release_expired_fixed pos il
| _ -> []
let rec release_expired_active ci pos = function
i :: il when i.iend >= pos ->
Interval.remove_expired_ranges i pos;
if Interval.is_live i pos then
i :: release_expired_active ci pos il
else begin
ci.ci_inactive <- insert_interval_sorted i ci.ci_inactive;
release_expired_active ci pos il
| _ -> []
let rec release_expired_inactive ci pos = function
i :: il when i.iend >= pos ->
Interval.remove_expired_ranges i pos;
if not (Interval.is_live i pos) then
i :: release_expired_inactive ci pos il
else begin
ci.ci_active <- insert_interval_sorted i ci.ci_active;
release_expired_inactive ci pos il
| _ -> []
(* Allocate a new stack slot to the interval. *)
let allocate_stack_slot i =
let cl = Proc.register_class i.reg in
let ss = Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) in
Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) <- succ ss;
i.reg.loc <- Stack(Local ss);
i.reg.spill <- true
(* Find a register for the given interval and assigns this register.
The interval is added to active. Raises Not_found if no free registers
left. *)
let allocate_free_register i =
begin match i.reg.loc, i.reg.spill with
Unknown, true ->
(* Allocate a stack slot for the already spilled interval *)
allocate_stack_slot i
| Unknown, _ ->
(* We need to allocate a register to this interval somehow *)
let cl = Proc.register_class i.reg in
begin match Proc.num_available_registers.(cl) with
0 ->
(* There are no registers available for this class *)
raise Not_found
| rn ->
let ci = active.(cl) in
let r0 = Proc.first_available_register.(cl) in
(* Create register mask for this class
note: if frame pointers are enabled then some registers may have
indexes that are off-bounds; we hence protect write accesses
below (given that the assign function will not consider such
registers) *)
let regmask = Array.make rn true in
(* Remove all assigned registers from the register mask *)
{reg = {loc = Reg r}} ->
if r - r0 < rn then regmask.(r - r0) <- false
| _ -> ())
(* Remove all overlapping registers from the register mask *)
let remove_bound_overlapping = function
{reg = {loc = Reg r}} as j ->
if (r - r0 < rn) && regmask.(r - r0)
&& Interval.overlap j i then
regmask.(r - r0) <- false
| _ -> () in
List.iter remove_bound_overlapping ci.ci_inactive;
List.iter remove_bound_overlapping ci.ci_fixed;
(* Assign the first free register (if any) *)
let rec assign r =
if r = rn then
raise Not_found
else if regmask.(r) then begin
(* Assign the free register and insert the
current interval into the active list *)
i.reg.loc <- Reg (r0 + r);
i.reg.spill <- false;
ci.ci_active <- insert_interval_sorted i ci.ci_active
end else
assign (succ r) in
assign 0
| _ -> ()
let allocate_blocked_register i =
let cl = Proc.register_class i.reg in
let ci = active.(cl) in
match ci.ci_active with
| ilast :: il when
ilast.iend > i.iend &&
(* Last interval in active is the last interval, so spill it. *)
let chk r = r.reg.loc = ilast.reg.loc && Interval.overlap r i in
(* But only if its physical register is admissible for the current
interval. *)
not (List.exists chk ci.ci_fixed || List.exists chk ci.ci_inactive)
begin match ilast.reg.loc with Reg _ -> () | _ -> assert false end;
(* Use register from last interval for current interval *)
i.reg.loc <- ilast.reg.loc;
(* Remove the last interval from active and insert the current *)
ci.ci_active <- insert_interval_sorted i il;
(* Now get a new stack slot for the spilled register *)
allocate_stack_slot ilast
| _ ->
(* Either the current interval is last and we have to spill it,
or there are no registers at all in the register class (i.e.
floating point class on i386). *)
allocate_stack_slot i
let walk_interval i =
let pos = i.ibegin land (lnot 0x01) in
(* Release all intervals that have been expired at the current position *)
(fun ci ->
ci.ci_fixed <- release_expired_fixed pos ci.ci_fixed;
ci.ci_active <- release_expired_active ci pos ci.ci_active;
ci.ci_inactive <- release_expired_inactive ci pos ci.ci_inactive)
(* Allocate free register (if any) *)
allocate_free_register i
Not_found ->
(* No free register, need to decide which interval to spill *)
allocate_blocked_register i
let allocate_registers() =
(* Initialize the stack slots and interval lists *)
for cl = 0 to Proc.num_register_classes - 1 do
(* Start with empty interval lists *)
active.(cl) <- {
ci_fixed = [];
ci_active = [];
ci_inactive = []
Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) <- 0
(* Add all fixed intervals (sorted by end position) *)
(fun i ->
let ci = active.(Proc.register_class i.reg) in
ci.ci_fixed <- insert_interval_sorted i ci.ci_fixed)
(* Walk all the intervals within the list *)
List.iter walk_interval (Interval.all_intervals())