
246 lines
7.9 KiB

(* *)
(* Caml Special Light *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Pretty-printing of C-- code *)
open Format
open Cmm
let machtype_component = function
Addr -> print_string "addr"
| Int -> print_string "int"
| Float -> print_string "float"
let machtype mty =
match Array.length mty with
0 -> print_string "unit"
| n -> machtype_component mty.(0);
for i = 1 to n-1 do
print_string "*"; machtype_component mty.(i)
let comparison = function
Ceq -> print_string "=="
| Cne -> print_string "!="
| Clt -> print_string "<"
| Cle -> print_string "<="
| Cgt -> print_string ">"
| Cge -> print_string ">="
let chunk = function
Byte_unsigned -> print_string "unsigned byte"
| Byte_signed -> print_string "signed byte"
| Sixteen_unsigned -> print_string "unsigned half"
| Sixteen_signed -> print_string "signed half"
| Word -> ()
let operation = function
Capply ty -> print_string "app"
| Cextcall(lbl, ty, alloc) ->
print_string "extcall \""; print_string lbl; print_string "\""
| Cproj(ofs, len) ->
print_string "proj "; print_int ofs;
if len > 1 then begin print_string "-"; print_int (ofs + len - 1) end
| Cload mty -> print_string "load"
| Cloadchunk c -> print_string "load "; chunk c
| Calloc -> print_string "alloc"
| Cstore -> print_string "store"
| Cstorechunk c -> print_string "store "; chunk c
| Caddi -> print_string "+"
| Csubi -> print_string "-"
| Cmuli -> print_string "*"
| Cdivi -> print_string "/"
| Cmodi -> print_string "mod"
| Cand -> print_string "and"
| Cor -> print_string "or"
| Cxor -> print_string "xor"
| Clsl -> print_string "<<"
| Clsr -> print_string ">>u"
| Casr -> print_string ">>s"
| Ccmpi c -> comparison c
| Cadda -> print_string "+a"
| Csuba -> print_string "-a"
| Ccmpa c -> comparison c; print_string "a"
| Caddf -> print_string "+f"
| Csubf -> print_string "-f"
| Cmulf -> print_string "*f"
| Cdivf -> print_string "/f"
| Cfloatofint -> print_string "floatofint"
| Cintoffloat -> print_string "intoffloat"
| Ccmpf c -> comparison c; print_string "f"
| Craise -> print_string "raise"
| Ccheckbound -> print_string "checkbound"
let rec expression = function
Cconst_int n -> print_int n
| Cconst_float s -> print_string s
| Cconst_symbol s -> print_string "\""; print_string s; print_string "\""
| Cconst_pointer n -> print_int n; print_string "a"
| Cvar id -> Ident.print id
| Clet(id, def, (Clet(_, _, _) as body)) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(let"; print_space();
open_hovbox 1;
print_string "(";
open_hovbox 2;
Ident.print id; print_space(); expression def;
let rec letdef = function
Clet(id, def, body) ->
open_hovbox 2;
Ident.print id; print_space(); expression def;
letdef body
| exp ->
print_string ")"; close_box();
print_space(); sequence exp
in letdef body;
print_string ")"; close_box()
| Clet(id, def, body) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(let"; print_space();
open_hovbox 2;
Ident.print id; print_space(); expression def;
close_box(); print_space();
sequence body;
print_string ")"; close_box()
| Cassign(id, exp) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(assign ";
open_hovbox 2;
Ident.print id; print_space(); expression exp;
print_string ")"; close_box()
| Ctuple el ->
open_hovbox 1;
print_string "[";
let first = ref true in
(fun e ->
if !first then first := false else print_space();
expression e)
print_string "]";
| Cop(op, el) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "("; operation op;
List.iter (fun e -> print_space(); expression e) el;
begin match op with
Capply mty -> print_space(); machtype mty
| Cextcall(_, mty, _) -> print_space(); machtype mty
| Cload mty -> print_space(); machtype mty
| _ -> ()
print_string ")";
| Csequence(e1, e2) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(seq "; print_space();
sequence e1; print_space();
sequence e2; print_string ")"; close_box()
| Cifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(if";
print_space(); expression e1;
print_space(); expression e2;
print_space(); expression e3;
print_string ")"; close_box()
| Cswitch(e1, index, cases) ->
open_vbox 0;
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(switch"; print_space(); expression e1; print_space();
for i = 0 to Array.length cases - 1 do
open_hovbox 2;
for j = 0 to Array.length index - 1 do
if index.(j) = i then begin
print_string "case "; print_int j; print_string ":"; print_space()
sequence cases.(i);
| Cloop e ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(loop";
print_space(); sequence e;
print_string ")"; close_box()
| Ccatch(e1, e2) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(catch";
print_space(); sequence e1;
print_break 1 (-2); print_string "with";
print_space(); sequence e2;
print_string ")"; close_box()
| Cexit ->
print_string "exit"
| Ctrywith(e1, id, e2) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "(try";
print_space(); sequence e1;
print_break 1 (-2); print_string "with "; Ident.print id;
print_space(); sequence e2;
print_string ")"; close_box()
and sequence = function
Csequence(e1, e2) ->
sequence e1; print_space(); sequence e2
| e ->
expression e
let fundecl f =
open_hovbox 1;
print_string "(function "; print_string f.fun_name; print_break 1 4;
open_hovbox 1;
print_string "(";
let first = ref true in
(fun (id, ty) ->
if !first then first := false else print_space();
Ident.print id; print_string ": "; machtype ty)
print_string ")"; close_box(); print_space();
open_hovbox 0;
sequence f.fun_body;
print_string ")";
close_box(); close_box(); print_newline()
let data_item = function
Cdefine_symbol s -> print_string "\""; print_string s; print_string "\":"
| Cdefine_label l -> print_string "L"; print_int l; print_string ":"
| Cint8 n -> print_string "byte "; print_int n
| Cint16 n -> print_string "half "; print_int n
| Cint n -> print_string "int "; print_int n
| Cintlit s -> print_string "intlit "; print_string s
| Cfloat f -> print_string "float "; print_string f
| Csymbol_address s ->
print_string "addr \""; print_string s; print_string "\""
| Clabel_address l -> print_string "addr L"; print_int l
| Cstring s -> print_string "string \""; print_string s; print_string "\""
| Cskip n -> print_string "skip "; print_int n
| Calign n -> print_string "align "; print_int n
let data dl =
open_hvbox 1;
print_string "(data";
List.iter (fun d -> print_space(); data_item d) dl;
print_string ")"; close_box()
let phrase = function
Cfunction f -> fundecl f
| Cdata dl -> data dl