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(* OCaml *)
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(* Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
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(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
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(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Parsing of command line arguments.
This module provides a general mechanism for extracting options and
arguments from the command line to the program.
Syntax of command lines:
A keyword is a character string starting with a [-].
An option is a keyword alone or followed by an argument.
The types of keywords are: [Unit], [Bool], [Set], [Clear],
[String], [Set_string], [Int], [Set_int], [Float], [Set_float],
[Tuple], [Symbol], [Rest], [Rest_all] and [Expand].
[Unit], [Set] and [Clear] keywords take no argument.
A [Rest] or [Rest_all] keyword takes the remainder of the command line
as arguments. (More explanations below.)
Every other keyword takes the following word on the command line
as argument. For compatibility with GNU getopt_long, [keyword=arg]
is also allowed.
Arguments not preceded by a keyword are called anonymous arguments.
Examples ([cmd] is assumed to be the command name):
- [cmd -flag ](a unit option)
- [cmd -int 1 ](an int option with argument [1])
- [cmd -string foobar ](a string option with argument ["foobar"])
- [cmd -float 12.34 ](a float option with argument [12.34])
- [cmd a b c ](three anonymous arguments: ["a"], ["b"], and ["c"])
- [cmd a b -- c d ](two anonymous arguments and a rest option with
two arguments)
[Rest] takes a function that is called repeatedly for each
remaining command line argument. [Rest_all] takes a function that
is called once, with the list of all remaining arguments.
Note that if no arguments follow a [Rest] keyword then the function
is not called at all whereas the function for a [Rest_all] keyword
is called with an empty list.
type spec =
| Unit of (unit -> unit) (** Call the function with unit argument *)
| Bool of (bool -> unit) (** Call the function with a bool argument *)
| Set of bool ref (** Set the reference to true *)
| Clear of bool ref (** Set the reference to false *)
| String of (string -> unit) (** Call the function with a string argument *)
| Set_string of string ref (** Set the reference to the string argument *)
| Int of (int -> unit) (** Call the function with an int argument *)
| Set_int of int ref (** Set the reference to the int argument *)
| Float of (float -> unit) (** Call the function with a float argument *)
| Set_float of float ref (** Set the reference to the float argument *)
| Tuple of spec list (** Take several arguments according to the
spec list *)
| Symbol of string list * (string -> unit)
(** Take one of the symbols as argument and
call the function with the symbol *)
| Rest of (string -> unit) (** Stop interpreting keywords and call the
function with each remaining argument *)
| Rest_all of (string list -> unit)
(** Stop interpreting keywords and call the
function with all remaining arguments *)
| Expand of (string -> string array) (** If the remaining arguments to process
are of the form
[["-foo"; "arg"] @ rest] where "foo"
is registered as [Expand f], then the
arguments [f "arg" @ rest] are
processed. Only allowed in
[parse_and_expand_argv_dynamic]. *)
(** The concrete type describing the behavior associated
with a keyword. *)
type key = string
type doc = string
type usage_msg = string
type anon_fun = (string -> unit)
val parse :
(key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
(** [Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg] parses the command line.
[speclist] is a list of triples [(key, spec, doc)].
[key] is the option keyword, it must start with a ['-'] character.
[spec] gives the option type and the function to call when this option
is found on the command line.
[doc] is a one-line description of this option.
[anon_fun] is called on anonymous arguments.
The functions in [spec] and [anon_fun] are called in the same order
as their arguments appear on the command line.
If an error occurs, [Arg.parse] exits the program, after printing
to standard error an error message as follows:
- The reason for the error: unknown option, invalid or missing argument, etc.
- [usage_msg]
- The list of options, each followed by the corresponding [doc] string.
Beware: options that have an empty [doc] string will not be included in the
For the user to be able to specify anonymous arguments starting with a
[-], include for example [("-", String anon_fun, doc)] in [speclist].
By default, [parse] recognizes two unit options, [-help] and [--help],
which will print to standard output [usage_msg] and the list of
options, and exit the program. You can override this behaviour
by specifying your own [-help] and [--help] options in [speclist].
val parse_dynamic :
(key * spec * doc) list ref -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
(** Same as {!Arg.parse}, except that the [speclist] argument is a reference
and may be updated during the parsing. A typical use for this feature
is to parse command lines of the form:
- command subcommand [options]
where the list of options depends on the value of the subcommand argument.
@since 4.01.0
val parse_argv : ?current: int ref -> string array ->
(key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
(** [Arg.parse_argv ~current args speclist anon_fun usage_msg] parses
the array [args] as if it were the command line. It uses and updates
the value of [~current] (if given), or {!Arg.current}. You must set
it before calling [parse_argv]. The initial value of [current]
is the index of the program name (argument 0) in the array.
If an error occurs, [Arg.parse_argv] raises {!Arg.Bad} with
the error message as argument. If option [-help] or [--help] is
given, [Arg.parse_argv] raises {!Arg.Help} with the help message
as argument.
val parse_argv_dynamic : ?current:int ref -> string array ->
(key * spec * doc) list ref -> anon_fun -> string -> unit
(** Same as {!Arg.parse_argv}, except that the [speclist] argument is a
reference and may be updated during the parsing.
See {!Arg.parse_dynamic}.
@since 4.01.0
val parse_and_expand_argv_dynamic : int ref -> string array ref ->
(key * spec * doc) list ref -> anon_fun -> string -> unit
(** Same as {!Arg.parse_argv_dynamic}, except that the [argv] argument is a
reference and may be updated during the parsing of [Expand] arguments.
See {!Arg.parse_argv_dynamic}.
@since 4.05.0
val parse_expand:
(key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
(** Same as {!Arg.parse}, except that the [Expand] arguments are allowed and
the {!current} reference is not updated.
@since 4.05.0
exception Help of string
(** Raised by [Arg.parse_argv] when the user asks for help. *)
exception Bad of string
(** Functions in [spec] or [anon_fun] can raise [Arg.Bad] with an error
message to reject invalid arguments.
[Arg.Bad] is also raised by {!Arg.parse_argv} in case of an error. *)
val usage : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> unit
(** [Arg.usage speclist usage_msg] prints to standard error
an error message that includes the list of valid options. This is
the same message that {!Arg.parse} prints in case of error.
[speclist] and [usage_msg] are the same as for {!Arg.parse}. *)
val usage_string : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> string
(** Returns the message that would have been printed by {!Arg.usage},
if provided with the same parameters. *)
val align: ?limit: int -> (key * spec * doc) list -> (key * spec * doc) list
(** Align the documentation strings by inserting spaces at the first alignment
separator (tab or, if tab is not found, space), according to the length of
the keyword. Use a alignment separator as the first character in a doc
string if you want to align the whole string. The doc strings corresponding
to [Symbol] arguments are aligned on the next line.
@param limit options with keyword and message longer than [limit] will not
be used to compute the alignment. *)
val current : int ref
(** Position (in {!Sys.argv}) of the argument being processed. You can
change this value, e.g. to force {!Arg.parse} to skip some arguments.
{!Arg.parse} uses the initial value of {!Arg.current} as the index of
argument 0 (the program name) and starts parsing arguments
at the next element. *)
val read_arg: string -> string array
(** [Arg.read_arg file] reads newline-terminated command line arguments from
file [file].
@since 4.05.0 *)
val read_arg0: string -> string array
(** Identical to {!Arg.read_arg} but assumes null character terminated command
line arguments.
@since 4.05.0 *)
val write_arg: string -> string array -> unit
(** [Arg.write_arg file args] writes the arguments [args] newline-terminated
into the file [file]. If the any of the arguments in [args] contains a
newline, use {!Arg.write_arg0} instead.
@since 4.05.0 *)
val write_arg0: string -> string array -> unit
(** Identical to {!Arg.write_arg} but uses the null character for terminator
instead of newline.
@since 4.05.0 *)