
44 lines
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(* Compilation environments for compilation units *)
open Clambda
type unit_infos =
{ mutable ui_name: string; (* Name of unit implemented *)
mutable ui_interfaces: (string * int) list; (* Interfaces imported *)
mutable ui_imports: (string * int) list; (* Other units imported *)
mutable ui_approx: value_approximation; (* Approx of the structure *)
mutable ui_curry_fun: int list; (* Currying functions needed *)
mutable ui_apply_fun: int list } (* Apply functions needed *)
val reset: string -> int -> unit
(* Reset the environment and record the name of the unit being
compiled (first arg) and the CRC of the matching interface
(second arg) *)
val current_unit_name: unit -> string
(* Return the name of the unit being compiled *)
val global_approx: Ident.t -> Clambda.value_approximation
(* Return the approximation for the given global identifier *)
val set_global_approx: Clambda.value_approximation -> unit
(* Record the approximation of the unit being compiled *)
val need_curry_fun: int -> unit
val need_apply_fun: int -> unit
(* Record the need of a currying (resp. application) function
with the given arity *)
val read_unit_info: string -> unit_infos * int
(* Read infos and CRC from a [.cmx] file. *)
val save_unit_info: string -> unit
(* Save the infos for the current unit in the given file *)
type error =
Not_a_unit_info of string
| Corrupted_unit_info of string
| Illegal_renaming of string * string
exception Error of error
val report_error: error -> unit