
691 lines
26 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
type for_one_or_more_units = {
fun_offset_table : int Closure_id.Map.t;
fv_offset_table : int Var_within_closure.Map.t;
closures : Flambda.function_declarations Closure_id.Map.t;
constant_sets_of_closures : Set_of_closures_id.Set.t;
type t = {
current_unit : for_one_or_more_units;
imported_units : for_one_or_more_units;
type ('a, 'b) declaration_position =
| Current_unit of 'a
| Imported_unit of 'b
| Not_declared
let get_fun_offset t closure_id =
let fun_offset_table =
if Closure_id.in_compilation_unit closure_id (Compilenv.current_unit ())
then t.current_unit.fun_offset_table
else t.imported_units.fun_offset_table
try Closure_id.Map.find closure_id fun_offset_table
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: missing offset for closure %a"
Closure_id.print closure_id
let get_fv_offset t var_within_closure =
let fv_offset_table =
if Var_within_closure.in_compilation_unit var_within_closure
(Compilenv.current_unit ())
then t.current_unit.fv_offset_table
else t.imported_units.fv_offset_table
try Var_within_closure.Map.find var_within_closure fv_offset_table
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: missing offset for variable %a"
Var_within_closure.print var_within_closure
let function_declaration_position t closure_id =
Current_unit (Closure_id.Map.find closure_id t.current_unit.closures)
with Not_found ->
Imported_unit (Closure_id.Map.find closure_id t.imported_units.closures)
with Not_found -> Not_declared
let is_function_constant t closure_id =
match function_declaration_position t closure_id with
| Current_unit { set_of_closures_id } ->
Set_of_closures_id.Set.mem set_of_closures_id
| Imported_unit { set_of_closures_id } ->
Set_of_closures_id.Set.mem set_of_closures_id
| Not_declared ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: missing closure %a"
Closure_id.print closure_id
(* Instrumentation of closure and field accesses to try to catch compiler
bugs. *)
let check_closure ulam named : Clambda.ulambda =
if not !Clflags.clambda_checks then ulam
let desc =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_check_value_is_closure"
~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let str = Format.asprintf "%a" Flambda.print_named named in
let str_const =
Compilenv.new_structured_constant (Uconst_string str) ~shared:true
Uprim (Pccall desc,
[ulam; Clambda.Uconst (Uconst_ref (str_const, None))],
let check_field ulam pos named_opt : Clambda.ulambda =
if not !Clflags.clambda_checks then ulam
let desc =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_check_field_access"
~arity:3 ~alloc:false
let str =
match named_opt with
| None -> "<none>"
| Some named -> Format.asprintf "%a" Flambda.print_named named
let str_const =
Compilenv.new_structured_constant (Uconst_string str) ~shared:true
Uprim (Pccall desc, [ulam; Clambda.Uconst (Uconst_int pos);
Clambda.Uconst (Uconst_ref (str_const, None))],
module Env : sig
type t
val empty : t
val add_subst : t -> Variable.t -> Clambda.ulambda -> t
val find_subst_exn : t -> Variable.t -> Clambda.ulambda
val add_fresh_ident : t -> Variable.t -> Ident.t * t
val ident_for_var_exn : t -> Variable.t -> Ident.t
val add_fresh_mutable_ident : t -> Mutable_variable.t -> Ident.t * t
val ident_for_mutable_var_exn : t -> Mutable_variable.t -> Ident.t
val add_allocated_const : t -> Symbol.t -> Allocated_const.t -> t
val allocated_const_for_symbol : t -> Symbol.t -> Allocated_const.t option
val keep_only_symbols : t -> t
end = struct
type t =
{ subst : Clambda.ulambda Variable.Map.t;
var : Ident.t Variable.Map.t;
mutable_var : Ident.t Mutable_variable.Map.t;
toplevel : bool;
allocated_constant_for_symbol : Allocated_const.t Symbol.Map.t;
let empty =
{ subst = Variable.Map.empty;
var = Variable.Map.empty;
mutable_var = Mutable_variable.Map.empty;
toplevel = false;
allocated_constant_for_symbol = Symbol.Map.empty;
let add_subst t id subst =
{ t with subst = Variable.Map.add id subst t.subst }
let find_subst_exn t id = Variable.Map.find id t.subst
let ident_for_var_exn t id = Variable.Map.find id t.var
let add_fresh_ident t var =
let id = Ident.create (Variable.unique_name var) in
id, { t with var = Variable.Map.add var id t.var }
let ident_for_mutable_var_exn t mut_var =
Mutable_variable.Map.find mut_var t.mutable_var
let add_fresh_mutable_ident t mut_var =
let id = Mutable_variable.unique_ident mut_var in
let mutable_var = Mutable_variable.Map.add mut_var id t.mutable_var in
id, { t with mutable_var; }
let add_allocated_const t sym cons =
{ t with
allocated_constant_for_symbol =
Symbol.Map.add sym cons t.allocated_constant_for_symbol;
let allocated_const_for_symbol t sym =
Some (Symbol.Map.find sym t.allocated_constant_for_symbol)
with Not_found -> None
let keep_only_symbols t =
{ empty with
allocated_constant_for_symbol = t.allocated_constant_for_symbol;
let subst_var env var : Clambda.ulambda =
try Env.find_subst_exn env var
with Not_found ->
try Uvar (Env.ident_for_var_exn env var)
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: unbound variable %a@."
Variable.print var
let subst_vars env vars = List.map (subst_var env) vars
let build_uoffset ulam offset : Clambda.ulambda =
if offset = 0 then ulam
else Uoffset (ulam, offset)
let to_clambda_allocated_constant (const : Allocated_const.t)
: Clambda.ustructured_constant =
match const with
| Float f -> Uconst_float f
| Int32 i -> Uconst_int32 i
| Int64 i -> Uconst_int64 i
| Nativeint i -> Uconst_nativeint i
| Immutable_string s | String s -> Uconst_string s
| Immutable_float_array a | Float_array a -> Uconst_float_array a
let to_uconst_symbol env symbol : Clambda.ustructured_constant option =
match Env.allocated_const_for_symbol env symbol with
| Some ((Float _ | Int32 _ | Int64 _ | Nativeint _) as const) ->
Some (to_clambda_allocated_constant const)
| None (* CR-soon mshinwell: Try to make this an error. *)
| Some _ -> None
let to_clambda_symbol' env sym : Clambda.uconstant =
let lbl = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label sym) in
Uconst_ref (lbl, to_uconst_symbol env sym)
let to_clambda_symbol env sym : Clambda.ulambda =
Uconst (to_clambda_symbol' env sym)
let to_clambda_const env (const : Flambda.constant_defining_value_block_field)
: Clambda.uconstant =
match const with
| Symbol symbol -> to_clambda_symbol' env symbol
| Const (Int i) -> Uconst_int i
| Const (Char c) -> Uconst_int (Char.code c)
| Const (Const_pointer i) -> Uconst_ptr i
let rec to_clambda t env (flam : Flambda.t) : Clambda.ulambda =
match flam with
| Var var -> subst_var env var
| Let { var; defining_expr; body; _ } ->
let id, env_body = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
Ulet (id, to_clambda_named t env var defining_expr,
to_clambda t env_body body)
| Let_mutable (mut_var, var, body) ->
let id, env_body = Env.add_fresh_mutable_ident env mut_var in
let def = subst_var env var in
Ulet (id, def, to_clambda t env_body body)
| Let_rec (defs, body) ->
let env, defs =
List.fold_right (fun (var, def) (env, defs) ->
let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
env, (id, var, def) :: defs)
defs (env, [])
let defs =
List.map (fun (id, var, def) -> id, to_clambda_named t env var def) defs
Uletrec (defs, to_clambda t env body)
| Apply { func; args; kind = Direct direct_func; dbg = dbg } ->
(* The closure _parameter_ of the function is added by cmmgen.
At the call site, for a direct call, the closure argument must be
explicitly added (by [to_clambda_direct_apply]); there is no special
handling of such in the direct call primitive.
For an indirect call, we do not need to do anything here; Cmmgen will
do the equivalent of the previous paragraph when it generates a direct
call to [caml_apply]. *)
to_clambda_direct_apply t func args direct_func dbg env
| Apply { func; args; kind = Indirect; dbg = dbg } ->
let callee = subst_var env func in
Ugeneric_apply (check_closure callee (Flambda.Expr (Var func)),
subst_vars env args, dbg)
| Switch (arg, sw) ->
let aux () : Clambda.ulambda =
let const_index, const_actions =
to_clambda_switch t env sw.consts sw.numconsts sw.failaction
let block_index, block_actions =
to_clambda_switch t env sw.blocks sw.numblocks sw.failaction
Uswitch (subst_var env arg,
{ us_index_consts = const_index;
us_actions_consts = const_actions;
us_index_blocks = block_index;
us_actions_blocks = block_actions;
(* Check that the [failaction] may be duplicated. If this is not the
case, share it through a static raise / static catch. *)
(* CR-someday pchambart for pchambart: This is overly simplified.
We should verify that this does not generates too bad code.
If it the case, handle some let cases.
begin match sw.failaction with
| None -> aux ()
| Some (Static_raise _) -> aux ()
| Some failaction ->
let exn = Static_exception.create () in
let sw =
{ sw with
failaction = Some (Flambda.Static_raise (exn, []));
let expr : Flambda.t =
Static_catch (exn, [], Switch (arg, sw), failaction)
to_clambda t env expr
| String_switch (arg, sw, def) ->
let arg = subst_var env arg in
let sw = List.map (fun (s, e) -> s, to_clambda t env e) sw in
let def = Misc.may_map (to_clambda t env) def in
Ustringswitch (arg, sw, def)
| Static_raise (static_exn, args) ->
Ustaticfail (Static_exception.to_int static_exn,
List.map (subst_var env) args)
| Static_catch (static_exn, vars, body, handler) ->
let env_handler, ids =
List.fold_right (fun var (env, ids) ->
let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
env, id :: ids)
vars (env, [])
Ucatch (Static_exception.to_int static_exn, ids,
to_clambda t env body, to_clambda t env_handler handler)
| Try_with (body, var, handler) ->
let id, env_handler = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
Utrywith (to_clambda t env body, id, to_clambda t env_handler handler)
| If_then_else (arg, ifso, ifnot) ->
Uifthenelse (subst_var env arg, to_clambda t env ifso,
to_clambda t env ifnot)
| While (cond, body) ->
Uwhile (to_clambda t env cond, to_clambda t env body)
| For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body } ->
let id, env_body = Env.add_fresh_ident env bound_var in
Ufor (id, subst_var env from_value, subst_var env to_value,
direction, to_clambda t env_body body)
| Assign { being_assigned; new_value } ->
let id =
try Env.ident_for_mutable_var_exn env being_assigned
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Unbound mutable variable %a in [Assign]: %a"
Mutable_variable.print being_assigned
Flambda.print flam
Uassign (id, subst_var env new_value)
| Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg } ->
Usend (kind, subst_var env meth, subst_var env obj,
subst_vars env args, dbg)
| Proved_unreachable -> Uunreachable
and to_clambda_named t env var (named : Flambda.named) : Clambda.ulambda =
match named with
| Symbol sym -> to_clambda_symbol env sym
| Const (Const_pointer n) -> Uconst (Uconst_ptr n)
| Const (Int n) -> Uconst (Uconst_int n)
| Const (Char c) -> Uconst (Uconst_int (Char.code c))
| Allocated_const _ ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "[Allocated_const] should have been lifted to a \
[Let_symbol] construction before [Flambda_to_clambda]: %a = %a"
Variable.print var
Flambda.print_named named
| Read_mutable mut_var ->
begin try Uvar (Env.ident_for_mutable_var_exn env mut_var)
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Unbound mutable variable %a in [Read_mutable]: %a"
Mutable_variable.print mut_var
Flambda.print_named named
| Read_symbol_field (symbol, field) ->
Uprim (Pfield field, [to_clambda_symbol env symbol], Debuginfo.none)
| Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
to_clambda_set_of_closures t env set_of_closures
| Project_closure { set_of_closures; closure_id } ->
(* Note that we must use [build_uoffset] to ensure that we do not generate
a [Uoffset] construction in the event that the offset is zero, otherwise
we might break pattern matches in Cmmgen (in particular for the
compilation of "let rec"). *)
check_closure (
(check_closure (subst_var env set_of_closures)
(Flambda.Expr (Var set_of_closures)))
(get_fun_offset t closure_id))
| Move_within_set_of_closures { closure; start_from; move_to } ->
check_closure (build_uoffset
(check_closure (subst_var env closure)
(Flambda.Expr (Var closure)))
((get_fun_offset t move_to) - (get_fun_offset t start_from)))
| Project_var { closure; var; closure_id } ->
let ulam = subst_var env closure in
let fun_offset = get_fun_offset t closure_id in
let var_offset = get_fv_offset t var in
let pos = var_offset - fun_offset in
Uprim (Pfield pos,
[check_field (check_closure ulam (Expr (Var closure))) pos (Some named)],
| Prim (Pfield index, [block], dbg) ->
Uprim (Pfield index, [check_field (subst_var env block) index None], dbg)
| Prim (Psetfield (index, maybe_ptr, init), [block; new_value], dbg) ->
Uprim (Psetfield (index, maybe_ptr, init), [
check_field (subst_var env block) index None;
subst_var env new_value;
], dbg)
| Prim (Popaque, args, dbg) ->
Uprim (Pidentity, subst_vars env args, dbg)
| Prim (p, args, dbg) -> Uprim (p, subst_vars env args, dbg)
| Expr expr -> to_clambda t env expr
and to_clambda_switch t env cases num_keys default =
let num_keys =
if Numbers.Int.Set.cardinal num_keys = 0 then 0
else Numbers.Int.Set.max_elt num_keys + 1
let index = Array.make num_keys 0 in
let store = Flambda_utils.Switch_storer.mk_store () in
begin match default with
| Some def when List.length cases < num_keys -> ignore (store.act_store def)
| _ -> ()
List.iter (fun (key, lam) -> index.(key) <- store.act_store lam) cases;
let actions = Array.map (to_clambda t env) (store.act_get ()) in
match actions with
| [| |] -> [| |], [| |] (* May happen when [default] is [None]. *)
| _ -> index, actions
and to_clambda_direct_apply t func args direct_func dbg env : Clambda.ulambda =
let closed = is_function_constant t direct_func in
let label = Compilenv.function_label direct_func in
let uargs =
let uargs = subst_vars env args in
(* Remove the closure argument if the closure is closed. (Note that the
closure argument is always a variable, so we can be sure we are not
dropping any side effects.) *)
if closed then uargs else uargs @ [subst_var env func]
Udirect_apply (label, uargs, dbg)
(* Describe how to build a runtime closure block that corresponds to the
given Flambda set of closures.
For instance the closure for the following set of closures:
let rec fun_a x =
if x <= 0 then 0 else fun_b (x-1) v1
and fun_b x y =
if x <= 0 then 0 else v1 + v2 + y + fun_a (x-1)
will be represented in memory as:
[ closure header; fun_a;
1; infix header; fun caml_curry_2;
2; fun_b; v1; v2 ]
fun_a and fun_b will take an additional parameter 'env' to
access their closure. It will be arranged such that in the body
of each function the env parameter points to its own code
pointer. For example, in fun_b it will be shifted by 3 words.
Hence accessing v1 in the body of fun_a is accessing the
6th field of 'env' and in the body of fun_b the 1st field.
and to_clambda_set_of_closures t env
(({ function_decls; free_vars } : Flambda.set_of_closures)
as set_of_closures) : Clambda.ulambda =
let all_functions = Variable.Map.bindings function_decls.funs in
let env_var = Ident.create "env" in
let to_clambda_function
(closure_id, (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration))
: Clambda.ufunction =
let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap closure_id in
let fun_offset =
Closure_id.Map.find closure_id t.current_unit.fun_offset_table
let env =
(* Inside the body of the function, we cannot access variables
declared outside, so start with a suitably clean environment.
Note that we must not forget the information about which allocated
constants contain which unboxed values. *)
let env = Env.keep_only_symbols env in
(* Add the Clambda expressions for the free variables of the function
to the environment. *)
let add_env_free_variable id _ env =
let var_offset =
(Var_within_closure.wrap id) t.current_unit.fv_offset_table
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Clambda.to_clambda_set_of_closures: offset for \
free variable %a is unknown. Set of closures: %a"
Variable.print id
Flambda.print_set_of_closures set_of_closures
let pos = var_offset - fun_offset in
Env.add_subst env id
(Uprim (Pfield pos, [Clambda.Uvar env_var], Debuginfo.none))
let env = Variable.Map.fold add_env_free_variable free_vars env in
(* Add the Clambda expressions for all functions defined in the current
set of closures to the environment. The various functions may be
retrieved by moving within the runtime closure, starting from the
current function's closure. *)
let add_env_function pos env (id, _) =
let offset =
Closure_id.Map.find (Closure_id.wrap id)
let exp : Clambda.ulambda = Uoffset (Uvar env_var, offset - pos) in
Env.add_subst env id exp
List.fold_left (add_env_function fun_offset) env all_functions
let env_body, params =
List.fold_right (fun var (env, params) ->
let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
env, id :: params)
function_decl.params (env, [])
{ label = Compilenv.function_label closure_id;
arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl;
params = params @ [env_var];
body = to_clambda t env_body function_decl.body;
dbg = function_decl.dbg;
let funs = List.map to_clambda_function all_functions in
let free_vars =
Variable.Map.bindings (Variable.Map.map (
fun (free_var : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
subst_var env free_var.var) free_vars)
Uclosure (funs, List.map snd free_vars)
and to_clambda_closed_set_of_closures t env symbol
({ function_decls; } : Flambda.set_of_closures)
: Clambda.ustructured_constant =
let functions = Variable.Map.bindings function_decls.funs in
let to_clambda_function (id, (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration))
: Clambda.ufunction =
(* All that we need in the environment, for translating one closure from
a closed set of closures, is the substitutions for variables bound to
the various closures in the set. Such closures will always be
referenced via symbols. *)
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env (var, _) ->
let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap var in
let symbol = Compilenv.closure_symbol closure_id in
Env.add_subst env var (to_clambda_symbol env symbol))
(Env.keep_only_symbols env)
let env_body, params =
List.fold_right (fun var (env, params) ->
let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
env, id :: params)
function_decl.params (env, [])
{ label = Compilenv.function_label (Closure_id.wrap id);
arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl;
body = to_clambda t env_body function_decl.body;
dbg = function_decl.dbg;
let ufunct = List.map to_clambda_function functions in
let closure_lbl = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label symbol) in
Uconst_closure (ufunct, closure_lbl, [])
let to_clambda_initialize_symbol t env symbol fields : Clambda.ulambda =
let fields =
List.mapi (fun index expr -> index, to_clambda t env expr) fields
let build_setfield (index, field) : Clambda.ulambda =
(* Note that this will never cause a write barrier hit, owing to
the [Initialization]. *)
Uprim (Psetfield (index, Pointer, Initialization),
[to_clambda_symbol env symbol; field],
match fields with
| [] -> Uconst (Uconst_ptr 0)
| h :: t ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (p, field) ->
Clambda.Usequence (build_setfield (p, field), acc))
(build_setfield h) t
let accumulate_structured_constants t env symbol
(c : Flambda.constant_defining_value) acc =
match c with
| Allocated_const c ->
Symbol.Map.add symbol (to_clambda_allocated_constant c) acc
| Block (tag, fields) ->
let fields = List.map (to_clambda_const env) fields in
Symbol.Map.add symbol (Clambda.Uconst_block (Tag.to_int tag, fields)) acc
| Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
let to_clambda_set_of_closures =
to_clambda_closed_set_of_closures t env symbol set_of_closures
Symbol.Map.add symbol to_clambda_set_of_closures acc
| Project_closure _ -> acc
let to_clambda_program t env constants (program : Flambda.program) =
let rec loop env constants (program : Flambda.program_body)
: Clambda.ulambda * Clambda.ustructured_constant Symbol.Map.t =
match program with
| Let_symbol (symbol, alloc, program) ->
(* Useful only for unboxing. Since floats and boxed integers will
never be part of a Let_rec_symbol, handling only the Let_symbol
is sufficient. *)
let env =
match alloc with
| Allocated_const const -> Env.add_allocated_const env symbol const
| _ -> env
let constants =
accumulate_structured_constants t env symbol alloc constants
loop env constants program
| Let_rec_symbol (defs, program) ->
let constants =
List.fold_left (fun constants (symbol, alloc) ->
accumulate_structured_constants t env symbol alloc constants)
constants defs
loop env constants program
| Initialize_symbol (symbol, _tag, fields, program) ->
(* The tag is ignored here: It is used separately to generate the
preallocated block. Only the initialisation code is generated
here. *)
let e1 = to_clambda_initialize_symbol t env symbol fields in
let e2, constants = loop env constants program in
Usequence (e1, e2), constants
| Effect (expr, program) ->
let e1 = to_clambda t env expr in
let e2, constants = loop env constants program in
Usequence (e1, e2), constants
| End _ ->
Uconst (Uconst_ptr 0), constants
loop env constants program.program_body
type result = {
expr : Clambda.ulambda;
preallocated_blocks : Clambda.preallocated_block list;
structured_constants : Clambda.ustructured_constant Symbol.Map.t;
exported : Export_info.t;
let convert (program, exported) : result =
let current_unit =
let offsets = Closure_offsets.compute program in
{ fun_offset_table = offsets.function_offsets;
fv_offset_table = offsets.free_variable_offsets;
closures = Flambda_utils.make_closure_map program;
constant_sets_of_closures =
Flambda_utils.all_lifted_constant_sets_of_closures program;
let imported_units =
let imported = Compilenv.approx_env () in
{ fun_offset_table = imported.offset_fun;
fv_offset_table = imported.offset_fv;
closures = imported.closures;
constant_sets_of_closures = imported.constant_sets_of_closures;
let t = { current_unit; imported_units; } in
let preallocated_blocks =
List.map (fun (symbol, tag, fields) ->
{ Clambda.
symbol = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label symbol);
exported = true;
tag = Tag.to_int tag;
size = List.length fields;
(Flambda_utils.initialize_symbols program)
let expr, structured_constants =
to_clambda_program t Env.empty Symbol.Map.empty program
let offset_fun, offset_fv =
Closure_offsets.compute_reexported_offsets program
let exported =
Export_info.add_clambda_info exported
{ expr; preallocated_blocks; structured_constants; exported; }