
683 lines
26 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
open Typedtree
module type MapArgument = sig
val enter_structure : structure -> structure
val enter_value_description : value_description -> value_description
val enter_type_declaration : type_declaration -> type_declaration
val enter_exception_declaration :
exception_declaration -> exception_declaration
val enter_pattern : pattern -> pattern
val enter_expression : expression -> expression
val enter_package_type : package_type -> package_type
val enter_signature : signature -> signature
val enter_signature_item : signature_item -> signature_item
val enter_modtype_declaration : modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration
val enter_module_type : module_type -> module_type
val enter_module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr
val enter_with_constraint : with_constraint -> with_constraint
val enter_class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr
val enter_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature
val enter_class_description : class_description -> class_description
val enter_class_type_declaration :
class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
val enter_class_infos : 'a class_infos -> 'a class_infos
val enter_class_type : class_type -> class_type
val enter_class_type_field : class_type_field -> class_type_field
val enter_core_type : core_type -> core_type
val enter_core_field_type : core_field_type -> core_field_type
val enter_class_structure : class_structure -> class_structure
val enter_class_field : class_field -> class_field
val enter_structure_item : structure_item -> structure_item
val leave_structure : structure -> structure
val leave_value_description : value_description -> value_description
val leave_type_declaration : type_declaration -> type_declaration
val leave_exception_declaration :
exception_declaration -> exception_declaration
val leave_pattern : pattern -> pattern
val leave_expression : expression -> expression
val leave_package_type : package_type -> package_type
val leave_signature : signature -> signature
val leave_signature_item : signature_item -> signature_item
val leave_modtype_declaration : modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration
val leave_module_type : module_type -> module_type
val leave_module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr
val leave_with_constraint : with_constraint -> with_constraint
val leave_class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr
val leave_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature
val leave_class_description : class_description -> class_description
val leave_class_type_declaration :
class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
val leave_class_infos : 'a class_infos -> 'a class_infos
val leave_class_type : class_type -> class_type
val leave_class_type_field : class_type_field -> class_type_field
val leave_core_type : core_type -> core_type
val leave_core_field_type : core_field_type -> core_field_type
val leave_class_structure : class_structure -> class_structure
val leave_class_field : class_field -> class_field
val leave_structure_item : structure_item -> structure_item
module MakeMap(Map : MapArgument) = struct
let may_map f v =
match v with
None -> v
| Some x -> Some (f x)
open Misc
open Asttypes
let rec map_structure str =
let str = Map.enter_structure str in
let str_items = List.map map_structure_item str.str_items in
Map.leave_structure { str with str_items = str_items }
and map_binding (pat, exp) = (map_pattern pat, map_expression exp)
and map_bindings rec_flag list =
List.map map_binding list
and map_structure_item item =
let item = Map.enter_structure_item item in
let str_desc =
match item.str_desc with
Tstr_eval exp -> Tstr_eval (map_expression exp)
| Tstr_value (rec_flag, list) ->
Tstr_value (rec_flag, map_bindings rec_flag list)
| Tstr_primitive (id, name, v) ->
Tstr_primitive (id, name, map_value_description v)
| Tstr_type list ->
Tstr_type (List.map (
fun (id, name, decl) ->
(id, name, map_type_declaration decl) ) list)
| Tstr_exception (id, name, decl) ->
Tstr_exception (id, name, map_exception_declaration decl)
| Tstr_exn_rebind (id, name, path, lid) ->
Tstr_exn_rebind (id, name, path, lid)
| Tstr_module (id, name, mexpr) ->
Tstr_module (id, name, map_module_expr mexpr)
| Tstr_recmodule list ->
let list =
List.map (fun (id, name, mtype, mexpr) ->
(id, name, map_module_type mtype, map_module_expr mexpr)
) list
Tstr_recmodule list
| Tstr_modtype (id, name, mtype) ->
Tstr_modtype (id, name, map_module_type mtype)
| Tstr_open (ovf, path, lid) -> Tstr_open (ovf, path, lid)
| Tstr_class list ->
let list =
List.map (fun (ci, string_list, virtual_flag) ->
let ci = Map.enter_class_infos ci in
let ci_expr = map_class_expr ci.ci_expr in
(Map.leave_class_infos { ci with ci_expr = ci_expr},
string_list, virtual_flag)
) list
Tstr_class list
| Tstr_class_type list ->
let list = List.map (fun (id, name, ct) ->
let ct = Map.enter_class_infos ct in
let ci_expr = map_class_type ct.ci_expr in
(id, name, Map.leave_class_infos { ct with ci_expr = ci_expr})
) list in
Tstr_class_type list
| Tstr_include (mexpr, idents) ->
Tstr_include (map_module_expr mexpr, idents)
Map.leave_structure_item { item with str_desc = str_desc}
and map_value_description v =
let v = Map.enter_value_description v in
let val_desc = map_core_type v.val_desc in
Map.leave_value_description { v with val_desc = val_desc }
and map_type_declaration decl =
let decl = Map.enter_type_declaration decl in
let typ_cstrs = List.map (fun (ct1, ct2, loc) ->
(map_core_type ct1,
map_core_type ct2,
) decl.typ_cstrs in
let typ_kind = match decl.typ_kind with
Ttype_abstract -> Ttype_abstract
| Ttype_variant list ->
let list = List.map (fun (s, name, cts, loc) ->
(s, name, List.map map_core_type cts, loc)
) list in
Ttype_variant list
| Ttype_record list ->
let list =
List.map (fun (s, name, mut, ct, loc) ->
(s, name, mut, map_core_type ct, loc)
) list in
Ttype_record list
let typ_manifest =
match decl.typ_manifest with
None -> None
| Some ct -> Some (map_core_type ct)
Map.leave_type_declaration { decl with typ_cstrs = typ_cstrs;
typ_kind = typ_kind; typ_manifest = typ_manifest }
and map_exception_declaration decl =
let decl = Map.enter_exception_declaration decl in
let exn_params = List.map map_core_type decl.exn_params in
let decl = { exn_params = exn_params;
exn_exn = decl.exn_exn;
exn_loc = decl.exn_loc } in
Map.leave_exception_declaration decl;
and map_pattern pat =
let pat = Map.enter_pattern pat in
let pat_desc =
match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_alias (pat1, p, text) ->
let pat1 = map_pattern pat1 in
Tpat_alias (pat1, p, text)
| Tpat_tuple list -> Tpat_tuple (List.map map_pattern list)
| Tpat_construct (lid, cstr_decl, args, arity) ->
Tpat_construct (lid, cstr_decl,
List.map map_pattern args, arity)
| Tpat_variant (label, pato, rowo) ->
let pato = match pato with
None -> pato
| Some pat -> Some (map_pattern pat)
Tpat_variant (label, pato, rowo)
| Tpat_record (list, closed) ->
Tpat_record (List.map (fun (lid, lab_desc, pat) ->
(lid, lab_desc, map_pattern pat) ) list, closed)
| Tpat_array list -> Tpat_array (List.map map_pattern list)
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, rowo) ->
Tpat_or (map_pattern p1, map_pattern p2, rowo)
| Tpat_lazy p -> Tpat_lazy (map_pattern p)
| Tpat_constant _
| Tpat_any
| Tpat_var _ -> pat.pat_desc
let pat_extra = List.map map_pat_extra pat.pat_extra in
Map.leave_pattern { pat with pat_desc = pat_desc; pat_extra = pat_extra }
and map_pat_extra pat_extra =
match pat_extra with
| Tpat_constraint ct, loc -> (Tpat_constraint (map_core_type ct), loc)
| (Tpat_type _ | Tpat_unpack), _ -> pat_extra
and map_expression exp =
let exp = Map.enter_expression exp in
let exp_desc =
match exp.exp_desc with
Texp_ident (_, _, _)
| Texp_constant _ -> exp.exp_desc
| Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) ->
Texp_let (rec_flag,
map_bindings rec_flag list,
map_expression exp)
| Texp_function (label, cases, partial) ->
Texp_function (label, map_bindings Nonrecursive cases, partial)
| Texp_apply (exp, list) ->
Texp_apply (map_expression exp,
List.map (fun (label, expo, optional) ->
let expo =
match expo with
None -> expo
| Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp)
(label, expo, optional)
) list )
| Texp_match (exp, list, partial) ->
Texp_match (
map_expression exp,
map_bindings Nonrecursive list,
| Texp_try (exp, list) ->
Texp_try (
map_expression exp,
map_bindings Nonrecursive list
| Texp_tuple list ->
Texp_tuple (List.map map_expression list)
| Texp_construct (lid, cstr_desc, args, arity) ->
Texp_construct (lid, cstr_desc,
List.map map_expression args, arity )
| Texp_variant (label, expo) ->
let expo =match expo with
None -> expo
| Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp)
Texp_variant (label, expo)
| Texp_record (list, expo) ->
let list =
List.map (fun (lid, lab_desc, exp) ->
(lid, lab_desc, map_expression exp)
) list in
let expo = match expo with
None -> expo
| Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp)
Texp_record (list, expo)
| Texp_field (exp, lid, label) ->
Texp_field (map_expression exp, lid, label)
| Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, label, exp2) ->
Texp_setfield (
map_expression exp1,
map_expression exp2)
| Texp_array list ->
Texp_array (List.map map_expression list)
| Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) ->
Texp_ifthenelse (
map_expression exp1,
map_expression exp2,
match expo with
None -> expo
| Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp)
| Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) ->
Texp_sequence (
map_expression exp1,
map_expression exp2
| Texp_while (exp1, exp2) ->
Texp_while (
map_expression exp1,
map_expression exp2
| Texp_for (id, name, exp1, exp2, dir, exp3) ->
Texp_for (
id, name,
map_expression exp1,
map_expression exp2,
map_expression exp3
| Texp_when (exp1, exp2) ->
Texp_when (
map_expression exp1,
map_expression exp2
| Texp_send (exp, meth, expo) ->
Texp_send (map_expression exp, meth, may_map map_expression expo)
| Texp_new (path, lid, cl_decl) -> exp.exp_desc
| Texp_instvar (_, path, _) -> exp.exp_desc
| Texp_setinstvar (path, lid, path2, exp) ->
Texp_setinstvar (path, lid, path2, map_expression exp)
| Texp_override (path, list) ->
Texp_override (
List.map (fun (path, lid, exp) ->
(path, lid, map_expression exp)
) list
| Texp_letmodule (id, name, mexpr, exp) ->
Texp_letmodule (
id, name,
map_module_expr mexpr,
map_expression exp
| Texp_assert exp -> Texp_assert (map_expression exp)
| Texp_assertfalse -> exp.exp_desc
| Texp_lazy exp -> Texp_lazy (map_expression exp)
| Texp_object (cl, string_list) ->
Texp_object (map_class_structure cl, string_list)
| Texp_pack (mexpr) ->
Texp_pack (map_module_expr mexpr)
let exp_extra = List.map map_exp_extra exp.exp_extra in
Map.leave_expression {
exp with
exp_desc = exp_desc;
exp_extra = exp_extra }
and map_exp_extra exp_extra =
let loc = snd exp_extra in
match fst exp_extra with
| Texp_constraint (Some ct, None) ->
Texp_constraint (Some (map_core_type ct), None), loc
| Texp_constraint (None, Some ct) ->
Texp_constraint (None, Some (map_core_type ct)), loc
| Texp_constraint (Some ct1, Some ct2) ->
Texp_constraint (Some (map_core_type ct1),
Some (map_core_type ct2)), loc
| Texp_poly (Some ct) ->
Texp_poly (Some ( map_core_type ct )), loc
| Texp_newtype _
| Texp_constraint (None, None)
| Texp_open _
| Texp_poly None -> exp_extra
and map_package_type pack =
let pack = Map.enter_package_type pack in
let pack_fields = List.map (
fun (s, ct) -> (s, map_core_type ct) ) pack.pack_fields in
Map.leave_package_type { pack with pack_fields = pack_fields }
and map_signature sg =
let sg = Map.enter_signature sg in
let sig_items = List.map map_signature_item sg.sig_items in
Map.leave_signature { sg with sig_items = sig_items }
and map_signature_item item =
let item = Map.enter_signature_item item in
let sig_desc =
match item.sig_desc with
Tsig_value (id, name, v) ->
Tsig_value (id, name, map_value_description v)
| Tsig_type list -> Tsig_type (
List.map (fun (id, name, decl) ->
(id, name, map_type_declaration decl)
) list
| Tsig_exception (id, name, decl) ->
Tsig_exception (id, name, map_exception_declaration decl)
| Tsig_module (id, name, mtype) ->
Tsig_module (id, name, map_module_type mtype)
| Tsig_recmodule list ->
Tsig_recmodule (List.map (
fun (id, name, mtype) ->
(id, name, map_module_type mtype) ) list)
| Tsig_modtype (id, name, mdecl) ->
Tsig_modtype (id, name, map_modtype_declaration mdecl)
| Tsig_open _ -> item.sig_desc
| Tsig_include (mty, lid) -> Tsig_include (map_module_type mty, lid)
| Tsig_class list -> Tsig_class (List.map map_class_description list)
| Tsig_class_type list ->
Tsig_class_type (List.map map_class_type_declaration list)
Map.leave_signature_item { item with sig_desc = sig_desc }
and map_modtype_declaration mdecl =
let mdecl = Map.enter_modtype_declaration mdecl in
let mdecl =
match mdecl with
Tmodtype_abstract -> Tmodtype_abstract
| Tmodtype_manifest mtype ->
Tmodtype_manifest (map_module_type mtype)
Map.leave_modtype_declaration mdecl
and map_class_description cd =
let cd = Map.enter_class_description cd in
let ci_expr = map_class_type cd.ci_expr in
Map.leave_class_description { cd with ci_expr = ci_expr}
and map_class_type_declaration cd =
let cd = Map.enter_class_type_declaration cd in
let ci_expr = map_class_type cd.ci_expr in
Map.leave_class_type_declaration { cd with ci_expr = ci_expr }
and map_module_type mty =
let mty = Map.enter_module_type mty in
let mty_desc =
match mty.mty_desc with
Tmty_ident (path, lid) -> mty.mty_desc
| Tmty_signature sg -> Tmty_signature (map_signature sg)
| Tmty_functor (id, name, mtype1, mtype2) ->
Tmty_functor (id, name, map_module_type mtype1,
map_module_type mtype2)
| Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
Tmty_with (map_module_type mtype,
List.map (fun (path, lid, withc) ->
(path, lid, map_with_constraint withc)
) list)
| Tmty_typeof mexpr ->
Tmty_typeof (map_module_expr mexpr)
Map.leave_module_type { mty with mty_desc = mty_desc}
and map_with_constraint cstr =
let cstr = Map.enter_with_constraint cstr in
let cstr =
match cstr with
Twith_type decl -> Twith_type (map_type_declaration decl)
| Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (map_type_declaration decl)
| Twith_module (path, lid) -> cstr
| Twith_modsubst (path, lid) -> cstr
Map.leave_with_constraint cstr
and map_module_expr mexpr =
let mexpr = Map.enter_module_expr mexpr in
let mod_desc =
match mexpr.mod_desc with
Tmod_ident (p, lid) -> mexpr.mod_desc
| Tmod_structure st -> Tmod_structure (map_structure st)
| Tmod_functor (id, name, mtype, mexpr) ->
Tmod_functor (id, name, map_module_type mtype,
map_module_expr mexpr)
| Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, coercion) ->
Tmod_apply (map_module_expr mexp1, map_module_expr mexp2, coercion)
| Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_implicit, coercion ) ->
Tmod_constraint (map_module_expr mexpr, mod_type,
Tmodtype_implicit, coercion)
| Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mod_type,
Tmodtype_explicit mtype, coercion) ->
Tmod_constraint (map_module_expr mexpr, mod_type,
Tmodtype_explicit (map_module_type mtype),
| Tmod_unpack (exp, mod_type) ->
Tmod_unpack (map_expression exp, mod_type)
Map.leave_module_expr { mexpr with mod_desc = mod_desc }
and map_class_expr cexpr =
let cexpr = Map.enter_class_expr cexpr in
let cl_desc =
match cexpr.cl_desc with
| Tcl_constraint (cl, None, string_list1, string_list2, concr ) ->
Tcl_constraint (map_class_expr cl, None, string_list1,
string_list2, concr)
| Tcl_structure clstr -> Tcl_structure (map_class_structure clstr)
| Tcl_fun (label, pat, priv, cl, partial) ->
Tcl_fun (label, map_pattern pat,
List.map (fun (id, name, exp) ->
(id, name, map_expression exp)) priv,
map_class_expr cl, partial)
| Tcl_apply (cl, args) ->
Tcl_apply (map_class_expr cl,
List.map (fun (label, expo, optional) ->
(label, may_map map_expression expo,
) args)
| Tcl_let (rec_flat, bindings, ivars, cl) ->
Tcl_let (rec_flat, map_bindings rec_flat bindings,
List.map (fun (id, name, exp) ->
(id, name, map_expression exp)) ivars,
map_class_expr cl)
| Tcl_constraint (cl, Some clty, vals, meths, concrs) ->
Tcl_constraint ( map_class_expr cl,
Some (map_class_type clty), vals, meths, concrs)
| Tcl_ident (id, name, tyl) ->
Tcl_ident (id, name, List.map map_core_type tyl)
Map.leave_class_expr { cexpr with cl_desc = cl_desc }
and map_class_type ct =
let ct = Map.enter_class_type ct in
let cltyp_desc =
match ct.cltyp_desc with
Tcty_signature csg -> Tcty_signature (map_class_signature csg)
| Tcty_constr (path, lid, list) ->
Tcty_constr (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list)
| Tcty_fun (label, ct, cl) ->
Tcty_fun (label, map_core_type ct, map_class_type cl)
Map.leave_class_type { ct with cltyp_desc = cltyp_desc }
and map_class_signature cs =
let cs = Map.enter_class_signature cs in
let csig_self = map_core_type cs.csig_self in
let csig_fields = List.map map_class_type_field cs.csig_fields in
Map.leave_class_signature { cs with
csig_self = csig_self; csig_fields = csig_fields }
and map_class_type_field ctf =
let ctf = Map.enter_class_type_field ctf in
let ctf_desc =
match ctf.ctf_desc with
Tctf_inher ct -> Tctf_inher (map_class_type ct)
| Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, ct) ->
Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, map_core_type ct)
| Tctf_virt (s, priv, ct) ->
Tctf_virt (s, priv, map_core_type ct)
| Tctf_meth (s, priv, ct) ->
Tctf_meth (s, priv, map_core_type ct)
| Tctf_cstr (ct1, ct2) ->
Tctf_cstr (map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2)
Map.leave_class_type_field { ctf with ctf_desc = ctf_desc }
and map_core_type ct =
let ct = Map.enter_core_type ct in
let ctyp_desc =
match ct.ctyp_desc with
| Ttyp_var _ -> ct.ctyp_desc
| Ttyp_arrow (label, ct1, ct2) ->
Ttyp_arrow (label, map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2)
| Ttyp_tuple list -> Ttyp_tuple (List.map map_core_type list)
| Ttyp_constr (path, lid, list) ->
Ttyp_constr (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list)
| Ttyp_object list -> Ttyp_object (List.map map_core_field_type list)
| Ttyp_class (path, lid, list, labels) ->
Ttyp_class (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list, labels)
| Ttyp_alias (ct, s) -> Ttyp_alias (map_core_type ct, s)
| Ttyp_variant (list, bool, labels) ->
Ttyp_variant (List.map map_row_field list, bool, labels)
| Ttyp_poly (list, ct) -> Ttyp_poly (list, map_core_type ct)
| Ttyp_package pack -> Ttyp_package (map_package_type pack)
Map.leave_core_type { ct with ctyp_desc = ctyp_desc }
and map_core_field_type cft =
let cft = Map.enter_core_field_type cft in
let field_desc = match cft.field_desc with
Tcfield_var -> Tcfield_var
| Tcfield (s, ct) -> Tcfield (s, map_core_type ct)
Map.leave_core_field_type { cft with field_desc = field_desc }
and map_class_structure cs =
let cs = Map.enter_class_structure cs in
let cstr_pat = map_pattern cs.cstr_pat in
let cstr_fields = List.map map_class_field cs.cstr_fields in
Map.leave_class_structure { cs with cstr_pat = cstr_pat;
cstr_fields = cstr_fields }
and map_row_field rf =
match rf with
Ttag (label, bool, list) ->
Ttag (label, bool, List.map map_core_type list)
| Tinherit ct -> Tinherit (map_core_type ct)
and map_class_field cf =
let cf = Map.enter_class_field cf in
let cf_desc =
match cf.cf_desc with
Tcf_inher (ovf, cl, super, vals, meths) ->
Tcf_inher (ovf, map_class_expr cl, super, vals, meths)
| Tcf_constr (cty, cty') ->
Tcf_constr (map_core_type cty, map_core_type cty')
| Tcf_val (lab, name, mut, ident, Tcfk_virtual cty, override) ->
Tcf_val (lab, name, mut, ident, Tcfk_virtual (map_core_type cty),
| Tcf_val (lab, name, mut, ident, Tcfk_concrete exp, override) ->
Tcf_val (lab, name, mut, ident, Tcfk_concrete (map_expression exp),
| Tcf_meth (lab, name, priv, Tcfk_virtual cty, override) ->
Tcf_meth (lab, name, priv, Tcfk_virtual (map_core_type cty),
| Tcf_meth (lab, name, priv, Tcfk_concrete exp, override) ->
Tcf_meth (lab, name, priv, Tcfk_concrete (map_expression exp),
| Tcf_init exp -> Tcf_init (map_expression exp)
Map.leave_class_field { cf with cf_desc = cf_desc }
module DefaultMapArgument = struct
let enter_structure t = t
let enter_value_description t = t
let enter_type_declaration t = t
let enter_exception_declaration t = t
let enter_pattern t = t
let enter_expression t = t
let enter_package_type t = t
let enter_signature t = t
let enter_signature_item t = t
let enter_modtype_declaration t = t
let enter_module_type t = t
let enter_module_expr t = t
let enter_with_constraint t = t
let enter_class_expr t = t
let enter_class_signature t = t
let enter_class_description t = t
let enter_class_type_declaration t = t
let enter_class_infos t = t
let enter_class_type t = t
let enter_class_type_field t = t
let enter_core_type t = t
let enter_core_field_type t = t
let enter_class_structure t = t
let enter_class_field t = t
let enter_structure_item t = t
let leave_structure t = t
let leave_value_description t = t
let leave_type_declaration t = t
let leave_exception_declaration t = t
let leave_pattern t = t
let leave_expression t = t
let leave_package_type t = t
let leave_signature t = t
let leave_signature_item t = t
let leave_modtype_declaration t = t
let leave_module_type t = t
let leave_module_expr t = t
let leave_with_constraint t = t
let leave_class_expr t = t
let leave_class_signature t = t
let leave_class_description t = t
let leave_class_type_declaration t = t
let leave_class_infos t = t
let leave_class_type t = t
let leave_class_type_field t = t
let leave_core_type t = t
let leave_core_field_type t = t
let leave_class_structure t = t
let leave_class_field t = t
let leave_structure_item t = t