
117 lines
5.0 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Config
open Clflags
let process_interface_file name =
Optcompile.interface name
let process_implementation_file name =
Optcompile.implementation name;
objfiles := (Filename.chop_extension name ^ ".cmx") :: !objfiles
let process_file name =
if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml"
or Filename.check_suffix name ".mlt" then begin
Optcompile.implementation name;
objfiles := (Filename.chop_extension name ^ ".cmx") :: !objfiles
else if Filename.check_suffix name ".mli" then
Optcompile.interface name
else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmx"
or Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxa" then
objfiles := name :: !objfiles
else if Filename.check_suffix name ext_obj
or Filename.check_suffix name ext_lib then
ccobjs := name :: !ccobjs
else if Filename.check_suffix name ".c" then begin
Optcompile.c_file name;
ccobjs := (Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename name) ".c" ^ ext_obj)
:: !ccobjs
raise(Arg.Bad("don't know what to do with " ^ name))
let print_version_number () =
print_string "The Objective Caml native-code compiler, version ";
print_string Config.version;
let usage = "Usage: ocamlopt <options> <files>\noptions are:"
let main () =
native_code := true;
Arg.parse [
"-a", Arg.Set make_archive, " Build a library";
"-c", Arg.Set compile_only, " Compile only (do not link)";
"-cclib", Arg.String(fun s -> ccobjs := s :: !ccobjs),
"<opt> Pass option <opt> to the C linker";
"-ccopt", Arg.String(fun s -> ccopts := s :: !ccopts),
"<opt> Pass option <opt> to the C compiler and linker";
"-compact", Arg.Clear optimize_for_speed,
" Optimize code size rather than speed";
"-i", Arg.Set print_types, " Print the types";
"-I", Arg.String(fun dir -> include_dirs := dir :: !include_dirs),
"<dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories";
"-impl", Arg.String process_implementation_file,
"<file> Compile <file> as a .ml file";
"-intf", Arg.String process_interface_file,
"<file> Compile <file> as a .mli file";
"-linkall", Arg.Set link_everything, " Don't remove unused modules";
"-o", Arg.String(fun s -> exec_name := s; archive_name := s),
"<file> Set output file name to <file> (default a.out)";
"-pp", Arg.String(fun s -> preprocessor := Some s),
"<command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>";
"-S", Arg.Set keep_asm_file, " Don't delete assembly file";
"-v", Arg.Unit print_version_number, " Print compiler version number";
"-unsafe", Arg.Set fast, " No bound checking on array and string access";
"-nopervasives", Arg.Set nopervasives, " (undocumented)";
"-drawlambda", Arg.Set dump_rawlambda, " (undocumented)";
"-dlambda", Arg.Set dump_lambda, " (undocumented)";
"-dcmm", Arg.Set dump_cmm, " (undocumented)";
"-dsel", Arg.Set dump_selection, " (undocumented)";
"-dlive", Arg.Unit(fun () -> dump_live := true;
Printmach.print_live := true),
" (undocumented)";
"-dspill", Arg.Set dump_spill, " (undocumented)";
"-dsplit", Arg.Set dump_split, " (undocumented)";
"-dinterf", Arg.Set dump_interf, " (undocumented)";
"-dprefer", Arg.Set dump_prefer, " (undocumented)";
"-dalloc", Arg.Set dump_regalloc, " (undocumented)";
"-dreload", Arg.Set dump_reload, " (undocumented)";
"-dscheduling", Arg.Set dump_scheduling, " (undocumented)";
"-dlinear", Arg.Set dump_linear, " (undocumented)";
"-dstartup", Arg.Set keep_startup_file, " (undocumented)";
"-", Arg.String process_file,
"<file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')"
] process_file usage;
if !make_archive then begin
Asmlibrarian.create_archive (List.rev !objfiles) !archive_name
else if not !compile_only & !objfiles <> [] then begin
Asmlink.link (List.rev !objfiles)
exit 0
with x ->
Format.set_formatter_out_channel stderr;
Opterrors.report_error x;
exit 2
let _ = Printexc.catch main ()