
652 lines
24 KiB

(* TEST *)
(* Test the types nativeint, int32, int64 *)
open Printf
let error_occurred = ref false
let function_tested = ref ""
let testing_function s =
function_tested := s;
print_string s;
let test test_number answer correct_answer =
flush stdout;
flush stderr;
if answer <> correct_answer then begin
eprintf "*** Bad result (%s, test %d)\n" !function_tested test_number;
flush stderr;
error_occurred := true
end else begin
printf " %d..." test_number
(***** Tests on 32 bit arithmetic *****)
module type TESTSIG = sig
type t
module Ops : sig
val neg: t -> t
val add: t -> t -> t
val sub: t -> t -> t
val mul: t -> t -> t
val div: t -> t -> t
val unsigned_div: t -> t -> t
val rem: t -> t -> t
val logand: t -> t -> t
val logor: t -> t -> t
val logxor: t -> t -> t
val shift_left: t -> int -> t
val shift_right: t -> int -> t
val shift_right_logical: t -> int -> t
val of_int: int -> t
val to_int: t -> int
val unsigned_to_int: t -> int option
val of_float: float -> t
val to_float: t -> float
val zero: t
val one: t
val minus_one: t
val min_int: t
val max_int: t
val format : string -> t -> string
val to_string: t -> string
val of_string: string -> t
val testcomp: t -> t -> bool*bool*bool*bool*bool*bool*int*int
val skip_float_tests: bool
module Test32(M: TESTSIG) =
open M
open Ops
let _ =
testing_function "of_int, to_int";
test 1 (to_int (of_int 0)) 0;
test 2 (to_int (of_int 123)) 123;
test 3 (to_int (of_int (-456))) (-456);
test 4 (to_int (of_int 0x3FFFFFFF)) 0x3FFFFFFF;
test 5 (to_int (of_int (-0x40000000))) (-0x40000000);
testing_function "unsigned_to_int";
test 1 (unsigned_to_int (of_int 0)) (Some 0);
test 2 (unsigned_to_int (of_int 123)) (Some 123);
test 3 (unsigned_to_int minus_one)
(match Sys.word_size with
| 32 -> None
| 64 -> Some (int_of_string "0xFFFFFFFF")
| _ -> assert false);
test 4 (unsigned_to_int max_int)
(match Sys.word_size with
| 32 -> None
| 64 -> Some (to_int max_int)
| _ -> assert false);
test 5 (unsigned_to_int min_int)
(match Sys.word_size with
| 32 -> None
| 64 -> Some (int_of_string "0x80000000")
| _ -> assert false);
test 6 (unsigned_to_int (of_int Stdlib.max_int))
(match Sys.word_size with
| 32 -> Some Stdlib.max_int
| 64 -> Some (int_of_string "0xFFFFFFFF")
| _ -> assert false);
testing_function "of_string";
test 1 (of_string "0") (of_int 0);
test 2 (of_string "123") (of_int 123);
test 3 (of_string "-456") (of_int (-456));
test 4 (of_string "123456789") (of_int 123456789);
test 5 (of_string "0xABCDEF") (of_int 0xABCDEF);
test 6 (of_string "-0o1234567012") (of_int (- 0o1234567012));
test 7 (of_string "0b01010111111000001100")
(of_int 0b01010111111000001100);
test 8 (of_string "0x7FFFFFFF") max_int;
test 9 (of_string "-0x80000000") min_int;
test 10 (of_string "0x80000000") min_int;
test 11 (of_string "0xFFFFFFFF") minus_one;
testing_function "to_string, format";
List.iter (fun (n, s) -> test n (to_string (of_string s)) s)
[1, "0"; 2, "123"; 3, "-456"; 4, "1234567890";
5, "1073741824"; 6, "2147483647"; 7, "-2147483648"];
List.iter (fun (n, s) -> test n (format "0x%X" (of_string s)) s)
[8, "0x0"; 9, "0x123"; 10, "0xABCDEF"; 11, "0x12345678";
12, "0x7FFFFFFF"; 13, "0x80000000"; 14, "0xFFFFFFFF"];
test 15 (to_string max_int) "2147483647";
test 16 (to_string min_int) "-2147483648";
test 17 (to_string zero) "0";
test 18 (to_string one) "1";
test 19 (to_string minus_one) "-1";
testing_function "neg";
test 1 (neg (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (neg (of_int 123)) (of_int (-123));
test 3 (neg (of_int (-456))) (of_int 456);
test 4 (neg (of_int 123456789)) (of_int (-123456789));
test 5 (neg max_int) (of_string "-0x7FFFFFFF");
test 6 (neg min_int) min_int;
testing_function "add";
test 1 (add (of_int 0) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (add (of_int 123) (of_int 0)) (of_int 123);
test 3 (add (of_int 0) (of_int 456)) (of_int 456);
test 4 (add (of_int 123) (of_int 456)) (of_int 579);
test 5 (add (of_int (-123)) (of_int 456)) (of_int 333);
test 6 (add (of_int 123) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-333));
test 7 (add (of_int (-123)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-579));
test 8 (add (of_string "0x12345678") (of_string "0x9ABCDEF"))
(of_string "0x1be02467");
test 9 (add max_int max_int) (of_int (-2));
test 10 (add min_int min_int) zero;
test 11 (add max_int one) min_int;
test 12 (add min_int minus_one) max_int;
test 13 (add max_int min_int) minus_one;
testing_function "sub";
test 1 (sub (of_int 0) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (sub (of_int 123) (of_int 0)) (of_int 123);
test 3 (sub (of_int 0) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-456));
test 4 (sub (of_int 123) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-333));
test 5 (sub (of_int (-123)) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-579));
test 6 (sub (of_int 123) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 579);
test 7 (sub (of_int (-123)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 333);
test 8 (sub (of_string "0x12345678") (of_string "0x9ABCDEF"))
(of_string "0x8888889");
test 9 (sub max_int min_int) minus_one;
test 10 (sub min_int max_int) one;
test 11 (sub min_int one) max_int;
test 12 (sub max_int minus_one) min_int;
testing_function "mul";
test 1 (mul (of_int 0) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 3 (mul (of_int 0) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 0);
test 4 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int 1)) (of_int 123);
test 5 (mul (of_int 1) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-456));
test 6 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int (-1))) (of_int (-123));
test 7 (mul (of_int (-1)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 456);
test 8 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int 456)) (of_int 56088);
test 9 (mul (of_int (-123)) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-56088));
test 10 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-56088));
test 11 (mul (of_int (-123)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 56088);
test 12 (mul (of_string "0x12345678") (of_string "0x9ABCDEF"))
(of_string "0xe242d208");
test 13 (mul max_int max_int) one;
testing_function "div";
(fun (n, a, b) -> test n (div (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int (a / b)))
[1, 0, 2;
2, 123, 1;
3, -123, 1;
4, 123, -1;
5, -123, -1;
6, 127531236, 365;
7, 16384, 256;
8, -127531236, 365;
9, 127531236, -365;
10, 1234567, 12345678;
11, 1234567, -12345678];
test 12 (div min_int (of_int (-1))) min_int;
testing_function "unsigned_div";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (unsigned_div a b) c)
[1, of_int 0, of_int 2, of_int 0;
2, of_int 123, of_int 1, of_int 123;
3, of_int (-123), of_int 1, of_int (-123);
4, of_int (123), of_int (-1), of_int 0;
5, of_int (-123), of_int (-1), of_int 0;
6, of_int 127531236, of_int 365, of_int (127531236/365);
7, of_int 16384, of_int 256, of_int (16384/256);
8, of_int (-1), of_int 2, max_int;
9, of_int (-1), max_int, of_int 2;
10, min_int, of_int 2, shift_left (of_int 1) 30;
11, of_int (-1), of_int 8, shift_right_logical (of_int (-1)) 3];
testing_function "mod";
(fun (n, a, b) -> test n (rem (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int (a mod b)))
[1, 0, 2;
2, 123, 1;
3, -123, 1;
4, 123, -1;
5, -123, -1;
6, 127531236, 365;
7, 16384, 256;
8, -127531236, 365;
9, 127531236, -365;
10, 1234567, 12345678;
11, 1234567, -12345678];
test 12 (rem min_int (of_int (-1))) (of_int 0);
testing_function "and";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (logand (of_string a) (of_string b))
(of_string c))
[1, "0x12345678", "0x9abcdef0", "0x12345670";
2, "0x12345678", "0x0fedcba9", "0x2244228";
3, "0xFFFFFFFF", "0x12345678", "0x12345678";
4, "0", "0x12345678", "0";
5, "0x55555555", "0xAAAAAAAA", "0"];
testing_function "or";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (logor (of_string a) (of_string b))
(of_string c))
[1, "0x12345678", "0x9abcdef0", "0x9abcdef8";
2, "0x12345678", "0x0fedcba9", "0x1ffddff9";
3, "0xFFFFFFFF", "0x12345678", "0xFFFFFFFF";
4, "0", "0x12345678", "0x12345678";
5, "0x55555555", "0xAAAAAAAA", "0xFFFFFFFF"];
testing_function "xor";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (logxor (of_string a) (of_string b))
(of_string c))
[1, "0x12345678", "0x9abcdef0", "0x88888888";
2, "0x12345678", "0x0fedcba9", "0x1dd99dd1";
3, "0xFFFFFFFF", "0x12345678", "0xedcba987";
4, "0", "0x12345678", "0x12345678";
5, "0x55555555", "0xAAAAAAAA", "0xFFFFFFFF"];
testing_function "shift_left";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (shift_left (of_string a) b) (of_string c))
[1, "1", 1, "2";
2, "1", 2, "4";
3, "1", 4, "0x10";
4, "1", 30, "0x40000000";
5, "1", 31, "0x80000000";
6, "0x16236", 7, "0xb11b00";
7, "0x10", 27, "0x80000000";
8, "0x10", 28, "0"];
testing_function "shift_right";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (shift_right (of_string a) b) (of_string c))
[1, "2", 1, "1";
2, "4", 2, "1";
3, "0x10", 4, "1";
4, "0x40000000", 10, "0x100000";
5, "0x80000000", 31, "-1";
6, "0xb11b00", 7, "0x16236";
7, "-0xb11b00", 7, "-90678"];
testing_function "shift_right_logical";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (shift_right_logical (of_string a) b)
(of_string c))
[1, "2", 1, "1";
2, "4", 2, "1";
3, "0x10", 4, "1";
4, "0x40000000", 10, "0x100000";
5, "0x80000000", 31, "1";
6, "0xb11b00", 7, "0x16236";
7, "-0xb11b00", 7, "0x1fe9dca"];
if not (skip_float_tests) then begin
testing_function "of_float";
test 1 (of_float 0.0) (of_int 0);
test 2 (of_float 123.0) (of_int 123);
test 3 (of_float 123.456) (of_int 123);
test 4 (of_float 123.999) (of_int 123);
test 5 (of_float (-456.0)) (of_int (-456));
test 6 (of_float (-456.123)) (of_int (-456));
test 7 (of_float (-456.789)) (of_int (-456));
testing_function "to_float";
test 1 (to_float (of_int 0)) 0.0;
test 2 (to_float (of_int 123)) 123.0;
test 3 (to_float (of_int (-456))) (-456.0);
test 4 (to_float (of_int 0x3FFFFFFF)) 1073741823.0;
test 5 (to_float (of_int (-0x40000000))) (-1073741824.0)
testing_function "Comparisons";
test 1 (testcomp (of_int 0) (of_int 0))
test 2 (testcomp (of_int 1234567) (of_int 1234567))
(true,false,false,false,true,true,0, 0);
test 3 (testcomp (of_int 0) (of_int 1))
test 4 (testcomp (of_int (-1)) (of_int 0))
test 5 (testcomp (of_int 1) (of_int 0))
test 6 (testcomp (of_int 0) (of_int (-1)))
test 7 (testcomp max_int min_int)
(********* Tests on 64-bit arithmetic ***********)
module Test64(M: TESTSIG) =
open M
open Ops
let _ =
testing_function "of_int, to_int";
test 1 (to_int (of_int 0)) 0;
test 2 (to_int (of_int 123)) 123;
test 3 (to_int (of_int (-456))) (-456);
test 4 (to_int (of_int 0x3FFFFFFF)) 0x3FFFFFFF;
test 5 (to_int (of_int (-0x40000000))) (-0x40000000);
testing_function "unsigned_to_int";
test 1 (unsigned_to_int (of_int 0)) (Some 0);
test 2 (unsigned_to_int (of_int 123)) (Some 123);
test 3 (unsigned_to_int minus_one) None;
test 4 (unsigned_to_int max_int) None;
test 5 (unsigned_to_int min_int) None;
test 6 (unsigned_to_int (of_int Stdlib.max_int))
(Some Stdlib.max_int);
testing_function "of_string";
test 1 (of_string "0") (of_int 0);
test 2 (of_string "123") (of_int 123);
test 3 (of_string "-456") (of_int (-456));
test 4 (of_string "123456789") (of_int 123456789);
test 5 (of_string "0xABCDEF") (of_int 0xABCDEF);
test 6 (of_string "-0o1234567012") (of_int (- 0o1234567012));
test 7 (of_string "0b01010111111000001100")
(of_int 0b01010111111000001100);
test 8 (of_string "0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") max_int;
test 9 (of_string "-0x8000000000000000") min_int;
test 10 (of_string "0x8000000000000000") min_int;
test 11 (of_string "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") minus_one;
testing_function "to_string, format";
List.iter (fun (n, s) -> test n (to_string (of_string s)) s)
[1, "0"; 2, "123"; 3, "-456"; 4, "1234567890";
5, "1234567890123456789";
6, "9223372036854775807";
7, "-9223372036854775808"];
List.iter (fun (n, s) -> test n ("0x" ^ format "%X" (of_string s)) s)
[8, "0x0"; 9, "0x123"; 10, "0xABCDEF"; 11, "0x1234567812345678";
12, "0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; 13, "0x8000000000000000";
test 15 (to_string max_int) "9223372036854775807";
test 16 (to_string min_int) "-9223372036854775808";
test 17 (to_string zero) "0";
test 18 (to_string one) "1";
test 19 (to_string minus_one) "-1";
testing_function "neg";
test 1 (neg (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (neg (of_int 123)) (of_int (-123));
test 3 (neg (of_int (-456))) (of_int 456);
test 4 (neg (of_int 123456789)) (of_int (-123456789));
test 5 (neg max_int) (of_string "-0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
test 6 (neg min_int) min_int;
testing_function "add";
test 1 (add (of_int 0) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (add (of_int 123) (of_int 0)) (of_int 123);
test 3 (add (of_int 0) (of_int 456)) (of_int 456);
test 4 (add (of_int 123) (of_int 456)) (of_int 579);
test 5 (add (of_int (-123)) (of_int 456)) (of_int 333);
test 6 (add (of_int 123) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-333));
test 7 (add (of_int (-123)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-579));
test 8 (add (of_string "0x1234567812345678")
(of_string "0x9ABCDEF09ABCDEF"))
(of_string "0x1be024671be02467");
test 9 (add max_int max_int) (of_int (-2));
test 10 (add min_int min_int) zero;
test 11 (add max_int one) min_int;
test 12 (add min_int minus_one) max_int;
test 13 (add max_int min_int) minus_one;
testing_function "sub";
test 1 (sub (of_int 0) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (sub (of_int 123) (of_int 0)) (of_int 123);
test 3 (sub (of_int 0) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-456));
test 4 (sub (of_int 123) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-333));
test 5 (sub (of_int (-123)) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-579));
test 6 (sub (of_int 123) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 579);
test 7 (sub (of_int (-123)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 333);
test 8 (sub (of_string "0x1234567812345678")
(of_string "0x9ABCDEF09ABCDEF"))
(of_string "0x888888908888889");
test 9 (sub max_int min_int) minus_one;
test 10 (sub min_int max_int) one;
test 11 (sub min_int one) max_int;
test 12 (sub max_int minus_one) min_int;
testing_function "mul";
test 1 (mul (of_int 0) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 2 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int 0)) (of_int 0);
test 3 (mul (of_int 0) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 0);
test 4 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int 1)) (of_int 123);
test 5 (mul (of_int 1) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-456));
test 6 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int (-1))) (of_int (-123));
test 7 (mul (of_int (-1)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 456);
test 8 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int 456)) (of_int 56088);
test 9 (mul (of_int (-123)) (of_int 456)) (of_int (-56088));
test 10 (mul (of_int 123) (of_int (-456))) (of_int (-56088));
test 11 (mul (of_int (-123)) (of_int (-456))) (of_int 56088);
test 12 (mul (of_string "0x12345678") (of_string "0x9ABCDEF"))
(of_string "0xb00ea4e242d208");
test 13 (mul max_int max_int) one;
testing_function "div";
(fun (n, a, b) -> test n (div (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int (a / b)))
[1, 0, 2;
2, 123, 1;
3, -123, 1;
4, 123, -1;
5, -123, -1;
6, 127531236, 365;
7, 16384, 256;
8, -127531236, 365;
9, 127531236, -365;
10, 1234567, 12345678;
11, 1234567, -12345678];
test 12 (div min_int (of_int (-1))) min_int;
testing_function "unsigned_div";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (unsigned_div a b) c)
[1, of_int 0, of_int 2, of_int 0;
2, of_int 123, of_int 1, of_int 123;
3, of_int (-123), of_int 1, of_int (-123);
4, of_int (123), of_int (-1), of_int 0;
5, of_int (-123), of_int (-1), of_int 0;
6, of_int 127531236, of_int 365, of_int (127531236/365);
7, of_int 16384, of_int 256, of_int (16384/256);
8, of_int (-1), of_int 2, max_int;
9, of_int (-1), max_int, of_int 2;
10, min_int, of_int 2, shift_left (of_int 1) 62;
11, of_int (-1), of_int 8, shift_right_logical (of_int (-1)) 3];
testing_function "mod";
(fun (n, a, b) -> test n (rem (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int (a mod b)))
[1, 0, 2;
2, 123, 1;
3, -123, 1;
4, 123, -1;
5, -123, -1;
6, 127531236, 365;
7, 16384, 256;
8, -127531236, 365;
9, 127531236, -365;
10, 1234567, 12345678;
11, 1234567, -12345678];
test 12 (rem min_int (of_int (-1))) (of_int 0);
testing_function "and";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (logand (of_string a) (of_string b))
(of_string c))
[1, "0x1234567812345678", "0x9abcdef09abcdef0", "0x1234567012345670";
2, "0x1234567812345678", "0x0fedcba90fedcba9", "0x224422802244228";
3, "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "0x1234000012345678", "0x1234000012345678";
4, "0", "0x1234567812345678", "0";
5, "0x5555555555555555", "0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "0"];
testing_function "or";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (logor (of_string a) (of_string b))
(of_string c))
[1, "0x1234567812345678", "0x9abcdef09abcdef0", "0x9abcdef89abcdef8";
2, "0x1234567812345678", "0x0fedcba90fedcba9", "0x1ffddff91ffddff9";
4, "0", "0x1234567812340000", "0x1234567812340000";
5, "0x5555555555555555", "0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"];
testing_function "xor";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (logxor (of_string a) (of_string b))
(of_string c))
[1, "0x1234567812345678", "0x9abcdef09abcdef0", "0x8888888888888888";
2, "0x1234567812345678", "0x0fedcba90fedcba9", "0x1dd99dd11dd99dd1";
3, "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "0x123456789ABCDEF", "0xfedcba9876543210";
4, "0", "0x1234567812340000", "0x1234567812340000";
5, "0x5555555555555555", "0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"];
testing_function "shift_left";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (shift_left (of_string a) b) (of_string c))
[1, "1", 1, "2";
2, "1", 2, "4";
3, "1", 4, "0x10";
4, "1", 62, "0x4000000000000000";
5, "1", 63, "0x8000000000000000";
6, "0x16236ABD45673", 7, "0xb11b55ea2b3980";
7, "0x10", 59, "0x8000000000000000";
8, "0x10", 60, "0"];
testing_function "shift_right";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (shift_right (of_string a) b) (of_string c))
[1, "2", 1, "1";
2, "4", 2, "1";
3, "0x10", 4, "1";
4, "0x40000000", 10, "0x100000";
5, "0x8000000000000000", 63, "-1";
6, "0xb11b55ea2b3980", 7, "0x16236ABD45673";
7, "-0xb11b55ea2b3980", 7, "-389461927286387"];
testing_function "shift_right_logical";
(fun (n, a, b, c) -> test n (shift_right_logical (of_string a) b)
(of_string c))
[1, "2", 1, "1";
2, "4", 2, "1";
3, "0x10", 4, "1";
4, "0x40000000", 10, "0x100000";
5, "0x8000000000000000", 63, "1";
6, "0xb11b55ea2b3980", 7, "0x16236ABD45673";
7, "-0xb11b55ea2b3980", 7, "0x1fe9dc9542ba98d"];
testing_function "Comparisons";
test 1 (testcomp (of_int 0) (of_int 0))
test 2 (testcomp (of_int 1234567) (of_int 1234567))
test 3 (testcomp (of_int 0) (of_int 1))
test 4 (testcomp (of_int (-1)) (of_int 0))
test 5 (testcomp (of_int 1) (of_int 0))
test 6 (testcomp (of_int 0) (of_int (-1)))
test 7 (testcomp max_int min_int)
(******** The test proper **********)
let testcomp_int32 (a : int32) (b : int32) =
(a = b, a <> b, a < b, a > b, a <= b, a >= b, compare a b,
Int32.unsigned_compare a b)
let testcomp_int64 (a : int64) (b : int64) =
(a = b, a <> b, a < b, a > b, a <= b, a >= b, compare a b,
Int64.unsigned_compare a b)
let testcomp_nativeint (a : nativeint) (b : nativeint) =
(a = b, a <> b, a < b, a > b, a <= b, a >= b, compare a b,
Nativeint.unsigned_compare a b)
let _ =
testing_function "-------- Int32 --------";
let module A = Test32(struct type t = int32
module Ops = Int32
let testcomp = testcomp_int32
let skip_float_tests = false end) in
print_newline(); testing_function "-------- Int64 --------";
let module B = Test64(struct type t = int64
module Ops = Int64
let testcomp = testcomp_int64
let skip_float_tests = false end) in
print_newline(); testing_function "-------- Nativeint --------";
begin match Sys.word_size with
32 ->
let module C =
Test32(struct type t = nativeint
module Ops = Nativeint
let testcomp = testcomp_nativeint
let skip_float_tests = true end)
in ()
| 64 ->
let module C =
Test64(struct type t = nativeint
module Ops = Nativeint
let testcomp = testcomp_nativeint
let skip_float_tests = true end)
in ()
| _ ->
assert false
print_newline(); testing_function "--------- Conversions -----------";
testing_function "nativeint of/to int32";
test 1 (Nativeint.of_int32 (Int32.of_string "0x12345678"))
(Nativeint.of_string "0x12345678");
test 2 (Nativeint.to_int32 (Nativeint.of_string "0x12345678"))
(Int32.of_string "0x12345678");
if Sys.word_size = 64 then
test 3 (Nativeint.to_int32 (Nativeint.of_string "0x123456789ABCDEF0"))
(Int32.of_string "0x9ABCDEF0")
test 3 0 0; (* placeholder to have the same output on 32-bit and 64-bit *)
testing_function "int64 of/to int32";
test 1 (Int64.of_int32 (Int32.of_string "-0x12345678"))
(Int64.of_string "-0x12345678");
test 2 (Int64.to_int32 (Int64.of_string "-0x12345678"))
(Int32.of_string "-0x12345678");
test 3 (Int64.to_int32 (Int64.of_string "0x123456789ABCDEF0"))
(Int32.of_string "0x9ABCDEF0");
testing_function "int64 of/to nativeint";
test 1 (Int64.of_nativeint (Nativeint.of_string "0x12345678"))
(Int64.of_string "0x12345678");
test 2 (Int64.to_nativeint (Int64.of_string "-0x12345678"))
(Nativeint.of_string "-0x12345678");
test 3 (Int64.to_nativeint (Int64.of_string "0x123456789ABCDEF0"))
(if Sys.word_size = 64
then Nativeint.of_string "0x123456789ABCDEF0"
else Nativeint.of_string "0x9ABCDEF0")
(********* End of test *********)
let _ =
if !error_occurred then begin
prerr_endline "************* TEST FAILED ****************"; exit 2
end else
exit 0