
309 lines
10 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* "Package" a set of .cmo files into one .cmo file having the
original compilation units as sub-modules. *)
open Misc
open Instruct
open Cmo_format
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
type error =
Forward_reference of string * Ident.t
| Multiple_definition of string * Ident.t
| Not_an_object_file of string
| Illegal_renaming of string * string * string
| File_not_found of string
exception Error of error
(* References accumulating information on the .cmo files *)
let relocs = ref ([] : (reloc_info * int) list)
let events = ref ([] : debug_event list)
let debug_dirs = ref StringSet.empty
let primitives = ref ([] : string list)
let force_link = ref false
(* Record a relocation. Update its offset, and rename GETGLOBAL and
SETGLOBAL relocations that correspond to one of the units being
consolidated. *)
let rename_relocation packagename objfile mapping defined base (rel, ofs) =
let rel' =
match rel with
Reloc_getglobal id ->
begin try
let id' = List.assoc id mapping in
if List.mem id defined
then Reloc_getglobal id'
else raise(Error(Forward_reference(objfile, id)))
with Not_found ->
(* PR#5276: unique-ize dotted global names, which appear
if one of the units being consolidated is itself a packed
module. *)
let name = Ident.name id in
if String.contains name '.' then
Reloc_getglobal (Ident.create_persistent (packagename ^ "." ^ name))
| Reloc_setglobal id ->
begin try
let id' = List.assoc id mapping in
if List.mem id defined
then raise(Error(Multiple_definition(objfile, id)))
else Reloc_setglobal id'
with Not_found ->
(* PR#5276, as above *)
let name = Ident.name id in
if String.contains name '.' then
Reloc_setglobal (Ident.create_persistent (packagename ^ "." ^ name))
| _ ->
rel in
relocs := (rel', base + ofs) :: !relocs
(* Record and relocate a debugging event *)
let relocate_debug base prefix subst ev =
let ev' = { ev with ev_pos = base + ev.ev_pos;
ev_module = prefix ^ "." ^ ev.ev_module;
ev_typsubst = Subst.compose ev.ev_typsubst subst } in
events := ev' :: !events
(* Read the unit information from a .cmo file. *)
type pack_member_kind = PM_intf | PM_impl of compilation_unit
type pack_member =
{ pm_file: string;
pm_name: string;
pm_kind: pack_member_kind }
let read_member_info file = (
let name =
String.capitalize_ascii(Filename.basename(chop_extensions file)) in
let kind =
if Filename.check_suffix file ".cmo" then begin
let ic = open_in_bin file in
let buffer =
really_input_string ic (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number)
if buffer <> Config.cmo_magic_number then
raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file));
let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic compunit_pos;
let compunit = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
if compunit.cu_name <> name
then raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(name, file, compunit.cu_name)));
close_in ic;
PM_impl compunit
with x ->
close_in ic;
raise x
end else
PM_intf in
{ pm_file = file; pm_name = name; pm_kind = kind }
(* Read the bytecode from a .cmo file.
Write bytecode to channel [oc].
Rename globals as indicated by [mapping] in reloc info.
Accumulate relocs, debug info, etc.
Return size of bytecode. *)
let rename_append_bytecode ppf packagename oc mapping defined ofs prefix subst
objfile compunit =
let ic = open_in_bin objfile in
Bytelink.check_consistency ppf objfile compunit;
(rename_relocation packagename objfile mapping defined ofs)
primitives := compunit.cu_primitives @ !primitives;
if compunit.cu_force_link then force_link := true;
seek_in ic compunit.cu_pos;
Misc.copy_file_chunk ic oc compunit.cu_codesize;
if !Clflags.debug && compunit.cu_debug > 0 then begin
seek_in ic compunit.cu_debug;
List.iter (relocate_debug ofs prefix subst) (input_value ic);
debug_dirs := List.fold_left
(fun s e -> StringSet.add e s)
(input_value ic);
close_in ic;
with x ->
close_in ic;
raise x
(* Same, for a list of .cmo and .cmi files.
Return total size of bytecode. *)
let rec rename_append_bytecode_list ppf packagename oc mapping defined ofs
prefix subst =
[] ->
| m :: rem ->
match m.pm_kind with
| PM_intf ->
rename_append_bytecode_list ppf packagename oc mapping defined ofs
prefix subst rem
| PM_impl compunit ->
let size =
rename_append_bytecode ppf packagename oc mapping defined ofs
prefix subst m.pm_file compunit in
let id = Ident.create_persistent m.pm_name in
let root = Path.Pident (Ident.create_persistent prefix) in
rename_append_bytecode_list ppf packagename oc mapping (id :: defined)
(ofs + size) prefix
(Subst.add_module id (Path.Pdot (root, Ident.name id, Path.nopos))
(* Generate the code that builds the tuple representing the package module *)
let build_global_target oc target_name members mapping pos coercion =
let components =
(fun m (_id1, id2) ->
match m.pm_kind with
| PM_intf -> None
| PM_impl _ -> Some id2)
members mapping in
let lam =
components (Ident.create_persistent target_name) coercion in
if !Clflags.dump_lambda then
Format.printf "%a@." Printlambda.lambda lam;
let instrs =
Bytegen.compile_implementation target_name lam in
let rel =
Emitcode.to_packed_file oc instrs in
relocs := List.map (fun (r, ofs) -> (r, pos + ofs)) rel @ !relocs
(* Build the .cmo file obtained by packaging the given .cmo files. *)
let package_object_files ppf files targetfile targetname coercion =
let members =
map_left_right read_member_info files in
let unit_names =
List.map (fun m -> m.pm_name) members in
let mapping =
(fun name ->
(Ident.create_persistent name,
Ident.create_persistent(targetname ^ "." ^ name)))
unit_names in
let oc = open_out_bin targetfile in
output_string oc Config.cmo_magic_number;
let pos_depl = pos_out oc in
output_binary_int oc 0;
let pos_code = pos_out oc in
let ofs = rename_append_bytecode_list ppf targetname oc mapping [] 0
targetname Subst.identity members in
build_global_target oc targetname members mapping ofs coercion;
let pos_debug = pos_out oc in
if !Clflags.debug && !events <> [] then begin
output_value oc (List.rev !events);
output_value oc (StringSet.elements !debug_dirs);
let pos_final = pos_out oc in
let imports =
(fun (name, _crc) -> not (List.mem name unit_names))
(Bytelink.extract_crc_interfaces()) in
let compunit =
{ cu_name = targetname;
cu_pos = pos_code;
cu_codesize = pos_debug - pos_code;
cu_reloc = List.rev !relocs;
cu_imports =
(targetname, Some (Env.crc_of_unit targetname)) :: imports;
cu_primitives = !primitives;
cu_force_link = !force_link;
cu_debug = if pos_final > pos_debug then pos_debug else 0;
cu_debugsize = pos_final - pos_debug } in
output_value oc compunit;
seek_out oc pos_depl;
output_binary_int oc pos_final;
close_out oc
with x ->
close_out oc;
raise x
(* The entry point *)
let package_files ppf initial_env files targetfile =
let files =
(fun f ->
try find_in_path !Config.load_path f
with Not_found -> raise(Error(File_not_found f)))
files in
let prefix = chop_extensions targetfile in
let targetcmi = prefix ^ ".cmi" in
let targetname = String.capitalize_ascii(Filename.basename prefix) in
let coercion =
Typemod.package_units initial_env files targetcmi targetname in
package_object_files ppf files targetfile targetname coercion
with x ->
remove_file targetfile; raise x
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error ppf = function
Forward_reference(file, ident) ->
fprintf ppf "Forward reference to %s in file %a" (Ident.name ident)
Location.print_filename file
| Multiple_definition(file, ident) ->
fprintf ppf "File %a redefines %s"
Location.print_filename file
(Ident.name ident)
| Not_an_object_file file ->
fprintf ppf "%a is not a bytecode object file"
Location.print_filename file
| Illegal_renaming(name, file, id) ->
fprintf ppf "Wrong file naming: %a@ contains the code for\
@ %s when %s was expected"
Location.print_filename file name id
| File_not_found file ->
fprintf ppf "File %s not found" file
let () =
| Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
| _ -> None
let reset () =
relocs := [];
events := [];
primitives := [];
force_link := false