
350 lines
11 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Mehdi Dogguy, PPS laboratory, University Paris Diderot *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* Copyright 2010 Mehdi Dogguy *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Dump info on .cmi, .cmo, .cmx, .cma, .cmxa, .cmxs files
and on bytecode executables. *)
open Printf
open Misc
open Config
open Cmo_format
(* Command line options to prevent printing approximation,
function code and CRC
let no_approx = ref false
let no_code = ref false
let no_crc = ref false
let input_stringlist ic len =
let get_string_list sect len =
let rec fold s e acc =
if e != len then
if sect.[e] = '\000' then
fold (e+1) (e+1) (String.sub sect s (e-s) :: acc)
else fold s (e+1) acc
else acc
in fold 0 0 []
let sect = really_input_string ic len in
get_string_list sect len
let dummy_crc = String.make 32 '-'
let null_crc = String.make 32 '0'
let string_of_crc crc = if !no_crc then null_crc else Digest.to_hex crc
let print_name_crc (name, crco) =
let crc =
match crco with
None -> dummy_crc
| Some crc -> string_of_crc crc
printf "\t%s\t%s\n" crc name
let print_line name =
printf "\t%s\n" name
let print_required_global id =
printf "\t%s\n" (Ident.name id)
let print_cmo_infos cu =
printf "Unit name: %s\n" cu.cu_name;
print_string "Interfaces imported:\n";
List.iter print_name_crc cu.cu_imports;
print_string "Required globals:\n";
List.iter print_required_global cu.cu_required_globals;
printf "Uses unsafe features: ";
(match cu.cu_primitives with
| [] -> printf "no\n"
| l ->
printf "YES\n";
printf "Primitives declared in this module:\n";
List.iter print_line l);
printf "Force link: %s\n" (if cu.cu_force_link then "YES" else "no")
let print_spaced_string s =
printf " %s" s
let print_cma_infos (lib : Cmo_format.library) =
printf "Force custom: %s\n" (if lib.lib_custom then "YES" else "no");
printf "Extra C object files:";
(* PR#4949: print in linking order *)
List.iter print_spaced_string (List.rev lib.lib_ccobjs);
printf "\nExtra C options:";
List.iter print_spaced_string lib.lib_ccopts;
printf "\n";
print_string "Extra dynamically-loaded libraries:";
List.iter print_spaced_string lib.lib_dllibs;
printf "\n";
List.iter print_cmo_infos lib.lib_units
let print_cmi_infos name crcs =
printf "Unit name: %s\n" name;
printf "Interfaces imported:\n";
List.iter print_name_crc crcs
let print_cmt_infos cmt =
let open Cmt_format in
printf "Cmt unit name: %s\n" cmt.cmt_modname;
print_string "Cmt interfaces imported:\n";
List.iter print_name_crc cmt.cmt_imports;
printf "Source file: %s\n"
(match cmt.cmt_sourcefile with None -> "(none)" | Some f -> f);
printf "Compilation flags:";
Array.iter print_spaced_string cmt.cmt_args;
printf "\nLoad path:";
List.iter print_spaced_string cmt.cmt_loadpath;
printf "\n";
printf "cmt interface digest: %s\n"
(match cmt.cmt_interface_digest with
| None -> ""
| Some crc -> string_of_crc crc)
let print_general_infos name crc defines cmi cmx =
printf "Name: %s\n" name;
printf "CRC of implementation: %s\n" (string_of_crc crc);
printf "Globals defined:\n";
List.iter print_line defines;
printf "Interfaces imported:\n";
List.iter print_name_crc cmi;
printf "Implementations imported:\n";
List.iter print_name_crc cmx
let print_global_table table =
printf "Globals defined:\n";
(fun id _ -> print_line (Ident.name id))
open Cmx_format
let print_cmx_infos (ui, crc) =
ui.ui_name crc ui.ui_defines ui.ui_imports_cmi ui.ui_imports_cmx;
begin match ui.ui_export_info with
| Clambda approx ->
if not !no_approx then begin
printf "Clambda approximation:\n";
Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter " %a@." Printclambda.approx approx
end else
Format.printf "Clambda unit@.";
| Flambda export ->
if not !no_approx || not !no_code then
printf "Flambda export information:\n"
printf "Flambda unit\n";
if not !no_approx then begin
let cu =
Compilation_unit.create (Ident.create_persistent ui.ui_name)
(Linkage_name.create "__dummy__")
Compilation_unit.set_current cu;
let root_symbols =
List.map (fun s ->
Symbol.of_global_linkage cu (Linkage_name.create ("caml"^s)))
Format.printf "approximations@ %a@.@."
Export_info.print_approx (export, root_symbols)
if not !no_code then
Format.printf "functions@ %a@.@."
Export_info.print_functions export
let pr_funs _ fns =
List.iter (fun arity -> printf " %d" arity) fns in
printf "Currying functions:%a\n" pr_funs ui.ui_curry_fun;
printf "Apply functions:%a\n" pr_funs ui.ui_apply_fun;
printf "Send functions:%a\n" pr_funs ui.ui_send_fun;
printf "Force link: %s\n" (if ui.ui_force_link then "YES" else "no")
let print_cmxa_infos (lib : Cmx_format.library_infos) =
printf "Extra C object files:";
List.iter print_spaced_string (List.rev lib.lib_ccobjs);
printf "\nExtra C options:";
List.iter print_spaced_string lib.lib_ccopts;
printf "\n";
List.iter print_cmx_infos lib.lib_units
let print_cmxs_infos header =
(fun ui ->
let p_title title = printf "%s:\n" title
let p_section title = function
| [] -> ()
| l ->
p_title title;
List.iter print_name_crc l
let p_list title print = function
| [] -> ()
| l ->
p_title title;
List.iter print l
let dump_byte ic =
Bytesections.read_toc ic;
let toc = Bytesections.toc () in
let toc = List.sort Pervasives.compare toc in
(fun (section, _) ->
let len = Bytesections.seek_section ic section in
if len > 0 then match section with
| "CRCS" ->
"Imported units"
(input_value ic : (string * Digest.t option) list)
| "DLLS" ->
"Used DLLs"
(input_stringlist ic len)
| "DLPT" ->
"Additional DLL paths"
(input_stringlist ic len)
| "PRIM" ->
"Primitives used"
(input_stringlist ic len)
| "SYMB" ->
print_global_table (input_value ic)
| _ -> ()
with _ -> ()
let read_dyn_header filename ic =
let helper = Filename.concat Config.standard_library "objinfo_helper" in
let tempfile = Filename.temp_file "objinfo" ".out" in
~always:(fun () -> remove_file tempfile)
(fun () ->
let rc = Sys.command (sprintf "%s %s > %s"
(Filename.quote helper)
(Filename.quote filename)
tempfile) in
if rc <> 0 then failwith "cannot read";
let tc = Scanf.Scanning.from_file tempfile in
~always:(fun () -> Scanf.Scanning.close_in tc)
(fun () ->
let ofs = Scanf.bscanf tc "%Ld" (fun x -> x) in
LargeFile.seek_in ic ofs;
Some(input_value ic : dynheader)))
with Failure _ | Sys_error _ -> None
let dump_obj filename =
printf "File %s\n" filename;
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let len_magic_number = String.length cmo_magic_number in
let magic_number = really_input_string ic len_magic_number in
if magic_number = cmo_magic_number then begin
let cu_pos = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic cu_pos;
let cu = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
close_in ic;
print_cmo_infos cu
end else if magic_number = cma_magic_number then begin
let toc_pos = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic toc_pos;
let toc = (input_value ic : library) in
close_in ic;
print_cma_infos toc
end else if magic_number = cmi_magic_number ||
magic_number = cmt_magic_number then begin
close_in ic;
let cmi, cmt = Cmt_format.read filename in
begin match cmi with
| None -> ()
| Some cmi ->
print_cmi_infos cmi.Cmi_format.cmi_name cmi.Cmi_format.cmi_crcs
begin match cmt with
| None -> ()
| Some cmt -> print_cmt_infos cmt
end else if magic_number = cmx_magic_number then begin
let ui = (input_value ic : unit_infos) in
let crc = Digest.input ic in
close_in ic;
print_cmx_infos (ui, crc)
end else if magic_number = cmxa_magic_number then begin
let li = (input_value ic : library_infos) in
close_in ic;
print_cmxa_infos li
end else begin
let pos_trailer = in_channel_length ic - len_magic_number in
let _ = seek_in ic pos_trailer in
let magic_number = really_input_string ic len_magic_number in
if magic_number = Config.exec_magic_number then begin
dump_byte ic;
close_in ic
end else if Filename.check_suffix filename ".cmxs" then begin
flush stdout;
match read_dyn_header filename ic with
| None ->
printf "Unable to read info on file %s\n" filename;
exit 2
| Some header ->
if header.dynu_magic = Config.cmxs_magic_number then
print_cmxs_infos header
else begin
printf "Wrong magic number\n"; exit 2
close_in ic
end else begin
printf "Not an OCaml object file\n"; exit 2
let arg_list = [
"-no-approx", Arg.Set no_approx,
" Do not print module approximation information";
"-no-code", Arg.Set no_code,
" Do not print code from exported flambda functions";
"-null-crc", Arg.Set no_crc, " Print a null CRC for imported interfaces";
"-args", Arg.Expand Arg.read_arg,
"<file> Read additional newline separated command line arguments \n\
\ from <file>";
"-args0", Arg.Expand Arg.read_arg0,
"<file> Read additional NUL separated command line arguments from \n\
\ <file>";
let arg_usage =
Printf.sprintf "%s [OPTIONS] FILES : give information on files" Sys.argv.(0)
let main() =
Arg.parse_expand arg_list dump_obj arg_usage;
exit 0
let _ = main ()