804 lines
22 KiB
804 lines
22 KiB
open Scanf;;
(* Auxilliaries. *)
let all_tests_ok = ref true;;
let finish () =
match !all_tests_ok with
| true ->
prerr_endline "\nAll tests succeeded."
| _ ->
prerr_endline "\n\n********* Test suit failed. ***********\n";;
at_exit finish;;
let test_num = ref (-1);;
let print_test_number () =
print_int !test_num; print_string " "; flush stdout;;
let next_test () =
incr test_num;
print_test_number ();;
let print_test_fail () =
all_tests_ok := false;
(Printf.sprintf "\n********* Test number %i failed ***********\n"
let print_failure_test_fail () =
all_tests_ok := false;
"\n********* Failure Test number %i incorrectly failed ***********\n"
let print_failure_test_succeed () =
all_tests_ok := false;
"\n********* Failure Test number %i failed to fail ***********\n"
let test b =
next_test ();
if not b then print_test_fail ();;
(* Applies f to x and checks that the evaluation indeed
raises an exception that verifies the predicate [pred]. *)
let test_raises_exc_p pred f x =
next_test ();
let b = f x in
print_failure_test_succeed ();
| x ->
pred x || (print_failure_test_fail (); false);;
(* Applies f to x and checks that the evaluation indeed
raises some exception. *)
let test_raises_some_exc f = test_raises_exc_p (fun _ -> true) f;;
let test_raises_this_exc exc = test_raises_exc_p (fun x -> x = exc);;
(* Applies f to x and checks that the evaluation indeed
raises exception Failure s. *)
let test_raises_this_failure s f x =
test_raises_exc_p (fun x -> x = Failure s) f x;;
(* Applies f to x and checks that the evaluation indeed
raises the exception Failure. *)
let test_raises_some_failure f x =
test_raises_exc_p (function Failure _ -> true | _ -> false) f x;;
let failure_test f x s = test_raises_this_failure s f x;;
let any_failure_test = test_raises_some_failure;;
let scan_failure_test f x =
test_raises_exc_p (function Scan_failure _ -> true | _ -> false) f x;;
(* The ``continuation'' that returns the scanned value. *)
let void x = x;;
(* Testing space scanning. *)
let test0 () =
(sscanf "" "" void) 1 +
(sscanf "" " " void) 2 +
(sscanf " " " " void) 3 +
(sscanf "\t" " " void) 4 +
(sscanf "\n" " " void) 5 +
(sscanf "\n\t 6" " %d" void)
test (test0 () = 21);;
(* Testing integer scanning %i and %d. *)
let test1 () =
sscanf "1" "%d" void +
sscanf " 2" " %d" void +
sscanf " -2" " %d" void +
sscanf " +2" " %d" void +
sscanf " 2a " " %da" void;;
test (test1 () = 5);;
let test2 () =
sscanf "123" "%2i" void +
sscanf "245" "%d" void +
sscanf " 2a " " %1da" void;;
test (test2 () = 259);;
let test3 () =
sscanf "0xff" "%3i" void +
sscanf "0XEF" "%3i" void +
sscanf "x=-245" " x = %d" void +
sscanf " 2a " " %1da" void;;
test (test3 () = -214);;
(* Testing float scanning. *)
(* f style. *)
let test4 () =
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "1")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "-1")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = -1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "+1")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "1.")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string ".1")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 0.1) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "-.1")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = -0.1) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "+.1")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 0.1) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "+1.")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "-1.")
"%f" (fun b0 -> b0 = -1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "0 1. 1.3")
"%f %f %f" (fun b0 b1 b2 -> b0 = 0.0 && b1 = 1.0 && b2 = 1.3) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "0.113")
"%4f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 0.11) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "0.113")
"%5f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 0.113) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "000.113")
"%15f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 0.113) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "+000.113")
"%15f" (fun b0 -> b0 = 0.113) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "-000.113")
"%15f" (fun b0 -> b0 = -0.113);;
test (test4 ());;
(* e style. *)
let test5 () =
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "1e1")
"%e" (fun b -> b = 10.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "1e+1")
"%e" (fun b -> b = 10.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "10e-1")
"%e" (fun b -> b = 1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "10.e-1")
"%e" (fun b -> b = 1.0) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "1e1 1.e+1 1.3e-1")
"%e %e %e" (fun b1 b2 b3 -> b1 = 10.0 && b2 = b1 && b3 = 0.13) &&
(* g style. *)
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "1 1.1 0e+1 1.3e-1")
"%g %g %g %g" (fun b1 b2 b3 b4 ->
b1 = 1.0 && b2 = 1.1 && b3 = 0.0 && b4 = 0.13);;
test (test5 ());;
(* Testing boolean scanning. *)
let test6 () =
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "truetrue") "%B%B"
(fun b1 b2 -> (b1, b2) = (true, true)) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "truefalse") "%B%B"
(fun b1 b2 -> (b1, b2) = (true, false)) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "falsetrue") "%B%B"
(fun b1 b2 -> (b1, b2) = (false, true)) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "falsefalse") "%B%B"
(fun b1 b2 -> (b1, b2) = (false, false)) &&
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "true false") "%B %B"
(fun b1 b2 -> (b1, b2) = (true, false));;
test (test6 ());;
(* Testing char scanning. *)
let test7 () =
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "'a' '\n' '\t' '\000' '\032'")
"%C %C %C %C %C"
(fun c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 ->
c1 = 'a' && c2 = '\n' && c3 = '\t' && c4 = '\000' && c5 = '\032') &&
(* Here \n, \t, and \032 are skipped due to the space semantics of scanf. *)
bscanf (Scanning.from_string "a \n \t \000 \032b")
"%c %c %c "
(fun c1 c2 c3 ->
c1 = 'a' && c2 = '\000' && c3 = 'b');;
test (test7 ());;
let verify_read c =
let s = Printf.sprintf "%C" c in
let ib = Scanning.from_string s in
assert (bscanf ib "%C" void = c);;
let verify_scan_Chars () =
for i = 0 to 255 do verify_read (char_of_int i) done;;
let test8 () = verify_scan_Chars () = ();;
test (test8 ());;
(* Testing string scanning. *)
(* %S and %s styles. *)
let unit fmt s =
let ib = Scanning.from_string (Printf.sprintf "%S" s) in
Scanf.bscanf ib fmt void;;
let test_fmt fmt s = unit fmt s = s;;
let test_S = test_fmt "%S";;
let test9 () =
test_S "poi" &&
test_S "a\"b" &&
test_S "a\nb" &&
test_S "a\010b" &&
test_S "a\\\n\
b \\\n\
b" &&
test_S "a\\\n\
b \\\n\
test (test9 ());;
let test10 () =
let res = sscanf "Une cha<68>ne: \"celle-ci\" et \"celle-l<>\"!"
"%s %s %S %s %S %s"
(fun s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 -> s1 ^ s2 ^ s3 ^ s4 ^ s5 ^ s6) in
res = "Unecha<EFBFBD>ne:celle-cietcelle-l<>!";;
test (test10 ());;
(* %[] style *)
let test11 () =
sscanf "Pierre Weis 70" "%s %s %s"
(fun prenom nom poids ->
prenom = "Pierre" && nom = "Weis" && int_of_string poids = 70)
sscanf "Jean-Luc de L<>age 68" "%[^ ] %[^ ] %d"
(fun prenom nom poids ->
prenom = "Jean-Luc" && nom = "de L<>age" && poids = 68)
sscanf "Daniel de Rauglaudre 66" "%s@\t %s@\t %d"
(fun prenom nom poids ->
prenom = "Daniel" && nom = "de Rauglaudre" && poids = 66)
let test110 () =
sscanf "" " " (fun x -> x) "" = "" &&
sscanf "" "%[^\n]" (fun x -> x) = "" &&
sscanf "" "%[^\n] " (fun x -> x) = "";;
let test111 () =
try (sscanf "" "%[^\n]@\n") (fun x -> false) with
| End_of_file -> true;;
test (test11 () && test110 () && test111 ());;
(* Scanning lists. *)
let ib () = Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ]";;
(* Statically known lists can be scanned directly. *)
let f ib =
bscanf ib " [" ();
bscanf ib " %i ;" (fun i ->
bscanf ib " %i ;" (fun j ->
bscanf ib " %i ;" (fun k ->
bscanf ib " %i ;" (fun l ->
bscanf ib " ]" ();
[i; j; k; l]))));;
let test12 () = f (ib ()) = [1; 2; 3; 4];;
test (test12 ());;
(* A general list scanner that always fails to succeed. *)
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
try bscanf ib " %i ;" (fun i -> scan_elems ib (i :: accu))
with _ -> accu;;
let g ib = bscanf ib "[ " (); List.rev (scan_elems ib []);;
let test13 () = g (ib ()) = [1; 2; 3; 4];;
test (test13 ());;
(* A general int list scanner. *)
let rec scan_int_list ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
let accu = scan_elems ib [] in
bscanf ib " ]" ();
List.rev accu;;
let test14 () = scan_int_list (ib ()) = [1; 2; 3; 4];;
test (test14 ());;
(* A general list scanner that always succeeds. *)
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
bscanf ib " %i %c"
(fun i -> function
| ';' -> scan_elems ib (i :: accu)
| ']' -> List.rev (i :: accu)
| c -> failwith "scan_elems");;
let rec scan_int_list ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
scan_elems ib [];;
let test15 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1; 2; 3; 4];;
test (test15 ());;
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
bscanf ib "%c %i"
(fun c i ->
match c with
| ';' -> scan_elems ib (i :: accu)
| ']' -> List.rev (i :: accu)
| '[' when accu = [] -> scan_elems ib (i :: accu)
| c -> prerr_endline (String.make 1 c); failwith "scan_elems")
| Scan_failure _ -> bscanf ib "]" (); accu
| End_of_file -> accu;;
let scan_int_list ib = scan_elems ib [];;
let test16 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = List.rev [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = List.rev [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ]") = List.rev [1;2;3;4] &&
(* Should fail but succeeds! *)
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4") = List.rev [1;2;3;4]
test (test16 ());;
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
bscanf ib " %i%[]; \t\n\r]"
(fun i s ->
match s with
| ";" -> scan_elems ib (i :: accu)
| "]" -> List.rev (i :: accu)
| s -> List.rev (i :: accu));;
let scan_int_list ib =
bscanf ib " [" ();
scan_elems ib [];;
let test17 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
(* Should fail but succeeds! *)
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4 5]") = [1;2;3;4]
test (test17 ());;
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
bscanf ib " %c " (fun c ->
match c with
| '[' when accu = [] ->
(* begginning of list: could find either
- an int, if the list is not empty,
- the char ], if the list is empt *)
bscanf ib "%[]]"
| "]" -> accu
| _ ->
bscanf ib " %i " (fun i ->
scan_rest ib (i :: accu)))
| _ -> failwith "scan_elems")
and scan_rest ib accu =
bscanf ib " %c " (fun c ->
match c with
| ';' ->
bscanf ib "%[]]"
| "]" -> accu
| _ ->
bscanf ib " %i " (fun i ->
scan_rest ib (i :: accu)))
| ']' -> accu
| _ -> failwith "scan_rest");;
let scan_int_list ib = List.rev (scan_elems ib []);;
let test18 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ]") = [1;2;3;4]
test (test18 ());;
(* Those properly fail *)
let test19 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4 5]")
(test19 ());;
let test20 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ; 5]");;
(test20 ());;
let test21 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;;");;
(test21 ());;
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
bscanf ib "%1[];]" (function
| "]" -> accu
| ";" -> scan_rest ib accu
| _ ->
(Printf.sprintf "scan_int_list" (*
"scan_int_list: char %i waiting for ']' or ';' but found %c"
(Scanning.char_count ib) (Scanning.peek_char ib)*)))
and scan_rest ib accu =
bscanf ib "%[]]" (function
| "]" -> accu
| _ -> scan_elem ib accu)
and scan_elem ib accu =
bscanf ib " %i " (fun i -> scan_elems ib (i :: accu));;
let scan_int_list ib =
bscanf ib " [ " ();
List.rev (scan_rest ib []);;
let test22 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1]") = [1] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;]") = [1;2;3;4];;
test (test22 ());;
(* Should work and does not with this version of scan_int_list!
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ]");;
(* Should lead to a bad input error. *)
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4 5]");;
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;;");;
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ; 5]");;
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;; 23]");;
let rec scan_elems ib accu =
try bscanf ib " %i %1[;]" (fun i s ->
if s = "" then i :: accu else scan_elems ib (i :: accu))
with Scan_failure _ -> accu;;
(* The general int list scanner. *)
let rec scan_int_list ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
let accu = scan_elems ib [] in
bscanf ib " ]" ();
List.rev accu;;
(* The general HO list scanner. *)
let rec scan_elems ib scan_elem accu =
try scan_elem ib (fun i s ->
let accu = i :: accu in
if s = "" then accu else scan_elems ib scan_elem accu)
with Scan_failure _ -> accu;;
let scan_list scan_elem ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
let accu = scan_elems ib scan_elem [] in
bscanf ib " ]" ();
List.rev accu;;
(* Deriving particular list scanners from the HO list scanner. *)
let scan_int_elem ib = bscanf ib " %i %1[;]";;
let scan_int_list = scan_list scan_int_elem;;
let test23 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1]") = [1] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;]") = [1;2;3;4]
test (test23 ());;
let test24 () =
scan_failure_test scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4 5]")
and test25 () =
scan_failure_test scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;;")
and test26 () =
scan_failure_test scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4; ; 5]")
and test27 () =
scan_failure_test scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;; 23]");;
(test24 ()) &&
(test25 ()) &&
(test26 ()) &&
(test27 ());;
(* To scan a Caml string:
the format is "\"%s@\"".
A better way would be to add a %S (String.escaped), a %C (Char.escaped).
This is now available. *)
let scan_string_elem ib = bscanf ib " \"%s@\" %1[;]";;
let scan_string_list = scan_list scan_string_elem;;
let scan_String_elem ib = bscanf ib " %S %1[;]";;
let scan_String_list = scan_list scan_String_elem;;
let test28 () =
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[\"Le\"]") = ["Le"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"Le\";\"langage\";\"Objective\";\"Caml\"]") =
["Le"; "langage"; "Objective"; "Caml"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"Le\";\"langage\";\"Objective\";\"Caml\"; ]") =
["Le"; "langage"; "Objective"; "Caml"] &&
scan_String_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_String_list (Scanning.from_string "[\"Le\"]") = ["Le"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"Le\";\"langage\";\"Objective\";\"Caml\"]") =
["Le"; "langage"; "Objective"; "Caml"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"Le\";\"langage\";\"Objective\";\"Caml\"; ]") =
["Le"; "langage"; "Objective"; "Caml"]
test (test28 ());;
(* The general HO list scanner with continuations. *)
let rec scan_elems ib scan_elem accu =
scan_elem ib
(fun i s ->
let accu = i :: accu in
if s = "" then accu else scan_elems ib scan_elem accu)
(fun ib exc -> accu);;
let scan_list scan_elem ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
let accu = scan_elems ib scan_elem [] in
bscanf ib " ]" ();
List.rev accu;;
(* Deriving particular list scanners from the HO list scanner. *)
let scan_int_elem ib f ek = kscanf ib ek " %i %1[;]" f;;
let scan_int_list = scan_list scan_int_elem;;
let test29 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1]") = [1] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;]") = [1;2;3;4]
test (test29 ());;
let scan_string_elem ib f ek = kscanf ib ek " %S %1[;]" f;;
let scan_string_list = scan_list scan_string_elem;;
let test30 () =
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[ \"1\" ]") = ["1"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"1\"; \"2\"; \"3\"; \"4\"]") =
["1"; "2"; "3"; "4"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"1\"; \"2\"; \"3\"; \"4\";]") =
["1"; "2"; "3"; "4"]
test (test30 ());;
(* A generic scan_elem, *)
let scan_elem fmt ib f ek = kscanf ib ek fmt f;;
(* Derivation of list scanners from the generic polymorphic scanners. *)
let scan_int_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %i %1[;]");;
let scan_string_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %S %1[;]");;
let scan_bool_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %B %1[;]");;
let scan_char_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %C %1[;]");;
let scan_float_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %f %1[;]");;
let rec scan_elems ib scan_elem accu =
scan_elem ib
(fun i ->
let accu = i :: accu in
kscanf ib
(fun ib exc -> accu)
" %1[;]"
(fun s -> if s = "" then accu else scan_elems ib scan_elem accu))
(fun ib exc -> accu);;
let scan_list scan_elem ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
let accu = scan_elems ib scan_elem [] in
bscanf ib " ]" ();
List.rev accu;;
let scan_int_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %i");;
let scan_string_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %S");;
let scan_bool_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %B");;
let scan_char_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %C");;
let scan_float_list = scan_list (scan_elem " %f");;
let test31 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1]") = [1] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4]") = [1;2;3;4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1;2;3;4;]") = [1;2;3;4]
test (test31 ());;
let test32 () =
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[ \"1\" ]") = ["1"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"1\"; \"2\"; \"3\"; \"4\"]") =
["1"; "2"; "3"; "4"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"1\"; \"2\"; \"3\"; \"4\";]") =
["1"; "2"; "3"; "4"]
test (test32 ());;
(* Using kscanf only. *)
let rec scan_elems ib scan_elem accu =
kscanf ib (fun ib exc -> accu)
(fun i ->
let accu = i :: accu in
kscanf ib (fun ib exc -> accu)
" %1[;] "
(fun s -> if s = "" then accu else scan_elems ib scan_elem accu))
let scan_list scan_elem ib =
bscanf ib "[ " ();
let accu = scan_elems ib scan_elem [] in
bscanf ib " ]" ();
List.rev accu
let scan_int_list = scan_list "%i";;
let scan_string_list = scan_list "%S";;
let scan_bool_list = scan_list "%B";;
let scan_char_list = scan_list "%C";;
let scan_float_list = scan_list "%f";;
let test33 () =
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ 1 ]") = [1] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ]") = [1; 2; 3; 4] &&
scan_int_list (Scanning.from_string "[1 ;2 ;3 ;4;]") = [1; 2; 3; 4]
test (test33 ());;
let test34 () =
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[ ]") = [] &&
scan_string_list (Scanning.from_string "[ \"1\" ]") = ["1"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"1\"; \"2\"; \"3\"; \"4\"]") =
["1"; "2"; "3"; "4"] &&
(Scanning.from_string "[\"1\"; \"2\"; \"3\"; \"4\";]") =
["1"; "2"; "3"; "4"]
test (test34 ());;
(* Testing the %N format. *)
let test35 () =
sscanf "" "%N" (fun x -> x) = 0 &&
sscanf "456" "%N" (fun x -> x) = 0 &&
sscanf "456" "%d%N" (fun x y -> x, y) = (456, 1) &&
sscanf " " "%N%s%N" (fun x s y -> x, s, y) = (0, "", 1)
test (test35 ());;
(* Testing the %n format. *)
let test36 () =
sscanf "" "%n" (fun x -> x) = 0 &&
sscanf "456" "%n" (fun x -> x) = 0 &&
sscanf "456" "%d%n" (fun x y -> x, y) = (456, 3) &&
sscanf " " "%n%s%n" (fun x s y -> x, s, y) = (0, "", 1)
test (test36 ());;
(* Weird tests to empty strings or formats. *)
let test37 () =
sscanf "" "" true &&
sscanf "" "" (fun x -> x) 1 = 1 &&
sscanf "123" "" (fun x -> x) 1 = 1
test (test37 ());;
(* Testing end of input condition. *)
let test38 () =
sscanf " " " %!" true &&
sscanf "" " %!" true &&
sscanf "" "%!" true;;
test (test38 ());;
(* Weird tests on empty buffers. *)
let test39 () =
let is_empty_buff ib =
Scanning.beginning_of_input ib &&
Scanning.end_of_input ib in
let ib = Scanning.from_string "" in
is_empty_buff ib &&
(* Do it twice since testing empty buff could incorrectly
thraw an exception or wrongly change the beginning_of_input condition. *)
is_empty_buff ib;;
test (test39 ());;
print_string "Test number is ";
print_int !test_num; print_string ". It should be 40.";
To be continued.
let digest () =
let scan_line f = Scanf.scanf "%[^\n\r]@\n" f in
let digest s = String.uppercase (Digest.to_hex (Digest.string s)) in
let digest_line s = print_endline (s ^ "#" ^ digest s) in
while true do scan_line digest_line done
with End_of_file -> ()
(* Trying to scan records. *)
let rec scan_fields ib scan_field accu =
kscanf ib (fun ib exc -> accu)
(fun i ->
let accu = i :: accu in
kscanf ib (fun ib exc -> accu)
" %1[;] "
(fun s -> if s = "" then accu else scan_fields ib scan_field accu))
let scan_record scan_field ib =
bscanf ib "{ " ();
let accu = scan_fields ib scan_field [] in
bscanf ib " }" ();
List.rev accu