
32 lines
893 B

flags = "-g"
* hassysthreads
include systhreads
** no-flambda
*** native
*** bytecode
let[@inline never] f0 () =
Printexc.print_raw_backtrace stdout (Printexc.get_callstack 100); ()
let[@inline never] f1 () = f0 (); ()
let[@inline never] f2 () = f1 (); ()
let[@inline never] f3 () = f2 (); ()
let () = Printf.printf "main thread:\n"
let () = f3 ()
let () = Printf.printf "from finalizer:\n"
let () =
Gc.finalise (fun _ -> f0 ()) [|1|];
Gc.full_major ();
(* We run this last, because the initialization of the thread library
starts the "tick thread", which periodically send a signal for
thread preemption. If the preempion occurs exactly when the
finalizer above runs, then a new row for [Thread.yield] appears in
the callstack, which breaks the test. *)
let () = Printf.printf "new thread:\n"
let () = Thread.join (Thread.create f3 ())