
22 lines
630 B

let loc1 = Location.in_file "111"
let loc2 = Location.in_file "222"
let x = [%expr foobar]
let pat = [%pat "_ as x"]
let e = [%expr fun (x, [%p pat]) -> x + [%e x] + 1]
let () = Format.printf "%a@." (Printast.expression 0) e
;;[@@metaloc loc2]
let e = [%expr fun (x, [%p pat]) -> x + [%e x] + 1] [@metaloc loc1]
let () = Format.printf "%a@." (Printast.expression 0) e
let e = [%expr fun (x, [%p pat]) -> x + [%e x] + 1]
let () = Format.printf "%a@." (Printast.expression 0) e
let mytype = [%type "int list"]
let s = [%str {|type t = A of [%t mytype] | B of string|}]
let () = Format.printf "%a@." Printast.implementation s