
374 lines
12 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Persistent structure descriptions *)
open Misc
open Cmi_format
module Consistbl = Consistbl.Make (Misc.Stdlib.String)
let add_delayed_check_forward = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
type error =
| Illegal_renaming of modname * modname * filepath
| Inconsistent_import of modname * filepath * filepath
| Need_recursive_types of modname
| Depend_on_unsafe_string_unit of modname
exception Error of error
let error err = raise (Error err)
module Persistent_signature = struct
type t =
{ filename : string;
cmi : Cmi_format.cmi_infos }
let load = ref (fun ~unit_name ->
match Load_path.find_uncap (unit_name ^ ".cmi") with
| filename -> Some { filename; cmi = read_cmi filename }
| exception Not_found -> None)
type can_load_cmis =
| Can_load_cmis
| Cannot_load_cmis of EnvLazy.log
type pers_struct = {
ps_name: string;
ps_crcs: (string * Digest.t option) list;
ps_filename: string;
ps_flags: pers_flags list;
module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
(* If a .cmi file is missing (or invalid), we
store it as Missing in the cache. *)
type 'a pers_struct_info =
| Missing
| Found of pers_struct * 'a
type 'a t = {
persistent_structures : (string, 'a pers_struct_info) Hashtbl.t;
imported_units: String.Set.t ref;
imported_opaque_units: String.Set.t ref;
crc_units: Consistbl.t;
can_load_cmis: can_load_cmis ref;
let empty () = {
persistent_structures = Hashtbl.create 17;
imported_units = ref String.Set.empty;
imported_opaque_units = ref String.Set.empty;
crc_units = Consistbl.create ();
can_load_cmis = ref Can_load_cmis;
let clear penv =
let {
} = penv in
Hashtbl.clear persistent_structures;
imported_units := String.Set.empty;
imported_opaque_units := String.Set.empty;
Consistbl.clear crc_units;
can_load_cmis := Can_load_cmis;
let clear_missing {persistent_structures; _} =
let missing_entries =
(fun name r acc -> if r = Missing then name :: acc else acc)
persistent_structures []
List.iter (Hashtbl.remove persistent_structures) missing_entries
let add_import {imported_units; _} s =
imported_units := String.Set.add s !imported_units
let add_imported_opaque {imported_opaque_units; _} s =
imported_opaque_units := String.Set.add s !imported_opaque_units
let find_in_cache {persistent_structures; _} s =
match Hashtbl.find persistent_structures s with
| exception Not_found -> None
| Missing -> None
| Found (_ps, pm) -> Some pm
let import_crcs penv ~source crcs =
let {crc_units; _} = penv in
let import_crc (name, crco) =
match crco with
| None -> ()
| Some crc ->
add_import penv name;
Consistbl.check crc_units name crc source
in List.iter import_crc crcs
let check_consistency penv ps =
try import_crcs penv ~source:ps.ps_filename ps.ps_crcs
with Consistbl.Inconsistency {
unit_name = name;
inconsistent_source = source;
original_source = auth;
} ->
error (Inconsistent_import(name, auth, source))
let can_load_cmis penv =
let set_can_load_cmis penv setting =
penv.can_load_cmis := setting
let without_cmis penv f x =
let log = EnvLazy.log () in
let res =
[R (penv.can_load_cmis, Cannot_load_cmis log)]
(fun () -> f x))
EnvLazy.backtrack log;
let fold {persistent_structures; _} f x =
Hashtbl.fold (fun modname pso x -> match pso with
| Missing -> x
| Found (_, pm) -> f modname pm x)
persistent_structures x
(* Reading persistent structures from .cmi files *)
let save_pers_struct penv crc ps pm =
let {persistent_structures; crc_units; _} = penv in
let modname = ps.ps_name in
Hashtbl.add persistent_structures modname (Found (ps, pm));
| Rectypes -> ()
| Alerts _ -> ()
| Unsafe_string -> ()
| Opaque -> add_imported_opaque penv modname)
Consistbl.set crc_units modname crc ps.ps_filename;
add_import penv modname
let acknowledge_pers_struct penv check modname pers_sig pm =
let { Persistent_signature.filename; cmi } = pers_sig in
let name = cmi.cmi_name in
let crcs = cmi.cmi_crcs in
let flags = cmi.cmi_flags in
let ps = { ps_name = name;
ps_crcs = crcs;
ps_filename = filename;
ps_flags = flags;
} in
if ps.ps_name <> modname then
error (Illegal_renaming(modname, ps.ps_name, filename));
| Rectypes ->
if not !Clflags.recursive_types then
error (Need_recursive_types(ps.ps_name))
| Unsafe_string ->
if Config.safe_string then
error (Depend_on_unsafe_string_unit(ps.ps_name));
| Alerts _ -> ()
| Opaque -> add_imported_opaque penv modname)
if check then check_consistency penv ps;
let {persistent_structures; _} = penv in
Hashtbl.add persistent_structures modname (Found (ps, pm));
let read_pers_struct penv val_of_pers_sig check modname filename =
add_import penv modname;
let cmi = read_cmi filename in
let pers_sig = { Persistent_signature.filename; cmi } in
let pm = val_of_pers_sig pers_sig in
let ps = acknowledge_pers_struct penv check modname pers_sig pm in
(ps, pm)
let find_pers_struct penv val_of_pers_sig check name =
let {persistent_structures; _} = penv in
if name = "*predef*" then raise Not_found;
match Hashtbl.find persistent_structures name with
| Found (ps, pm) -> (ps, pm)
| Missing -> raise Not_found
| exception Not_found ->
match can_load_cmis penv with
| Cannot_load_cmis _ -> raise Not_found
| Can_load_cmis ->
let psig =
match !Persistent_signature.load ~unit_name:name with
| Some psig -> psig
| None ->
Hashtbl.add persistent_structures name Missing;
raise Not_found
add_import penv name;
let pm = val_of_pers_sig psig in
let ps = acknowledge_pers_struct penv check name psig pm in
(ps, pm)
(* Emits a warning if there is no valid cmi for name *)
let check_pers_struct penv f ~loc name =
ignore (find_pers_struct penv f false name)
| Not_found ->
let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, None) in
Location.prerr_warning loc warn
| Cmi_format.Error err ->
let msg = Format.asprintf "%a" Cmi_format.report_error err in
let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) in
Location.prerr_warning loc warn
| Error err ->
let msg =
match err with
| Illegal_renaming(name, ps_name, filename) ->
" %a@ contains the compiled interface for @ \
%s when %s was expected"
Location.print_filename filename ps_name name
| Inconsistent_import _ -> assert false
| Need_recursive_types name ->
"%s uses recursive types"
| Depend_on_unsafe_string_unit name ->
Printf.sprintf "%s uses -unsafe-string"
let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) in
Location.prerr_warning loc warn
let read penv f modname filename =
snd (read_pers_struct penv f true modname filename)
let find penv f name =
snd (find_pers_struct penv f true name)
let check penv f ~loc name =
let {persistent_structures; _} = penv in
if not (Hashtbl.mem persistent_structures name) then begin
(* PR#6843: record the weak dependency ([add_import]) regardless of
whether the check succeeds, to help make builds more
deterministic. *)
add_import penv name;
if (Warnings.is_active (Warnings.No_cmi_file("", None))) then
(fun () -> check_pers_struct penv f ~loc name)
let crc_of_unit penv f name =
let (ps, _pm) = find_pers_struct penv f true name in
let crco =
List.assoc name ps.ps_crcs
with Not_found ->
assert false
match crco with
None -> assert false
| Some crc -> crc
let imports {imported_units; crc_units; _} =
Consistbl.extract (String.Set.elements !imported_units) crc_units
let looked_up {persistent_structures; _} modname =
Hashtbl.mem persistent_structures modname
let is_imported {imported_units; _} s =
String.Set.mem s !imported_units
let is_imported_opaque {imported_opaque_units; _} s =
String.Set.mem s !imported_opaque_units
let make_cmi penv modname sign alerts =
let flags =
List.concat [
if !Clflags.recursive_types then [Cmi_format.Rectypes] else [];
if !Clflags.opaque then [Cmi_format.Opaque] else [];
(if !Clflags.unsafe_string then [Cmi_format.Unsafe_string] else []);
[Alerts alerts];
let crcs = imports penv in
cmi_name = modname;
cmi_sign = sign;
cmi_crcs = crcs;
cmi_flags = flags
let save_cmi penv psig pm =
let { Persistent_signature.filename; cmi } = psig in
Misc.try_finally (fun () ->
let {
cmi_name = modname;
cmi_sign = _;
cmi_crcs = imports;
cmi_flags = flags;
} = cmi in
let crc =
output_to_file_via_temporary (* see MPR#7472, MPR#4991 *)
~mode: [Open_binary] filename
(fun temp_filename oc -> output_cmi temp_filename oc cmi) in
(* Enter signature in persistent table so that imports()
will also return its crc *)
let ps =
{ ps_name = modname;
ps_crcs = (cmi.cmi_name, Some crc) :: imports;
ps_filename = filename;
ps_flags = flags;
} in
save_pers_struct penv crc ps pm
~exceptionally:(fun () -> remove_file filename)
let report_error ppf =
let open Format in
| Illegal_renaming(modname, ps_name, filename) -> fprintf ppf
"Wrong file naming: %a@ contains the compiled interface for@ \
%s when %s was expected"
Location.print_filename filename ps_name modname
| Inconsistent_import(name, source1, source2) -> fprintf ppf
"@[<hov>The files %a@ and %a@ \
make inconsistent assumptions@ over interface %s@]"
Location.print_filename source1 Location.print_filename source2 name
| Need_recursive_types(import) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hov>Invalid import of %s, which uses recursive types.@ %s@]"
import "The compilation flag -rectypes is required"
| Depend_on_unsafe_string_unit(import) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hov>Invalid import of %s, compiled with -unsafe-string.@ %s@]"
import "This compiler has been configured in strict \
safe-string mode (-force-safe-string)"
let () =
| Error err ->
Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
| _ -> None