
279 lines
9.9 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
open Clflags
let usage =
"Usage: ocamlnat <options> <object-files> [script-file]\noptions are:"
let preload_objects = ref []
(* Position of the first non expanded argument *)
let first_nonexpanded_pos = ref 0
let current = ref (!Arg.current)
let argv = ref Sys.argv
(* Test whether the option is part of a responsefile *)
let is_expanded pos = pos < !first_nonexpanded_pos
let expand_position pos len =
if pos < !first_nonexpanded_pos then
(* Shift the position *)
first_nonexpanded_pos := !first_nonexpanded_pos + len
(* New last position *)
first_nonexpanded_pos := pos + len + 2
let prepare ppf =
Opttoploop.set_paths ();
let res =
List.for_all (Opttopdirs.load_file ppf) (List.rev !preload_objects)
Opttoploop.run_hooks Opttoploop.Startup;
with x ->
try Location.report_exception ppf x; false
with x ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Uncaught exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string x);
let file_argument name =
let ppf = Format.err_formatter in
if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxs"
|| Filename.check_suffix name ".cmx"
|| Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxa"
then preload_objects := name :: !preload_objects
else if is_expanded !current then begin
(* Script files are not allowed in expand options because otherwise the
check in override arguments may fail since the new argv can be larger
than the original argv.
Printf.eprintf "For implementation reasons, the toplevel does not support\
\ having script files (here %S) inside expanded arguments passed through\
\ the -args{,0} command-line option.\n" name;
exit 2
end else begin
let newargs = Array.sub !argv !Arg.current
(Array.length !argv - !Arg.current)
Compmisc.read_clflags_from_env ();
if prepare ppf && Opttoploop.run_script ppf name newargs
then exit 0
else exit 2
let print_version () =
Printf.printf "The OCaml toplevel, version %s\n" Sys.ocaml_version;
exit 0;
let print_version_num () =
Printf.printf "%s\n" Sys.ocaml_version;
exit 0;
let wrap_expand f s =
let start = !current in
let arr = f s in
expand_position start (Array.length arr);
module Options = Main_args.Make_opttop_options (struct
let set r () = r := true
let clear r () = r := false
let _absname = set absname
let _alert = Warnings.parse_alert_option
let _compact = clear optimize_for_speed
let _I dir = include_dirs := dir :: !include_dirs
let _init s = init_file := Some s
let _noinit = set noinit
let _clambda_checks () = clambda_checks := true
let _inline spec =
Float_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_indirect_cost spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-indirect-cost <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_toplevel spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-toplevel <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inlining_report () = inlining_report := true
let _dump_pass pass = set_dumped_pass pass true
let _rounds n = simplify_rounds := Some n
let _inline_max_unroll spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-max-unroll <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _classic_inlining () = classic_inlining := true
let _inline_call_cost spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-call-cost <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_alloc_cost spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-alloc-cost <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_prim_cost spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-prim-cost <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_branch_cost spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-branch-cost <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_lifting_benefit spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-lifting-benefit <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_branch_factor spec =
Float_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-branch-factor <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _inline_max_depth spec =
Int_arg_helper.parse spec
"Syntax: -inline-max-depth <n> | <round>=<n>[,...]"
let _insn_sched = set insn_sched
let _no_insn_sched = clear insn_sched
let _no_unbox_free_vars_of_closures = clear unbox_free_vars_of_closures
let _no_unbox_specialised_args = clear unbox_specialised_args
let _o s = output_name := Some s
let _o2 () =
default_simplify_rounds := 2;
use_inlining_arguments_set o2_arguments;
use_inlining_arguments_set ~round:0 o1_arguments
let _o3 () =
default_simplify_rounds := 3;
use_inlining_arguments_set o3_arguments;
use_inlining_arguments_set ~round:1 o2_arguments;
use_inlining_arguments_set ~round:0 o1_arguments
let _remove_unused_arguments = set remove_unused_arguments
let _unbox_closures = set unbox_closures
let _unbox_closures_factor f = unbox_closures_factor := f
let _drawclambda = set dump_rawclambda
let _dclambda = set dump_clambda
let _drawflambda = set dump_rawflambda
let _dflambda = set dump_flambda
let _dflambda_let stamp = dump_flambda_let := Some stamp
let _dflambda_verbose () =
set dump_flambda ();
set dump_flambda_verbose ()
let _dflambda_invariants = set flambda_invariant_checks
let _dflambda_no_invariants = clear flambda_invariant_checks
let _labels = clear classic
let _alias_deps = clear transparent_modules
let _no_alias_deps = set transparent_modules
let _dlinscan = set use_linscan
let _app_funct = set applicative_functors
let _no_app_funct = clear applicative_functors
let _noassert = set noassert
let _nolabels = set classic
let _noprompt = set noprompt
let _nopromptcont = set nopromptcont
let _nostdlib = set no_std_include
let _nopervasives = set nopervasives
let _ppx s = Compenv.first_ppx := s :: !Compenv.first_ppx
let _principal = set principal
let _no_principal = clear principal
let _real_paths = set real_paths
let _rectypes = set recursive_types
let _no_rectypes = clear recursive_types
let _strict_sequence = set strict_sequence
let _no_strict_sequence = clear strict_sequence
let _strict_formats = set strict_formats
let _no_strict_formats = clear strict_formats
let _S = set keep_asm_file
let _short_paths = clear real_paths
let _stdin () = file_argument ""
let _unboxed_types = set unboxed_types
let _no_unboxed_types = clear unboxed_types
let _unsafe = set unsafe
let _verbose = set verbose
let _version () = print_version ()
let _vnum () = print_version_num ()
let _no_version = set noversion
let _w s = Warnings.parse_options false s
let _warn_error s = Warnings.parse_options true s
let _warn_help = Warnings.help_warnings
let _dno_unique_ids = clear unique_ids
let _dunique_ids = set unique_ids
let _dsource = set dump_source
let _dparsetree = set dump_parsetree
let _dtypedtree = set dump_typedtree
let _drawlambda = set dump_rawlambda
let _dlambda = set dump_lambda
let _drawclambda = set dump_rawclambda
let _dclambda = set dump_clambda
let _dcmm = set dump_cmm
let _dsel = set dump_selection
let _dcombine = set dump_combine
let _dcse = set dump_cse
let _dlive () = dump_live := true; Printmach.print_live := true
let _davail () = dump_avail := true
let _drunavail () = debug_runavail := true
let _dspill = set dump_spill
let _dsplit = set dump_split
let _dinterf = set dump_interf
let _dprefer = set dump_prefer
let _dalloc = set dump_regalloc
let _dreload = set dump_reload
let _dscheduling = set dump_scheduling
let _dlinear = set dump_linear
let _dinterval = set dump_interval
let _dstartup = set keep_startup_file
let _safe_string = clear unsafe_string
let _unsafe_string = set unsafe_string
let _open s = open_modules := s :: !open_modules
let _color = Misc.set_or_ignore color_reader.parse color
let _error_style = Misc.set_or_ignore error_style_reader.parse error_style
let _args = wrap_expand Arg.read_arg
let _args0 = wrap_expand Arg.read_arg0
let anonymous = file_argument
let () =
let extra_paths =
match Sys.getenv "OCAMLTOP_INCLUDE_PATH" with
| exception Not_found -> []
| s -> Misc.split_path_contents s
Clflags.include_dirs := List.rev_append extra_paths !Clflags.include_dirs
let main () =
native_code := true;
let list = ref Options.list in
Arg.parse_and_expand_argv_dynamic current argv list file_argument usage;
| Arg.Bad msg -> Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "%s%!" msg; exit 2
| Arg.Help msg -> Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "%s%!" msg; exit 0
Compmisc.read_clflags_from_env ();
if not (prepare Format.err_formatter) then exit 2;
Compmisc.init_path ();
Opttoploop.loop Format.std_formatter