
316 lines
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/* */
/* OCaml */
/* */
/* Jacques-Henri Joudan, projet Gallium, INRIA Paris */
/* */
/* Copyright 2016 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */
/* en Automatique. */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of */
/* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the */
/* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. */
/* */
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "caml/memprof.h"
#include "caml/fail.h"
#include "caml/alloc.h"
#include "caml/callback.h"
#include "caml/signals.h"
#include "caml/memory.h"
#include "caml/minor_gc.h"
#include "caml/backtrace_prim.h"
#include "caml/weak.h"
#include "caml/stack.h"
static uint32_t mt_state[624];
static uint32_t mt_index;
/* [lambda] is the mean number of samples for each allocated word (including
block headers). */
static double lambda = 0;
int caml_memprof_suspended = 0;
static intnat callstack_size = 0;
static value memprof_callback = Val_unit;
/* Whether memprof has been initialized. */
static int init = 0;
/**** Statistical sampling ****/
static double mt_generate_uniform(void) {
int i;
uint32_t y;
/* Mersenne twister PRNG */
if (mt_index == 624) {
for(i = 0; i < 227; i++) {
y = (mt_state[i] & 0x80000000) + (mt_state[i+1] & 0x7fffffff);
mt_state[i] = mt_state[i+397] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((-(y&1)) & 0x9908b0df);
for(i = 227; i < 623; i++) {
y = (mt_state[i] & 0x80000000) + (mt_state[i+1] & 0x7fffffff);
mt_state[i] = mt_state[i-227] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((-(y&1)) & 0x9908b0df);
y = (mt_state[623] & 0x80000000) + (mt_state[0] & 0x7fffffff);
mt_state[623] = mt_state[396] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((-(y&1)) & 0x9908b0df);
mt_index = 0;
y = mt_state[mt_index];
y = y ^ (y >> 11);
y = y ^ ((y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
y = y ^ ((y << 15) & 0xefc60000);
y = y ^ (y >> 18);
return y*2.3283064365386962890625e-10 + /* 2^-32 */
1.16415321826934814453125e-10; /* 2^-33 */
/* C99's [lgammaf] function is not available in some compilers
(including MSVC). Here is our own approximate implementation of the
log-factorial function.
Requirement: [n] is a non-negative integer.
We use Ramanujan's formula. For n < 10^8, the absolute error is
less than 10^-6, which is way better than what we need.
static double lfact(double n) {
static double tab[10] = {
0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.6931471806, 1.7917594692, 3.1780538303,
4.7874917428, 6.5792512120, 8.5251613611, 10.6046029027, 12.8018274801 };
if(n < 10)
return tab[(int)n];
return n*(log(n) - 1) + (1./6)*log(((8*n + 4)*n + 1)*n + 1./34)
+ 0.5723649429; /* log(pi)/2 */
static double next_mt_generate_poisson;
/* Simulate a Poisson distribution of parameter [lambda*len]. The
result is clipped to the interval [0..MAX_MT_GENERATE_POISSON] */
static int32_t mt_generate_poisson(double len) {
double cur_lambda = lambda * len;
CAMLassert(cur_lambda >= 0 && cur_lambda < 1e20);
if(caml_memprof_suspended || cur_lambda == 0)
return 0;
if(cur_lambda < 20) {
/* First algorithm when [cur_lambda] is small: we proceed by
repeated simulations of exponential distributions. */
next_mt_generate_poisson -= cur_lambda;
if(next_mt_generate_poisson > 0) {
/* Fast path if [cur_lambda] is small: we reuse the same
exponential sample accross several calls to
[mt_generate_poisson]. */
return 0;
} else {
/* We use the float versions of exp/log, since these functions
are significantly faster, and we really don't need much
precision here. The entropy contained in
[next_mt_generate_poisson] is anyway bounded by the entropy
provided by [mt_generate_uniform], which is 32bits. */
double p = expf(-next_mt_generate_poisson);
int32_t k = 0;
do {
p *= mt_generate_uniform();
} while(p > 1);
/* [p] is now uniformly distributed in [0, 1] and independent
from other variables (including [k]). We can therefore reuse
[p] for reinitializing [next_mt_generate_poisson]. */
next_mt_generate_poisson = -logf(p);
return k;
} else {
/* Second algorithm when [cur_lambda] is large. Taken from: */
/* The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables
A. C. Atkinson Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Series C (Applied Statistics) Vol. 28, No. 1 (1979), pp. 29-35
"Method PA" */
double c, beta_inverse, k, log_cur_lambda;
log_cur_lambda = log(cur_lambda);
c = 0.767 - 3.36/cur_lambda;
beta_inverse = sqrt(0.30396355092701332623 * cur_lambda);
/* ^ = 3./(PI*PI) */
k = log(c*beta_inverse) - cur_lambda;
while(1) {
double u, n, v, y;
u = mt_generate_uniform();
y = log(1./u-1);
n = floor(cur_lambda - y*beta_inverse + 0.5);
if(n < 0.)
v = mt_generate_uniform();
/* When [cur_lambda] is large, we expect [n*log_cur_lambda] and
[lfact(n)] to be close, while both being relatively
large. Hence, here, we may actually need the double precision
in the computation of log and lfact. */
if(y + log(v*u*u) < k + n*log_cur_lambda - lfact(n))
/**** Interface with the OCaml code. ****/
CAMLprim value caml_memprof_set(value v) {
double l = Double_val(Field(v, 0));
intnat sz = Long_val(Field(v, 1));
if(sz < 0 || !(l >= 0.) || l > 1.)
if(!init) {
int i;
init = 1;
mt_index = 624;
mt_state[0] = 42;
for(i = 1; i < 624; i++)
mt_state[i] = 0x6c078965 * (mt_state[i-1] ^ (mt_state[i-1] >> 30)) + i;
next_mt_generate_poisson = -logf(mt_generate_uniform());
lambda = l;
callstack_size = sz;
caml_modify_generational_global_root(&memprof_callback, Field(v, 2));
/* Cf. Gc.Memprof.alloc_kind */
enum ml_alloc_kind {
Minor = Val_long(0),
Major = Val_long(1),
Serialized = Val_long(2)
static value do_callback(tag_t tag, intnat wosize, int32_t occurences,
value callstack, enum ml_alloc_kind cb_kind) {
CAMLassert(occurences > 0);
sample_info = caml_alloc_small(5, 0);
Field(sample_info, 0) = Val_long(occurences);
Field(sample_info, 1) = cb_kind;
Field(sample_info, 2) = Val_long(tag);
Field(sample_info, 3) = Val_long(wosize);
Field(sample_info, 4) = callstack;
CAMLreturn(caml_callback_exn(memprof_callback, sample_info));
void caml_memprof_set_suspended(int new_suspended) {
caml_memprof_suspended = new_suspended;
/**** Sampling procedures ****/
static value capture_callstack() {
value res;
intnat size = caml_current_callstack_size(callstack_size);
/* We do not use [caml_alloc] to make sure the GC will not get called. */
if(size == 0) return Atom (0);
res = caml_alloc_shr_no_track(size, 0);
return res;
struct caml_memprof_postponed_block {
value block;
value callstack;
int32_t occurences;
struct caml_memprof_postponed_block* next;
} static *caml_memprof_postponed_head = NULL;
/* When allocating in the major heap, we cannot call the callback,
because [caml_alloc_shr] is guaranteed not to call the GC. Hence,
this function determines if the block needs to be sampled, and if
so, it registers the block in the todo-list so that the callback
call is performed when possible. */
void caml_memprof_track_alloc_shr(value block) {
int32_t occurences = mt_generate_poisson(Whsize_val(block));
if(occurences > 0) {
struct caml_memprof_postponed_block* pb =
caml_stat_alloc_noexc(sizeof(struct caml_memprof_postponed_block));
value callstack = capture_callstack();
if(pb == NULL) return;
pb->block = block;
pb->callstack = callstack;
pb->occurences = occurences;
pb->next = caml_memprof_postponed_head;
caml_memprof_postponed_head = pb;
caml_something_to_do = 1;
caml_young_limit = caml_young_alloc_end;
void caml_memprof_handle_postponed() {
struct caml_memprof_postponed_block *p, *q;
value ephe;
if(caml_memprof_postponed_head == NULL)
// We first reverse the list
p = caml_memprof_postponed_head;
q = caml_memprof_postponed_head->next;
p->next = NULL;
while(q != NULL) {
struct caml_memprof_postponed_block* next = q->next;
q->next = p;
p = q;
q = next;
caml_memprof_postponed_head = NULL;
#define NEXT_P \
{ struct caml_memprof_postponed_block* next = p->next; \
caml_remove_generational_global_root(&p->callstack); \
caml_remove_generational_global_root(&p->block); \
caml_stat_free(p); \
p = next; }
// We then do the actual iteration on postponed blocks
while(p != NULL) {
ephe = do_callback(Tag_val(p->block), Wosize_val(p->block),
p->occurences, p->callstack, Major);
if (Is_exception_result(ephe)) {
// In the case of an exception, we just forget the entire list.
while(p != NULL) NEXT_P;
caml_ephemeron_set_key(Field(ephe, 0), 0, p->block);