114 lines
4.4 KiB
114 lines
4.4 KiB
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Pretty-print lists of instructions *)
open Formatmsg
open Lambda
open Instruct
let instruct ppf = function
Klabel lbl -> printf "L%i:" lbl
| Kacc n -> printf "\tacc %i" n
| Kenvacc n -> printf "\tenvacc %i" n
| Kpush -> print_string "\tpush"
| Kpop n -> printf "\tpop %i" n
| Kassign n -> printf "\tassign %i" n
| Kpush_retaddr lbl -> printf "\tpush_retaddr L%i" lbl
| Kapply n -> printf "\tapply %i" n
| Kappterm(n, m) ->
printf "\tappterm %i, %i" n m
| Kreturn n -> printf "\treturn %i" n
| Krestart -> print_string "\trestart"
| Kgrab n -> printf "\tgrab %i" n
| Kclosure(lbl, n) ->
printf "\tclosure L%i, %i" lbl n
| Kclosurerec(lbls, n) ->
print_string "\tclosurerec";
List.iter (fun lbl -> printf " %i" lbl) lbls;
printf ", %i" n
| Koffsetclosure n -> printf "\toffsetclosure %i" n
| Kgetglobal id -> print_string "\tgetglobal "; Ident.print id
| Ksetglobal id -> print_string "\tsetglobal "; Ident.print id
| Kconst cst ->
let pr_constant ppf cst = Printlambda.structured_constant cst in
printf "@[<10>\tconst@ %a@]" pr_constant cst
| Kmakeblock(n, m) ->
printf "\tmakeblock %i, %i" n m
| Kmakefloatblock(n) ->
printf "\tmakefloatblock %i" n
| Kgetfield n -> printf "\tgetfield %i" n
| Ksetfield n -> printf "\tsetfield %i" n
| Kgetfloatfield n -> printf "\tgetfloatfield %i" n
| Ksetfloatfield n -> printf "\tsetfloatfield %i" n
| Kvectlength -> print_string "\tvectlength"
| Kgetvectitem -> print_string "\tgetvectitem"
| Ksetvectitem -> print_string "\tsetvectitem"
| Kgetstringchar -> print_string "\tgetstringchar"
| Ksetstringchar -> print_string "\tsetstringchar"
| Kbranch lbl -> printf "\tbranch L%i" lbl
| Kbranchif lbl -> printf "\tbranchif L%i" lbl
| Kbranchifnot lbl -> printf "\tbranchifnot L%i" lbl
| Kstrictbranchif lbl -> printf "\tstrictbranchif L%i" lbl
| Kstrictbranchifnot lbl ->
printf "\tstrictbranchifnot L%i" lbl
| Kswitch(consts, blocks) ->
let labels ppf labs =
Array.iter (fun lbl -> printf "@ %i" lbl) labs in
printf "@[<10>\tswitch%a/%a@]" labels consts labels blocks
| Kboolnot -> print_string "\tboolnot"
| Kpushtrap lbl -> printf "\tpushtrap L%i" lbl
| Kpoptrap -> print_string "\tpoptrap"
| Kraise -> print_string "\traise"
| Kcheck_signals -> print_string "\tcheck_signals"
| Kccall(s, n) ->
printf "\tccall %s, %i" s n
| Knegint -> print_string "\tnegint"
| Kaddint -> print_string "\taddint"
| Ksubint -> print_string "\tsubint"
| Kmulint -> print_string "\tmulint"
| Kdivint -> print_string "\tdivint"
| Kmodint -> print_string "\tmodint"
| Kandint -> print_string "\tandint"
| Korint -> print_string "\torint"
| Kxorint -> print_string "\txorint"
| Klslint -> print_string "\tlslint"
| Klsrint -> print_string "\tlsrint"
| Kasrint -> print_string "\tasrint"
| Kintcomp Ceq -> print_string "\teqint"
| Kintcomp Cneq -> print_string "\tneqint"
| Kintcomp Clt -> print_string "\tltint"
| Kintcomp Cgt -> print_string "\tgtint"
| Kintcomp Cle -> print_string "\tleint"
| Kintcomp Cge -> print_string "\tgeint"
| Koffsetint n -> printf "\toffsetint %i" n
| Koffsetref n -> printf "\toffsetref %i" n
| Kisint -> print_string "\tisint"
| Kgetmethod -> print_string "\tgetmethod"
| Kstop -> print_string "\tstop"
| Kevent ev -> printf "\tevent %i" ev.ev_char
let rec instruction_list ppf = function
[] -> ()
| Klabel lbl :: il ->
printf "L%i:%a" lbl instruction_list il
| instr :: il ->
printf "%a@ %a" instruct instr instruction_list il
let instrlist il =
printf "@[<v 0>%a@]" instruction_list il
let instruction i = printf "%a" instruct i