
50 lines
1.4 KiB

(* Please keep me in sync with brion.inria.fr/gallium/index.php/Arithmetic_Example *)
open Camlp4.PreCast;;
module ArithGram = MakeGram(Lexer);;
type t = Local of string * t * t
| Binop of t * (int -> int -> int) * t
| Int of int
| Var of string;;
let expression = ArithGram.Entry.mk "expression";;
EXTEND ArithGram
GLOBAL: expression;
expression: (* A grammar entry for expressions *)
[ "top"
[ "let"; `LIDENT s; "="; e1 = SELF; "in"; e2 = SELF -> Local(s,e1,e2) ]
| "plus"
[ e1 = SELF; "+"; e2 = SELF -> Binop(e1, ( + ), e2)
| e1 = SELF; "-"; e2 = SELF -> Binop(e1, ( - ), e2) ]
| "times"
[ e1 = SELF; "*"; e2 = SELF -> Binop(e1, ( * ), e2)
| e1 = SELF; "/"; e2 = SELF -> Binop(e1, ( / ), e2) ]
| "simple"
[ `INT(i, _) -> Int(i)
| `LIDENT s -> Var(s)
| "("; e = expression; ")" -> e ]
let parse_arith s =
ArithGram.parse_string expression (Loc.mk "<string>") s;;
let rec eval env =
| Local(x, e1, e2) ->
let v1 = eval env e1 in
eval ((x, v1) :: env) e2
| Binop(e1, op, e2) ->
op (eval env e1) (eval env e2)
| Int(i) -> i
| Var(x) -> List.assoc x env;;
let calc s =
Format.printf "%s ==> %d@." s (eval [] (parse_arith s));;
calc "42 * let x = 21 in x + x";;