
299 lines
11 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Register allocation by coloring of the interference graph *)
open Reg
(* Preallocation of spilled registers in the stack. *)
let allocate_spilled reg =
if reg.spill then begin
let cl = Proc.register_class reg in
let nslots = Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) in
let conflict = Array.create nslots false in
(fun r ->
match r.loc with
Stack(Local n) ->
if Proc.register_class r = cl then conflict.(n) <- true
| _ -> ())
let slot = ref 0 in
while !slot < nslots & conflict.(!slot) do incr slot done;
reg.loc <- Stack(Local !slot);
if !slot >= nslots then Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) <- !slot + 1
(* Compute the degree (= number of neighbours of the same type)
of each register, and split them in two sets:
unconstrained (degree < number of available registers)
and constrained (degree >= number of available registers).
Spilled registers are ignored in the process. *)
let unconstrained = ref Reg.Set.empty
let constrained = ref Reg.Set.empty
let find_degree reg =
if reg.spill then () else begin
let cl = Proc.register_class reg in
let avail_regs = Proc.num_available_registers.(cl) in
if avail_regs = 0 then
(* Don't bother computing the degree if there are no regs
in this class *)
unconstrained := Reg.Set.add reg !unconstrained
else begin
let deg = ref 0 in
(fun r -> if not r.spill & Proc.register_class r = cl then incr deg)
reg.degree <- !deg;
if !deg >= avail_regs
then constrained := Reg.Set.add reg !constrained
else unconstrained := Reg.Set.add reg !unconstrained
(* Remove a register from the interference graph *)
let remove_reg reg =
reg.degree <- 0; (* 0 means r is no longer part of the graph *)
let cl = Proc.register_class reg in
(fun r ->
if Proc.register_class r = cl & r.degree > 0 then begin
let olddeg = r.degree in
r.degree <- olddeg - 1;
if olddeg = Proc.num_available_registers.(cl) then begin
(* r was constrained and becomes unconstrained *)
constrained := Reg.Set.remove r !constrained;
unconstrained := Reg.Set.add r !unconstrained
(* Remove all registers one by one, unconstrained if possible, otherwise
constrained with lowest spill cost. Return the list of registers removed
in reverse order.
The spill cost measure is [r.spill_cost / r.degree].
[r.spill_cost] estimates the number of accesses to this register. *)
let rec remove_all_regs stack =
if not (Reg.Set.is_empty !unconstrained) then begin
(* Pick any unconstrained register *)
let r = Reg.Set.choose !unconstrained in
unconstrained := Reg.Set.remove r !unconstrained;
remove_all_regs (r :: stack)
end else
if not (Reg.Set.is_empty !constrained) then begin
(* Find a constrained reg with minimal cost *)
let r = ref Reg.dummy in
let min_degree = ref 0 and min_spill_cost = ref 1 in
(* initially !min_spill_cost / !min_degree is +infty *)
(fun r2 ->
(* if r2.spill_cost / r2.degree < !min_spill_cost / !min_degree *)
if r2.spill_cost * !min_degree < !min_spill_cost * r2.degree
then begin
r := r2; min_degree := r2.degree; min_spill_cost := r2.spill_cost
constrained := Reg.Set.remove !r !constrained;
remove_all_regs (!r :: stack)
end else
stack (* All regs have been removed *)
(* Iterate over all registers preferred by the given register (transitively) *)
let iter_preferred f reg =
let rec walk r w =
if not r.visited then begin
f r w;
begin match r.prefer with
[] -> ()
| p -> r.visited <- true;
List.iter (fun (r1, w1) -> walk r1 (min w w1)) p;
r.visited <- false
end in
reg.visited <- true;
List.iter (fun (r, w) -> walk r w) reg.prefer;
reg.visited <- false
(* Where to start the search for a suitable register.
Used to introduce some "randomness" in the choice between registers
with equal scores. This offers more opportunities for scheduling. *)
let start_register = Array.create Proc.num_register_classes 0
(* Assign a location to a register, the best we can *)
let assign_location reg =
let cl = Proc.register_class reg in
let first_reg = Proc.first_available_register.(cl) in
let num_regs = Proc.num_available_registers.(cl) in
let last_reg = first_reg + num_regs in
let score = Array.create num_regs 0 in
let best_score = ref (-1000000) and best_reg = ref (-1) in
let start = start_register.(cl) in
if num_regs > 0 then begin
(* Favor the registers that have been assigned to pseudoregs for which
we have a preference. If these pseudoregs have not been assigned
already, avoid the registers with which they conflict. *)
(fun r w ->
match r.loc with
Reg n -> if n >= first_reg & n < last_reg then
score.(n - first_reg) <- score.(n - first_reg) + w
| Unknown ->
(fun neighbour ->
match neighbour.loc with
Reg n -> if n >= first_reg & n < last_reg then
score.(n - first_reg) <- score.(n - first_reg) - w
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ())
(fun neighbour ->
(* Prohibit the registers that have been assigned
to our neighbours *)
begin match neighbour.loc with
Reg n -> if n >= first_reg & n < last_reg then
score.(n - first_reg) <- (-1000000)
| _ -> ()
(* Avoid the registers that have been assigned to pseudoregs
for which our neighbours have a preference *)
(fun r w ->
match r.loc with
Reg n -> if n >= first_reg & n < last_reg then
score.(n - first_reg) <- score.(n - first_reg) - (w - 1)
(* w-1 to break the symmetry when two conflicting regs
have the same preference for a third reg. *)
| _ -> ())
(* Pick the register with the best score *)
for n = start to num_regs - 1 do
if score.(n) > !best_score then begin
best_score := score.(n);
best_reg := n
for n = 0 to start - 1 do
if score.(n) > !best_score then begin
best_score := score.(n);
best_reg := n
(* Found a register? *)
if !best_reg >= 0 then begin
reg.loc <- Reg(first_reg + !best_reg);
if Proc.rotate_registers then
start_register.(cl) <- (if start+1 >= num_regs then 0 else start+1)
end else begin
(* Sorry, we must put the pseudoreg in a stack location *)
(* First, check if we have a preference for an incoming location
we do not conflict with. *)
let best_score = ref 0 and best_incoming_loc = ref (-1) in
(fun (r, w) ->
match r.loc with
Stack(Incoming n) ->
if w > !best_score
& List.for_all (fun neighbour -> neighbour.loc <> r.loc)
then begin
best_score := w;
best_incoming_loc := n
| _ -> ())
if !best_incoming_loc >= 0 then
reg.loc <- Stack(Incoming !best_incoming_loc)
else begin
(* Now, look for a location in the local area *)
let nslots = Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) in
let score = Array.create nslots 0 in
(* Compute the scores as for registers *)
(fun (r, w) ->
match r.loc with
Stack(Local n) -> if Proc.register_class r = cl then
score.(n) <- score.(n) + w
| Unknown ->
(fun neighbour ->
match neighbour.loc with
Stack(Local n) ->
if Proc.register_class neighbour = cl
then score.(n) <- score.(n) - w
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ())
(fun neighbour ->
begin match neighbour.loc with
Stack(Local n) ->
if Proc.register_class neighbour = cl then
score.(n) <- (-1000000)
| _ -> ()
(fun (r, w) ->
match r.loc with
Stack(Local n) -> if Proc.register_class r = cl then
score.(n) <- score.(n) - w
| _ -> ())
(* Pick the location with the best score *)
let best_score = ref (-1000000) and best_slot = ref (-1) in
for n = 0 to nslots - 1 do
if score.(n) > !best_score then begin
best_score := score.(n);
best_slot := n
(* Found one? *)
if !best_slot >= 0 then
reg.loc <- Stack(Local !best_slot)
else begin
(* Allocate a new stack slot *)
reg.loc <- Stack(Local nslots);
Proc.num_stack_slots.(cl) <- nslots + 1
(* Cancel the preferences of this register so that they don't influence
transitively the allocation of registers that prefer this reg. *)
reg.prefer <- []
let allocate_registers() =
(* First pass: preallocate spill registers
Second pass: compute the degrees
Third pass: determine coloring order by successive removals of regs
Fourth pass: assign registers in that order *)
for i = 0 to Proc.num_register_classes - 1 do
Proc.num_stack_slots.(i) <- 0;
start_register.(i) <- 0
List.iter allocate_spilled (Reg.all_registers());
List.iter find_degree (Reg.all_registers());
List.iter assign_location (remove_all_regs [])