
158 lines
5.3 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Compilation environments for compilation units *)
open Config
open Misc
open Clambda
type error =
Not_a_unit_info of string
| Corrupted_unit_info of string
| Illegal_renaming of string * string
exception Error of error
(* Each .o file has a matching .cmx file that provides the following infos
on the compilation unit:
- list of other units imported, with CRCs of their .cmx files
- approximation of the structure implemented
(includes descriptions of known functions: arity and direct entry
- list of currying functions and application functions needed
The .cmx file contains these infos (as an externed record) plus a CRC
of these infos *)
type unit_infos =
{ mutable ui_name: string; (* Name of unit implemented *)
mutable ui_interface: Digest.t; (* CRC of interface impl. *)
mutable ui_imports_cmi: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Interfaces imported *)
mutable ui_imports_cmx: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Infos imported *)
mutable ui_approx: value_approximation; (* Approx of the structure *)
mutable ui_curry_fun: int list; (* Currying functions needed *)
mutable ui_apply_fun: int list; (* Apply functions needed *)
mutable ui_force_link: bool } (* Always linked *)
let global_approx_table =
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, value_approximation) Hashtbl.t)
let current_unit =
{ ui_name = "";
ui_interface = "";
ui_imports_cmi = [];
ui_imports_cmx = [];
ui_approx = Value_unknown;
ui_curry_fun = [];
ui_apply_fun = [];
ui_force_link = false }
let reset name crc_intf =
Hashtbl.clear global_approx_table;
current_unit.ui_name <- name;
current_unit.ui_interface <- crc_intf;
current_unit.ui_imports_cmi <- [];
current_unit.ui_imports_cmx <- [];
current_unit.ui_curry_fun <- [];
current_unit.ui_apply_fun <- [];
current_unit.ui_force_link <- false
let current_unit_name () =
let read_unit_info filename =
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let buffer = String.create (String.length cmx_magic_number) in
really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmx_magic_number);
if buffer <> cmx_magic_number then begin
close_in ic;
raise(Error(Not_a_unit_info filename))
let ui = (input_value ic : unit_infos) in
let crc = Digest.input ic in
close_in ic;
(ui, crc)
with End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
(* Return the approximation of a global identifier *)
let cmx_not_found_crc =
let global_approx global_ident =
let modname = Ident.name global_ident in
Hashtbl.find global_approx_table modname
with Not_found ->
let (approx, crc) =
let filename =
find_in_path !load_path (String.uncapitalize modname ^ ".cmx") in
let (ui, crc) = read_unit_info filename in
if ui.ui_name <> modname then
raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(modname, filename)));
(ui.ui_approx, crc)
with Not_found ->
(Value_unknown, cmx_not_found_crc) in
current_unit.ui_imports_cmx <-
(modname, crc) :: current_unit.ui_imports_cmx;
Hashtbl.add global_approx_table modname approx;
(* Register the approximation of the module being compiled *)
let set_global_approx approx =
current_unit.ui_approx <- approx
(* Record that a currying function or application function is needed *)
let need_curry_fun n =
if not (List.mem n current_unit.ui_curry_fun) then
current_unit.ui_curry_fun <- n :: current_unit.ui_curry_fun
let need_apply_fun n =
if not (List.mem n current_unit.ui_apply_fun) then
current_unit.ui_apply_fun <- n :: current_unit.ui_apply_fun
(* Write the description of the current unit *)
let save_unit_info filename =
current_unit.ui_imports_cmi <- Env.imported_units();
let oc = open_out_bin filename in
output_string oc cmx_magic_number;
output_value oc current_unit;
flush oc;
let crc = Digest.file filename in
Digest.output oc crc;
close_out oc
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error = function
Not_a_unit_info filename ->
print_string filename; print_space();
print_string "is not a compilation unit description."
| Corrupted_unit_info filename ->
print_string "Corrupted compilation unit description"; print_space();
print_string filename
| Illegal_renaming(modname, filename) ->
print_string filename; print_space();
print_string "contains the description for unit"; print_space();
print_string modname