203 lines
6.4 KiB
203 lines
6.4 KiB
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
open Format
type error =
| CannotRun of string
| WrongMagic of string
exception Error of error
(* Optionally preprocess a source file *)
let call_external_preprocessor sourcefile pp =
let tmpfile = Filename.temp_file "ocamlpp" "" in
let comm = Printf.sprintf "%s %s > %s"
pp (Filename.quote sourcefile) tmpfile
if Ccomp.command comm <> 0 then begin
Misc.remove_file tmpfile;
raise (Error (CannotRun comm));
let preprocess sourcefile =
match !Clflags.preprocessor with
None -> sourcefile
| Some pp -> call_external_preprocessor sourcefile pp
let remove_preprocessed inputfile =
match !Clflags.preprocessor with
None -> ()
| Some _ -> Misc.remove_file inputfile
(* Note: some of the functions here should go to Ast_mapper instead,
which would encapsulate the "binary AST" protocol. *)
let write_ast magic ast =
let fn = Filename.temp_file "camlppx" "" in
let oc = open_out_bin fn in
output_string oc magic;
output_value oc !Location.input_name;
output_value oc ast;
close_out oc;
let apply_rewriter magic fn_in ppx =
let fn_out = Filename.temp_file "camlppx" "" in
let comm =
Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" ppx (Filename.quote fn_in) (Filename.quote fn_out)
let ok = Ccomp.command comm = 0 in
Misc.remove_file fn_in;
if not ok then begin
Misc.remove_file fn_out;
raise (Error (CannotRun comm));
if not (Sys.file_exists fn_out) then
raise (Error (WrongMagic comm));
(* check magic before passing to the next ppx *)
let ic = open_in_bin fn_out in
let buffer =
try really_input_string ic (String.length magic) with End_of_file -> "" in
close_in ic;
if buffer <> magic then begin
Misc.remove_file fn_out;
raise (Error (WrongMagic comm));
let read_ast magic fn =
let ic = open_in_bin fn in
let buffer = really_input_string ic (String.length magic) in
assert(buffer = magic); (* already checked by apply_rewriter *)
Location.input_name := input_value ic;
let ast = input_value ic in
close_in ic;
Misc.remove_file fn;
with exn ->
close_in ic;
Misc.remove_file fn;
raise exn
let rewrite magic ast ppxs =
read_ast magic
(List.fold_left (apply_rewriter magic) (write_ast magic ast)
(List.rev ppxs))
let apply_rewriters_str ?(restore = true) ~tool_name ast =
match !Clflags.all_ppx with
| [] -> ast
| ppxs ->
let ast = Ast_mapper.add_ppx_context_str ~tool_name ast in
let ast = rewrite Config.ast_impl_magic_number ast ppxs in
Ast_mapper.drop_ppx_context_str ~restore ast
let apply_rewriters_sig ?(restore = true) ~tool_name ast =
match !Clflags.all_ppx with
| [] -> ast
| ppxs ->
let ast = Ast_mapper.add_ppx_context_sig ~tool_name ast in
let ast = rewrite Config.ast_intf_magic_number ast ppxs in
Ast_mapper.drop_ppx_context_sig ~restore ast
let apply_rewriters ?restore ~tool_name magic ast =
if magic = Config.ast_impl_magic_number then
Obj.magic (apply_rewriters_str ?restore ~tool_name (Obj.magic ast))
else if magic = Config.ast_intf_magic_number then
Obj.magic (apply_rewriters_sig ?restore ~tool_name (Obj.magic ast))
assert false
(* Parse a file or get a dumped syntax tree from it *)
exception Outdated_version
let open_and_check_magic inputfile ast_magic =
let ic = open_in_bin inputfile in
let is_ast_file =
let buffer = really_input_string ic (String.length ast_magic) in
if buffer = ast_magic then true
else if String.sub buffer 0 9 = String.sub ast_magic 0 9 then
raise Outdated_version
else false
Outdated_version ->
Misc.fatal_error "OCaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions"
| _ -> false
(ic, is_ast_file)
let file ppf ~tool_name inputfile parse_fun ast_magic =
let (ic, is_ast_file) = open_and_check_magic inputfile ast_magic in
let ast =
if is_ast_file then begin
if !Clflags.fast then
(* FIXME make this a proper warning *)
fprintf ppf "@[Warning: %s@]@."
"option -unsafe used with a preprocessor returning a syntax tree";
Location.input_name := input_value ic;
input_value ic
end else begin
seek_in ic 0;
Location.input_name := inputfile;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
Location.init lexbuf inputfile;
parse_fun lexbuf
with x -> close_in ic; raise x
close_in ic;
apply_rewriters ~restore:false ~tool_name ast_magic ast
let report_error ppf = function
| CannotRun cmd ->
fprintf ppf "Error while running external preprocessor@.\
Command line: %s@." cmd
| WrongMagic cmd ->
fprintf ppf "External preprocessor does not produce a valid file@.\
Command line: %s@." cmd
let () =
| Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
| _ -> None
let parse_all ~tool_name parse_fun magic ppf sourcefile =
Location.input_name := sourcefile;
let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
let ast =
try file ppf ~tool_name inputfile parse_fun magic
with exn ->
remove_preprocessed inputfile;
raise exn
remove_preprocessed inputfile;
let parse_implementation ppf ~tool_name sourcefile =
parse_all ~tool_name Parse.implementation
Config.ast_impl_magic_number ppf sourcefile
let parse_interface ppf ~tool_name sourcefile =
parse_all ~tool_name Parse.interface
Config.ast_intf_magic_number ppf sourcefile