
204 lines
6.6 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Renaming of registers at reload points to split live ranges. *)
open Reg
open Mach
(* Substitutions are represented by register maps *)
type subst = Reg.t Reg.Map.t
let subst_reg r sub =
Reg.Map.find r sub
with Not_found ->
let subst_regs rv sub =
match sub with
None -> rv
| Some s ->
let n = Array.length rv in
let nv = Array.create n Reg.dummy in
for i = 0 to n-1 do nv.(i) <- subst_reg rv.(i) s done;
(* We maintain equivalence classes of registers using a standard
union-find algorithm *)
let equiv_classes = ref (Reg.Map.empty : Reg.t Reg.Map.t)
let rec repres_reg r =
repres_reg(Reg.Map.find r !equiv_classes)
with Not_found ->
let repres_regs rv =
let n = Array.length rv in
for i = 0 to n-1 do rv.(i) <- repres_reg rv.(i) done
(* Identify two registers.
The second register is chosen as canonical representative. *)
let identify r1 r2 =
let repres1 = repres_reg r1 in
let repres2 = repres_reg r2 in
if repres1.stamp = repres2.stamp then () else begin
equiv_classes := Reg.Map.add repres1 repres2 !equiv_classes
(* Identify the image of a register by two substitutions.
Be careful to use the original register as canonical representative
in case it does not belong to the domain of one of the substitutions. *)
let identify_sub sub1 sub2 reg =
let r1 = Reg.Map.find reg sub1 in
let r2 = Reg.Map.find reg sub2 in
identify r1 r2
with Not_found ->
identify r1 reg
with Not_found ->
let r2 = Reg.Map.find reg sub2 in
identify r2 reg
with Not_found ->
(* Identify registers so that the two substitutions agree on the
registers live before the given instruction. *)
let merge_substs sub1 sub2 i =
match (sub1, sub2) with
(None, None) -> None
| (Some s1, None) -> sub1
| (None, Some s2) -> sub2
| (Some s1, Some s2) ->
Reg.Set.iter (identify_sub s1 s2) (Reg.add_set_array i.live i.arg);
(* Same, for N substitutions *)
let merge_subst_array subv instr =
let rec find_one_subst i =
if i >= Array.length subv then None else begin
match subv.(i) with
None -> find_one_subst (i+1)
| Some si as sub ->
for j = i+1 to Array.length subv - 1 do
match subv.(j) with
None -> ()
| Some sj ->
Reg.Set.iter (identify_sub si sj)
(Reg.add_set_array instr.live instr.arg)
end in
find_one_subst 0
(* First pass: rename registers at reload points *)
let exit_subst = ref (None: subst option)
let rec rename i sub =
match i.desc with
Iend ->
(i, sub)
| Ireturn | Iop(Itailcall_ind) | Iop(Itailcall_imm _) ->
(instr_cons i.desc (subst_regs i.arg sub) [||] i.next,
| Iop Ireload when i.res.(0).loc = Unknown ->
begin match sub with
None -> rename i.next sub
| Some s ->
let oldr = i.res.(0) in
let newr = Reg.clone i.res.(0) in
let (new_next, sub_next) =
rename i.next (Some(Reg.Map.add oldr newr s)) in
(instr_cons i.desc i.arg [|newr|] new_next,
| Iop _ ->
let (new_next, sub_next) = rename i.next sub in
(instr_cons i.desc (subst_regs i.arg sub) (subst_regs i.res sub)
| Iifthenelse(tst, ifso, ifnot) ->
let (new_ifso, sub_ifso) = rename ifso sub in
let (new_ifnot, sub_ifnot) = rename ifnot sub in
let (new_next, sub_next) =
rename i.next (merge_substs sub_ifso sub_ifnot i.next) in
(instr_cons (Iifthenelse(tst, new_ifso, new_ifnot))
(subst_regs i.arg sub) [||] new_next,
| Iswitch(index, cases) ->
let new_sub_cases = Array.map (fun c -> rename c sub) cases in
let sub_merge =
merge_subst_array (Array.map (fun (n, s) -> s) new_sub_cases) i.next in
let (new_next, sub_next) = rename i.next sub_merge in
(instr_cons (Iswitch(index, Array.map (fun (n, s) -> n) new_sub_cases))
(subst_regs i.arg sub) [||] new_next,
| Iloop(body) ->
let (new_body, sub_body) = rename body sub in
let (new_next, sub_next) = rename i.next (merge_substs sub sub_body i) in
(instr_cons (Iloop(new_body)) [||] [||] new_next,
| Icatch(body, handler) ->
let saved_exit_subst = !exit_subst in
exit_subst := None;
let (new_body, sub_body) = rename body sub in
let sub_entry_handler = !exit_subst in
exit_subst := saved_exit_subst;
let (new_handler, sub_handler) = rename handler sub_entry_handler in
let (new_next, sub_next) =
rename i.next (merge_substs sub_body sub_handler i.next) in
(instr_cons (Icatch(new_body, new_handler)) [||] [||] new_next,
| Iexit ->
exit_subst := merge_substs !exit_subst sub i;
(i, None)
| Itrywith(body, handler) ->
let (new_body, sub_body) = rename body sub in
let (new_handler, sub_handler) = rename handler sub in
let (new_next, sub_next) =
rename i.next (merge_substs sub_body sub_handler i.next) in
(instr_cons (Itrywith(new_body, new_handler)) [||] [||] new_next,
| Iraise ->
(instr_cons Iraise (subst_regs i.arg sub) [||] i.next,
(* Second pass: replace registers by their final representatives *)
let set_repres i =
instr_iter (fun i -> repres_regs i.arg; repres_regs i.res) i
(* Entry point *)
let fundecl f =
equiv_classes := Reg.Map.empty;
let new_args = Array.copy f.fun_args in
let (new_body, sub_body) = rename f.fun_body (Some Reg.Map.empty) in
repres_regs new_args;
set_repres new_body;
equiv_classes := Reg.Map.empty;
{ fun_name = f.fun_name;
fun_args = new_args;
fun_body = new_body;
fun_fast = f.fun_fast }