306 lines
11 KiB
306 lines
11 KiB
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Elimination of useless Llet(Alias) bindings.
Also transform let-bound references into variables. *)
open Asttypes
open Lambda
(* To transform let-bound references into variables *)
exception Real_reference
let rec eliminate_ref id = function
Lvar v as lam ->
if Ident.same v id then raise Real_reference else lam
| Lconst cst as lam -> lam
| Lapply(e1, el) ->
Lapply(eliminate_ref id e1, List.map (eliminate_ref id) el)
| Lfunction(kind, params, body) as lam ->
if IdentSet.mem id (free_variables lam)
then raise Real_reference
else lam
| Llet(str, v, e1, e2) ->
Llet(str, v, eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
| Lletrec(idel, e2) ->
Lletrec(List.map (fun (v, e) -> (v, eliminate_ref id e)) idel,
eliminate_ref id e2)
| Lprim(Pfield 0, [Lvar v]) when Ident.same v id ->
Lvar id
| Lprim(Psetfield(0, _), [Lvar v; e]) when Ident.same v id ->
Lassign(id, eliminate_ref id e)
| Lprim(Poffsetref delta, [Lvar v]) when Ident.same v id ->
Lassign(id, Lprim(Poffsetint delta, [Lvar id]))
| Lprim(p, el) ->
Lprim(p, List.map (eliminate_ref id) el)
| Lswitch(e, sw) ->
Lswitch(eliminate_ref id e,
{sw_numconsts = sw.sw_numconsts;
sw_consts =
List.map (fun (n, e) -> (n, eliminate_ref id e)) sw.sw_consts;
sw_numblocks = sw.sw_numblocks;
sw_blocks =
List.map (fun (n, e) -> (n, eliminate_ref id e)) sw.sw_blocks;
sw_checked = sw.sw_checked; sw_nofail = sw.sw_nofail})
| Lstaticfail as l -> l
| Lstaticraise _ as l -> l
| Lcatch(e1, e2) ->
Lcatch(eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
| Lstaticcatch(e1, i, e2) ->
Lstaticcatch(eliminate_ref id e1, i, eliminate_ref id e2)
| Ltrywith(e1, v, e2) ->
Ltrywith(eliminate_ref id e1, v, eliminate_ref id e2)
| Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
Lifthenelse(eliminate_ref id e1,
eliminate_ref id e2,
eliminate_ref id e3)
| Lsequence(e1, e2) ->
Lsequence(eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
| Lwhile(e1, e2) ->
Lwhile(eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
| Lfor(v, e1, e2, dir, e3) ->
Lfor(v, eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2,
dir, eliminate_ref id e3)
| Lassign(v, e) ->
Lassign(v, eliminate_ref id e)
| Lsend(m, o, el) ->
Lsend(eliminate_ref id m, eliminate_ref id o,
List.map (eliminate_ref id) el)
| Levent(l, ev) ->
Levent(eliminate_ref id l, ev)
| Lifused(v, e) ->
Lifused(v, eliminate_ref id e)
(* Simplification of lets *)
let simplify_lambda lam =
(* First pass: count the occurrences of all identifiers *)
let occ = Hashtbl.create 83 in
let count_var v =
!(Hashtbl.find occ v)
with Not_found ->
and incr_var v =
incr(Hashtbl.find occ v)
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add occ v (ref 1) in
(* Also count occurrences of (exit n) statements with no arguments *)
let exits = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let count_exit i =
!(Hashtbl.find exits i)
| Not_found -> 0
and incr_exit i =
incr(Hashtbl.find exits i)
| Not_found -> Hashtbl.add exits i (ref 1) in
(* And occurences of Lstaticfail, in every staticcatch scope *)
let count_fail = ref (ref 0) in
let at_catch = ref [] in
let rec count = function
| Lvar v -> incr_var v
| Lconst cst -> ()
| Lapply(l1, ll) -> count l1; List.iter count ll
| Lfunction(kind, params, l) -> count l
| Llet(str, v, Lvar w, l2) when not !Clflags.debug ->
(* v will be replaced by w in l2, so each occurrence of v in l2
increases w's refcount *)
count l2;
let vc = count_var v in
begin try
let r = Hashtbl.find occ w in r := !r + vc
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add occ w (ref vc)
| Llet(str, v, l1, l2) ->
count l2;
(* If v is unused, l1 will be removed, so don't count its variables *)
if str = Strict or count_var v > 0 then count l1
| Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
List.iter (fun (v, l) -> count l) bindings;
count body
| Lprim(p, ll) -> List.iter count ll
| Lswitch(l, sw) ->
(* switch may generate Lstaticfail *)
(not sw.sw_nofail) &&
(sw.sw_numconsts > List.length sw.sw_consts ||
sw.sw_numblocks > List.length sw.sw_blocks)
!count_fail := !(!count_fail) + 2 ;
count l;
List.iter (fun (n, l) -> count l) sw.sw_consts;
List.iter (fun (n, l) -> count l) sw.sw_blocks ;
| Lstaticfail -> incr !count_fail
| Lstaticraise (i,ls) -> incr_exit i ; List.iter count ls
| Lcatch(l1, l2) as l ->
let save_count_fail = !count_fail in
count_fail := ref 0 ;
count l1;
let this_count = !(!count_fail) in
at_catch := (l,!(!count_fail)) :: !at_catch ;
count_fail := save_count_fail ;
(* If l1 does not contain staticfail,
l2 will be removed, so don't count its variables *)
if this_count > 0 then
count l2
| Lstaticcatch(l1, (i,_), l2) ->
count l1;
(* If l1 does not contain (exit i),
l2 will be removed, so don't count its variables *)
if count_exit i > 0 then
count l2
| Ltrywith(l1, v, l2) -> count l1; count l2
| Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> count l1; count l2; count l3
| Lsequence(l1, l2) -> count l1; count l2
| Lwhile(l1, l2) -> count l1; count l2
| Lfor(_, l1, l2, dir, l3) -> count l1; count l2; count l3
| Lassign(v, l) ->
(* Lalias-bound variables are never assigned, so don't increase
v's refcount *)
count l
| Lsend(m, o, ll) -> List.iter count (m::o::ll)
| Levent(l, _) -> count l
| Lifused(v, l) ->
if count_var v > 0 then count l
count lam;
(* Second pass: remove Lalias bindings of unused variables,
and substitute the bindings of variables used exactly once. *)
(* Also treat ``catch body with (i) handler''
- if (exit i) does not occur in body, suppress catch
- if (exit i) occurs exactly once in body,
substitute it with handler *)
let subst = Hashtbl.create 83
and subst_exit = Hashtbl.create 17
and subst_fail = ref Lstaticfail in
let rec simplif = function
Lvar v as l ->
begin try
Hashtbl.find subst v
with Not_found ->
| Lconst cst as l -> l
| Lapply(l1, ll) -> Lapply(simplif l1, List.map simplif ll)
| Lfunction(kind, params, l) -> Lfunction(kind, params, simplif l)
| Llet(str, v, Lvar w, l2) when not !Clflags.debug ->
Hashtbl.add subst v (simplif (Lvar w));
simplif l2
| Llet(Strict, v, Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [linit]), lbody)
when not !Clflags.debug ->
let slinit = simplif linit in
let slbody = simplif lbody in
begin try
Llet(Variable, v, slinit, eliminate_ref v slbody)
with Real_reference ->
Llet(Strict, v, Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [slinit]), slbody)
| Llet(Alias, v, l1, l2) ->
begin match count_var v with
0 -> simplif l2
| 1 when not !Clflags.debug ->
Hashtbl.add subst v (simplif l1); simplif l2
| n -> Llet(Alias, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Llet(StrictOpt, v, l1, l2) ->
begin match count_var v with
0 -> simplif l2
| n -> Llet(Alias, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Llet(kind, v, l1, l2) -> Llet(kind, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
Lletrec(List.map (fun (v, l) -> (v, simplif l)) bindings, simplif body)
| Lprim(p, ll) -> Lprim(p, List.map simplif ll)
| Lswitch(l, sw) ->
let new_l = simplif l
and new_consts = List.map (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_consts
and new_blocks = List.map (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_blocks in
(new_l,{sw with sw_consts = new_consts ; sw_blocks = new_blocks})
| Lstaticfail as l -> !subst_fail
| Lstaticraise (i,[]) as l ->
begin try
Hashtbl.find subst_exit i
| Not_found -> l
| Lstaticraise (i,ls) ->
Lstaticraise (i, List.map simplif ls)
| Lcatch(l1, l2) as l ->
let nfail =
List.assq l !at_catch
| Not_found -> Misc.fatal_error "Simplif: catch" in
begin match nfail with
| 0 -> simplif l1
| 1 ->
let new_l2 = simplif l2 in
let save_subst_fail = !subst_fail in
subst_fail := new_l2 ;
let r = simplif l1 in
subst_fail := save_subst_fail ;
| _ ->
let save_subst_fail = !subst_fail in
subst_fail := Lstaticfail ;
let r = simplif l1 in
subst_fail := save_subst_fail ;
Lcatch (r,simplif l2)
| Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,[]),l2) ->
begin match count_exit i with
| 0 -> simplif l1
| 1 ->
Hashtbl.add subst_exit i (simplif l2) ;
simplif l1
| _ ->
Lstaticcatch (simplif l1, (i,[]), simplif l2)
| Lstaticcatch(l1, (i,args), l2) ->
begin match count_exit i with
| 0 -> simplif l1
| _ ->
Lstaticcatch (simplif l1, (i,args), simplif l2)
| Ltrywith(l1, v, l2) -> Ltrywith(simplif l1, v, simplif l2)
| Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> Lifthenelse(simplif l1, simplif l2, simplif l3)
| Lsequence(Lifused(v, l1), l2) ->
if count_var v > 0
then Lsequence(simplif l1, simplif l2)
else simplif l2
| Lsequence(l1, l2) -> Lsequence(simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Lwhile(l1, l2) -> Lwhile(simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Lfor(v, l1, l2, dir, l3) ->
Lfor(v, simplif l1, simplif l2, dir, simplif l3)
| Lassign(v, l) -> Lassign(v, simplif l)
| Lsend(m, o, ll) -> Lsend(simplif m, simplif o, List.map simplif ll)
| Levent(l, ev) -> Levent(simplif l, ev)
| Lifused(v, l) ->
if count_var v > 0 then simplif l else lambda_unit
simplif lam