
3797 lines
121 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Compilation of pattern matching
Based upon Lefessant-Maranget ``Optimizing Pattern-Matching'' ICFP'2001.
A previous version was based on Peyton-Jones, ``The Implementation of
functional programming languages'', chapter 5.
Overview of the implementation
1. Precompilation
We first split the initial pattern matching (or "pm") along its first column
-- simplifying pattern heads in the process --, so that we obtain an ordered
list of pms.
For every pm in this list, and any two patterns in its first column, either
the patterns have the same head, or their heads match disjoint sets of
values. (In particular, two extension constructors that may or may not be
equal due to hidden rebinding cannot occur in the same simple pm.)
2. Compilation
The compilation of one of these pms obtained after precompiling is done as
We split the match along the first column again, this time grouping rows
which start with the same head, and removing the first column.
As a result we get a "division", which is a list a "cells" of the form:
discriminating pattern head * specialized pm
(compile_list + compile_match)
We then map over the division to compile each cell: we simply restart the
whole process on the second element of each cell.
Each cell is now of the form:
discriminating pattern head * lambda
(combine_constant, combine_construct, combine_array, ...)
We recombine the cells using a switch or some ifs, and if the matching can
fail, introduce a jump to the next pm that could potentially match the
3. Chaining of pms
Once the pms have been compiled, we stitch them back together in the order
produced by precompilation, resulting in the following structure:
<first body>
with <exit i> ->
<second body>
with <exit j> ->
<third body>
Additionally, bodies whose corresponding exit-number is never used are
discarded. So for instance, if in the pseudo-example above we know that exit
[i] is never taken, we would actually generate:
<first body>
with <exit j> ->
<third body>
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Types
open Typedtree
open Lambda
open Parmatch
open Printf
open Printpat
module Scoped_location = Debuginfo.Scoped_location
let dbg = false
Compatibility predicate that considers potential rebindings of constructors
of an extension type.
"may_compat p q" returns false when p and q never admit a common instance;
returns true when they may have a common instance.
module MayCompat = Parmatch.Compat (struct
let equal = Types.may_equal_constr
let may_compat = MayCompat.compat
and may_compats = MayCompat.compats
Many functions on the various data structures of the algorithm :
- Pattern matrices.
- Default environments: mapping from matrices to exit numbers.
- Contexts: matrices whose column are partitioned into
left and right.
- Jump summaries: mapping from exit numbers to contexts
let string_of_lam lam =
Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter lam;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
let all_record_args lbls =
match lbls with
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.all_record_args"
| (_, { lbl_all }, _) :: _ ->
let t =
(fun lbl ->
(mknoloc (Longident.Lident "?temp?"), lbl, Patterns.omega))
List.iter (fun ((_, lbl, _) as x) -> t.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- x) lbls;
Array.to_list t
let expand_record_head h =
let open Patterns.Head in
match h.pat_desc with
| Record [] -> fatal_error "Matching.expand_record_head"
| Record ({ lbl_all } :: _) ->
{ h with pat_desc = Record (Array.to_list lbl_all) }
| _ -> h
let bind_alias p id ~arg ~action =
let k = Typeopt.value_kind p.pat_env p.pat_type in
bind_with_value_kind Alias (id, k) arg action
let head_loc ~scopes head =
Scoped_location.of_location ~scopes head.pat_loc
type 'a clause = 'a * lambda
let map_on_row f (row, action) = (f row, action)
let map_on_rows f = List.map (map_on_row f)
module Non_empty_row = Patterns.Non_empty_row
module General = struct
include Patterns.General
type nonrec clause = pattern Non_empty_row.t clause
module Half_simple : sig
include module type of Patterns.Half_simple
(** Half-simplified patterns are patterns where:
- records are expanded so that they possess all fields
- aliases are removed and replaced by bindings in actions.
Or-patterns are not removed, they are only "half-simplified":
- aliases under or-patterns are kept
- or-patterns whose right-hand-side is subsumed by their lhs
are simplified to their lhs.
For instance: [(_ :: _ | 1 :: _)] is changed into [_ :: _]
- or-patterns whose left-hand-side is not simplified
are preserved: (p|q) is changed into (simpl(p)|simpl(q))
# match lazy (print_int 3; 3) with _ | lazy 2 -> ();;
- : unit = ()
# match lazy (print_int 3; 3) with lazy 2 | _ -> ();;
3- : unit = ()
In particular, or-patterns may still occur in the leading column,
so this is only a "half-simplification". *)
type nonrec clause = pattern Non_empty_row.t clause
val of_clause : arg:lambda -> General.clause -> clause
end = struct
include Patterns.Half_simple
type nonrec clause = pattern Non_empty_row.t clause
let rec simpl_under_orpat p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any
| Tpat_var _ ->
| Tpat_alias (q, id, s) ->
{ p with pat_desc = Tpat_alias (simpl_under_orpat q, id, s) }
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, o) ->
let p1, p2 = (simpl_under_orpat p1, simpl_under_orpat p2) in
if le_pat p1 p2 then
{ p with pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1, p2, o) }
| Tpat_record (lbls, closed) ->
let all_lbls = all_record_args lbls in
{ p with pat_desc = Tpat_record (all_lbls, closed) }
| _ -> p
(* Explode or-patterns and turn aliases into bindings in actions *)
let of_clause ~arg cl =
let rec aux (((p, patl), action) : General.clause) : clause =
let continue p (view : General.view) : clause =
aux (({ p with pat_desc = view }, patl), action)
let stop p (view : view) : clause =
(({ p with pat_desc = view }, patl), action)
match p.pat_desc with
| `Any -> stop p `Any
| `Var (id, s) -> continue p (`Alias (Patterns.omega, id, s))
| `Alias (p, id, _) ->
( (General.view p, patl),
bind_alias p id ~arg ~action )
| `Record ([], _) as view -> stop p view
| `Record (lbls, closed) ->
let full_view = `Record (all_record_args lbls, closed) in
stop p full_view
| `Or _ -> (
let orpat = General.view (simpl_under_orpat (General.erase p)) in
match orpat.pat_desc with
| `Or _ as or_view -> stop orpat or_view
| other_view -> continue orpat other_view
| ( `Constant _ | `Tuple _ | `Construct _ | `Variant _ | `Array _
| `Lazy _ ) as view ->
stop p view
aux cl
exception Cannot_flatten
module Simple : sig
include module type of Patterns.Simple
type nonrec clause = pattern Non_empty_row.t clause
val head : pattern -> Patterns.Head.t
val explode_or_pat :
arg:lambda ->
Half_simple.pattern ->
mk_action:(vars:Ident.t list -> lambda) ->
patbound_action_vars:Ident.t list ->
(pattern * lambda) list
end = struct
include Patterns.Simple
type nonrec clause = pattern Non_empty_row.t clause
let head p = fst (Patterns.Head.deconstruct p)
let alpha env (p : pattern) : pattern =
let alpha_pat env p = Typedtree.alpha_pat env p in
let pat_desc =
match p.pat_desc with
| `Any -> `Any
| `Constant cst -> `Constant cst
| `Tuple ps -> `Tuple (List.map (alpha_pat env) ps)
| `Construct (cstr, cst_descr, args) ->
`Construct (cstr, cst_descr, List.map (alpha_pat env) args)
| `Variant (cstr, argo, row_desc) ->
`Variant (cstr, Option.map (alpha_pat env) argo, row_desc)
| `Record (fields, closed) ->
let alpha_field env (lid, l, p) = (lid, l, alpha_pat env p) in
`Record (List.map (alpha_field env) fields, closed)
| `Array ps -> `Array (List.map (alpha_pat env) ps)
| `Lazy p -> `Lazy (alpha_pat env p)
{ p with pat_desc }
(* Consider the following matching problem involving a half-simple pattern,
with an or-pattern and as-patterns below it:
match arg, other-args with
| (Foo(y, z) as x | Bar(x, y) as z), other-pats -> action[x,y,z]
(action[x,y,z] is some right-hand-side expression using x, y and z,
but we assume that it uses no variables from [other-pats]).
[explode_or_pat] explodes this into the following:
match arg, other-args with
| Foo(y1, z1), other-pats -> let x1 = arg in action[x1,y1,z1]
| Bar(x2, y2), other-pats -> let z2 = arg in action[x2,y2,z2]
notice that the binding occurrences of x,y,z are alpha-renamed with
fresh variables x1,y1,z1 and x2,y2,z2.
We assume that it is fine to duplicate the argument [arg] in each
exploded branch; in most cases it is a variable (in which case
the bindings [let x1 = arg] are inlined on the fly), except when
compiling in [do_for_multiple_match] where it is a tuple of
let explode_or_pat ~arg (p : Half_simple.pattern)
~mk_action ~patbound_action_vars
: (pattern * lambda) list =
let rec explode p aliases rem =
let split_explode p aliases rem = explode (General.view p) aliases rem in
match p.pat_desc with
| `Or (p1, p2, _) ->
split_explode p1 aliases (split_explode p2 aliases rem)
| `Alias (p, id, _) -> split_explode p (id :: aliases) rem
| `Var (id, str) ->
{ p with pat_desc = `Alias (Patterns.omega, id, str) }
aliases rem
| #view as view ->
(* We are doing two things here:
- we freshen the variables of the pattern, to
avoid reusing the same identifier in distinct exploded
- we bind the variables in [aliases] to the argument [arg]
(the other variables are bound by [view]); to avoid
code duplication if [arg] is itself not a variable, we
generate a binding for it, but only if the binding is
We are careful to avoid binding [arg] if not needed due
to the {!do_for_multiple_match} usage, which tries to
compile a tuple pattern [match e1, .. en with ...]
without allocating the tuple [(e1, .., en)].
let rec fresh_clause arg_id action_vars renaming_env = function
| [] ->
let fresh_pat = alpha renaming_env { p with pat_desc = view } in
let fresh_action = mk_action ~vars:(List.rev action_vars) in
(fresh_pat, fresh_action)
| pat_id :: rem_vars ->
if not (List.mem pat_id aliases) then begin
let fresh_id = Ident.rename pat_id in
let action_vars = fresh_id :: action_vars in
let renaming_env = ((pat_id, fresh_id) :: renaming_env) in
fresh_clause arg_id action_vars renaming_env rem_vars
end else begin match arg_id, arg with
| Some id, _
| None, Lvar id ->
let action_vars = id :: action_vars in
fresh_clause arg_id action_vars renaming_env rem_vars
| None, _ ->
(* [pat_id] is a name used locally to refer to the argument,
so it makes sense to reuse it (refreshed) *)
let id = Ident.rename pat_id in
let action_vars = (id :: action_vars) in
let pat, action =
fresh_clause (Some id) action_vars renaming_env rem_vars
pat, bind_alias pat id ~arg ~action
fresh_clause None [] [] patbound_action_vars :: rem
explode (p : Half_simple.pattern :> General.pattern) [] []
let expand_record_simple : Simple.pattern -> Simple.pattern =
fun p ->
match p.pat_desc with
| `Record (l, _) -> { p with pat_desc = `Record (all_record_args l, Closed) }
| _ -> p
type initial_clause = pattern list clause
type matrix = pattern list list
let add_omega_column pss = List.map (fun ps -> Patterns.omega :: ps) pss
let rec rev_split_at n ps =
if n <= 0 then
([], ps)
match ps with
| p :: rem ->
let left, right = rev_split_at (n - 1) rem in
(p :: left, right)
| _ -> assert false
exception NoMatch
let matcher discr (p : Simple.pattern) rem =
let discr = expand_record_head discr in
let p = expand_record_simple p in
let omegas = Patterns.(omegas (Head.arity discr)) in
let ph, args = Patterns.Head.deconstruct p in
let yes () = args @ rem in
let no () = raise NoMatch in
let yesif b =
if b then
yes ()
no ()
let open Patterns.Head in
match (discr.pat_desc, ph.pat_desc) with
| Any, _ -> rem
| ( ( Constant _ | Construct _ | Variant _ | Lazy | Array _ | Record _
| Tuple _ ),
Any ) ->
omegas @ rem
| Constant cst, Constant cst' -> yesif (const_compare cst cst' = 0)
| Constant _, (Construct _ | Variant _ | Lazy | Array _ | Record _ | Tuple _)
no ()
| Construct cstr, Construct cstr' ->
(* NB: may_equal_constr considers (potential) constructor rebinding;
Types.may_equal_constr does check that the arities are the same,
preserving row-size coherence. *)
yesif (Types.may_equal_constr cstr cstr')
| Construct _, (Constant _ | Variant _ | Lazy | Array _ | Record _ | Tuple _)
no ()
| Variant { tag; has_arg }, Variant { tag = tag'; has_arg = has_arg' } ->
yesif (tag = tag' && has_arg = has_arg')
| Variant _, (Constant _ | Construct _ | Lazy | Array _ | Record _ | Tuple _)
no ()
| Array n1, Array n2 -> yesif (n1 = n2)
| Array _, (Constant _ | Construct _ | Variant _ | Lazy | Record _ | Tuple _)
no ()
| Tuple n1, Tuple n2 -> yesif (n1 = n2)
| Tuple _, (Constant _ | Construct _ | Variant _ | Lazy | Array _ | Record _)
no ()
| Record l, Record l' ->
(* we already expanded the record fully *)
yesif (List.length l = List.length l')
| Record _, (Constant _ | Construct _ | Variant _ | Lazy | Array _ | Tuple _)
no ()
| Lazy, Lazy -> yes ()
| Lazy, (Constant _ | Construct _ | Variant _ | Array _ | Record _ | Tuple _)
no ()
let ncols = function
| [] -> 0
| ps :: _ -> List.length ps
module Context : sig
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val start : int -> t
val eprintf : t -> unit
val specialize : Patterns.Head.t -> t -> t
val lshift : t -> t
val rshift : t -> t
val rshift_num : int -> t -> t
val lub : pattern -> t -> t
val matches : t -> matrix -> bool
val combine : t -> t
val select_columns : matrix -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
end = struct
module Row = struct
type t = { left : pattern list; right : pattern list }
let eprintf { left; right } =
Format.eprintf "LEFT:%a RIGHT:%a\n" pretty_line left pretty_line right
let le c1 c2 = le_pats c1.left c2.left && le_pats c1.right c2.right
let lshift { left; right } =
match right with
| x :: xs -> { left = x :: left; right = xs }
| _ -> assert false
let lforget { left; right } =
match right with
| _ :: xs -> { left = Patterns.omega :: left; right = xs }
| _ -> assert false
let rshift { left; right } =
match left with
| p :: ps -> { left = ps; right = p :: right }
| _ -> assert false
let rshift_num n { left; right } =
let shifted, left = rev_split_at n left in
{ left; right = shifted @ right }
(** Recombination of contexts (eg: (_,_)::p1::p2::rem -> (p1,p2)::rem)
All mutable fields are replaced by '_', since side-effects in
guards can alter these fields *)
let combine { left; right } =
match left with
| p :: ps -> { left = ps; right = set_args_erase_mutable p right }
| _ -> assert false
type t = Row.t list
let empty = []
let start n : t = [ { left = []; right = Patterns.omegas n } ]
let is_empty = function
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let eprintf ctx = List.iter Row.eprintf ctx
let lshift ctx =
if List.length ctx < !Clflags.match_context_rows then
List.map Row.lshift ctx
(* Context pruning *)
get_mins Row.le (List.map Row.lforget ctx)
let rshift ctx = List.map Row.rshift ctx
let rshift_num n ctx = List.map (Row.rshift_num n) ctx
let combine ctx = List.map Row.combine ctx
let specialize head ctx =
let non_empty = function
| { Row.left = _; right = [] } ->
fatal_error "Matching.Context.specialize"
| { Row.left; right = p :: ps } -> (left, p, ps)
let ctx = List.map non_empty ctx in
let rec filter_rec = function
| [] -> []
| (left, p, right) :: rem -> (
let p = General.view p in
match p.pat_desc with
| `Or (p1, p2, _) ->
filter_rec ((left, p1, right) :: (left, p2, right) :: rem)
| `Alias (p, _, _) -> filter_rec ((left, p, right) :: rem)
| `Var _ -> filter_rec ((left, Patterns.omega, right) :: rem)
| #Simple.view as view -> (
let p = { p with pat_desc = view } in
match matcher head p right with
| exception NoMatch -> filter_rec rem
| right ->
let left = Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern head :: left in
{ Row.left; right }
:: filter_rec rem
filter_rec ctx
let select_columns pss ctx =
let n = ncols pss in
let lub_row ps { Row.left; right } =
let transfer, right = rev_split_at n right in
match lubs transfer ps with
| exception Empty -> None
| inter -> Some { Row.left = inter @ left; right }
let lub_with_ctx ps = List.filter_map (lub_row ps) ctx in
List.flatten (List.map lub_with_ctx pss)
let lub p ctx =
(fun { Row.left; right } ->
match right with
| q :: rem -> (
try Some { Row.left; right = lub p q :: rem } with Empty -> None
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.Context.lub")
let matches ctx pss =
(fun { Row.right = qs } -> List.exists (fun ps -> may_compats qs ps) pss)
let union pss qss = get_mins Row.le (pss @ qss)
let rec flatten_pat_line size p k =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ -> Patterns.omegas size :: k
| Tpat_tuple args -> args :: k
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
flatten_pat_line size p1 (flatten_pat_line size p2 k)
| Tpat_alias (p, _, _) ->
(* Note: we are only called from flatten_matrix,
which is itself only ever used in places
where variables do not matter (default environments,
"provenance", etc.). *)
flatten_pat_line size p k
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_pat_line"
let flatten_matrix size pss =
(fun ps r ->
match ps with
| [ p ] -> flatten_pat_line size p r
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_matrix")
pss []
(** A default environment (referred to as "reachable trap handlers" in the
paper), is an ordered list of [matrix * raise_num] pairs, and is used to
decide where to jump next if none of the rows in a given matrix match the
In such situations, one thing you can do is to jump to the first (leftmost)
[raise_num] in that list (by doing a raise to the static-cach handler number
[raise_num]); and you can assume that if the associated pm doesn't match
either, it will do the same thing, etc.
This is what [mk_failaction_neg] (and its callers) does.
A more sophisticated alternative is to use what you know about the input
(what you might already have matched) and the current pm (what you know you
can't match) to directly jump to a pm that might match it instead of the
next one; that is why we don't just keep [raise_num]s but also the
associated matrices.
[mk_failaction_pos] does (a slightly more sophisticated version of) this.
module Default_environment : sig
type t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val pop : t -> ((matrix * int) * t) option
val empty : t
val cons : matrix -> int -> t -> t
val specialize : Patterns.Head.t -> t -> t
val pop_column : t -> t
val pop_compat : pattern -> t -> t
val flatten : int -> t -> t
val pp : t -> unit
end = struct
type t = (matrix * int) list
(** All matrices in the list should have the same arity -- their rows should
have the same number of columns -- as it should match the arity of the
current scrutiny vector. *)
let empty = []
let is_empty = function
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let cons matrix raise_num default =
match matrix with
| [] -> default
| _ -> (matrix, raise_num) :: default
let specialize_matrix arity matcher pss =
let rec filter_rec = function
| [] -> []
| (p, ps) :: rem -> (
let p = General.view p in
match p.pat_desc with
| `Alias (p, _, _) -> filter_rec ((p, ps) :: rem)
| `Var _ -> filter_rec ((Patterns.omega, ps) :: rem)
| `Or (p1, p2, _) -> filter_rec_or p1 p2 ps rem
| #Simple.view as view -> (
let p = { p with pat_desc = view } in
match matcher p ps with
| exception NoMatch -> filter_rec rem
| specialized ->
assert (List.length specialized = List.length ps + arity);
specialized :: filter_rec rem
(* Filter just one row, without a `rem` accumulator
of further rows to process.
The following equality holds:
filter_rec ((p :: ps) :: rem)
= filter_one p ps @ filter_rec rem
and filter_one p ps =
filter_rec [ (p, ps) ]
and filter_rec_or p1 p2 ps rem =
match arity with
| 0 -> (
(* if K has arity 0, specializing ((K|K)::rem) returns just (rem):
if either sides works (filters into a non-empty list),
no need to keep the other. *)
match filter_one p1 ps with
| [] -> filter_rec ((p2, ps) :: rem)
| matches -> matches @ filter_rec rem
| 1 -> (
(* if K has arity 1, ((K p | K q) :: rem) can be expressed
as ((p | q) :: rem): even if both sides of an or-pattern
match, we can compress the output in a single row,
instead of duplicating the row.
In particular, filtering a single row (the filter_one calls)
returns a result that respects the following properties:
- "row count": the result is either an empty list or a single row
- "row shape": if there is a row in the result, it contains one
pattern consed to the tail [ps] of our input row; in particular
the row is not empty. *)
match (filter_one p1 ps, filter_one p2 ps) with
| [], row
| row, [] ->
row @ filter_rec rem
| [ (arg1 :: _) ], [ (arg2 :: _) ] ->
(* By the row shape property,
the wildcard patterns can only be ps. *)
(* The output below is a single row,
respecting the row count property. *)
({ arg1 with
pat_desc = Tpat_or (arg1, arg2, None);
pat_loc = Location.none
:: ps
:: filter_rec rem
| (_ :: _ :: _), _
| _, (_ :: _ :: _) ->
(* Cannot happen from the row count property. *)
assert false
| [ [] ], _
| _, [ [] ] ->
(* Cannot happen from the row shape property. *)
assert false
| _ ->
(* we cannot preserve the or-pattern as in the arity-1 case,
because we cannot express
(K (p1, .., pn) | K (q1, .. qn))
as (p1 .. pn | q1 .. qn) *)
filter_rec ((p1, ps) :: (p2, ps) :: rem)
filter_rec pss
let specialize_ arity matcher env =
let rec make_rec = function
| [] -> []
| (([] :: _), i) :: _ -> [ ([ [] ], i) ]
| (pss, i) :: rem -> (
(* we already handled the empty-row case
so we know that all rows in pss are non-empty *)
let non_empty = function
| [] -> assert false
| p :: ps -> (p, ps)
let pss = List.map non_empty pss in
match specialize_matrix arity matcher pss with
| [] -> make_rec rem
| [] :: _ -> [ ([ [] ], i) ]
| pss -> (pss, i) :: make_rec rem
make_rec env
let specialize head def =
specialize_ (Patterns.Head.arity head) (matcher head) def
let pop_column def = specialize_ 0 (fun _p rem -> rem) def
let pop_compat p def =
let compat_matcher q rem =
if may_compat p (General.erase q) then
raise NoMatch
specialize_ 0 compat_matcher def
let pop = function
| [] -> None
| def :: defs -> Some (def, defs)
let pp def =
Format.eprintf "+++++ Defaults +++++\n";
(fun (pss, i) -> Format.eprintf "Matrix for %d\n%a" i pretty_matrix pss)
Format.eprintf "+++++++++++++++++++++\n"
let flatten size def =
List.map (fun (pss, i) -> (flatten_matrix size pss, i)) def
module Jumps : sig
type t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val empty : t
val singleton : int -> Context.t -> t
val add : int -> Context.t -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val unions : t list -> t
val map : (Context.t -> Context.t) -> t -> t
val remove : int -> t -> t
val extract : int -> t -> Context.t * t
val eprintf : t -> unit
end = struct
type t = (int * Context.t) list
let eprintf (env : t) =
(fun (i, ctx) ->
Printf.eprintf "jump for %d\n" i;
Context.eprintf ctx)
let rec extract i = function
| [] -> (Context.empty, [])
| ((j, pss) as x) :: rem as all ->
if i = j then
(pss, rem)
else if j < i then
(Context.empty, all)
let r, rem = extract i rem in
(r, x :: rem)
let rec remove i = function
| [] -> []
| (j, _) :: rem when i = j -> rem
| x :: rem -> x :: remove i rem
let empty = []
and is_empty = function
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let singleton i ctx =
if Context.is_empty ctx then
[ (i, ctx) ]
let add i ctx jumps =
let rec add = function
| [] -> [ (i, ctx) ]
| ((j, qss) as x) :: rem as all ->
if j > i then
x :: add rem
else if j < i then
(i, ctx) :: all
(i, Context.union ctx qss) :: rem
if Context.is_empty ctx then
add jumps
let rec union (env1 : t) env2 =
match (env1, env2) with
| [], _ -> env2
| _, [] -> env1
| ((i1, pss1) as x1) :: rem1, ((i2, pss2) as x2) :: rem2 ->
if i1 = i2 then
(i1, Context.union pss1 pss2) :: union rem1 rem2
else if i1 > i2 then
x1 :: union rem1 env2
x2 :: union env1 rem2
let rec merge = function
| env1 :: env2 :: rem -> union env1 env2 :: merge rem
| envs -> envs
let rec unions envs =
match envs with
| [] -> []
| [ env ] -> env
| _ -> unions (merge envs)
let map f env = List.map (fun (i, pss) -> (i, f pss)) env
(* Pattern matching before any compilation *)
type 'row pattern_matching = {
mutable cases : 'row list;
args : (lambda * let_kind) list;
(** args are not just Ident.t in at least the following cases:
- when matching the arguments of a constructor,
direct field projections are used (make_field_args)
- with lazy patterns args can be of the form [Lazy.force ...]
(inline_lazy_force). *)
default : Default_environment.t
type handler = {
provenance : matrix;
exit : int;
vars : (Ident.t * Lambda.value_kind) list;
pm : initial_clause pattern_matching
type ('head_pat, 'matrix) pm_or_compiled = {
body : 'head_pat Non_empty_row.t clause pattern_matching;
handlers : handler list;
or_matrix : 'matrix
(* Pattern matching after application of both the or-pat rule and the
mixture rule *)
type pm_half_compiled =
| PmOr of (Simple.pattern, matrix) pm_or_compiled
| PmVar of { inside : pm_half_compiled }
| Pm of Simple.clause pattern_matching
(* Only used inside the various split functions, we only keep [me] when we're
done splitting / precompiling. *)
type pm_half_compiled_info = {
me : pm_half_compiled;
matrix : matrix;
(* the matrix matched by [me]. Is used to extend the list of reachable trap
handlers (aka "default environments") when returning from recursive
calls. *)
top_default : Default_environment.t
let erase_cases f cases =
List.map (fun ((p, ps), act) -> (f p :: ps, act)) cases
let erase_pm pm =
{ pm with cases = erase_cases General.erase pm.cases }
let pretty_cases cases =
(fun (ps, _l) ->
List.iter (fun p -> Format.eprintf " %a%!" top_pretty p) ps;
Format.eprintf "\n")
let pretty_pm pm =
pretty_cases pm.cases;
if not (Default_environment.is_empty pm.default) then
Default_environment.pp pm.default
let rec pretty_precompiled = function
| Pm pm ->
Format.eprintf "++++ PM ++++\n";
pretty_pm (erase_pm pm)
| PmVar x ->
Format.eprintf "++++ VAR ++++\n";
pretty_precompiled x.inside
| PmOr x ->
Format.eprintf "++++ OR ++++\n";
pretty_pm (erase_pm x.body);
pretty_matrix Format.err_formatter x.or_matrix;
(fun { exit = i; pm; _ } ->
eprintf "++ Handler %d ++\n" i;
pretty_pm pm)
let pretty_precompiled_res first nexts =
pretty_precompiled first;
(fun (e, pmh) ->
eprintf "** DEFAULT %d **\n" e;
pretty_precompiled pmh)
(* Identifying some semantically equivalent lambda-expressions,
Our goal here is also to
find alpha-equivalent (simple) terms *)
(* However, as shown by PR#6359 such sharing may hinders the
lambda-code invariant that all bound idents are unique,
when switches are compiled to test sequences.
The definitive fix is the systematic introduction of exit/catch
in case action sharing is present.
module StoreExp = Switch.Store (struct
type t = lambda
type key = lambda
let compare_key = Stdlib.compare
let make_key = Lambda.make_key
let make_exit i = Lstaticraise (i, [])
(* Introduce a catch, if worth it *)
let make_catch d k =
match d with
| Lstaticraise (_, []) -> k d
| _ ->
let e = next_raise_count () in
Lstaticcatch (k (make_exit e), (e, []), d)
(* Introduce a catch, if worth it, delayed version *)
let rec as_simple_exit = function
| Lstaticraise (i, []) -> Some i
| Llet (Alias, _k, _, _, e) -> as_simple_exit e
| _ -> None
let make_catch_delayed handler =
match as_simple_exit handler with
| Some i -> (i, fun act -> act)
| None -> (
let i = next_raise_count () in
Printf.eprintf "SHARE LAMBDA: %i\n%s\n" i (string_of_lam handler);
( i,
fun body ->
match body with
| Lstaticraise (j, _) ->
if i = j then
| _ -> Lstaticcatch (body, (i, []), handler) )
let raw_action l =
match make_key l with
| Some l -> l
| None -> l
let same_actions = function
| [] -> None
| [ (_, act) ] -> Some act
| (_, act0) :: rem -> (
match make_key act0 with
| None -> None
| key0_opt ->
let same_act (_, act) = make_key act = key0_opt in
if List.for_all same_act rem then
Some act0
let safe_before ((p, ps), act_p) l =
(* Test for swapping two clauses *)
let same_actions act1 act2 =
match (make_key act1, make_key act2) with
| Some key1, Some key2 -> key1 = key2
| None, _
| _, None ->
(fun ((q, qs), act_q) ->
same_actions act_p act_q
|| not (may_compats (General.erase p :: ps) (General.erase q :: qs)))
let half_simplify_nonempty ~arg (cls : Typedtree.pattern Non_empty_row.t clause)
: Half_simple.clause =
|> map_on_row (Non_empty_row.map_first General.view)
|> Half_simple.of_clause ~arg
let half_simplify_clause ~arg (cls : Typedtree.pattern list clause) =
|> map_on_row Non_empty_row.of_initial
|> half_simplify_nonempty ~arg
(* Once matchings are *fully* simplified, one can easily find
their nature. *)
let rec what_is_cases ~skip_any cases =
match cases with
| [] -> Patterns.Head.omega
| ((p, _), _) :: rem -> (
let head = Simple.head p in
match head.pat_desc with
| Patterns.Head.Any when skip_any -> what_is_cases ~skip_any rem
| _ -> head
let what_is_first_case = what_is_cases ~skip_any:false
let what_is_cases = what_is_cases ~skip_any:true
let pm_free_variables { cases } =
(fun (_, act) r -> Ident.Set.union (free_variables act) r)
cases Ident.Set.empty
(* Basic grouping predicates *)
let can_group discr pat =
let open Patterns.Head in
match (discr.pat_desc, (Simple.head pat).pat_desc) with
| Any, Any
| Constant (Const_int _), Constant (Const_int _)
| Constant (Const_char _), Constant (Const_char _)
| Constant (Const_string _), Constant (Const_string _)
| Constant (Const_float _), Constant (Const_float _)
| Constant (Const_int32 _), Constant (Const_int32 _)
| Constant (Const_int64 _), Constant (Const_int64 _)
| Constant (Const_nativeint _), Constant (Const_nativeint _) ->
| Construct { cstr_tag = Cstr_extension _ as discr_tag }, Construct pat_cstr
(* Extension constructors with distinct names may be equal thanks to
constructor rebinding. So we need to produce a specialized
submatrix for each syntactically-distinct constructor (with a threading
of exits such that each submatrix falls back to the
potentially-compatible submatrices below it). *)
Types.equal_tag discr_tag pat_cstr.cstr_tag
| Construct _, Construct _
| Tuple _, (Tuple _ | Any)
| Record _, (Record _ | Any)
| Array _, Array _
| Variant _, Variant _
| Lazy, Lazy ->
| ( _,
( Any
| Constant
( Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_string _ | Const_float _
| Const_int32 _ | Const_int64 _ | Const_nativeint _ )
| Construct _ | Tuple _ | Record _ | Array _ | Variant _ | Lazy ) ) ->
let is_or p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or _ -> true
| _ -> false
let rec omega_like p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any
| Tpat_var _ ->
| Tpat_alias (p, _, _) -> omega_like p
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) -> omega_like p1 || omega_like p2
| _ -> false
let simple_omega_like p =
match (Simple.head p).pat_desc with
| Any -> true
| _ -> false
let equiv_pat p q = le_pat p q && le_pat q p
let rec extract_equiv_head p l =
match l with
| (((q, _), _) as cl) :: rem ->
if equiv_pat p (General.erase q) then
let others, rem = extract_equiv_head p rem in
(cl :: others, rem)
([], l)
| _ -> ([], l)
module Or_matrix = struct
(* Splitting a matrix uses an or-matrix that contains or-patterns (at
the head of some of its rows).
The property that we want to maintain for the rows of the
or-matrix is that if the row p::ps is before q::qs and p is an
or-pattern, and v::vs matches p but not ps, then we don't need to
try q::qs. This is necessary because the compilation of the
or-pattern p will exit to a sub-matrix and never come back.
For this to hold, (p::ps) and (q::qs) must satisfy one of:
- disjointness: p and q are not compatible
- ordering: if p and q are compatible, ps is more general than qs
(this only works if the row p::ps is not guarded; otherwise the
guard could fail and q::qs should still be tried)
(* Conditions for appending to the Or matrix *)
let disjoint p q = not (may_compat p q)
let safe_below (ps, act) qs =
(not (is_guarded act)) && Parmatch.le_pats ps qs
let safe_below_or_matrix l (q, qs) =
(fun ((p, ps), act_p) ->
let p = General.erase p in
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or _ -> disjoint p q || safe_below (ps, act_p) qs
| _ -> true)
(* Insert or append a clause in the Or matrix:
- insert: adding the clause in the middle of the or_matrix
- append: adding the clause at the bottom of the or_matrix
If neither are possible we add to the bottom of the No matrix.
let insert_or_append (head, ps, act) rev_ors rev_no =
let safe_to_insert rem (p, ps) seen =
let _, not_e = extract_equiv_head p rem in
(* check append condition for head of O *)
safe_below_or_matrix not_e (p, ps)
&& (* check insert condition for tail of O *)
List.for_all (fun ((q, _), _) -> disjoint p (General.erase q)) seen
let rec attempt seen = function
(* invariant: the new clause is safe to append at the end of
[seen] (but maybe not [rem] yet) *)
| [] -> (((head, ps), act) :: rev_ors, rev_no)
| (((q, qs), act_q) as cl) :: rem ->
let p = General.erase head in
let q = General.erase q in
if (not (is_or q)) || disjoint p q then
attempt (cl :: seen) rem
else if
Typedtree.pat_bound_idents p = []
&& Typedtree.pat_bound_idents q = []
&& equiv_pat p q
(* attempt insertion, for equivalent orpats with no variables *)
if safe_to_insert rem (p, ps) seen then
(List.rev_append seen (((head, ps), act) :: cl :: rem), rev_no)
(* fail to insert or append *)
(rev_ors, ((head, ps), act) :: rev_no)
else if safe_below (qs, act_q) ps then
attempt (cl :: seen) rem
(rev_ors, ((head, ps), act) :: rev_no)
attempt [] rev_ors
(* Reconstruct default information from half_compiled pm list *)
let as_matrix cases =
get_mins le_pats (List.map (fun ((p, ps), _) -> General.erase p :: ps) cases)
Split a matching along the first column.
Splitting is first directed by or-patterns, then by
tests (e.g. constructors)/variable transitions.
The approach is greedy, every split function attempts to
raise rows as much as possible in the top matrix,
then splitting applies again to the remaining rows.
Some precompilation of or-patterns and
variable pattern occurs. Mostly this means that bindings
are performed now, being replaced by let-bindings
in actions (cf. Half_simple.of_clause).
Additionally, if the match argument is a variable, matchings whose
first column is made of variables only are split further
(cf. precompile_var).
Note: we assume that the first column of each pattern is coherent -- all
patterns match values of the same type. This comes from the fact that
we make aggressive splitting decisions, splitting pattern heads that
may be different into different submatrices; in particular, in a given
submatrix the first column is formed of first arguments to the same
GADTs are not an issue because we split columns left-to-right, and
GADT typing also introduces typing equations left-to-right. In
particular, a leftmost column in matching.ml will be well-typed under
a set of equations accepted by the type-checker, and those equations
are forced to remain consistent: they can equate known types to
abstract types, but they cannot equate two incompatible known types
together, and in particular incompatible pattern heads do not appear
in a leftmost column.
Parmatch has to be more conservative because it splits less
aggressively: submatrices will contain not just the arguments of
a given pattern head, but also other lines that may be compatible with
it, in particular those with a leftmost omega and those starting with
an extension constructor that may be equal to it.
let rec split_or ~arg (cls : Half_simple.clause list) args def =
let rec do_split (rev_before : Simple.clause list) rev_ors rev_no = function
| [] ->
cons_next (List.rev rev_before) (List.rev rev_ors) (List.rev rev_no)
| cl :: rem when not (safe_before cl rev_no) ->
do_split rev_before rev_ors (cl :: rev_no) rem
| (((p, ps), act) as cl) :: rem -> (
match p.pat_desc with
| #Simple.view as view when safe_before cl rev_ors ->
((({ p with pat_desc = view }, ps), act) :: rev_before)
rev_ors rev_no rem
| _ ->
let rev_ors, rev_no =
Or_matrix.insert_or_append (p, ps, act) rev_ors rev_no
do_split rev_before rev_ors rev_no rem
and cons_next yes yesor no =
let def, nexts =
match no with
| [] -> (def, [])
| _ ->
let { me = next; matrix; top_default = def }, nexts =
do_split [] [] [] no
let idef = next_raise_count () in
(Default_environment.cons matrix idef def, (idef, next) :: nexts)
match yesor with
| [] -> split_no_or yes args def nexts
| _ -> precompile_or ~arg yes yesor args def nexts
do_split [] [] [] cls
and split_no_or cls args def k =
(* We split the remaining clauses in as few pms as possible while maintaining
the property stated earlier (cf. {1. Precompilation}), i.e. for
any pm in the result, it is possible to decide for any two patterns
on the first column whether their heads are equal or not.
This generally means that we'll have two kinds of pms: ones where the first
column is made of variables only, and ones where the head is actually a
discriminating pattern.
There is some subtlety regarding the handling of extension constructors
(where it is not always possible to syntactically decide whether two
different heads match different values), but this is handled by the
[can_group] function. *)
let rec split (cls : Simple.clause list) =
let discr = what_is_first_case cls in
collect discr [] [] cls
and collect group_discr rev_yes rev_no = function
| [ (((p, ps), _) as cl) ]
when rev_yes <> [] && simple_omega_like p && List.for_all omega_like ps ->
(* This enables an extra division in some frequent cases:
last row is made of variables only
Splitting a matrix there creates two default environments (instead of
one for the non-split matrix), the first of which often gets
specialized away by further refinement, and the second one jumping
directly to the catch-all case -- this produces better code.
This optimisation is tested in the first part of
testsuite/tests/basic/patmatch_split_no_or.ml *)
collect group_discr rev_yes (cl :: rev_no) []
| (((p, _), _) as cl) :: rem ->
if can_group group_discr p && safe_before cl rev_no then
collect group_discr (cl :: rev_yes) rev_no rem
else if should_split group_discr then (
assert (rev_no = []);
let yes = List.rev rev_yes in
insert_split group_discr yes (cl :: rem) def k
) else
collect group_discr rev_yes (cl :: rev_no) rem
| [] ->
let yes = List.rev rev_yes and no = List.rev rev_no in
insert_split group_discr yes no def k
and insert_split group_discr yes no def k =
let precompile_group =
match group_discr.pat_desc with
| Patterns.Head.Any -> precompile_var
| _ -> do_not_precompile
match no with
| [] -> precompile_group args yes def k
| _ ->
let { me = next; matrix; top_default = def }, nexts = split no in
let idef = next_raise_count () in
precompile_group args yes
(Default_environment.cons matrix idef def)
((idef, next) :: nexts)
and should_split group_discr =
match group_discr.pat_desc with
| Patterns.Head.Construct { cstr_tag = Cstr_extension _ } ->
(* it is unlikely that we will raise anything, so we split now *)
| _ -> false
split cls
and precompile_var args cls def k =
(* Strategy: pop the first column,
precompile the rest, add a PmVar to all precompiled submatrices.
If the rest doesn't generate any split, abort and do_not_precompile. *)
match args with
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: ((Lvar v, _) as arg) :: rargs -> (
(* We will use the name of the head column of the submatrix
we compile, and this is the *second* column of our argument. *)
match cls with
| [ _ ] ->
(* as split as it can *)
do_not_precompile args cls def k
| _ -> (
(* Precompile *)
let var_args = arg :: rargs in
let var_cls =
(fun ((p, ps), act) ->
assert (simple_omega_like p);
(* we learned by pattern-matching on [args]
that [p::ps] has at least two arguments,
so [ps] must be non-empty *)
half_simplify_clause ~arg:(fst arg) (ps, act))
and var_def = Default_environment.pop_column def in
let { me = first; matrix }, nexts =
split_or ~arg:(Lvar v) var_cls var_args var_def
(* Compute top information *)
match nexts with
| [] ->
(* If you need *)
do_not_precompile args cls def k
| _ ->
let rec rebuild_matrix pmh =
match pmh with
| Pm pm -> as_matrix pm.cases
| PmOr { or_matrix = m } -> m
| PmVar x -> add_omega_column (rebuild_matrix x.inside)
let rebuild_default nexts def =
(* We can't just do:
(fun (mat, e) -> add_omega_column mat, e)
top_default (* assuming it'd been bound. *)
As we would be losing information: [def] is more precise
than [add_omega_column (pop_column def)]. *)
(fun (e, pmh) ->
(add_omega_column (rebuild_matrix pmh))
nexts def
let rebuild_nexts nexts k =
map_end (fun (e, pm) -> (e, PmVar { inside = pm })) nexts k
let rfirst =
{ me = PmVar { inside = first };
matrix = add_omega_column matrix;
top_default = rebuild_default nexts def
and rnexts = rebuild_nexts nexts k in
(rfirst, rnexts)
| _ -> do_not_precompile args cls def k
and do_not_precompile args cls def k =
( { me = Pm { cases = cls; args; default = def };
matrix = as_matrix cls;
top_default = def
k )
and precompile_or ~arg (cls : Simple.clause list) ors args def k =
(* Example: if [cls] is a single-row matrix
s11 p12 .. p1n -> act1
and [ors] has three rows
(s21|s'21) p22 .. p2n -> act2
(s31|s'31) p32 .. p3n -> act3
s41 p42 .. p4n -> act4
where the first and second rows start with disjoint or-patterns
of simple patterns, binding the variables x2, y2, z2 and x3, y3
respectively, we precompile into the following:
( match arg1 .. argn with
| s11 p12 .. p1n -> act1
| s21 _ .. _ -> exit 2 x2 y2 z2
| s'21 _ .. _ -> exit 2 x2 y2 z2
| s31 _ .. _ -> exit 3 x3 y3
| s'31 _ .. _ -> exit 3 x3 y3
| s41 p42 .. p4n -> act4 )
| exit 2 x2 y2 z2 ->
( match arg2 .. argn with
| p22 .. p2n -> act2 )
| exit 3 x3 y3 ->
( match arg2 .. argn with
| p32 .. p3n -> act3 )
Note that if arg1 matches s21 or s'21, we exit to a submatrix
that will never try any of the following rows; this relies on the
disjointness-like properties documented in the {!Or_matrix}
The code below builds this catch/exit structure, The splitting of
the or-patterns is done in [Simple.explode_or_pat] -- it turns
half-simple clauses into simple clauses.
let rec do_cases = function
| [] -> ([], [])
| ((p, patl), action) :: rem -> (
match p.pat_desc with
| #Simple.view as view ->
let new_ord, new_to_catch = do_cases rem in
( (({ p with pat_desc = view }, patl), action) :: new_ord,
new_to_catch )
| `Or _ ->
let orp = General.erase p in
let others, rem = extract_equiv_head orp rem in
let orpm =
{ cases =
(patl, action)
:: List.map (fun ((_, ps), action) -> (ps, action)) others;
args =
( match args with
| _ :: r -> r
| _ -> assert false
default = Default_environment.pop_compat orp def
let pm_fv = pm_free_variables orpm in
let patbound_action_vars =
(* variables bound in the or-pattern
that are used in the orpm actions *)
Typedtree.pat_bound_idents_full orp
|> List.filter (fun (id, _, _) -> Ident.Set.mem id pm_fv)
|> List.map (fun (id, _, ty) ->
(id, Typeopt.value_kind orp.pat_env ty))
let or_num = next_raise_count () in
let new_patl = Patterns.omega_list patl in
let mk_new_action ~vars =
Lstaticraise (or_num, List.map (fun v -> Lvar v) vars)
let new_cases =
Simple.explode_or_pat ~arg p
~patbound_action_vars:(List.map fst patbound_action_vars)
|> List.map (fun (p, act) -> ((p, new_patl), act)) in
let handler =
{ provenance = [ [ orp ] ];
exit = or_num;
vars = patbound_action_vars;
pm = orpm
let rem_cases, rem_handlers = do_cases rem in
(new_cases @ rem_cases, handler :: rem_handlers)
let cases, handlers = do_cases ors in
let matrix =
((cls : Simple.clause list :> General.clause list)
@ (ors : Half_simple.clause list :> General.clause list)
and body = { cases = cls @ cases; args; default = def } in
( { me = PmOr { body; handlers; or_matrix = matrix };
top_default = def
k )
let dbg_split_and_precompile pm next nexts =
&& (nexts <> []
match next with
| PmOr _ -> true
| _ -> false
then (
Format.eprintf "** SPLIT **\n";
pretty_pm (erase_pm pm);
pretty_precompiled_res next nexts
let split_and_precompile_simplified pm =
let { me = next }, nexts = split_no_or pm.cases pm.args pm.default [] in
dbg_split_and_precompile pm next nexts;
(next, nexts)
let split_and_precompile_half_simplified ~arg pm =
let { me = next }, nexts = split_or ~arg pm.cases pm.args pm.default in
dbg_split_and_precompile pm next nexts;
(next, nexts)
(* General divide functions *)
type cell = {
pm : initial_clause pattern_matching;
ctx : Context.t;
discr : Patterns.Head.t
(** a submatrix after specializing by discriminant pattern;
[ctx] is the context shared by all rows. *)
let make_matching get_expr_args head def ctx = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_matching"
| arg :: rem ->
let def = Default_environment.specialize head def
and args = get_expr_args head arg rem
and ctx = Context.specialize head ctx in
{ pm = { cases = []; args; default = def }; ctx; discr = head }
let make_line_matching get_expr_args head def = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_line_matching"
| arg :: rem ->
{ cases = [];
args = get_expr_args head arg rem;
default = Default_environment.specialize head def
type 'a division = {
args : (lambda * let_kind) list;
cells : ('a * cell) list
let add_in_div make_matching_fun eq_key key patl_action division =
let cells =
match List.find_opt (fun (k, _) -> eq_key key k) division.cells with
| None ->
let cell = make_matching_fun division.args in
cell.pm.cases <- [ patl_action ];
(key, cell) :: division.cells
| Some (_, cell) ->
cell.pm.cases <- patl_action :: cell.pm.cases;
{ division with cells }
let divide get_expr_args eq_key get_key get_pat_args ctx
(pm : Simple.clause pattern_matching) =
let add ((p, patl), action) division =
let ph = Simple.head p in
let p = General.erase p in
(make_matching get_expr_args ph pm.default ctx)
eq_key (get_key p)
(get_pat_args p patl, action)
List.fold_right add pm.cases { args = pm.args; cells = [] }
let add_line patl_action pm =
pm.cases <- patl_action :: pm.cases;
let divide_line make_ctx get_expr_args get_pat_args discr ctx
(pm : Simple.clause pattern_matching) =
let add ((p, patl), action) submatrix =
let p = General.erase p in
add_line (get_pat_args p patl, action) submatrix
let pm =
List.fold_right add pm.cases
(make_line_matching get_expr_args discr pm.default pm.args)
{ pm; ctx = make_ctx ctx; discr }
let drop_pat_arg _p rem = rem
let drop_expr_arg _head _arg rem = rem
(* Then come various functions,
There is one set of functions per matching style
(constants, constructors etc.)
- get_{expr,pat}_args and get_key are for the compiled matrices,
note that selection and getting arguments are separated.
- make_*_matching combines the previous functions for producing
new ``pattern_matching'' records.
(* Matching against a constant *)
let get_key_constant caller = function
| { pat_desc = Tpat_constant cst } -> cst
| p ->
Format.eprintf "BAD: %s" caller;
pretty_pat p;
assert false
let get_pat_args_constant = drop_pat_arg
let get_expr_args_constant = drop_expr_arg
let divide_constant ctx m =
(fun c d -> const_compare c d = 0)
(get_key_constant "divide")
get_pat_args_constant ctx m
(* Matching against a constructor *)
let get_key_constr = function
| { pat_desc = Tpat_construct (_, cstr, _) } -> cstr
| _ -> assert false
let get_pat_args_constr p rem =
match p with
| { pat_desc = Tpat_construct (_, _, args) } -> args @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let get_expr_args_constr ~scopes head (arg, _mut) rem =
let cstr =
match head.pat_desc with
| Patterns.Head.Construct cstr -> cstr
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.get_expr_args_constr"
let loc = head_loc ~scopes head in
let make_field_accesses binding_kind first_pos last_pos argl =
let rec make_args pos =
if pos > last_pos then
(Lprim (Pfield pos, [ arg ], loc), binding_kind) :: make_args (pos + 1)
make_args first_pos
if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then
(arg, Alias) :: rem
match cstr.cstr_tag with
| Cstr_constant _
| Cstr_block _ ->
make_field_accesses Alias 0 (cstr.cstr_arity - 1) rem
| Cstr_unboxed -> (arg, Alias) :: rem
| Cstr_extension _ -> make_field_accesses Alias 1 cstr.cstr_arity rem
let divide_constructor ~scopes ctx pm =
(get_expr_args_constr ~scopes)
(fun cstr1 cstr2 -> Types.equal_tag cstr1.cstr_tag cstr2.cstr_tag)
ctx pm
(* Matching against a variant *)
let get_expr_args_variant_constant = drop_expr_arg
let get_expr_args_variant_nonconst ~scopes head (arg, _mut) rem =
let loc = head_loc ~scopes head in
(Lprim (Pfield 1, [ arg ], loc), Alias) :: rem
let divide_variant ~scopes row ctx { cases = cl; args; default = def } =
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
let rec divide = function
| [] -> { args; cells = [] }
| ((p, patl), action) :: rem
-> (
let lab, pato = match p.pat_desc with
| `Variant (lab, pato, _) -> lab, pato
| _ -> assert false
let head = Simple.head p in
let variants = divide rem in
try Btype.row_field_repr (List.assoc lab row.row_fields) = Rabsent
with Not_found -> true
let tag = Btype.hash_variant lab in
match pato with
| None ->
(make_matching get_expr_args_variant_constant head def ctx)
( = ) (Cstr_constant tag) (patl, action) variants
| Some pat ->
(get_expr_args_variant_nonconst ~scopes)
head def ctx)
( = ) (Cstr_block tag)
(pat :: patl, action)
divide cl
Three ``no-test'' cases
(* Matching against a variable *)
let get_pat_args_var = drop_pat_arg
let get_expr_args_var = drop_expr_arg
let divide_var ctx pm =
divide_line Context.lshift
Patterns.Head.omega ctx pm
(* Matching and forcing a lazy value *)
let get_pat_args_lazy p rem =
match p with
| { pat_desc = Tpat_any } -> Patterns.omega :: rem
| { pat_desc = Tpat_lazy arg } -> arg :: rem
| _ -> assert false
(* Inlining the tag tests before calling the primitive that works on
lazy blocks. This is also used in translcore.ml.
No other call than Obj.tag when the value has been forced before.
let prim_obj_tag = Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_obj_tag" ~arity:1 ~alloc:false
let get_mod_field modname field =
(let mod_ident = Ident.create_persistent modname in
let env =
Env.add_persistent_structure mod_ident Env.initial_safe_string
match Env.open_pers_signature modname env with
| Error `Not_found ->
fatal_error ("Module " ^ modname ^ " unavailable.")
| Ok env -> (
match Env.find_value_by_name (Longident.Lident field) env with
| exception Not_found ->
fatal_error ("Primitive " ^ modname ^ "." ^ field ^ " not found.")
| path, _ -> transl_value_path Loc_unknown env path
let code_force_lazy_block = get_mod_field "CamlinternalLazy" "force_lazy_block"
let code_force_lazy = get_mod_field "CamlinternalLazy" "force"
(* inline_lazy_force inlines the beginning of the code of Lazy.force. When
the value argument is tagged as:
- forward, take field 0
- lazy, call the primitive that forces (without testing again the tag)
- anything else, return it
Using Lswitch below relies on the fact that the GC does not shortcut
let inline_lazy_force_cond arg loc =
let idarg = Ident.create_local "lzarg" in
let varg = Lvar idarg in
let tag = Ident.create_local "tag" in
let tag_var = Lvar tag in
let force_fun = Lazy.force code_force_lazy_block in
( Strict,
( Alias,
Lprim (Pccall prim_obj_tag, [ varg ], loc),
(* if (tag == Obj.forward_tag) then varg.(0) else ... *)
( Lprim
( Pintcomp Ceq,
[ tag_var; Lconst (Const_base (Const_int Obj.forward_tag)) ],
loc ),
Lprim (Pfield 0, [ varg ], loc),
(* if (tag == Obj.lazy_tag) then Lazy.force varg else ... *)
( Lprim
( Pintcomp Ceq,
[ tag_var; Lconst (Const_base (Const_int Obj.lazy_tag)) ],
loc ),
{ ap_tailcall = Default_tailcall;
ap_loc = loc;
ap_func = force_fun;
ap_args = [ varg ];
ap_inlined = Default_inline;
ap_specialised = Default_specialise
(* ... arg *)
varg ) ) ) )
let inline_lazy_force_switch arg loc =
let idarg = Ident.create_local "lzarg" in
let varg = Lvar idarg in
let force_fun = Lazy.force code_force_lazy_block in
( Strict,
( Lprim (Pisint, [ varg ], loc),
( varg,
{ sw_numconsts = 0;
sw_consts = [];
sw_numblocks = 256;
(* PR#6033 - tag ranges from 0 to 255 *)
sw_blocks =
[ (Obj.forward_tag, Lprim (Pfield 0, [ varg ], loc));
( Obj.lazy_tag,
{ ap_tailcall = Default_tailcall;
ap_loc = loc;
ap_func = force_fun;
ap_args = [ varg ];
ap_inlined = Default_inline;
ap_specialised = Default_specialise
} )
sw_failaction = Some varg
loc ) ) )
let inline_lazy_force arg loc =
if !Clflags.afl_instrument then
(* Disable inlining optimisation if AFL instrumentation active,
so that the GC forwarding optimisation is not visible in the
instrumentation output.
(see https://github.com/stedolan/crowbar/issues/14) *)
{ ap_tailcall = Default_tailcall;
ap_loc = loc;
ap_func = Lazy.force code_force_lazy;
ap_args = [ arg ];
ap_inlined = Default_inline;
ap_specialised = Default_specialise
else if !Clflags.native_code then
(* Lswitch generates compact and efficient native code *)
inline_lazy_force_switch arg loc
(* generating bytecode: Lswitch would generate too many rather big
tables (~ 250 elts); conditionals are better *)
inline_lazy_force_cond arg loc
let get_expr_args_lazy ~scopes head (arg, _mut) rem =
let loc = head_loc ~scopes head in
(inline_lazy_force arg loc, Strict) :: rem
let divide_lazy ~scopes head ctx pm =
divide_line (Context.specialize head)
(get_expr_args_lazy ~scopes)
head ctx pm
(* Matching against a tuple pattern *)
let get_pat_args_tuple arity p rem =
match p with
| { pat_desc = Tpat_any } -> Patterns.omegas arity @ rem
| { pat_desc = Tpat_tuple args } -> args @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let get_expr_args_tuple ~scopes head (arg, _mut) rem =
let loc = head_loc ~scopes head in
let arity = Patterns.Head.arity head in
let rec make_args pos =
if pos >= arity then
(Lprim (Pfield pos, [ arg ], loc), Alias) :: make_args (pos + 1)
make_args 0
let divide_tuple ~scopes head ctx pm =
let arity = Patterns.Head.arity head in
divide_line (Context.specialize head)
(get_expr_args_tuple ~scopes)
(get_pat_args_tuple arity)
head ctx pm
(* Matching against a record pattern *)
let record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list =
let patv = Array.make num_fields Patterns.omega in
List.iter (fun (_, lbl, pat) -> patv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- pat) lbl_pat_list;
Array.to_list patv
let get_pat_args_record num_fields p rem =
match p with
| { pat_desc = Tpat_any } -> record_matching_line num_fields [] @ rem
| { pat_desc = Tpat_record (lbl_pat_list, _) } ->
record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let get_expr_args_record ~scopes head (arg, _mut) rem =
let loc = head_loc ~scopes head in
let all_labels =
let open Patterns.Head in
match head.pat_desc with
| Record (lbl :: _) -> lbl.lbl_all
| Record []
| _ ->
assert false
let rec make_args pos =
if pos >= Array.length all_labels then
let lbl = all_labels.(pos) in
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
| Record_regular
| Record_inlined _ ->
Lprim (Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [ arg ], loc)
| Record_unboxed _ -> arg
| Record_float -> Lprim (Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos, [ arg ], loc)
| Record_extension _ -> Lprim (Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1), [ arg ], loc)
let str =
match lbl.lbl_mut with
| Immutable -> Alias
| Mutable -> StrictOpt
(access, str) :: make_args (pos + 1)
make_args 0
let divide_record all_labels ~scopes head ctx pm =
(* There is some redundancy in the expansions here, [head] is
expanded here and again in the matcher. It would be
nicer to have a type-level distinction between expanded heads
and non-expanded heads, to be able to reason confidently on
when expansions must happen. *)
let head = expand_record_head head in
divide_line (Context.specialize head)
(get_expr_args_record ~scopes)
(get_pat_args_record (Array.length all_labels))
head ctx pm
(* Matching against an array pattern *)
let get_key_array = function
| { pat_desc = Tpat_array patl } -> List.length patl
| _ -> assert false
let get_pat_args_array p rem =
match p with
| { pat_desc = Tpat_array patl } -> patl @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let get_expr_args_array ~scopes kind head (arg, _mut) rem =
let len =
let open Patterns.Head in
match head.pat_desc with
| Array len -> len
| _ -> assert false
let loc = head_loc ~scopes head in
let rec make_args pos =
if pos >= len then
( Lprim
(Parrayrefu kind, [ arg; Lconst (Const_base (Const_int pos)) ], loc),
StrictOpt )
:: make_args (pos + 1)
make_args 0
let divide_array ~scopes kind ctx pm =
(get_expr_args_array ~scopes kind)
( = )
get_key_array get_pat_args_array
ctx pm
Specific string test sequence
Will be called by the bytecode compiler, from bytegen.ml.
The strategy is first dichotomic search (we perform 3-way tests
with compare_string), then sequence of equality tests
when there are less then T=strings_test_threshold static strings to match.
Increasing T entails (slightly) less code, decreasing T
(slightly) favors runtime speed.
T=8 looks a decent tradeoff.
(* Utilities *)
let strings_test_threshold = 8
let prim_string_notequal =
Pccall (Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false)
let prim_string_compare =
Pccall (Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false)
let bind_sw arg k =
match arg with
| Lvar _ -> k arg
| _ ->
let id = Ident.create_local "switch" in
Llet (Strict, Pgenval, id, arg, k (Lvar id))
(* Sequential equality tests *)
let make_string_test_sequence loc arg sw d =
let d, sw =
match d with
| None -> (
match sw with
| (_, d) :: sw -> (d, sw)
| [] -> assert false
| Some d -> (d, sw)
bind_sw arg (fun arg ->
(fun (str, lam) k ->
( Lprim
( prim_string_notequal,
[ arg; Lconst (Const_immstring str) ],
loc ),
lam ))
sw d)
let rec split k xs =
match xs with
| [] -> assert false
| x0 :: xs ->
if k <= 1 then
([], x0, xs)
let xs, y0, ys = split (k - 2) xs in
(x0 :: xs, y0, ys)
let zero_lam = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int 0))
let tree_way_test loc arg lt eq gt =
( Lprim (Pintcomp Clt, [ arg; zero_lam ], loc),
Lifthenelse (Lprim (Pintcomp Clt, [ zero_lam; arg ], loc), gt, eq) )
(* Dichotomic tree *)
let rec do_make_string_test_tree loc arg sw delta d =
let len = List.length sw in
if len <= strings_test_threshold + delta then
make_string_test_sequence loc arg sw d
let lt, (s, act), gt = split len sw in
(Lprim (prim_string_compare, [ arg; Lconst (Const_immstring s) ], loc))
(fun r ->
tree_way_test loc r
(do_make_string_test_tree loc arg lt delta d)
(do_make_string_test_tree loc arg gt delta d))
(* Entry point *)
let expand_stringswitch loc arg sw d =
match d with
| None -> bind_sw arg (fun arg -> do_make_string_test_tree loc arg sw 0 None)
| Some e ->
bind_sw arg (fun arg ->
make_catch e (fun d ->
do_make_string_test_tree loc arg sw 1 (Some d)))
(* Generic test trees *)
(* Sharing *)
(* Add handler, if shared *)
let handle_shared () =
let hs = ref (fun x -> x) in
let handle_shared act =
match act with
| Switch.Single act -> act
| Switch.Shared act ->
let i, h = make_catch_delayed act in
let ohs = !hs in
(hs := fun act -> h (ohs act));
make_exit i
(hs, handle_shared)
let share_actions_tree sw d =
let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
(* Default action is always shared *)
let d =
match d with
| None -> None
| Some d -> Some (store.Switch.act_store_shared () d)
(* Store all other actions *)
let sw =
List.map (fun (cst, act) -> (cst, store.Switch.act_store () act)) sw
(* Retrieve all actions, including potential default *)
let acts = store.Switch.act_get_shared () in
(* Array of actual actions *)
let hs, handle_shared = handle_shared () in
let acts = Array.map handle_shared acts in
(* Reconstruct default and switch list *)
let d =
match d with
| None -> None
| Some d -> Some acts.(d)
let sw = List.map (fun (cst, j) -> (cst, acts.(j))) sw in
(!hs, sw, d)
(* Note: dichotomic search requires sorted input with no duplicates *)
let rec uniq_lambda_list sw =
match sw with
| []
| [ _ ] ->
| ((c1, _) as p1) :: ((c2, _) :: sw2 as sw1) ->
if const_compare c1 c2 = 0 then
uniq_lambda_list (p1 :: sw2)
p1 :: uniq_lambda_list sw1
let sort_lambda_list l =
let l = List.stable_sort (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> const_compare x y) l in
uniq_lambda_list l
let rec do_tests_fail loc fail tst arg = function
| [] -> fail
| (c, act) :: rem ->
( Lprim (tst, [ arg; Lconst (Const_base c) ], loc),
do_tests_fail loc fail tst arg rem,
act )
let rec do_tests_nofail loc tst arg = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.do_tests_nofail"
| [ (_, act) ] -> act
| (c, act) :: rem ->
( Lprim (tst, [ arg; Lconst (Const_base c) ], loc),
do_tests_nofail loc tst arg rem,
act )
let make_test_sequence loc fail tst lt_tst arg const_lambda_list =
let const_lambda_list = sort_lambda_list const_lambda_list in
let hs, const_lambda_list, fail =
share_actions_tree const_lambda_list fail
let rec make_test_sequence const_lambda_list =
if List.length const_lambda_list >= 4 && lt_tst <> Pignore then
split_sequence const_lambda_list
match fail with
| None -> do_tests_nofail loc tst arg const_lambda_list
| Some fail -> do_tests_fail loc fail tst arg const_lambda_list
and split_sequence const_lambda_list =
let list1, list2 =
rev_split_at (List.length const_lambda_list / 2) const_lambda_list
( Lprim (lt_tst, [ arg; Lconst (Const_base (fst (List.hd list2))) ], loc),
make_test_sequence list1,
make_test_sequence list2 )
hs (make_test_sequence const_lambda_list)
module SArg = struct
type primitive = Lambda.primitive
let eqint = Pintcomp Ceq
let neint = Pintcomp Cne
let leint = Pintcomp Cle
let ltint = Pintcomp Clt
let geint = Pintcomp Cge
let gtint = Pintcomp Cgt
type act = Lambda.lambda
type loc = Lambda.scoped_location
let make_prim p args = Lprim (p, args, Loc_unknown)
let make_offset arg n =
match n with
| 0 -> arg
| _ -> Lprim (Poffsetint n, [ arg ], Loc_unknown)
let bind arg body =
let newvar, newarg =
match arg with
| Lvar v -> (v, arg)
| _ ->
let newvar = Ident.create_local "switcher" in
(newvar, Lvar newvar)
bind Alias newvar arg (body newarg)
let make_const i = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i))
let make_isout h arg = Lprim (Pisout, [ h; arg ], Loc_unknown)
let make_isin h arg = Lprim (Pnot, [ make_isout h arg ], Loc_unknown)
let make_if cond ifso ifnot = Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot)
let make_switch loc arg cases acts =
let l = ref [] in
for i = Array.length cases - 1 downto 0 do
l := (i, acts.(cases.(i))) :: !l
( arg,
{ sw_numconsts = Array.length cases;
sw_consts = !l;
sw_numblocks = 0;
sw_blocks = [];
sw_failaction = None
loc )
let make_catch = make_catch_delayed
let make_exit = make_exit
(* Action sharing for Lswitch argument *)
let share_actions_sw sw =
(* Attempt sharing on all actions *)
let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
let fail =
match sw.sw_failaction with
| None -> None
| Some fail ->
(* Fail is translated to exit, whatever happens *)
Some (store.Switch.act_store_shared () fail)
let consts =
List.map (fun (i, e) -> (i, store.Switch.act_store () e)) sw.sw_consts
and blocks =
List.map (fun (i, e) -> (i, store.Switch.act_store () e)) sw.sw_blocks
let acts = store.Switch.act_get_shared () in
let hs, handle_shared = handle_shared () in
let acts = Array.map handle_shared acts in
let fail =
match fail with
| None -> None
| Some fail -> Some acts.(fail)
( !hs,
{ sw with
sw_consts = List.map (fun (i, j) -> (i, acts.(j))) consts;
sw_blocks = List.map (fun (i, j) -> (i, acts.(j))) blocks;
sw_failaction = fail
} )
(* Reintroduce fail action in switch argument,
for the sake of avoiding carrying over huge switches *)
let reintroduce_fail sw =
match sw.sw_failaction with
| None ->
let t = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let seen (_, l) =
match as_simple_exit l with
| Some i ->
let old = try Hashtbl.find t i with Not_found -> 0 in
Hashtbl.replace t i (old + 1)
| None -> ()
List.iter seen sw.sw_consts;
List.iter seen sw.sw_blocks;
let i_max = ref (-1) and max = ref (-1) in
(fun i c ->
if c > !max then (
i_max := i;
max := c
if !max >= 3 then
let default = !i_max in
let remove =
List.filter (fun (_, lam) ->
match as_simple_exit lam with
| Some j -> j <> default
| None -> true)
{ sw with
sw_consts = remove sw.sw_consts;
sw_blocks = remove sw.sw_blocks;
sw_failaction = Some (make_exit default)
| Some _ -> sw
module Switcher = Switch.Make (SArg)
open Switch
let rec last def = function
| [] -> def
| [ (x, _) ] -> x
| _ :: rem -> last def rem
let get_edges low high l =
match l with
| [] -> (low, high)
| (x, _) :: _ -> (x, last high l)
let as_interval_canfail fail low high l =
let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
let do_store _tag act =
let i = store.act_store () act in
eprintf "STORE [%s] %i %s\n" tag i (string_of_lam act) ;
let rec nofail_rec cur_low cur_high cur_act = function
| [] ->
if cur_high = high then
[ (cur_low, cur_high, cur_act) ]
[ (cur_low, cur_high, cur_act); (cur_high + 1, high, 0) ]
| (i, act_i) :: rem as all ->
let act_index = do_store "NO" act_i in
if cur_high + 1 = i then
if act_index = cur_act then
nofail_rec cur_low i cur_act rem
else if act_index = 0 then
(cur_low, i - 1, cur_act) :: fail_rec i i rem
(cur_low, i - 1, cur_act) :: nofail_rec i i act_index rem
else if act_index = 0 then
(cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)
:: fail_rec (cur_high + 1) (cur_high + 1) all
(cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)
:: (cur_high + 1, i - 1, 0)
:: nofail_rec i i act_index rem
and fail_rec cur_low cur_high = function
| [] -> [ (cur_low, cur_high, 0) ]
| (i, act_i) :: rem ->
let index = do_store "YES" act_i in
if index = 0 then
fail_rec cur_low i rem
(cur_low, i - 1, 0) :: nofail_rec i i index rem
let init_rec = function
| [] -> [ (low, high, 0) ]
| (i, act_i) :: rem ->
let index = do_store "INIT" act_i in
if index = 0 then
fail_rec low i rem
else if low < i then
(low, i - 1, 0) :: nofail_rec i i index rem
nofail_rec i i index rem
assert (do_store "FAIL" fail = 0);
(* fail has action index 0 *)
let r = init_rec l in
(Array.of_list r, store)
let as_interval_nofail l =
let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
let rec some_hole = function
| []
| [ _ ] ->
| (i, _) :: ((j, _) :: _ as rem) -> j > i + 1 || some_hole rem
let rec i_rec cur_low cur_high cur_act = function
| [] -> [ (cur_low, cur_high, cur_act) ]
| (i, act) :: rem ->
let act_index = store.act_store () act in
if act_index = cur_act then
i_rec cur_low i cur_act rem
(cur_low, cur_high, cur_act) :: i_rec i i act_index rem
let inters =
match l with
| (i, act) :: rem ->
let act_index =
(* In case there is some hole and that a switch is emitted,
action 0 will be used as the action of unreachable
cases (cf. switch.ml, make_switch).
Hence, this action will be shared *)
if some_hole rem then
store.act_store_shared () act
store.act_store () act
assert (act_index = 0);
i_rec i i act_index rem
| _ -> assert false
(Array.of_list inters, store)
let sort_int_lambda_list l =
(fun (i1, _) (i2, _) ->
if i1 < i2 then
else if i2 < i1 then
let as_interval fail low high l =
let l = sort_int_lambda_list l in
( get_edges low high l,
match fail with
| None -> as_interval_nofail l
| Some act -> as_interval_canfail act low high l )
let call_switcher loc fail arg low high int_lambda_list =
let edges, (cases, actions) = as_interval fail low high int_lambda_list in
Switcher.zyva loc edges arg cases actions
let rec list_as_pat = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.list_as_pat"
| [ pat ] -> pat
| pat :: rem -> { pat with pat_desc = Tpat_or (pat, list_as_pat rem, None) }
let complete_pats_constrs = function
| constr :: _ as constrs ->
let tag_of_constr constr =
constr.pat_desc.cstr_tag in
let pat_of_constr cstr =
let open Patterns.Head in
to_omega_pattern { constr with pat_desc = Construct cstr } in
List.map pat_of_constr
(complete_constrs constr (List.map tag_of_constr constrs))
| _ -> assert false
Following two ``failaction'' function compute n, the trap handler
to jump to in case of failure of elementary tests
let mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def =
match partial with
| Partial -> (
match Default_environment.pop def with
| Some ((_, idef), _) ->
(Some (Lstaticraise (idef, [])), Jumps.singleton idef ctx)
| None ->
(* Act as Total, this means
If no appropriate default matrix exists,
then this switch cannot fail *)
(None, Jumps.empty)
| Total -> (None, Jumps.empty)
(* In line with the article and simpler than before *)
let mk_failaction_pos partial seen ctx defs =
if dbg then (
Format.eprintf "**POS**\n";
Default_environment.pp defs;
let rec scan_def env to_test defs =
match (to_test, Default_environment.pop defs) with
| [], _
| _, None ->
(fun (klist, jumps) (pats, i) ->
let action = Lstaticraise (i, []) in
let klist =
(fun pat r -> (get_key_constr pat, action) :: r)
pats klist
and jumps =
Jumps.add i (Context.lub (list_as_pat pats) ctx) jumps
(klist, jumps))
([], Jumps.empty) env
| _, Some ((pss, idef), rem) -> (
let now, later =
List.partition (fun (_p, p_ctx) -> Context.matches p_ctx pss) to_test
match now with
| [] -> scan_def env to_test rem
| _ -> scan_def ((List.map fst now, idef) :: env) later rem
let fail_pats = complete_pats_constrs seen in
if List.length fail_pats < !Clflags.match_context_rows then (
let fail, jmps =
scan_def []
(List.map (fun pat -> (pat, Context.lub pat ctx)) fail_pats)
if dbg then (
eprintf "POSITIVE JUMPS [%i]:\n" (List.length fail_pats);
Jumps.eprintf jmps
(None, fail, jmps)
) else (
(* Too many non-matched constructors -> reduced information *)
if dbg then eprintf "POS->NEG!!!\n%!";
let fail, jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx defs in
if dbg then
eprintf "FAIL: %s\n"
( match fail with
| None -> "<none>"
| Some lam -> string_of_lam lam
(fail, [], jumps)
let combine_constant loc arg cst partial ctx def
(const_lambda_list, total, _pats) =
let fail, local_jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let lambda1 =
match cst with
| Const_int _ ->
let int_lambda_list =
| Const_int n, l -> (n, l)
| _ -> assert false)
call_switcher loc fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
| Const_char _ ->
let int_lambda_list =
| Const_char c, l -> (Char.code c, l)
| _ -> assert false)
call_switcher loc fail arg 0 255 int_lambda_list
| Const_string _ ->
(* Note as the bytecode compiler may resort to dichotomic search,
the clauses of stringswitch are sorted with duplicates removed.
This partly applies to the native code compiler, which requires
no duplicates *)
let const_lambda_list = sort_lambda_list const_lambda_list in
let sw =
(fun (c, act) ->
match c with
| Const_string (s, _, _) -> (s, act)
| _ -> assert false)
let hs, sw, fail = share_actions_tree sw fail in
hs (Lstringswitch (arg, sw, fail, loc))
| Const_float _ ->
make_test_sequence loc fail (Pfloatcomp CFneq) (Pfloatcomp CFlt) arg
| Const_int32 _ ->
make_test_sequence loc fail
(Pbintcomp (Pint32, Cne))
(Pbintcomp (Pint32, Clt))
arg const_lambda_list
| Const_int64 _ ->
make_test_sequence loc fail
(Pbintcomp (Pint64, Cne))
(Pbintcomp (Pint64, Clt))
arg const_lambda_list
| Const_nativeint _ ->
make_test_sequence loc fail
(Pbintcomp (Pnativeint, Cne))
(Pbintcomp (Pnativeint, Clt))
arg const_lambda_list
(lambda1, Jumps.union local_jumps total)
let split_cases tag_lambda_list =
let rec split_rec = function
| [] -> ([], [])
| (cstr_tag, act) :: rem -> (
let consts, nonconsts = split_rec rem in
match cstr_tag with
| Cstr_constant n -> ((n, act) :: consts, nonconsts)
| Cstr_block n -> (consts, (n, act) :: nonconsts)
| Cstr_unboxed -> (consts, (0, act) :: nonconsts)
| Cstr_extension _ -> assert false
let const, nonconst = split_rec tag_lambda_list in
(sort_int_lambda_list const, sort_int_lambda_list nonconst)
let split_extension_cases tag_lambda_list =
let rec split_rec = function
| [] -> ([], [])
| (cstr_tag, act) :: rem -> (
let consts, nonconsts = split_rec rem in
match cstr_tag with
| Cstr_extension (path, true) -> ((path, act) :: consts, nonconsts)
| Cstr_extension (path, false) -> (consts, (path, act) :: nonconsts)
| _ -> assert false
split_rec tag_lambda_list
let combine_constructor loc arg pat_env cstr partial ctx def
(descr_lambda_list, total1, pats) =
let tag_lambda (cstr, act) = (cstr.cstr_tag, act) in
match cstr.cstr_tag with
| Cstr_extension _ ->
(* Special cases for extensions *)
let fail, local_jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let lambda1 =
let consts, nonconsts =
split_extension_cases (List.map tag_lambda descr_lambda_list) in
let default, consts, nonconsts =
match fail with
| None -> (
match (consts, nonconsts) with
| _, (_, act) :: rem -> (act, consts, rem)
| (_, act) :: rem, _ -> (act, rem, nonconsts)
| _ -> assert false
| Some fail -> (fail, consts, nonconsts)
let nonconst_lambda =
match nonconsts with
| [] -> default
| _ ->
let tag = Ident.create_local "tag" in
let tests =
(fun (path, act) rem ->
let ext = transl_extension_path loc pat_env path in
(Lprim (Pintcomp Ceq, [ Lvar tag; ext ], loc), act, rem))
nonconsts default
Llet (Alias, Pgenval, tag, Lprim (Pfield 0, [ arg ], loc), tests)
(fun (path, act) rem ->
let ext = transl_extension_path loc pat_env path in
Lifthenelse (Lprim (Pintcomp Ceq, [ arg; ext ], loc), act, rem))
consts nonconst_lambda
(lambda1, Jumps.union local_jumps total1)
| _ ->
(* Regular concrete type *)
let ncases = List.length descr_lambda_list
and nconstrs = cstr.cstr_consts + cstr.cstr_nonconsts in
let sig_complete = ncases = nconstrs in
let fail_opt, fails, local_jumps =
if sig_complete then
(None, [], Jumps.empty)
let constrs =
List.map2 (fun (constr, _act) p -> { p with pat_desc = constr })
descr_lambda_list pats in
mk_failaction_pos partial constrs ctx def
let descr_lambda_list = fails @ descr_lambda_list in
let consts, nonconsts =
split_cases (List.map tag_lambda descr_lambda_list) in
let lambda1 =
match (fail_opt, same_actions descr_lambda_list) with
| None, Some act -> act (* Identical actions, no failure *)
| _ -> (
(cstr.cstr_consts, cstr.cstr_nonconsts, consts, nonconsts)
| 1, 1, [ (0, act1) ], [ (0, act2) ] ->
(* Typically, match on lists, will avoid isint primitive in that
case *)
Lifthenelse (arg, act2, act1)
| n, 0, _, [] ->
(* The type defines constant constructors only *)
call_switcher loc fail_opt arg 0 (n - 1) consts
| n, _, _, _ -> (
let act0 =
(* = Some act when all non-const constructors match to act *)
match (fail_opt, nonconsts) with
| Some a, [] -> Some a
| Some _, _ ->
if List.length nonconsts = cstr.cstr_nonconsts then
same_actions nonconsts
| None, _ -> same_actions nonconsts
match act0 with
| Some act ->
( Lprim (Pisint, [ arg ], loc),
call_switcher loc fail_opt arg 0 (n - 1) consts,
act )
| None ->
(* Emit a switch, as bytecode implements this sophisticated
instruction *)
let sw =
{ sw_numconsts = cstr.cstr_consts;
sw_consts = consts;
sw_numblocks = cstr.cstr_nonconsts;
sw_blocks = nonconsts;
sw_failaction = fail_opt
let hs, sw = share_actions_sw sw in
let sw = reintroduce_fail sw in
hs (Lswitch (arg, sw, loc))
(lambda1, Jumps.union local_jumps total1)
let make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg int_lambda_list =
let _, (cases, actions) = as_interval fail min_int max_int int_lambda_list in
Switcher.test_sequence arg cases actions
let call_switcher_variant_constant loc fail arg int_lambda_list =
call_switcher loc fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
let call_switcher_variant_constr loc fail arg int_lambda_list =
let v = Ident.create_local "variant" in
( Alias,
Lprim (Pfield 0, [ arg ], loc),
call_switcher loc fail (Lvar v) min_int max_int int_lambda_list )
let combine_variant loc row arg partial ctx def (tag_lambda_list, total1, _pats)
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
let num_constr = ref 0 in
if row.row_closed then
(fun (_, f) ->
match Btype.row_field_repr f with
| Rabsent
| Reither (true, _ :: _, _, _) ->
| _ -> incr num_constr)
num_constr := max_int;
let test_int_or_block arg if_int if_block =
Lifthenelse (Lprim (Pisint, [ arg ], loc), if_int, if_block)
let sig_complete = List.length tag_lambda_list = !num_constr
and one_action = same_actions tag_lambda_list in
let fail, local_jumps =
match partial with
| Total -> true
| _ -> false
(None, Jumps.empty)
mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def
let consts, nonconsts = split_cases tag_lambda_list in
let lambda1 =
match (fail, one_action) with
| None, Some act -> act
| _, _ -> (
match (consts, nonconsts) with
| [ (_, act1) ], [ (_, act2) ] when fail = None ->
test_int_or_block arg act1 act2
| _, [] ->
(* One can compare integers and pointers *)
make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg consts
| [], _ -> (
let lam = call_switcher_variant_constr loc fail arg nonconsts in
(* One must not dereference integers *)
match fail with
| None -> lam
| Some fail -> test_int_or_block arg fail lam
| _, _ ->
let lam_const = call_switcher_variant_constant loc fail arg consts
and lam_nonconst =
call_switcher_variant_constr loc fail arg nonconsts
test_int_or_block arg lam_const lam_nonconst
(lambda1, Jumps.union local_jumps total1)
let combine_array loc arg kind partial ctx def (len_lambda_list, total1, _pats)
let fail, local_jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let lambda1 =
let newvar = Ident.create_local "len" in
let switch =
call_switcher loc fail (Lvar newvar) 0 max_int len_lambda_list
bind Alias newvar (Lprim (Parraylength kind, [ arg ], loc)) switch
(lambda1, Jumps.union local_jumps total1)
(* Insertion of debugging events *)
let rec event_branch repr lam =
match (lam, repr) with
| _, None -> lam
| Levent (lam', ev), Some r ->
incr r;
( lam',
{ lev_loc = ev.lev_loc;
lev_kind = ev.lev_kind;
lev_repr = repr;
lev_env = ev.lev_env
} )
| Llet (str, k, id, lam, body), _ ->
Llet (str, k, id, lam, event_branch repr body)
| Lstaticraise _, _ -> lam
| _, Some _ ->
Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter lam;
fatal_error ("Matching.event_branch: " ^ Format.flush_str_formatter ())
This exception is raised when the compiler cannot produce code
because control cannot reach the compiled clause,
Unused is raised initially in compile_test.
compile_list (for compiling switch results) catch Unused
comp_match_handlers (for compiling split matches)
may reraise Unused
exception Unused
let compile_list compile_fun division =
let rec c_rec totals = function
| [] -> ([], Jumps.unions totals, [])
| (key, cell) :: rem -> (
if Context.is_empty cell.ctx then
c_rec totals rem
else begin
match compile_fun cell.ctx cell.pm with
| exception Unused -> c_rec totals rem
| lambda1, total1 ->
let c_rem, total, new_discrs =
c_rec (Jumps.map Context.combine total1 :: totals) rem
( (key, lambda1) :: c_rem,
Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern cell.discr :: new_discrs )
c_rec [] division
let compile_orhandlers compile_fun lambda1 total1 ctx to_catch =
let rec do_rec r total_r = function
| [] -> (r, total_r)
| { provenance = mat; exit = i; vars; pm } :: rem -> (
let ctx = Context.select_columns mat ctx in
match compile_fun ctx pm with
| exception Unused ->
do_rec (Lstaticcatch (r, (i, vars), lambda_unit)) total_r rem
| handler_i, total_i ->
begin match raw_action r with
| Lstaticraise (j, args) ->
if i = j then
( List.fold_right2
(bind_with_value_kind Alias)
vars args handler_i,
Jumps.map (Context.rshift_num (ncols mat)) total_i )
do_rec r total_r rem
| _ ->
(Lstaticcatch (r, (i, vars), handler_i))
(Jumps.union (Jumps.remove i total_r)
(Jumps.map (Context.rshift_num (ncols mat)) total_i))
do_rec lambda1 total1 to_catch
let compile_test compile_fun partial divide combine ctx to_match =
let division = divide ctx to_match in
let c_div = compile_list compile_fun division.cells in
match c_div with
| [], _, _ -> (
match mk_failaction_neg partial ctx to_match.default with
| None, _ -> raise Unused
| Some l, total -> (l, total)
| _ -> combine ctx to_match.default c_div
(* Attempt to avoid some useless bindings by lowering them *)
(* Approximation of v present in lam *)
let rec approx_present v = function
| Lconst _ -> false
| Lstaticraise (_, args) ->
List.exists (fun lam -> approx_present v lam) args
| Lprim (_, args, _) -> List.exists (fun lam -> approx_present v lam) args
| Llet (Alias, _k, _, l1, l2) -> approx_present v l1 || approx_present v l2
| Lvar vv -> Ident.same v vv
| _ -> true
let rec lower_bind v arg lam =
match lam with
| Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot) -> (
let pcond = approx_present v cond
and pso = approx_present v ifso
and pnot = approx_present v ifnot in
match (pcond, pso, pnot) with
| false, false, false -> lam
| false, true, false -> Lifthenelse (cond, lower_bind v arg ifso, ifnot)
| false, false, true -> Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, lower_bind v arg ifnot)
| _, _, _ -> bind Alias v arg lam
| Lswitch (ls, ({ sw_consts = [ (i, act) ]; sw_blocks = [] } as sw), loc)
when not (approx_present v ls) ->
Lswitch (ls, { sw with sw_consts = [ (i, lower_bind v arg act) ] }, loc)
| Lswitch (ls, ({ sw_consts = []; sw_blocks = [ (i, act) ] } as sw), loc)
when not (approx_present v ls) ->
Lswitch (ls, { sw with sw_blocks = [ (i, lower_bind v arg act) ] }, loc)
| Llet (Alias, k, vv, lv, l) ->
if approx_present v lv then
bind Alias v arg lam
Llet (Alias, k, vv, lv, lower_bind v arg l)
| _ -> bind Alias v arg lam
let bind_check str v arg lam =
match (str, arg) with
| _, Lvar _ -> bind str v arg lam
| Alias, _ -> lower_bind v arg lam
| _, _ -> bind str v arg lam
let comp_exit ctx m =
match Default_environment.pop m.default with
| Some ((_, i), _) -> (Lstaticraise (i, []), Jumps.singleton i ctx)
| None -> fatal_error "Matching.comp_exit"
let rec comp_match_handlers comp_fun partial ctx first_match next_matchs =
match next_matchs with
| [] -> comp_fun partial ctx first_match
| rem -> (
let rec c_rec body total_body = function
| [] -> (body, total_body)
(* Hum, -1 means never taken
| (-1,pm)::rem -> c_rec body total_body rem *)
| (i, pm) :: rem -> (
let ctx_i, total_rem = Jumps.extract i total_body in
if Context.is_empty ctx_i then
c_rec body total_body rem
else begin
let partial = match rem with
| [] -> partial
| _ -> Partial
match comp_fun partial ctx_i pm with
| li, total_i ->
(Lstaticcatch (body, (i, []), li))
(Jumps.union total_i total_rem)
| exception Unused ->
(Lstaticcatch (body, (i, []), lambda_unit))
total_rem rem
match comp_fun Partial ctx first_match with
| first_lam, total ->
c_rec first_lam total rem
| exception Unused -> (
match next_matchs with
| [] -> raise Unused
| (_, x) :: xs -> comp_match_handlers comp_fun partial ctx x xs
(* To find reasonable names for variables *)
let rec name_pattern default = function
| ((pat, _), _) :: rem -> (
match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var (id, _) -> id
| Tpat_alias (_, id, _) -> id
| _ -> name_pattern default rem
| _ -> Ident.create_local default
let arg_to_var arg cls =
match arg with
| Lvar v -> (v, arg)
| _ ->
let v = name_pattern "*match*" cls in
(v, Lvar v)
The main compilation function.
repr=used for inserting debug events
partial=exhaustiveness information from Parmatch
ctx=a context
m=a pattern matching
Output: a lambda term, a jump summary {..., exit number -> context, .. }
let rec compile_match ~scopes repr partial ctx
(m : initial_clause pattern_matching) =
match m.cases with
| ([], action) :: rem ->
if is_guarded action then
let lambda, total =
compile_match ~scopes None partial ctx { m with cases = rem }
(event_branch repr (patch_guarded lambda action), total)
(event_branch repr action, Jumps.empty)
| nonempty_cases ->
compile_match_nonempty ~scopes repr partial ctx
{ m with cases = map_on_rows Non_empty_row.of_initial nonempty_cases }
and compile_match_nonempty ~scopes repr partial ctx
(m : Typedtree.pattern Non_empty_row.t clause pattern_matching) =
match m with
| { cases = []; args = [] } -> comp_exit ctx m
| { args = (arg, str) :: argl } ->
let v, newarg = arg_to_var arg m.cases in
let args = (newarg, Alias) :: argl in
let cases = List.map (half_simplify_nonempty ~arg:newarg) m.cases in
let m = { m with args; cases } in
let first_match, rem =
split_and_precompile_half_simplified ~arg:newarg m in
combine_handlers ~scopes repr partial ctx (v, str, arg) first_match rem
| _ -> assert false
and compile_match_simplified ~scopes repr partial ctx
(m : Simple.clause pattern_matching) =
match m with
| { cases = []; args = [] } -> comp_exit ctx m
| { args = ((Lvar v as arg), str) :: argl } ->
let args = (arg, Alias) :: argl in
let m = { m with args } in
let first_match, rem = split_and_precompile_simplified m in
combine_handlers ~scopes repr partial ctx (v, str, arg) first_match rem
| _ -> assert false
and combine_handlers ~scopes repr partial ctx (v, str, arg) first_match rem =
let lam, total =
(( if dbg then
do_compile_matching_pr ~scopes
do_compile_matching ~scopes
partial ctx first_match rem
(bind_check str v arg lam, total)
(* verbose version of do_compile_matching, for debug *)
and do_compile_matching_pr ~scopes repr partial ctx x =
Format.eprintf "COMPILE: %s\nMATCH\n"
( match partial with
| Partial -> "Partial"
| Total -> "Total"
pretty_precompiled x;
Format.eprintf "CTX\n";
Context.eprintf ctx;
let ((_, jumps) as r) = do_compile_matching ~scopes repr partial ctx x in
Format.eprintf "JUMPS\n";
Jumps.eprintf jumps;
and do_compile_matching ~scopes repr partial ctx pmh =
match pmh with
| Pm pm -> (
let arg =
match pm.args with
| (first_arg, _) :: _ -> first_arg
| _ ->
(* We arrive in do_compile_matching from:
- compile_matching
- recursive call on PmVars
The first one explicitly checks that [args] is nonempty, the
second one is only generated when the inner pm first looks at
a variable (i.e. there is something to look at).
assert false
let ph = what_is_cases pm.cases in
let pomega = Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern ph in
let ploc = head_loc ~scopes ph in
let open Patterns.Head in
match ph.pat_desc with
| Any ->
compile_no_test ~scopes
Context.rshift repr partial ctx pm
| Tuple _ ->
compile_no_test ~scopes
(divide_tuple ~scopes ph)
Context.combine repr partial ctx pm
| Record [] -> assert false
| Record (lbl :: _) ->
compile_no_test ~scopes
(divide_record ~scopes lbl.lbl_all ph)
Context.combine repr partial ctx pm
| Constant cst ->
(compile_match ~scopes repr partial)
partial divide_constant
(combine_constant ploc arg cst partial)
ctx pm
| Construct cstr ->
(compile_match ~scopes repr partial)
partial (divide_constructor ~scopes)
(combine_constructor ploc arg ph.pat_env cstr partial)
ctx pm
| Array _ ->
let kind = Typeopt.array_pattern_kind pomega in
(compile_match ~scopes repr partial)
partial (divide_array ~scopes kind)
(combine_array ploc arg kind partial)
ctx pm
| Lazy ->
compile_no_test ~scopes
(divide_lazy ~scopes ph)
Context.combine repr partial ctx pm
| Variant { cstr_row = row } ->
(compile_match ~scopes repr partial)
partial (divide_variant ~scopes !row)
(combine_variant ploc !row arg partial)
ctx pm
| PmVar { inside = pmh } ->
let lam, total =
do_compile_matching ~scopes repr partial (Context.lshift ctx) pmh
(lam, Jumps.map Context.rshift total)
| PmOr { body; handlers } ->
let lam, total =
compile_match_simplified ~scopes repr partial ctx body in
compile_orhandlers (compile_match ~scopes repr partial)
lam total ctx handlers
and compile_no_test ~scopes divide up_ctx repr partial ctx to_match =
let { pm = this_match; ctx = this_ctx } = divide ctx to_match in
let lambda, total =
compile_match ~scopes repr partial this_ctx this_match in
(lambda, Jumps.map up_ctx total)
(* The entry points *)
If there is a guard in a matching or a lazy pattern,
then set exhaustiveness info to Partial.
(because of side effects, assume the worst).
Notice that exhaustiveness information is trusted by the compiler,
that is, a match flagged as Total should not fail at runtime.
More specifically, for instance if match y with x::_ -> x is flagged
total (as it happens during JoCaml compilation) then y cannot be []
at runtime. As a consequence, the static Total exhaustiveness information
have to be downgraded to Partial, in the dubious cases where guards
or lazy pattern execute arbitrary code that may perform side effects
and change the subject values.
Lazy pattern was PR#5992, initial patch by lpw25.
I have generalized the patch, so as to also find mutable fields.
let is_lazy_pat p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_lazy _ -> true
| Tpat_alias _
| Tpat_variant _
| Tpat_record _
| Tpat_tuple _
| Tpat_construct _
| Tpat_array _
| Tpat_or _
| Tpat_constant _
| Tpat_var _
| Tpat_any ->
let has_lazy p = Typedtree.exists_pattern is_lazy_pat p
let is_record_with_mutable_field p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_record (lps, _) ->
(fun (_, lbl, _) ->
match lbl.Types.lbl_mut with
| Mutable -> true
| Immutable -> false)
| Tpat_alias _
| Tpat_variant _
| Tpat_lazy _
| Tpat_tuple _
| Tpat_construct _
| Tpat_array _
| Tpat_or _
| Tpat_constant _
| Tpat_var _
| Tpat_any ->
let has_mutable p = Typedtree.exists_pattern is_record_with_mutable_field p
(* Downgrade Total when
1. Matching accesses some mutable fields;
2. And there are guards or lazy patterns.
let check_partial has_mutable has_lazy pat_act_list = function
| Partial -> Partial
| Total ->
pat_act_list = []
|| (* allow empty case list *)
(fun (pats, lam) ->
has_mutable pats && (is_guarded lam || has_lazy pats))
let check_partial_list pats_act_list =
check_partial (List.exists has_mutable) (List.exists has_lazy) pats_act_list
let check_partial pat_act_list =
check_partial has_mutable has_lazy pat_act_list
(* have toplevel handler when appropriate *)
type failer_kind =
| Raise_match_failure
| Reraise_noloc of lambda
let failure_handler ~scopes loc ~failer () =
match failer with
| Reraise_noloc exn_lam ->
Lprim (Praise Raise_reraise, [ exn_lam ], Scoped_location.Loc_unknown)
| Raise_match_failure ->
let sloc = Scoped_location.of_location ~scopes loc in
let slot =
transl_extension_path sloc
Env.initial_safe_string Predef.path_match_failure
let fname, line, char =
Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
( Praise Raise_regular,
[ Lprim
( Pmakeblock (0, Immutable, None),
[ slot;
( 0,
[ Const_base (Const_string (fname, loc, None));
Const_base (Const_int line);
Const_base (Const_int char)
] ))
sloc )
sloc )
let check_total ~scopes loc ~failer total lambda i =
if Jumps.is_empty total then
Lstaticcatch (lambda, (i, []),
failure_handler ~scopes loc ~failer ())
let toplevel_handler ~scopes loc ~failer partial args cases compile_fun =
match partial with
| Total ->
let default = Default_environment.empty in
let pm = { args; cases; default } in
let (lam, total) = compile_fun Total pm in
assert (Jumps.is_empty total);
| Partial ->
let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
let default =
Default_environment.cons [ Patterns.omega_list args ] raise_num
Default_environment.empty in
let pm = { args; cases; default } in
begin match compile_fun Partial pm with
| exception Unused -> assert false
| (lam, total) ->
check_total ~scopes loc ~failer total lam raise_num
let compile_matching ~scopes loc ~failer repr arg pat_act_list partial =
let partial = check_partial pat_act_list partial in
let args = [ (arg, Strict) ] in
let rows = map_on_rows (fun pat -> (pat, [])) pat_act_list in
toplevel_handler ~scopes loc ~failer partial args rows (fun partial pm ->
compile_match_nonempty ~scopes repr partial (Context.start 1) pm)
let for_function ~scopes loc repr param pat_act_list partial =
compile_matching ~scopes loc ~failer:Raise_match_failure
repr param pat_act_list partial
(* In the following two cases, exhaustiveness info is not available! *)
let for_trywith ~scopes loc param pat_act_list =
(* Note: the failure action of [for_trywith] corresponds
to an exception that is not matched by a try..with handler,
and is thus reraised for the next handler in the stack.
It is important to *not* include location information in
the reraise (hence the [_noloc]) to avoid seeing this
silent reraise in exception backtraces. *)
compile_matching ~scopes loc ~failer:(Reraise_noloc param)
None param pat_act_list Partial
let simple_for_let ~scopes loc param pat body =
compile_matching ~scopes loc ~failer:Raise_match_failure
None param [ (pat, body) ] Partial
(* Optimize binding of immediate tuples
The goal of the implementation of 'for_let' below, which replaces
'simple_for_let', is to avoid tuple allocation in cases such as
this one:
let (x,y) =
let foo = ... in
if foo then (1, 2) else (3,4)
in bar
The compiler easily optimizes the simple `let (x,y) = (1,2) in ...`
case (call to Matching.for_multiple_match from Translcore), but
didn't optimize situations where the rhs tuples are hidden under
a more complex context.
The idea comes from Alain Frisch who suggested and implemented
the following compilation method, based on Lassign:
let x = dummy in let y = dummy in
let foo = ... in
if foo then
(let x1 = 1 in let y1 = 2 in x <- x1; y <- y1)
(let x2 = 3 in let y2 = 4 in x <- x2; y <- y2)
The current implementation from Gabriel Scherer uses Lstaticcatch /
Lstaticraise instead:
let foo = ... in
if foo then
(let x1 = 1 in let y1 = 2 in exit x1 y1)
(let x2 = 3 in let y2 = 4 in exit x2 y2)
with x y ->
The catch/exit is used to avoid duplication of the let body ('bar'
in the example), on 'if' branches for example; it is useless for
linear contexts such as 'let', but we don't need to be careful to
generate nice code because Simplif will remove such useless
let rec map_return f = function
| Llet (str, k, id, l1, l2) -> Llet (str, k, id, l1, map_return f l2)
| Lletrec (l1, l2) -> Lletrec (l1, map_return f l2)
| Lifthenelse (lcond, lthen, lelse) ->
Lifthenelse (lcond, map_return f lthen, map_return f lelse)
| Lsequence (l1, l2) -> Lsequence (l1, map_return f l2)
| Levent (l, ev) -> Levent (map_return f l, ev)
| Ltrywith (l1, id, l2) -> Ltrywith (map_return f l1, id, map_return f l2)
| Lstaticcatch (l1, b, l2) ->
Lstaticcatch (map_return f l1, b, map_return f l2)
| Lswitch (s, sw, loc) ->
let map_cases cases =
List.map (fun (i, l) -> (i, map_return f l)) cases
( s,
{ sw with
sw_consts = map_cases sw.sw_consts;
sw_blocks = map_cases sw.sw_blocks;
sw_failaction = Option.map (map_return f) sw.sw_failaction
loc )
| Lstringswitch (s, cases, def, loc) ->
( s,
List.map (fun (s, l) -> (s, map_return f l)) cases,
Option.map (map_return f) def,
loc )
| (Lstaticraise _ | Lprim (Praise _, _, _)) as l -> l
| ( Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lapply _ | Lfunction _ | Lsend _ | Lprim _ | Lwhile _
| Lfor _ | Lassign _ | Lifused _ ) as l ->
f l
(* The 'opt' reference indicates if the optimization is worthy.
It is shared by the different calls to 'assign_pat' performed from
'map_return'. For example with the code
let (x, y) = if foo then z else (1,2)
the else-branch will activate the optimization for both branches.
That means that the optimization is activated if *there exists* an
interesting tuple in one hole of the let-rhs context. We could
choose to activate it only if *all* holes are interesting. We made
that choice because being optimistic is extremely cheap (one static
exit/catch overhead in the "wrong cases"), while being pessimistic
can be costly (one unnecessary tuple allocation).
let assign_pat ~scopes opt nraise catch_ids loc pat lam =
let rec collect acc pat lam =
match (pat.pat_desc, lam) with
| Tpat_tuple patl, Lprim (Pmakeblock _, lams, _) ->
opt := true;
List.fold_left2 collect acc patl lams
| Tpat_tuple patl, Lconst (Const_block (_, scl)) ->
opt := true;
let collect_const acc pat sc = collect acc pat (Lconst sc) in
List.fold_left2 collect_const acc patl scl
| _ ->
(* pattern idents will be bound in staticcatch (let body), so we
refresh them here to guarantee binders uniqueness *)
let pat_ids = pat_bound_idents pat in
let fresh_ids = List.map (fun id -> (id, Ident.rename id)) pat_ids in
(fresh_ids, alpha_pat fresh_ids pat, lam) :: acc
(* sublets were accumulated by 'collect' with the leftmost tuple
pattern at the bottom of the list; to respect right-to-left
evaluation order for tuples, we must evaluate sublets
top-to-bottom. To preserve tail-rec, we will fold_left the
reversed list. *)
let rev_sublets = List.rev (collect [] pat lam) in
let exit =
(* build an Ident.tbl to avoid quadratic refreshing costs *)
let add t (id, fresh_id) = Ident.add id fresh_id t in
let add_ids acc (ids, _pat, _lam) = List.fold_left add acc ids in
let tbl = List.fold_left add_ids Ident.empty rev_sublets in
let fresh_var id = Lvar (Ident.find_same id tbl) in
Lstaticraise (nraise, List.map fresh_var catch_ids)
let push_sublet code (_ids, pat, lam) =
simple_for_let ~scopes loc lam pat code in
List.fold_left push_sublet exit rev_sublets
let for_let ~scopes loc param pat body =
match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any ->
(* This eliminates a useless variable (and stack slot in bytecode)
for "let _ = ...". See #6865. *)
Lsequence (param, body)
| Tpat_var (id, _) ->
(* fast path, and keep track of simple bindings to unboxable numbers *)
let k = Typeopt.value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type in
Llet (Strict, k, id, param, body)
| _ ->
let opt = ref false in
let nraise = next_raise_count () in
let catch_ids = pat_bound_idents_full pat in
let ids_with_kinds =
(fun (id, _, typ) -> (id, Typeopt.value_kind pat.pat_env typ))
let ids = List.map (fun (id, _, _) -> id) catch_ids in
let bind =
map_return (assign_pat ~scopes opt nraise ids loc pat) param in
if !opt then
Lstaticcatch (bind, (nraise, ids_with_kinds), body)
simple_for_let ~scopes loc param pat body
(* Handling of tupled functions and matchings *)
(* Easy case since variables are available *)
let for_tupled_function ~scopes loc paraml pats_act_list partial =
let partial = check_partial_list pats_act_list partial in
let args = List.map (fun id -> (Lvar id, Strict)) paraml in
let handler =
toplevel_handler ~scopes loc ~failer:Raise_match_failure
partial args pats_act_list in
handler (fun partial pm ->
compile_match ~scopes None partial
(Context.start (List.length paraml)) pm
let flatten_pattern size p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_tuple args -> args
| Tpat_any -> Patterns.omegas size
| _ -> raise Cannot_flatten
let flatten_simple_pattern size (p : Simple.pattern) =
match p.pat_desc with
| `Tuple args -> args
| `Any -> Patterns.omegas size
| `Array _
| `Variant _
| `Record _
| `Lazy _
| `Construct _
| `Constant _ ->
(* All calls to this function originate from [do_for_multiple_match],
where we know that the scrutinee is a tuple literal.
Since the PM is well typed, none of these cases are possible. *)
let msg =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
"Matching.flatten_pattern: got '%a'" top_pretty (General.erase p);
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
fatal_error msg
let flatten_cases size cases =
| (p, []), action -> (
match flatten_simple_pattern size p with
| p :: ps -> ((p, ps), action)
| [] -> assert false
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_hc_cases")
let flatten_pm size args pm =
{ args;
cases = flatten_cases size pm.cases;
default = Default_environment.flatten size pm.default
let flatten_handler size handler =
{ handler with provenance = flatten_matrix size handler.provenance }
type pm_flattened =
| FPmOr of (pattern, unit) pm_or_compiled
| FPm of pattern Non_empty_row.t clause pattern_matching
let flatten_precompiled size args pmh =
match pmh with
| Pm pm -> FPm (flatten_pm size args pm)
| PmOr { body = b; handlers = hs; or_matrix = _ } ->
{ body = flatten_pm size args b;
handlers = List.map (flatten_handler size) hs;
or_matrix = ();
| PmVar _ -> assert false
compiled_flattened is a ``comp_fun'' argument to comp_match_handlers.
Hence it needs a fourth argument, which it ignores
let compile_flattened ~scopes repr partial ctx pmh =
match pmh with
| FPm pm -> compile_match_nonempty ~scopes repr partial ctx pm
| FPmOr { body = b; handlers = hs } ->
let lam, total = compile_match_nonempty ~scopes repr partial ctx b in
compile_orhandlers (compile_match ~scopes repr partial) lam total ctx hs
let do_for_multiple_match ~scopes loc paraml pat_act_list partial =
let repr = None in
let arg =
let sloc = Scoped_location.of_location ~scopes loc in
Lprim (Pmakeblock (0, Immutable, None), paraml, sloc) in
let handler =
let partial = check_partial pat_act_list partial in
let rows = map_on_rows (fun p -> (p, [])) pat_act_list in
toplevel_handler ~scopes loc ~failer:Raise_match_failure
partial [ (arg, Strict) ] rows in
handler (fun partial pm1 ->
let pm1_half =
{ pm1 with cases = List.map (half_simplify_nonempty ~arg) pm1.cases }
let next, nexts = split_and_precompile_half_simplified ~arg pm1_half in
let size = List.length paraml
and idl = List.map (function
| Lvar id -> id
| _ -> Ident.create_local "*match*") paraml in
let args = List.map (fun id -> (Lvar id, Alias)) idl in
let flat_next = flatten_precompiled size args next
and flat_nexts =
List.map (fun (e, pm) -> (e, flatten_precompiled size args pm)) nexts
let lam, total =
comp_match_handlers (compile_flattened ~scopes repr) partial
(Context.start size) flat_next flat_nexts
List.fold_right2 (bind Strict) idl paraml lam, total
(* PR#4828: Believe it or not, the 'paraml' argument below
may not be side effect free. *)
let param_to_var param =
match param with
| Lvar v -> (v, None)
| _ -> (Ident.create_local "*match*", Some param)
let bind_opt (v, eo) k =
match eo with
| None -> k
| Some e -> Lambda.bind Strict v e k
let for_multiple_match ~scopes loc paraml pat_act_list partial =
let v_paraml = List.map param_to_var paraml in
let paraml = List.map (fun (v, _) -> Lvar v) v_paraml in
List.fold_right bind_opt v_paraml
(do_for_multiple_match ~scopes loc paraml pat_act_list partial)