
402 lines
13 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Operations on module types *)
open Asttypes
open Path
open Types
let rec scrape env mty =
match mty with
Mty_ident p ->
begin try
scrape env (Env.find_modtype_expansion p env)
with Not_found ->
| _ -> mty
let freshen mty =
Subst.modtype Subst.identity mty
let rec strengthen env mty p =
match scrape env mty with
Mty_signature sg ->
Mty_signature(strengthen_sig env sg p 0)
| Mty_functor(param, arg, res)
when !Clflags.applicative_functors && Ident.name param <> "*" ->
Mty_functor(param, arg, strengthen env res (Papply(p, Pident param)))
| mty ->
and strengthen_sig env sg p pos =
match sg with
[] -> []
| (Sig_value(_, desc) as sigelt) :: rem ->
let nextpos = match desc.val_kind with Val_prim _ -> pos | _ -> pos+1 in
sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p nextpos
| Sig_type(id, {type_kind=Type_abstract}, _) ::
(Sig_type(id', {type_private=Private}, _) :: _ as rem)
when Ident.name id = Ident.name id' ^ "#row" ->
strengthen_sig env rem p pos
| Sig_type(id, decl, rs) :: rem ->
let newdecl =
match decl.type_manifest, decl.type_private, decl.type_kind with
Some _, Public, _ -> decl
| Some _, Private, (Type_record _ | Type_variant _) -> decl
| _ ->
let manif =
Some(Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(Pdot(p, Ident.name id, nopos),
decl.type_params, ref Mnil))) in
if decl.type_kind = Type_abstract then
{ decl with type_private = Public; type_manifest = manif }
{ decl with type_manifest = manif }
Sig_type(id, newdecl, rs) :: strengthen_sig env rem p pos
| (Sig_typext _ as sigelt) :: rem ->
sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p (pos+1)
| Sig_module(id, md, rs) :: rem ->
let str =
if Env.is_functor_arg p env then
strengthen_decl env md (Pdot(p, Ident.name id, pos))
{md with md_type = Mty_alias (Pdot(p, Ident.name id, pos))}
Sig_module(id, str, rs)
:: strengthen_sig (Env.add_module_declaration id md env) rem p (pos+1)
(* Need to add the module in case it defines manifest module types *)
| Sig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
let newdecl =
match decl.mtd_type with
None ->
{decl with mtd_type = Some(Mty_ident(Pdot(p,Ident.name id,nopos)))}
| Some _ ->
Sig_modtype(id, newdecl) ::
strengthen_sig (Env.add_modtype id decl env) rem p pos
(* Need to add the module type in case it is manifest *)
| (Sig_class _ as sigelt) :: rem ->
sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p (pos+1)
| (Sig_class_type _ as sigelt) :: rem ->
sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p pos
and strengthen_decl env md p =
{md with md_type = strengthen env md.md_type p}
let () = Env.strengthen := strengthen
(* In nondep_supertype, env is only used for the type it assigns to id.
Hence there is no need to keep env up-to-date by adding the bindings
traversed. *)
type variance = Co | Contra | Strict
let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
let rec nondep_mty env va mty =
match mty with
Mty_ident p ->
if Path.isfree mid p then
nondep_mty env va (Env.find_modtype_expansion p env)
else mty
| Mty_alias p ->
if Path.isfree mid p then
nondep_mty env va (Env.find_module p env).md_type
else mty
| Mty_signature sg ->
Mty_signature(nondep_sig env va sg)
| Mty_functor(param, arg, res) ->
let var_inv =
match va with Co -> Contra | Contra -> Co | Strict -> Strict in
Mty_functor(param, Misc.may_map (nondep_mty env var_inv) arg,
(Env.add_module ~arg:true param
(Btype.default_mty arg) env) va res)
and nondep_sig env va = function
[] -> []
| item :: rem ->
let rem' = nondep_sig env va rem in
match item with
Sig_value(id, d) ->
{d with val_type = Ctype.nondep_type env mid d.val_type})
:: rem'
| Sig_type(id, d, rs) ->
Sig_type(id, Ctype.nondep_type_decl env mid id (va = Co) d, rs)
:: rem'
| Sig_typext(id, ext, es) ->
Sig_typext(id, Ctype.nondep_extension_constructor env mid ext, es)
:: rem'
| Sig_module(id, md, rs) ->
Sig_module(id, {md with md_type=nondep_mty env va md.md_type}, rs)
:: rem'
| Sig_modtype(id, d) ->
begin try
Sig_modtype(id, nondep_modtype_decl env d) :: rem'
with Not_found ->
match va with
Co -> Sig_modtype(id, {mtd_type=None; mtd_loc=Location.none;
mtd_attributes=[]}) :: rem'
| _ -> raise Not_found
| Sig_class(id, d, rs) ->
Sig_class(id, Ctype.nondep_class_declaration env mid d, rs)
:: rem'
| Sig_class_type(id, d, rs) ->
Sig_class_type(id, Ctype.nondep_cltype_declaration env mid d, rs)
:: rem'
and nondep_modtype_decl env mtd =
{mtd with mtd_type = Misc.may_map (nondep_mty env Strict) mtd.mtd_type}
nondep_mty env Co mty
let enrich_typedecl env p decl =
match decl.type_manifest with
Some _ -> decl
| None ->
let orig_decl = Env.find_type p env in
if orig_decl.type_arity <> decl.type_arity
then decl
else {decl with type_manifest =
Some(Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(p, decl.type_params, ref Mnil)))}
with Not_found ->
let rec enrich_modtype env p mty =
match mty with
Mty_signature sg ->
Mty_signature(List.map (enrich_item env p) sg)
| _ ->
and enrich_item env p = function
Sig_type(id, decl, rs) ->
enrich_typedecl env (Pdot(p, Ident.name id, nopos)) decl, rs)
| Sig_module(id, md, rs) ->
{md with
md_type = enrich_modtype env
(Pdot(p, Ident.name id, nopos)) md.md_type},
| item -> item
let rec type_paths env p mty =
match scrape env mty with
Mty_ident _ -> []
| Mty_alias _ -> []
| Mty_signature sg -> type_paths_sig env p 0 sg
| Mty_functor _ -> []
and type_paths_sig env p pos sg =
match sg with
[] -> []
| Sig_value(_id, decl) :: rem ->
let pos' = match decl.val_kind with Val_prim _ -> pos | _ -> pos + 1 in
type_paths_sig env p pos' rem
| Sig_type(id, _decl, _) :: rem ->
Pdot(p, Ident.name id, nopos) :: type_paths_sig env p pos rem
| Sig_module(id, md, _) :: rem ->
type_paths env (Pdot(p, Ident.name id, pos)) md.md_type @
type_paths_sig (Env.add_module_declaration id md env) p (pos+1) rem
| Sig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
type_paths_sig (Env.add_modtype id decl env) p pos rem
| (Sig_typext _ | Sig_class _) :: rem ->
type_paths_sig env p (pos+1) rem
| (Sig_class_type _) :: rem ->
type_paths_sig env p pos rem
let rec no_code_needed env mty =
match scrape env mty with
Mty_ident _ -> false
| Mty_signature sg -> no_code_needed_sig env sg
| Mty_functor(_, _, _) -> false
| Mty_alias _ -> true
and no_code_needed_sig env sg =
match sg with
[] -> true
| Sig_value(_id, decl) :: rem ->
begin match decl.val_kind with
| Val_prim _ -> no_code_needed_sig env rem
| _ -> false
| Sig_module(id, md, _) :: rem ->
no_code_needed env md.md_type &&
no_code_needed_sig (Env.add_module_declaration id md env) rem
| (Sig_type _ | Sig_modtype _ | Sig_class_type _) :: rem ->
no_code_needed_sig env rem
| (Sig_typext _ | Sig_class _) :: _ ->
(* Check whether a module type may return types *)
let rec contains_type env = function
Mty_ident path ->
begin try match (Env.find_modtype path env).mtd_type with
| None -> raise Exit (* PR#6427 *)
| Some mty -> contains_type env mty
with Not_found -> raise Exit
| Mty_signature sg ->
contains_type_sig env sg
| Mty_functor (_, _, body) ->
contains_type env body
| Mty_alias _ ->
and contains_type_sig env = List.iter (contains_type_item env)
and contains_type_item env = function
Sig_type (_,({type_manifest = None} |
{type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Private}),_)
| Sig_modtype _
| Sig_typext (_, {ext_args = Cstr_record _}, _) ->
(* We consider that extension constructors with an inlined
record create a type (the inlined record), even though
it would be technically safe to ignore that considering
the current constraints which guarantee that this type
is kept local to expressions. *)
raise Exit
| Sig_module (_, {md_type = mty}, _) ->
contains_type env mty
| Sig_value _
| Sig_type _
| Sig_typext _
| Sig_class _
| Sig_class_type _ ->
let contains_type env mty =
try contains_type env mty; false with Exit -> true
(* Remove module aliases from a signature *)
module P = struct
type t = Path.t
let compare p1 p2 =
if Path.same p1 p2 then 0 else compare p1 p2
module PathSet = Set.Make (P)
module PathMap = Map.Make (P)
module IdentSet = Set.Make (Ident)
let rec get_prefixes = function
Pident _ -> PathSet.empty
| Pdot (p, _, _)
| Papply (p, _) -> PathSet.add p (get_prefixes p)
let rec get_arg_paths = function
Pident _ -> PathSet.empty
| Pdot (p, _, _) -> get_arg_paths p
| Papply (p1, p2) ->
PathSet.add p2
(PathSet.union (get_prefixes p2)
(PathSet.union (get_arg_paths p1) (get_arg_paths p2)))
let rec rollback_path subst p =
try Pident (PathMap.find p subst)
with Not_found ->
match p with
Pident _ | Papply _ -> p
| Pdot (p1, s, n) ->
let p1' = rollback_path subst p1 in
if Path.same p1 p1' then p else rollback_path subst (Pdot (p1', s, n))
let rec collect_ids subst bindings p =
begin match rollback_path subst p with
Pident id ->
let ids =
try collect_ids subst bindings (Ident.find_same id bindings)
with Not_found -> IdentSet.empty
IdentSet.add id ids
| _ -> IdentSet.empty
let collect_arg_paths mty =
let open Btype in
let paths = ref PathSet.empty
and subst = ref PathMap.empty
and bindings = ref Ident.empty in
(* let rt = Ident.create "Root" in
and prefix = ref (Path.Pident rt) in *)
let it_path p = paths := PathSet.union (get_arg_paths p) !paths
and it_signature_item it si =
type_iterators.it_signature_item it si;
match si with
Sig_module (id, {md_type=Mty_alias p}, _) ->
bindings := Ident.add id p !bindings
| Sig_module (id, {md_type=Mty_signature sg}, _) ->
(function Sig_module (id', _, _) ->
subst :=
PathMap.add (Pdot (Pident id, Ident.name id', -1)) id' !subst
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ()
let it = {type_iterators with it_path; it_signature_item} in
it.it_module_type it mty;
it.it_module_type unmark_iterators mty;
PathSet.fold (fun p -> IdentSet.union (collect_ids !subst !bindings p))
!paths IdentSet.empty
let rec remove_aliases env excl mty =
match mty with
Mty_signature sg ->
Mty_signature (remove_aliases_sig env excl sg)
| Mty_alias _ ->
let mty' = Env.scrape_alias env mty in
if mty' = mty then mty else
remove_aliases env excl mty'
| mty ->
and remove_aliases_sig env excl sg =
match sg with
[] -> []
| Sig_module(id, md, rs) :: rem ->
let mty =
match md.md_type with
Mty_alias _ when IdentSet.mem id excl ->
| mty ->
remove_aliases env excl mty
Sig_module(id, {md with md_type = mty} , rs) ::
remove_aliases_sig (Env.add_module id mty env) excl rem
| Sig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem ->
Sig_modtype(id, mtd) ::
remove_aliases_sig (Env.add_modtype id mtd env) excl rem
| it :: rem ->
it :: remove_aliases_sig env excl rem
let remove_aliases env sg =
let excl = collect_arg_paths sg in
(* PathSet.iter (fun p -> Format.eprintf "%a@ " Printtyp.path p) excl;
Format.eprintf "@."; *)
remove_aliases env excl sg