934 lines
32 KiB
934 lines
32 KiB
(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(** The man pages generator. *)
open Odoc_info
open Parameter
open Value
open Type
open Exception
open Class
open Module
open Search
(** A class used to get a [text] for info structures. *)
class virtual info =
object (self)
(** The list of pairs [(tag, f)] where [f] is a function taking
the [text] associated to [tag] and returning man code.
Add a pair here to handle a tag.*)
val mutable tag_functions = ([] : (string * (Odoc_info.text -> string)) list)
(** Return man code for a [text]. *)
method virtual man_of_text : Odoc_info.text -> string
(** Groff string for an author list. *)
method man_of_author_list l =
match l with
[] ->
| _ ->
".B \""^Odoc_messages.authors^"\"\n:\n"^
(String.concat ", " l)^
(** Groff string for the given optional version information.*)
method man_of_version_opt v_opt =
match v_opt with
None -> ""
| Some v -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.version^"\"\n:\n"^v^"\n.sp\n"
(** Groff string for the given optional since information.*)
method man_of_since_opt s_opt =
match s_opt with
None -> ""
| Some s -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.since^"\"\n"^s^"\n.sp\n"
(** Groff string for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
method man_of_raised_exceptions l =
match l with
[] -> ""
| (s, t) :: [] -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.raises^" "^s^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text t)^"\n.sp\n"
| _ ->
".B \""^Odoc_messages.raises^"\"\n"^
(String.concat ""
(fun (ex, desc) -> ".TP\n.B \""^ex^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text desc)^"\n")
(** Groff string for the given "see also" reference. *)
method man_of_see (see_ref, t) =
let t_ref =
match see_ref with
Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ]
| Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
| Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
self#man_of_text t_ref
(** Groff string for the given list of "see also" references.*)
method man_of_sees l =
match l with
[] -> ""
| see :: [] -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.see_also^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_see see)^"\n.sp\n"
| _ ->
".B \""^Odoc_messages.see_also^"\"\n"^
(String.concat ""
(fun see -> ".TP\n \"\"\n"^(self#man_of_see see)^"\n")
(** Groff string for the given optional return information.*)
method man_of_return_opt return_opt =
match return_opt with
None -> ""
| Some s -> ".B "^Odoc_messages.returns^"\n"^(self#man_of_text s)^"\n.sp\n"
(** Return man code for the given list of custom tagged texts. *)
method man_of_custom l =
let buf = Buffer.create 50 in
(fun (tag, text) ->
let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
Buffer.add_string buf (f text)
Not_found ->
Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag)
Buffer.contents buf
(** Return the groff string to display an optional info structure. *)
method man_of_info info_opt =
match info_opt with
None ->
| Some info ->
let module M = Odoc_info in
(match info.M.i_deprecated with
None -> ""
| Some d -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.deprecated^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text d)^"\n.sp\n")^
(match info.M.i_desc with
None -> ""
| Some d when d = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> ""
| Some d -> (self#man_of_text d)^"\n.sp\n"
(self#man_of_author_list info.M.i_authors)^
(self#man_of_version_opt info.M.i_version)^
(self#man_of_since_opt info.M.i_since)^
(self#man_of_raised_exceptions info.M.i_raised_exceptions)^
(self#man_of_return_opt info.M.i_return_value)^
(self#man_of_sees info.M.i_sees)^
(self#man_of_custom info.M.i_custom)
(** This class is used to create objects which can generate a simple html documentation. *)
class man =
let re_slash = Str.regexp_string "/" in
object (self)
inherit info
(** Get a file name from a complete name. *)
method file_name name =
let s = Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" name !Args.man_suffix in
Str.global_replace re_slash "slash" s
(** Escape special sequences of characters in a string. *)
method escape (s : string) = s
(** Open a file for output. Add the target directory.*)
method open_out file =
let f = Filename.concat !Args.target_dir file in
open_out f
(** Return the groff string for a text, without correction of blanks. *)
method private man_of_text2 t = String.concat "" (List.map self#man_of_text_element t)
(** Return the groff string for a text, with blanks corrected. *)
method man_of_text t =
let s = self#man_of_text2 t in
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n[ ]*") "\n" s in
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n\n") "\n" s2
(** Return the given string without no newlines. *)
method remove_newlines s =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[ ]*\n[ ]*") " " s
(** Return the groff string for a text element. *)
method man_of_text_element te =
match te with
| Odoc_info.Raw s -> s
| Odoc_info.Code s ->
let s2 = "\n.B "^(Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " (self#escape s))^"\n" in
| Odoc_info.CodePre s ->
let s2 = "\n.B "^(Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " (self#escape s))^"\n" in
| Odoc_info.Verbatim s -> self#escape s
| Odoc_info.Bold t
| Odoc_info.Italic t
| Odoc_info.Emphasize t
| Odoc_info.Center t
| Odoc_info.Left t
| Odoc_info.Right t -> self#man_of_text2 t
| Odoc_info.List tl ->
(String.concat ""
(fun t -> ".TP\n \"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text2 t)^"\n")
| Odoc_info.Enum tl ->
(String.concat ""
(fun t -> ".TP\n \"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text2 t)^"\n")
| Odoc_info.Newline ->
| Odoc_info.Block t ->
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_text2 t)^"\n.sp\n"
| Odoc_info.Title (n, l_opt, t) ->
self#man_of_text2 [Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.string_of_text t)]
| Odoc_info.Latex _ ->
(* don't care about LaTeX stuff in HTML. *)
| Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ->
self#man_of_text2 t
| Odoc_info.Ref (name, _) ->
(Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name))
| Odoc_info.Superscript t ->
"^{"^(self#man_of_text2 t)
| Odoc_info.Subscript t ->
"_{"^(self#man_of_text2 t)
(** Groff string to display code. *)
method man_of_code s = self#man_of_text [ Code s ]
(** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified idents
have been replaced by idents relative to the given module name.*)
method relative_idents m_name s =
let f str_t =
let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
(Name.get_relative m_name match_s)
let s2 = Str.global_substitute
(Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
(** Groff string to display a [Types.type_expr].*)
method man_of_type_expr m_name t =
let s = String.concat "\n"
(Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr t))
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
"\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
(** Groff string to display a [Types.class_type].*)
method man_of_class_type_expr m_name t =
let s = String.concat "\n"
(Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_misc.string_of_class_type t))
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
"\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
(** Groff string to display a [Types.type_expr list].*)
method man_of_type_expr_list m_name sep l =
let s = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list sep l in
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
"\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
(** Groff string to display a [Types.module_type]. *)
method man_of_module_type m_name t =
let s = String.concat "\n"
(Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_misc.string_of_module_type t))
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
"\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
(** Groff string code for a value. *)
method man_of_value v =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
"\n.I val "^(Name.simple v.val_name)^" \n: "^
(self#man_of_type_expr (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type)^
(self#man_of_info v.val_info)^
(** Groff string code for an exception. *)
method man_of_exception e =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
"\n.I exception "^(Name.simple e.ex_name)^" \n"^
(match e.ex_args with
[] -> ""
| _ ->
".B of "^
(self#man_of_type_expr_list (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args)
(match e.ex_alias with
None -> ""
| Some ea -> " = "^
match ea.ea_ex with
None -> ea.ea_name
| Some e -> e.ex_name
(self#man_of_info e.ex_info)^
(** Groff string for a type. *)
method man_of_type t =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let father = Name.father t.ty_name in
".I type "^
(match t.ty_parameters with
[] -> ""
| tp :: [] -> (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr tp)
| l ->
(self#man_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)
(match t.ty_parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> ".I ")^(Name.simple t.ty_name)^" \n"^
(match t.ty_manifest with None -> "" | Some typ -> "= "^(self#man_of_type_expr father typ))^
(match t.ty_kind with
Type_abstract ->
| Type_variant l ->
"=\n "^
(String.concat ""
(fun constr ->
"| "^constr.vc_name^
(match constr.vc_args, constr.vc_text with
[], None -> "\n "
| [], (Some t) -> " (* "^(self#man_of_text t)^" *)\n "
| l, None ->
"\n.B of "^(self#man_of_type_expr_list father " * " l)^" "
| l, (Some t) ->
"\n.B of "^(self#man_of_type_expr_list father " * " l)^
".I \" \"\n"^
"(* "^(self#man_of_text t)^" *)\n "
| Type_record l ->
"= {"^
(String.concat ""
(fun r ->
(if r.rf_mutable then "\n\n.B mutable \n" else "\n ")^
r.rf_name^" : "^(self#man_of_type_expr father r.rf_type)^";"^
(match r.rf_text with
None ->
| Some t ->
" (* "^(self#man_of_text t)^" *) "
"\n }\n"
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info t.ty_info)^
(** Groff string for a class attribute. *)
method man_of_attribute a =
".I val "^
(if a.att_mutable then Odoc_messages.mutab^" " else "")^
(Name.simple a.att_value.val_name)^" : "^
(self#man_of_type_expr (Name.father a.att_value.val_name) a.att_value.val_type)^
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info a.att_value.val_info)^
(** Groff string for a class method. *)
method man_of_method m =
".I method "^
(if m.met_private then "private " else "")^
(if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "")^
(Name.simple m.met_value.val_name)^" : "^
(self#man_of_type_expr (Name.father m.met_value.val_name) m.met_value.val_type)^
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info m.met_value.val_info)^
(** Groff for a list of parameters. *)
method man_of_parameter_list m_name l =
match l with
[] ->
| _ ->
"\n.B "^Odoc_messages.parameters^": \n"^
(String.concat ""
(fun p ->
"\""^(Parameter.complete_name p)^"\"\n"^
(self#man_of_type_expr m_name (Parameter.typ p))^"\n"^
(self#man_of_parameter_description p)^"\n"
(** Groff for the description of a function parameter. *)
method man_of_parameter_description p =
match Parameter.names p with
[] ->
| name :: [] ->
(* Only one name, no need for label for the description. *)
match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with
None -> ""
| Some t -> "\n "^(self#man_of_text t)
| l ->
(* A list of names, we display those with a description. *)
String.concat ""
(fun n ->
match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with
None -> ""
| Some t -> (self#man_of_code (n^" : "))^(self#man_of_text t)
(** Groff string for a list of module parameters. *)
method man_of_module_parameter_list m_name l =
match l with
[] ->
| _ ->
".B \""^Odoc_messages.parameters^":\"\n"^
(String.concat ""
(fun (p, desc_opt) ->
(self#man_of_module_type m_name p.mp_type)^"\n"^
(match desc_opt with
None -> ""
| Some t -> self#man_of_text t)^
(** Groff string for a class. *)
method man_of_class c =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let p = Printf.bprintf in
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let father = Name.father c.cl_name in
p buf ".I class %s"
(if c.cl_virtual then "virtual " else "");
match c.cl_type_parameters with
[] -> ()
| l -> p buf "[%s.I] " (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)
p buf "%s : %s"
(Name.simple c.cl_name)
(self#man_of_class_type_expr (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_type);
p buf "\n.sp\n%s\n.sp\n" (self#man_of_info c.cl_info);
Buffer.contents buf
(** Groff string for a class type. *)
method man_of_class_type ct =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let p = Printf.bprintf in
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
p buf ".I class type %s"
(if ct.clt_virtual then "virtual " else "");
match ct.clt_type_parameters with
[] -> ()
| l -> p buf "[%s.I ] " (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)
p buf "%s = %s"
(Name.simple ct.clt_name)
(self#man_of_class_type_expr (Name.father ct.clt_name) ct.clt_type);
p buf "\n.sp\n%s\n.sp\n" (self#man_of_info ct.clt_info);
Buffer.contents buf
(** Groff string for a module. *)
method man_of_module m =
".I module "^(Name.simple m.m_name)^
" : "^(self#man_of_module_type (Name.father m.m_name) m.m_type)^
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info m.m_info)^"\n.sp\n"
(** Groff string for a module type. *)
method man_of_modtype mt =
".I module type "^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^
" = "^
(match mt.mt_type with
None -> ""
| Some t -> self#man_of_module_type (Name.father mt.mt_name) t
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info mt.mt_info)^"\n.sp\n"
(** Groff string for a module comment.*)
method man_of_module_comment text =
(self#man_of_text [Code ("=== "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_text text)^" ===")])^
(** Groff string for a class comment.*)
method man_of_class_comment text =
(self#man_of_text [Code ("=== "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_text text)^" ===")])^
(** Groff string for an included module. *)
method man_of_included_module m_name im =
".I include "^
match im.im_module with
None -> im.im_name
| Some mmt ->
let name =
match mmt with
Mod m -> m.m_name
| Modtype mt -> mt.mt_name
self#relative_idents m_name name
(** Generate the man page for the given class.*)
method generate_for_class cl =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let date = Unix.time () in
let file = self#file_name cl.cl_name in
let chanout = self#open_out file in
output_string chanout
(".TH \""^Odoc_messages.clas^"\" "^
cl.cl_name^" "^
"\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
"OCamldoc "^
"\""^(match !Args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
let abstract =
match cl.cl_info with
None | Some { i_desc = None } -> ""
| Some { i_desc = Some t } ->
let s = Odoc_info.string_of_text (Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text t) in
self#remove_newlines s
output_string chanout
".SH NAME\n"^
cl.cl_name^" \\- "^abstract^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.clas^"\n"^
Odoc_messages.clas^" "^cl.cl_name^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class cl);
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout
(self#man_of_parameter_list "" cl.cl_parameters);
(* a large blank *)
output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
(* class inheritance *)
self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl;
(* the various elements *)
(fun element ->
match element with
Class_attribute a ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_attribute a)
| Class_method m ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_method m)
| Class_comment t ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_comment t)
(Class.class_elements cl);
close_out chanout
Sys_error s ->
incr Odoc_info.errors ;
prerr_endline s
(** Generate the man page for the given class type.*)
method generate_for_class_type ct =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let date = Unix.time () in
let file = self#file_name ct.clt_name in
let chanout = self#open_out file in
output_string chanout
(".TH \""^Odoc_messages.class_type^"\" "^
ct.clt_name^" "^
"\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
"OCamldoc "^
"\""^(match !Args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
let abstract =
match ct.clt_info with
None | Some { i_desc = None } -> ""
| Some { i_desc = Some t } ->
let s = Odoc_info.string_of_text (Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text t) in
self#remove_newlines s
output_string chanout
".SH NAME\n"^
ct.clt_name^" \\- "^abstract^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.class_type^"\n"^
Odoc_messages.class_type^" "^ct.clt_name^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_type ct);
(* a large blank *)
output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
(* class inheritance *)
self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl;
(* the various elements *)
(fun element ->
match element with
Class_attribute a ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_attribute a)
| Class_method m ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_method m)
| Class_comment t ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_comment t)
(Class.class_type_elements ct);
close_out chanout
Sys_error s ->
incr Odoc_info.errors ;
prerr_endline s
(** Generate the man file for the given module type.
@raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
method generate_for_module_type mt =
let date = Unix.time () in
let file = self#file_name mt.mt_name in
let chanout = self#open_out file in
output_string chanout
(".TH \""^Odoc_messages.module_type^"\" "^
mt.mt_name^" "^
"\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
"OCamldoc "^
"\""^(match !Args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
let abstract =
match mt.mt_info with
None | Some { i_desc = None } -> ""
| Some { i_desc = Some t } ->
let s = Odoc_info.string_of_text (Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text t) in
self#remove_newlines s
output_string chanout
".SH NAME\n"^
mt.mt_name^" \\- "^abstract^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.module_type^"\n"^
Odoc_messages.module_type^" "^mt.mt_name^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
".BI \""^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^"\"\n"^
" = "^
(match mt.mt_type with
None -> ""
| Some t -> self#man_of_module_type (Name.father mt.mt_name) t
(self#man_of_info mt.mt_info)^"\n"^
(* parameters for functors *)
output_string chanout
(self#man_of_module_parameter_list "" (Module.module_type_parameters mt));
(* a large blank *)
output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
(* module elements *)
(fun ele ->
match ele with
Element_module m ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_module m)
| Element_module_type mt ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_modtype mt)
| Element_included_module im ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_included_module mt.mt_name im)
| Element_class c ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class c)
| Element_class_type ct ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_type ct)
| Element_value v ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_value v)
| Element_exception e ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_exception e)
| Element_type t ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_type t)
| Element_module_comment text ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_module_comment text)
(Module.module_type_elements mt);
close_out chanout
Sys_error s ->
incr Odoc_info.errors ;
prerr_endline s
(** Generate the man file for the given module.
@raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
method generate_for_module m =
let date = Unix.time () in
let file = self#file_name m.m_name in
let chanout = self#open_out file in
output_string chanout
(".TH \""^Odoc_messages.modul^"\" "^
m.m_name^" "^
"\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
"OCamldoc "^
"\""^(match !Args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
let abstract =
match m.m_info with
None | Some { i_desc = None } -> ""
| Some { i_desc = Some t } ->
let s = Odoc_info.string_of_text (Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text t) in
self#remove_newlines s
output_string chanout
".SH NAME\n"^
m.m_name^" \\- "^abstract^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^"\n"^
Odoc_messages.modul^" "^m.m_name^"\n"^
".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
".BI \""^(Name.simple m.m_name)^"\"\n"^
" : "^(self#man_of_module_type (Name.father m.m_name) m.m_type)^
(self#man_of_info m.m_info)^"\n"^
(* parameters for functors *)
output_string chanout
(self#man_of_module_parameter_list "" (Module.module_parameters m));
(* a large blank *)
output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
(* module elements *)
(fun ele ->
match ele with
Element_module m ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_module m)
| Element_module_type mt ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_modtype mt)
| Element_included_module im ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_included_module m.m_name im)
| Element_class c ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class c)
| Element_class_type ct ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_type ct)
| Element_value v ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_value v)
| Element_exception e ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_exception e)
| Element_type t ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_type t)
| Element_module_comment text ->
output_string chanout (self#man_of_module_comment text)
(Module.module_elements m);
close_out chanout
Sys_error s ->
raise (Failure s)
(** Create the groups of elements to generate pages for. *)
method create_groups module_list =
let name res_ele =
match res_ele with
Res_module m -> m.m_name
| Res_module_type mt -> mt.mt_name
| Res_class c -> c.cl_name
| Res_class_type ct -> ct.clt_name
| Res_value v -> Name.simple v.val_name
| Res_type t -> Name.simple t.ty_name
| Res_exception e -> Name.simple e.ex_name
| Res_attribute a -> Name.simple a.att_value.val_name
| Res_method m -> Name.simple m.met_value.val_name
| Res_section _ -> assert false
let all_items_pre = Odoc_info.Search.search_by_name module_list (Str.regexp ".*") in
let all_items = List.filter
(fun r -> match r with Res_section _ -> false | _ -> true)
let sorted_items = List.sort (fun e1 -> fun e2 -> compare (name e1) (name e2)) all_items in
let rec f acc1 acc2 l =
match l with
[] -> acc2 :: acc1
| h :: q ->
match acc2 with
[] -> f acc1 [h] q
| h2 :: q2 ->
if (name h) = (name h2) then
if List.mem h acc2 then
f acc1 acc2 q
f acc1 (acc2 @ [h]) q
f (acc2 :: acc1) [h] q
f [] [] sorted_items
(** Generate a man page for a group of elements with the same name.
A group must not be empty.*)
method generate_for_group l =
let name =
match List.hd l with
Res_module m -> m.m_name
| Res_module_type mt -> mt.mt_name
| Res_class c -> c.cl_name
| Res_class_type ct -> ct.clt_name
| Res_value v -> v.val_name
| Res_type t -> t.ty_name
| Res_exception e -> e.ex_name
| Res_attribute a -> a.att_value.val_name
| Res_method m -> m.met_value.val_name
| Res_section (s,_) -> s
let date = Unix.time () in
let file = self#file_name name in
let chanout = self#open_out file in
output_string chanout
".TH \""^name^"\" "^
"man "^
"\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
"OCamldoc "^
"\""^(match !Args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n"^
".SH NAME\n"^
name^" \\- \n\n"
let f ele =
match ele with
Res_value v ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father v.val_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_value v))
| Res_type t ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father t.ty_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_type t))
| Res_exception e ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father e.ex_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_exception e))
| Res_attribute a ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.clas^" "^(Name.father a.att_value.val_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_attribute a))
| Res_method m ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.clas^" "^(Name.father m.met_value.val_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_method m))
| Res_class c ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father c.cl_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_class c))
| Res_class_type ct ->
output_string chanout
("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father ct.clt_name)^"\n"^
(self#man_of_class_type ct))
| _ ->
(* normalement on ne peut pas avoir de module ici. *)
List.iter f l;
close_out chanout
Sys_error s ->
incr Odoc_info.errors ;
prerr_endline s
(** Generate all the man pages from a module list. *)
method generate module_list =
let sorted_module_list = Sort.list (fun m1 -> fun m2 -> m1.m_name < m2.m_name) module_list in
let groups = self#create_groups sorted_module_list in
let f group =
match group with
[] ->
| [Res_module m] -> self#generate_for_module m
| [Res_module_type mt] -> self#generate_for_module_type mt
| [Res_class cl] -> self#generate_for_class cl
| [Res_class_type ct] -> self#generate_for_class_type ct
| l ->
if !Args.man_mini then
self#generate_for_group l
List.iter f groups