
1587 lines
60 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* Tests for matchings on integers and characters *)
(* Dense integer switch *)
let f = function 1 -> 1 | 2 -> 2 | 3 -> 3 | 4 -> 4 | 5 -> 5 | 6 -> 6 | _ -> 0
(* Sparse integer switch *)
let g = function 303 -> 1 | 401 -> 2 | _ -> 0
(* Very sparse integer switch *)
let iszero = function 0 -> true | _ -> false
(* Simple matching on characters *)
let h = function
'a' -> "a"
| 'e' -> "e"
| 'i' -> "i"
| 'o' -> "o"
| 'u' -> "u"
| _ -> "?"
(* Matching with orpats *)
let k = function
' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> "blk"
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\192'..'\255' -> "letr"
| '0'..'9' -> "dig"
| '!'|'%'|'&'|'$'|'#'|'+'|'/'|':'|'<'|'='|'>'|'?'|'@'|'\\'|
'~'|'^'|'|'|'*' -> "oper"
| _ -> "othr"
(* Matching on arrays *)
let p = function [| x |] -> x | _ -> assert false
let q = function [| x |] -> x | _ -> 0
let r = function [| x |] -> x | _ -> 0.0
let l = function
[||] -> 0
| [|x|] -> x + 1
| [|x;y|] -> x + y
| [|x;y;z|] -> x + y + z
| _ -> assert false
(* The test *)
open Printf
external string_create: int -> string = "caml_create_string"
external unsafe_chr: int -> char = "%identity"
external string_unsafe_set : string -> int -> char -> unit
= "%string_unsafe_set"
(* The following function is roughly equivalent to Char.escaped,
except that it is locale-independent. *)
let escaped = function
| '\'' -> "\\'"
| '\\' -> "\\\\"
| '\n' -> "\\n"
| '\t' -> "\\t"
| '\r' -> "\\r"
| '\b' -> "\\b"
| c ->
if ((k c) <> "othr") && ((Char.code c) <= 191) then begin
let s = string_create 1 in
string_unsafe_set s 0 c;
end else begin
let n = Char.code c in
let s = string_create 4 in
string_unsafe_set s 0 '\\';
string_unsafe_set s 1 (unsafe_chr (48 + n / 100));
string_unsafe_set s 2 (unsafe_chr (48 + (n / 10) mod 10));
string_unsafe_set s 3 (unsafe_chr (48 + n mod 10));
let _ =
for i = -5 to 10 do printf "f(%d) = %d\n" i (f i) done;
List.iter (fun i -> printf "g(%d) = %d\n" i (g i))
for i = -2 to 2 do printf "iszero(%d) = %B\n" i (iszero i) done;
for i = 97 to 126 do
let c = Char.chr i in
printf "h(%c) = %s\n" c (h c)
for i = 0 to 255 do
let c = Char.chr i in
printf "\tk(%s) = %s" (escaped c) (k c)
printf "\n";
printf "p([|\"hello\"|]) = %s\n" (p [|"hello"|]);
printf "p([|1.0|]) = %f\n" (p [|1.0|]);
printf "q([|2|]) = %d\n" (q [|2|]);
printf "r([|3.0|]) = %f\n" (r [|3.0|]);
printf "l([||]) = %d\n" (l [||]);
printf "l([|1|]) = %d\n" (l [|1|]);
printf "l([|2;3|]) = %d\n" (l [|2;3|]);
printf "l([|4;5;6|]) = %d\n" (l [|4;5;6|])
(* PR #5992 *)
(* Was segfaulting *)
let f = function
| lazy (), _, {contents=None} -> 0
| _, lazy (), {contents=Some x} -> 1
let s = ref None
let set_true = lazy (s := Some 1)
let set_false = lazy (s := None)
let () =
let _r = try f (set_true, set_false, s) with Match_failure _ -> 2 in
printf "PR#5992=Ok\n"
(* PR #5788, was giving wrong result 3 *)
exception Foo
exception Bar = Foo
let test e b =
match e, b with
| Foo, true -> 1
| Bar, false -> 2
| _, _ -> 3
let () =
let r = test Bar false in
if r = 2 then printf "PR#5788=Ok\n"
let test e b =
match e, b with
| Bar, false -> 0
| (Foo|Bar), true -> 1
| Foo, false -> 2
| _, _ -> 3
let () =
let r = test Foo false in
if r = 0 then printf "PR#5788=Ok\n"
(* No string sharing PR#6322 *)
let test x = match x with
| true -> "a"
| false -> "a"
let () =
let s1 = test true in
let s2 = test false in
s1.[0] <- 'p';
if s1 <> s2 then printf "PR#6322=Ok\n%!"
(* PR#6646 Avoid explosion of default cases when there are many constructors *)
(* This took forever to compile *)
type token =
| Abs
| Acload
| After
| And
| Annotate
| Apply
| Arc
| Array
| Arraymacro
| Arrayrelatedinfo
| Arraysite
| Assign
| Atleast
| Atmost
| Author
| Basearray
| Becomes
| Between
| Block
| Boolean
| Booleandisplay
| Booleanmap
| Booleanvalue
| Borderpattern
| Borderwidth
| Boundingbox
| Ceiling
| Cell
| Cellref
| Celltype
| Change
| Circle
| Color
| Comment
| Commentgraphics
| Compound
| Concat
| Connectlocation
| Constant
| Constraint
| Contents
| Cornertype
| Criticality
| Currentmap
| Curve
| Cycle
| Dataorigin
| Dcfaninload
| Dcfanoutload
| Dcmaxfanin
| Dcmaxfanout
| Delay
| Delta
| Derivation
| Design
| Designator
| Difference
| Direction
| Display
| Divide
| Dominates
| Dot
| Duration
| E
| Edif
| Ediflevel
| Edifversion
| Else
| Enclosuredistance
| Endtype
| Entry
| Equal
| Escape
| Event
| Exactly
| External
| Fabricate
| False
| Figure
| Figurearea
| Figuregroup
| Figuregroupobject
| Figuregroupoverride
| Figuregroupref
| Figureperimeter
| Figurewidth
| Fillpattern
| Fix
| Floor
| Follow
| Forbiddenevent
| Form
| Globalportref
| Greaterthan
| Gridmap
| If
| Ignore
| Includefiguregroup
| Increasing
| Initial
| Instance
| Instancebackannotate
| Instancegroup
| Instancemap
| Instancenamedef
| Instanceref
| Integer
| Integerdisplay
| Interface
| Interfiguregroupspacing
| Intersection
| Intrafiguregroupspacing
| Inverse
| Isolated
| Iterate
| Joined
| Justify
| Keyworddisplay
| Keywordlevel
| Keywordmap
| Lessthan
| Library
| Libraryref
| Listofnets
| Listofports
| Loaddelay
| Logicassign
| Logicinput
| Logiclist
| Logicmapinput
| Logicmapoutput
| Logiconeof
| Logicoutput
| Logicport
| Logicref
| Logicvalue
| Logicwaveform
| Maintain
| Match
| Max
| Member
| Min
| Minomax
| Minomaxdisplay
| Mnm
| Mod
| Multiplevalueset
| Mustjoin
| Name
| Negate
| Net
| Netbackannotate
| Netbundle
| Netdelay
| Netgroup
| Netmap
| Netref
| Nochange
| Nonpermutable
| Not
| Notallowed
| Notchspacing
| Number
| Numberdefinition
| Numberdisplay
| Offpageconnector
| Offsetevent
| Openshape
| Or
| Orientation
| Origin
| Overhangdistance
| Overlapdistance
| Oversize
| Owner
| Page
| Pagesize
| Parameter
| Parameterassign
| Parameterdisplay
| Path
| Pathdelay
| Pathwidth
| Permutable
| Physicaldesignrule
| Plug
| Point
| Pointdisplay
| Pointlist
| Pointsubtract
| Pointsum
| Polygon
| Port
| Portbackannotate
| Portbundle
| Portdelay
| Portgroup
| Portimplementation
| Portinstance
| Portlist
| Portlistalias
| Portmap
| Portref
| Product
| Program
| Property
| Propertydisplay
| Protectionframe
| Pt
| Rangevector
| Rectangle
| Rectanglesize
| Rename
| Resolves
| Scale
| Scalex
| Scaley
| Section
| Shape
| Simulate
| Simulationinfo
| Singlevalueset
| Site
| Socket
| Socketset
| Statement
| Status
| Steady
| Strictlyincreasing
| String
| Stringdisplay
| Strong
| Subtract
| Sum
| Symbol
| Symmetry
| Table
| Tabledefault
| Technology
| Textheight
| Then
| Timeinterval
| Timestamp
| Timing
| Transform
| Transition
| Trigger
| True
| Typedvalue
| Unconstrained
| Undefined
| Union
| Unit
| Unused
| Userdata
| Valuenameref
| Variable
| Version
| View
| Viewlist
| Viewmap
| Viewref
| Viewtype
| Visible
| Voltagemap
| Wavevalue
| Weak
| Weakjoined
| When
| While
| Written
| Xcoord
| Xor
| Ycoord
| ILLEGAL of (char)
| ID of (string)
| TLIST of (token list)
| TLIST2 of (token list*token list)
| ITEM of (token*token)
| ITEM2 of (token*token*token)
| STRING of (string)
| INT of (int)
let test_match tok = match tok with
| ITEM2(Array, ITEM (Rename, TLIST [ID id; STRING str]), INT idx) ->
| ITEM2(Cellref, TLIST [ID id], TLIST lst) ->
| ITEM2(Cell, TLIST [ID cellid], TLIST lst) ->
| ITEM2(Contents, TLIST lst1, TLIST lst2) ->
| ITEM2(Design, TLIST [ID id], TLIST lst) ->
| ITEM2(Edif, TLIST [ID id], TLIST lst) ->
| ITEM2(Instance, TLIST [ID instid], TLIST[ITEM2(Viewref, TLIST [ID netlist],
TLIST[ITEM(Cellref, TLIST [ID cellid])])]) -> 7
| ITEM2(Instance, TLIST [ID instid], TLIST[ITEM2(Viewref, TLIST [ID netlist],
TLIST[ITEM2(Cellref, TLIST [ID cellid],
TLIST [ITEM (Libraryref, TLIST [ID libid])])])]) -> 8
(* *)
| ITEM2(Instance, TLIST [ID instid],
TLIST [ITEM2(viewref,
TLIST [ID netlist],
TLIST [ITEM2(cellref,
TLIST [ID cellid],
TLIST [ITEM(libraryref,
TLIST [ID libid])])]);
ITEM2(property, TLIST [ID xstlib],
TLIST [ITEM2(bool1,
TLIST [ITEM(True, TLIST [])]);
ITEM(owner, TLIST [str])])]) -> 9
(* *)
| ITEM2(Interface, TLIST [], TLIST lst) -> 100
| ITEM2(Joined, TLIST [], TLIST lst) -> 10
| ITEM2(Keywordmap, TLIST lst1, TLIST lst2) -> 11
| ITEM2(Library, TLIST [], TLIST lst) -> 12
| ITEM2(Library, TLIST [ID libid], TLIST lst) -> 13
| ITEM2(Net, TLIST [], TLIST [ITEM (Rename, TLIST [ID oldid; STRING newid]);
ITEM2(Joined, TLIST [],
TLIST portlst)]) -> 14
| ITEM2(Net, TLIST [ID netid], TLIST [ITEM2(Joined, TLIST [],
TLIST portlst)]) -> 15
| ITEM2(Net, _, _) -> 16
| ITEM2(Port, TLIST [], TLIST lst) -> 17
| ITEM2(Port, TLIST [ID id], TLIST lst) -> 18
| ITEM2(Portref, TLIST [ID id], TLIST [ITEM (Instanceref, TLIST [ID ref])]) ->19
| ITEM2(Portref, TLIST [], TLIST [ITEM (Member, TLIST [ID mref; INT idx])]) -> 20
| ITEM2(Portref, TLIST [], TLIST[ITEM (Member, TLIST [ID mref; INT idx]); ITEM (Instanceref, TLIST [ID instref])]) -> 21
| ITEM2(Program, TLIST [STRING progid], TLIST lst) ->21
| ITEM2(Property, TLIST [ID part], TLIST lst) -> 22
| ITEM2(Status, TLIST lst1, TLIST lst2) -> 23
| ITEM2(Technology, TLIST lst1, TLIST lst2) -> 24
| ITEM2(View, TLIST [ID netlist], TLIST lst) -> 25
| ITEM2(Viewref, TLIST [ID "netlist"], TLIST lst) -> 26
| ITEM2(Written, TLIST lst1, TLIST lst2) -> 27
| ITEM2(External, TLIST lst1, TLIST lst2) -> 28
| ITEM(Integer, TLIST [INT n]) -> 29
| ITEM (Author, TLIST [STRING author]) -> 30
| ITEM (Cellref, TLIST [ID id]) -> 31
| ITEM (Celltype, TLIST [ID "GENERIC"]) -> 32
| ITEM (Direction, TLIST [ID dir]) -> 32 (* print_endline dir *)
| ITEM (Ediflevel, TLIST [INT 0]) -> 32
| ITEM (Edifversion, TLIST [INT 2; INT 0; INT 0]) -> 32
| ITEM (Instanceref, TLIST [ID id]) -> 32
| ITEM (Keywordlevel, TLIST [INT 0]) -> 32
| ITEM (Libraryref, TLIST [ID "work"]) -> 32
| ITEM (Libraryref, TLIST [ID "xilinx"]) -> 32
| ITEM (Member, TLIST [ID id; INT n]) -> 32
| ITEM (Numberdefinition, TLIST []) -> 32
| ITEM (Owner, TLIST [STRING "\"Xilinx\""]) -> 32
| ITEM (Portref, TLIST [ID id]) -> 32
| ITEM (Rename, TLIST [ID id; STRING str]) -> 33
| ITEM (String, TLIST [STRING str]) -> 32
| ITEM (String, TLIST lst) -> 34
| ITEM (Timestamp, TLIST [INT yr; INT mon; INT day; INT hour; INT min; INT sec]) -> 32
| ITEM (Version, TLIST [STRING str]) -> 32
| ITEM (Viewtype, TLIST [ID "NETLIST"]) -> 32
| ITEM (Designator, TLIST lst) -> 34
| Abs -> failwith " Abs "
| Acload -> failwith " Acload "
| After -> failwith " After "
| And -> failwith " And "
| Annotate -> failwith " Annotate "
| Apply -> failwith " Apply "
| Arc -> failwith " Arc "
| Array -> failwith " Array "
| Arraymacro -> failwith " Arraymacro "
| Arrayrelatedinfo -> failwith " Arrayrelatedinfo "
| Arraysite -> failwith " Arraysite "
| Assign -> failwith " Assign "
| Atleast -> failwith " Atleast "
| Atmost -> failwith " Atmost "
| Author -> failwith " Author "
| Basearray -> failwith " Basearray "
| Becomes -> failwith " Becomes "
| Between -> failwith " Between "
| Block -> failwith " Block "
| Boolean -> failwith " Boolean "
| Booleandisplay -> failwith " Booleandisplay "
| Booleanmap -> failwith " Booleanmap "
| Booleanvalue -> failwith " Booleanvalue "
| Borderpattern -> failwith " Borderpattern "
| Borderwidth -> failwith " Borderwidth "
| Boundingbox -> failwith " Boundingbox "
| Ceiling -> failwith " Ceiling "
| Cell -> failwith " Cell "
| Cellref -> failwith " Cellref "
| Celltype -> failwith " Celltype "
| Change -> failwith " Change "
| Circle -> failwith " Circle "
| Color -> failwith " Color "
| Comment -> failwith " Comment "
| Commentgraphics -> failwith " Commentgraphics "
| Compound -> failwith " Compound "
| Concat -> failwith " Concat "
| Connectlocation -> failwith " Connectlocation "
| Constant -> failwith " Constant "
| Constraint -> failwith " Constraint "
| Contents -> failwith " Contents "
| Cornertype -> failwith " Cornertype "
| Criticality -> failwith " Criticality "
| Currentmap -> failwith " Currentmap "
| Curve -> failwith " Curve "
| Cycle -> failwith " Cycle "
| Dataorigin -> failwith " Dataorigin "
| Dcfaninload -> failwith " Dcfaninload "
| Dcfanoutload -> failwith " Dcfanoutload "
| Dcmaxfanin -> failwith " Dcmaxfanin "
| Dcmaxfanout -> failwith " Dcmaxfanout "
| Delay -> failwith " Delay "
| Delta -> failwith " Delta "
| Derivation -> failwith " Derivation "
| Design -> failwith " Design "
| Designator -> failwith " Designator "
| Difference -> failwith " Difference "
| Direction -> failwith " Direction "
| Display -> failwith " Display "
| Divide -> failwith " Divide "
| Dominates -> failwith " Dominates "
| Dot -> failwith " Dot "
| Duration -> failwith " Duration "
| E -> failwith " E "
| Edif -> failwith " Edif "
| Ediflevel -> failwith " Ediflevel "
| Edifversion -> failwith " Edifversion "
| Else -> failwith " Else "
| Enclosuredistance -> failwith " Enclosuredistance "
| Endtype -> failwith " Endtype "
| Entry -> failwith " Entry "
| Equal -> failwith " Equal "
| Escape -> failwith " Escape "
| Event -> failwith " Event "
| Exactly -> failwith " Exactly "
| External -> failwith " External "
| Fabricate -> failwith " Fabricate "
| False -> failwith " False "
| Figure -> failwith " Figure "
| Figurearea -> failwith " Figurearea "
| Figuregroup -> failwith " Figuregroup "
| Figuregroupobject -> failwith " Figuregroupobject "
| Figuregroupoverride -> failwith " Figuregroupoverride "
| Figuregroupref -> failwith " Figuregroupref "
| Figureperimeter -> failwith " Figureperimeter "
| Figurewidth -> failwith " Figurewidth "
| Fillpattern -> failwith " Fillpattern "
| Fix -> failwith " Fix "
| Floor -> failwith " Floor "
| Follow -> failwith " Follow "
| Forbiddenevent -> failwith " Forbiddenevent "
| Form -> failwith " Form "
| Globalportref -> failwith " Globalportref "
| Greaterthan -> failwith " Greaterthan "
| Gridmap -> failwith " Gridmap "
| If -> failwith " If "
| Ignore -> failwith " Ignore "
| Includefiguregroup -> failwith " Includefiguregroup "
| Increasing -> failwith " Increasing "
| Initial -> failwith " Initial "
| Instance -> failwith " Instance "
| Instancebackannotate -> failwith " Instancebackannotate "
| Instancegroup -> failwith " Instancegroup "
| Instancemap -> failwith " Instancemap "
| Instancenamedef -> failwith " Instancenamedef "
| Instanceref -> failwith " Instanceref "
| Integer -> failwith " Integer "
| Integerdisplay -> failwith " Integerdisplay "
| Interface -> failwith " Interface "
| Interfiguregroupspacing -> failwith " Interfiguregroupspacing "
| Intersection -> failwith " Intersection "
| Intrafiguregroupspacing -> failwith " Intrafiguregroupspacing "
| Inverse -> failwith " Inverse "
| Isolated -> failwith " Isolated "
| Iterate -> failwith " Iterate "
| Joined -> failwith " Joined "
| Justify -> failwith " Justify "
| Keyworddisplay -> failwith " Keyworddisplay "
| Keywordlevel -> failwith " Keywordlevel "
| Keywordmap -> failwith " Keywordmap "
| Lessthan -> failwith " Lessthan "
| Library -> failwith " Library "
| Libraryref -> failwith " Libraryref "
| Listofnets -> failwith " Listofnets "
| Listofports -> failwith " Listofports "
| Loaddelay -> failwith " Loaddelay "
| Logicassign -> failwith " Logicassign "
| Logicinput -> failwith " Logicinput "
| Logiclist -> failwith " Logiclist "
| Logicmapinput -> failwith " Logicmapinput "
| Logicmapoutput -> failwith " Logicmapoutput "
| Logiconeof -> failwith " Logiconeof "
| Logicoutput -> failwith " Logicoutput "
| Logicport -> failwith " Logicport "
| Logicref -> failwith " Logicref "
| Logicvalue -> failwith " Logicvalue "
| Logicwaveform -> failwith " Logicwaveform "
| Maintain -> failwith " Maintain "
| Match -> failwith " Match "
| Max -> failwith " Max "
| Member -> failwith " Member "
| Min -> failwith " Min "
| Minomax -> failwith " Minomax "
| Minomaxdisplay -> failwith " Minomaxdisplay "
| Mnm -> failwith " Mnm "
| Mod -> failwith " Mod "
| Multiplevalueset -> failwith " Multiplevalueset "
| Mustjoin -> failwith " Mustjoin "
| Name -> failwith " Name "
| Negate -> failwith " Negate "
| Net -> failwith " Net "
| Netbackannotate -> failwith " Netbackannotate "
| Netbundle -> failwith " Netbundle "
| Netdelay -> failwith " Netdelay "
| Netgroup -> failwith " Netgroup "
| Netmap -> failwith " Netmap "
| Netref -> failwith " Netref "
| Nochange -> failwith " Nochange "
| Nonpermutable -> failwith " Nonpermutable "
| Not -> failwith " Not "
| Notallowed -> failwith " Notallowed "
| Notchspacing -> failwith " Notchspacing "
| Number -> failwith " Number "
| Numberdefinition -> failwith " Numberdefinition "
| Numberdisplay -> failwith " Numberdisplay "
| Offpageconnector -> failwith " Offpageconnector "
| Offsetevent -> failwith " Offsetevent "
| Openshape -> failwith " Openshape "
| Or -> failwith " Or "
| Orientation -> failwith " Orientation "
| Origin -> failwith " Origin "
| Overhangdistance -> failwith " Overhangdistance "
| Overlapdistance -> failwith " Overlapdistance "
| Oversize -> failwith " Oversize "
| Owner -> failwith " Owner "
| Page -> failwith " Page "
| Pagesize -> failwith " Pagesize "
| Parameter -> failwith " Parameter "
| Parameterassign -> failwith " Parameterassign "
| Parameterdisplay -> failwith " Parameterdisplay "
| Path -> failwith " Path "
| Pathdelay -> failwith " Pathdelay "
| Pathwidth -> failwith " Pathwidth "
| Permutable -> failwith " Permutable "
| Physicaldesignrule -> failwith " Physicaldesignrule "
| Plug -> failwith " Plug "
| Point -> failwith " Point "
| Pointdisplay -> failwith " Pointdisplay "
| Pointlist -> failwith " Pointlist "
| Pointsubtract -> failwith " Pointsubtract "
| Pointsum -> failwith " Pointsum "
| Polygon -> failwith " Polygon "
| Port -> failwith " Port "
| Portbackannotate -> failwith " Portbackannotate "
| Portbundle -> failwith " Portbundle "
| Portdelay -> failwith " Portdelay "
| Portgroup -> failwith " Portgroup "
| Portimplementation -> failwith " Portimplementation "
| Portinstance -> failwith " Portinstance "
| Portlist -> failwith " Portlist "
| Portlistalias -> failwith " Portlistalias "
| Portmap -> failwith " Portmap "
| Portref -> failwith " Portref "
| Product -> failwith " Product "
| Program -> failwith " Program "
| Property -> failwith " Property "
| Propertydisplay -> failwith " Propertydisplay "
| Protectionframe -> failwith " Protectionframe "
| Pt -> failwith " Pt "
| Rangevector -> failwith " Rangevector "
| Rectangle -> failwith " Rectangle "
| Rectanglesize -> failwith " Rectanglesize "
| Rename -> failwith " Rename "
| Resolves -> failwith " Resolves "
| Scale -> failwith " Scale "
| Scalex -> failwith " Scalex "
| Scaley -> failwith " Scaley "
| Section -> failwith " Section "
| Shape -> failwith " Shape "
| Simulate -> failwith " Simulate "
| Simulationinfo -> failwith " Simulationinfo "
| Singlevalueset -> failwith " Singlevalueset "
| Site -> failwith " Site "
| Socket -> failwith " Socket "
| Socketset -> failwith " Socketset "
| Statement -> failwith " Statement "
| Status -> failwith " Status "
| Steady -> failwith " Steady "
| Strictlyincreasing -> failwith " Strictlyincreasing "
| String -> failwith " String "
| Stringdisplay -> failwith " Stringdisplay "
| Strong -> failwith " Strong "
| Subtract -> failwith " Subtract "
| Sum -> failwith " Sum "
| Symbol -> failwith " Symbol "
| Symmetry -> failwith " Symmetry "
| Table -> failwith " Table "
| Tabledefault -> failwith " Tabledefault "
| Technology -> failwith " Technology "
| Textheight -> failwith " Textheight "
| Then -> failwith " Then "
| Timeinterval -> failwith " Timeinterval "
| Timestamp -> failwith " Timestamp "
| Timing -> failwith " Timing "
| Transform -> failwith " Transform "
| Transition -> failwith " Transition "
| Trigger -> failwith " Trigger "
| True -> failwith " True "
| Typedvalue -> failwith " Typedvalue "
| Unconstrained -> failwith " Unconstrained "
| Undefined -> failwith " Undefined "
| Union -> failwith " Union "
| Unit -> failwith " Unit "
| Unused -> failwith " Unused "
| Userdata -> failwith " Userdata "
| Valuenameref -> failwith " Valuenameref "
| Variable -> failwith " Variable "
| Version -> failwith " Version "
| View -> failwith " View "
| Viewlist -> failwith " Viewlist "
| Viewmap -> failwith " Viewmap "
| Viewref -> failwith " Viewref "
| Viewtype -> failwith " Viewtype "
| Visible -> failwith " Visible "
| Voltagemap -> failwith " Voltagemap "
| Wavevalue -> failwith " Wavevalue "
| Weak -> failwith " Weak "
| Weakjoined -> failwith " Weakjoined "
| When -> failwith " When "
| While -> failwith " While "
| Written -> failwith " Written "
| Xcoord -> failwith " Xcoord "
| Xor -> failwith " Xor "
| Ycoord -> failwith " Ycoord "
| ILLEGAL _ -> failwith " ILLEGAL _ "
| ID _ -> failwith " ID _ "
| TLIST _ -> failwith " TLIST _ "
| TLIST2 _ -> failwith " TLIST2 _ "
| STRING _ -> failwith " STRING _ "
| INT _ -> failwith " INT _ "
| ENDOFFILE -> failwith " ENDOFFILE "
| EOL -> failwith " EOL "
| LPAREN -> failwith " LPAREN "
| RPAREN -> failwith " RPAREN "
| EMPTY -> failwith " EMPTY "
| ITEM2(Abs, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Abs, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Acload, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Acload, _, _) "
| ITEM2(After, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(After, _, _) "
| ITEM2(And, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(And, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Annotate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Annotate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Apply, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Apply, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Arc, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Arc, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Array, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Array, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Arraymacro, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Arraymacro, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Arrayrelatedinfo, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Arrayrelatedinfo, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Arraysite, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Arraysite, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Assign, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Assign, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Atleast, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Atleast, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Atmost, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Atmost, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Author, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Author, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Basearray, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Basearray, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Becomes, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Becomes, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Between, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Between, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Block, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Block, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Boolean, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Boolean, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Booleandisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Booleandisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Booleanmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Booleanmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Booleanvalue, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Booleanvalue, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Borderpattern, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Borderpattern, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Borderwidth, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Borderwidth, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Boundingbox, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Boundingbox, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Ceiling, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Ceiling, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Cell, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Cell, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Cellref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Cellref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Celltype, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Celltype, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Change, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Change, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Circle, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Circle, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Color, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Color, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Comment, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Comment, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Commentgraphics, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Commentgraphics, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Compound, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Compound, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Concat, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Concat, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Connectlocation, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Connectlocation, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Constant, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Constant, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Constraint, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Constraint, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Contents, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Contents, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Cornertype, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Cornertype, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Criticality, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Criticality, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Currentmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Currentmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Curve, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Curve, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Cycle, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Cycle, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dataorigin, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dataorigin, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dcfaninload, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dcfaninload, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dcfanoutload, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dcfanoutload, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dcmaxfanin, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dcmaxfanin, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dcmaxfanout, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dcmaxfanout, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Delay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Delay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Delta, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Delta, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Derivation, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Derivation, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Design, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Design, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Designator, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Designator, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Difference, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Difference, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Direction, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Direction, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Display, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Display, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Divide, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Divide, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dominates, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dominates, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Dot, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Dot, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Duration, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Duration, _, _) "
| ITEM2(E, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(E, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Edif, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Edif, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Ediflevel, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Ediflevel, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Edifversion, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Edifversion, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Else, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Else, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Enclosuredistance, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Enclosuredistance, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Endtype, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Endtype, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Entry, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Entry, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Equal, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Equal, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Escape, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Escape, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Event, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Event, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Exactly, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Exactly, _, _) "
| ITEM2(External, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(External, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Fabricate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Fabricate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(False, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(False, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figure, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figure, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figurearea, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figurearea, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figuregroup, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figuregroup, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figuregroupobject, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figuregroupobject, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figuregroupoverride, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figuregroupoverride, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figuregroupref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figuregroupref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figureperimeter, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figureperimeter, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Figurewidth, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Figurewidth, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Fillpattern, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Fillpattern, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Fix, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Fix, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Floor, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Floor, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Follow, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Follow, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Forbiddenevent, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Forbiddenevent, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Form, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Form, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Globalportref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Globalportref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Greaterthan, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Greaterthan, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Gridmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Gridmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(If, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(If, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Ignore, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Ignore, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Includefiguregroup, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Includefiguregroup, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Increasing, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Increasing, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Initial, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Initial, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Instance, arg1, arg2) -> failwith (" ITEM2(Instance, ) ")
| ITEM2(Instancebackannotate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Instancebackannotate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Instancegroup, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Instancegroup, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Instancemap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Instancemap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Instancenamedef, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Instancenamedef, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Instanceref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Instanceref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Integer, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Integer, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Integerdisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Integerdisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Interface, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Interface, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Interfiguregroupspacing, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Interfiguregroupspacing, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Intersection, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Intersection, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Intrafiguregroupspacing, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Intrafiguregroupspacing, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Inverse, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Inverse, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Isolated, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Isolated, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Iterate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Iterate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Joined, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Joined, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Justify, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Justify, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Keyworddisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Keyworddisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Keywordlevel, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Keywordlevel, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Keywordmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Keywordmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Lessthan, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Lessthan, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Library, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Library, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Libraryref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Libraryref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Listofnets, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Listofnets, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Listofports, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Listofports, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Loaddelay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Loaddelay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicassign, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicassign, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicinput, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicinput, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logiclist, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logiclist, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicmapinput, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicmapinput, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicmapoutput, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicmapoutput, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logiconeof, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logiconeof, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicoutput, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicoutput, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicport, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicport, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicvalue, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicvalue, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Logicwaveform, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Logicwaveform, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Maintain, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Maintain, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Match, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Match, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Max, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Max, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Member, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Member, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Min, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Min, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Minomax, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Minomax, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Minomaxdisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Minomaxdisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Mnm, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Mnm, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Mod, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Mod, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Multiplevalueset, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Multiplevalueset, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Mustjoin, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Mustjoin, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Name, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Name, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Negate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Negate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Net, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Net, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Netbackannotate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Netbackannotate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Netbundle, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Netbundle, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Netdelay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Netdelay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Netgroup, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Netgroup, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Netmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Netmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Netref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Netref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Nochange, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Nochange, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Nonpermutable, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Nonpermutable, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Not, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Not, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Notallowed, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Notallowed, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Notchspacing, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Notchspacing, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Number, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Number, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Numberdefinition, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Numberdefinition, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Numberdisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Numberdisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Offpageconnector, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Offpageconnector, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Offsetevent, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Offsetevent, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Openshape, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Openshape, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Or, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Or, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Orientation, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Orientation, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Origin, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Origin, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Overhangdistance, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Overhangdistance, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Overlapdistance, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Overlapdistance, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Oversize, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Oversize, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Owner, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Owner, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Page, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Page, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pagesize, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pagesize, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Parameter, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Parameter, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Parameterassign, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Parameterassign, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Parameterdisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Parameterdisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Path, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Path, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pathdelay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pathdelay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pathwidth, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pathwidth, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Permutable, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Permutable, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Physicaldesignrule, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Physicaldesignrule, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Plug, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Plug, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Point, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Point, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pointdisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pointdisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pointlist, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pointlist, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pointsubtract, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pointsubtract, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pointsum, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pointsum, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Polygon, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Polygon, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Port, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Port, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portbackannotate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portbackannotate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portbundle, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portbundle, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portdelay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portdelay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portgroup, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portgroup, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portimplementation, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portimplementation, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portinstance, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portinstance, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portlist, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portlist, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portlistalias, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portlistalias, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Portref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Portref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Product, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Product, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Program, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Program, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Property, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Property, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Propertydisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Propertydisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Protectionframe, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Protectionframe, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Pt, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Pt, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Rangevector, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Rangevector, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Rectangle, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Rectangle, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Rectanglesize, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Rectanglesize, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Rename, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Rename, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Resolves, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Resolves, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Scale, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Scale, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Scalex, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Scalex, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Scaley, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Scaley, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Section, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Section, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Shape, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Shape, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Simulate, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Simulate, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Simulationinfo, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Simulationinfo, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Singlevalueset, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Singlevalueset, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Site, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Site, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Socket, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Socket, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Socketset, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Socketset, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Statement, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Statement, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Status, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Status, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Steady, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Steady, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Strictlyincreasing, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Strictlyincreasing, _, _) "
| ITEM2(String, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(String, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Stringdisplay, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Stringdisplay, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Strong, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Strong, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Subtract, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Subtract, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Sum, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Sum, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Symbol, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Symbol, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Symmetry, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Symmetry, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Table, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Table, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Tabledefault, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Tabledefault, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Technology, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Technology, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Textheight, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Textheight, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Then, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Then, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Timeinterval, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Timeinterval, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Timestamp, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Timestamp, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Timing, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Timing, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Transform, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Transform, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Transition, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Transition, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Trigger, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Trigger, _, _) "
| ITEM2(True, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(True, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Typedvalue, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Typedvalue, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Unconstrained, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Unconstrained, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Undefined, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Undefined, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Union, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Union, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Unit, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Unit, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Unused, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Unused, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Userdata, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Userdata, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Valuenameref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Valuenameref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Variable, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Variable, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Version, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Version, _, _) "
| ITEM2(View, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(View, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Viewlist, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Viewlist, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Viewmap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Viewmap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Viewref, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Viewref, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Viewtype, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Viewtype, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Visible, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Visible, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Voltagemap, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Voltagemap, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Wavevalue, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Wavevalue, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Weak, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Weak, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Weakjoined, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Weakjoined, _, _) "
| ITEM2(When, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(When, _, _) "
| ITEM2(While, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(While, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Written, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Written, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Xcoord, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Xcoord, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Xor, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Xor, _, _) "
| ITEM2(Ycoord, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(Ycoord, _, _) "
| ITEM2(ILLEGAL _, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(ILLEGAL _, _, _) "
| ITEM2(ID _, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(ID _, _, _) "
| ITEM2(TLIST _, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(TLIST _, _, _) "
| ITEM2(TLIST2 _, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(TLIST2 _, _, _) "
| ITEM2(STRING _, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(STRING _, _, _) "
| ITEM2(INT _, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(INT _, _, _) "
| ITEM2(ENDOFFILE, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(ENDOFFILE, _, _) "
| ITEM2(EOL, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(EOL, _, _) "
| ITEM2(LPAREN, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(LPAREN, _, _) "
| ITEM2(RPAREN, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(RPAREN, _, _) "
| ITEM2(EMPTY, _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2(EMPTY, _, _) "
| ITEM(Abs, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Abs, _) "
| ITEM(Acload, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Acload, _) "
| ITEM(After, _) -> failwith " ITEM(After, _) "
| ITEM(And, _) -> failwith " ITEM(And, _) "
| ITEM(Annotate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Annotate, _) "
| ITEM(Apply, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Apply, _) "
| ITEM(Arc, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Arc, _) "
| ITEM(Array, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Array, _) "
| ITEM(Arraymacro, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Arraymacro, _) "
| ITEM(Arrayrelatedinfo, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Arrayrelatedinfo, _) "
| ITEM(Arraysite, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Arraysite, _) "
| ITEM(Assign, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Assign, _) "
| ITEM(Atleast, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Atleast, _) "
| ITEM(Atmost, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Atmost, _) "
| ITEM(Author, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Author, _) "
| ITEM(Basearray, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Basearray, _) "
| ITEM(Becomes, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Becomes, _) "
| ITEM(Between, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Between, _) "
| ITEM(Block, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Block, _) "
| ITEM(Boolean, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Boolean, _) "
| ITEM(Booleandisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Booleandisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Booleanmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Booleanmap, _) "
| ITEM(Booleanvalue, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Booleanvalue, _) "
| ITEM(Borderpattern, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Borderpattern, _) "
| ITEM(Borderwidth, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Borderwidth, _) "
| ITEM(Boundingbox, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Boundingbox, _) "
| ITEM(Ceiling, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Ceiling, _) "
| ITEM(Cell, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Cell, _) "
| ITEM(Cellref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Cellref, _) "
| ITEM(Celltype, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Celltype, _) "
| ITEM(Change, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Change, _) "
| ITEM(Circle, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Circle, _) "
| ITEM(Color, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Color, _) "
| ITEM(Comment, _) -> 32
| ITEM(Commentgraphics, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Commentgraphics, _) "
| ITEM(Compound, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Compound, _) "
| ITEM(Concat, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Concat, _) "
| ITEM(Connectlocation, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Connectlocation, _) "
| ITEM(Constant, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Constant, _) "
| ITEM(Constraint, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Constraint, _) "
| ITEM(Contents, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Contents, _) "
| ITEM(Cornertype, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Cornertype, _) "
| ITEM(Criticality, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Criticality, _) "
| ITEM(Currentmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Currentmap, _) "
| ITEM(Curve, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Curve, _) "
| ITEM(Cycle, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Cycle, _) "
| ITEM(Dataorigin, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dataorigin, _) "
| ITEM(Dcfaninload, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dcfaninload, _) "
| ITEM(Dcfanoutload, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dcfanoutload, _) "
| ITEM(Dcmaxfanin, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dcmaxfanin, _) "
| ITEM(Dcmaxfanout, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dcmaxfanout, _) "
| ITEM(Delay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Delay, _) "
| ITEM(Delta, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Delta, _) "
| ITEM(Derivation, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Derivation, _) "
| ITEM(Design, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Design, _) "
| ITEM(Designator, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Designator, _) "
| ITEM(Difference, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Difference, _) "
| ITEM(Direction, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Direction, _) "
| ITEM(Display, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Display, _) "
| ITEM(Divide, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Divide, _) "
| ITEM(Dominates, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dominates, _) "
| ITEM(Dot, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Dot, _) "
| ITEM(Duration, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Duration, _) "
| ITEM(E, _) -> failwith " ITEM(E, _) "
| ITEM(Edif, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Edif, _) "
| ITEM(Ediflevel, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Ediflevel, _) "
| ITEM(Edifversion, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Edifversion, _) "
| ITEM(Else, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Else, _) "
| ITEM(Enclosuredistance, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Enclosuredistance, _) "
| ITEM(Endtype, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Endtype, _) "
| ITEM(Entry, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Entry, _) "
| ITEM(Equal, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Equal, _) "
| ITEM(Escape, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Escape, _) "
| ITEM(Event, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Event, _) "
| ITEM(Exactly, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Exactly, _) "
| ITEM(External, _) -> failwith " ITEM(External, _) "
| ITEM(Fabricate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Fabricate, _) "
| ITEM(False, _) -> failwith " ITEM(False, _) "
| ITEM(Figure, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figure, _) "
| ITEM(Figurearea, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figurearea, _) "
| ITEM(Figuregroup, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figuregroup, _) "
| ITEM(Figuregroupobject, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figuregroupobject, _) "
| ITEM(Figuregroupoverride, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figuregroupoverride, _) "
| ITEM(Figuregroupref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figuregroupref, _) "
| ITEM(Figureperimeter, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figureperimeter, _) "
| ITEM(Figurewidth, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Figurewidth, _) "
| ITEM(Fillpattern, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Fillpattern, _) "
| ITEM(Fix, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Fix, _) "
| ITEM(Floor, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Floor, _) "
| ITEM(Follow, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Follow, _) "
| ITEM(Forbiddenevent, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Forbiddenevent, _) "
| ITEM(Form, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Form, _) "
| ITEM(Globalportref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Globalportref, _) "
| ITEM(Greaterthan, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Greaterthan, _) "
| ITEM(Gridmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Gridmap, _) "
| ITEM(If, _) -> failwith " ITEM(If, _) "
| ITEM(Ignore, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Ignore, _) "
| ITEM(Includefiguregroup, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Includefiguregroup, _) "
| ITEM(Increasing, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Increasing, _) "
| ITEM(Initial, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Initial, _) "
| ITEM(Instance, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Instance, _) "
| ITEM(Instancebackannotate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Instancebackannotate, _) "
| ITEM(Instancegroup, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Instancegroup, _) "
| ITEM(Instancemap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Instancemap, _) "
| ITEM(Instancenamedef, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Instancenamedef, _) "
| ITEM(Instanceref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Instanceref, _) "
| ITEM(Integer, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Integer, _) "
| ITEM(Integerdisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Integerdisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Interface, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Interface, _) "
| ITEM(Interfiguregroupspacing, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Interfiguregroupspacing, _) "
| ITEM(Intersection, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Intersection, _) "
| ITEM(Intrafiguregroupspacing, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Intrafiguregroupspacing, _) "
| ITEM(Inverse, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Inverse, _) "
| ITEM(Isolated, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Isolated, _) "
| ITEM(Iterate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Iterate, _) "
| ITEM(Joined, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Joined, _) "
| ITEM(Justify, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Justify, _) "
| ITEM(Keyworddisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Keyworddisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Keywordlevel, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Keywordlevel, _) "
| ITEM(Keywordmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Keywordmap, _) "
| ITEM(Lessthan, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Lessthan, _) "
| ITEM(Library, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Library, _) "
| ITEM(Libraryref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Libraryref, _) "
| ITEM(Listofnets, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Listofnets, _) "
| ITEM(Listofports, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Listofports, _) "
| ITEM(Loaddelay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Loaddelay, _) "
| ITEM(Logicassign, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicassign, _) "
| ITEM(Logicinput, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicinput, _) "
| ITEM(Logiclist, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logiclist, _) "
| ITEM(Logicmapinput, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicmapinput, _) "
| ITEM(Logicmapoutput, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicmapoutput, _) "
| ITEM(Logiconeof, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logiconeof, _) "
| ITEM(Logicoutput, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicoutput, _) "
| ITEM(Logicport, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicport, _) "
| ITEM(Logicref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicref, _) "
| ITEM(Logicvalue, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicvalue, _) "
| ITEM(Logicwaveform, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Logicwaveform, _) "
| ITEM(Maintain, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Maintain, _) "
| ITEM(Match, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Match, _) "
| ITEM(Max, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Max, _) "
| ITEM(Member, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Member, _) "
| ITEM(Min, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Min, _) "
| ITEM(Minomax, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Minomax, _) "
| ITEM(Minomaxdisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Minomaxdisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Mnm, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Mnm, _) "
| ITEM(Mod, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Mod, _) "
| ITEM(Multiplevalueset, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Multiplevalueset, _) "
| ITEM(Mustjoin, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Mustjoin, _) "
| ITEM(Name, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Name, _) "
| ITEM(Negate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Negate, _) "
| ITEM(Net, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Net, _) "
| ITEM(Netbackannotate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Netbackannotate, _) "
| ITEM(Netbundle, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Netbundle, _) "
| ITEM(Netdelay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Netdelay, _) "
| ITEM(Netgroup, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Netgroup, _) "
| ITEM(Netmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Netmap, _) "
| ITEM(Netref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Netref, _) "
| ITEM(Nochange, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Nochange, _) "
| ITEM(Nonpermutable, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Nonpermutable, _) "
| ITEM(Not, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Not, _) "
| ITEM(Notallowed, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Notallowed, _) "
| ITEM(Notchspacing, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Notchspacing, _) "
| ITEM(Number, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Number, _) "
| ITEM(Numberdefinition, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Numberdefinition, _) "
| ITEM(Numberdisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Numberdisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Offpageconnector, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Offpageconnector, _) "
| ITEM(Offsetevent, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Offsetevent, _) "
| ITEM(Openshape, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Openshape, _) "
| ITEM(Or, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Or, _) "
| ITEM(Orientation, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Orientation, _) "
| ITEM(Origin, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Origin, _) "
| ITEM(Overhangdistance, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Overhangdistance, _) "
| ITEM(Overlapdistance, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Overlapdistance, _) "
| ITEM(Oversize, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Oversize, _) "
| ITEM(Owner, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Owner, _) "
| ITEM(Page, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Page, _) "
| ITEM(Pagesize, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pagesize, _) "
| ITEM(Parameter, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Parameter, _) "
| ITEM(Parameterassign, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Parameterassign, _) "
| ITEM(Parameterdisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Parameterdisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Path, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Path, _) "
| ITEM(Pathdelay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pathdelay, _) "
| ITEM(Pathwidth, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pathwidth, _) "
| ITEM(Permutable, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Permutable, _) "
| ITEM(Physicaldesignrule, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Physicaldesignrule, _) "
| ITEM(Plug, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Plug, _) "
| ITEM(Point, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Point, _) "
| ITEM(Pointdisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pointdisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Pointlist, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pointlist, _) "
| ITEM(Pointsubtract, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pointsubtract, _) "
| ITEM(Pointsum, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pointsum, _) "
| ITEM(Polygon, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Polygon, _) "
| ITEM(Port, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Port, _) "
| ITEM(Portbackannotate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portbackannotate, _) "
| ITEM(Portbundle, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portbundle, _) "
| ITEM(Portdelay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portdelay, _) "
| ITEM(Portgroup, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portgroup, _) "
| ITEM(Portimplementation, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portimplementation, _) "
| ITEM(Portinstance, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portinstance, _) "
| ITEM(Portlist, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portlist, _) "
| ITEM(Portlistalias, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portlistalias, _) "
| ITEM(Portmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portmap, _) "
| ITEM(Portref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Portref, _) "
| ITEM(Product, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Product, _) "
| ITEM(Program, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Program, _) "
| ITEM(Property, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Property, _) "
| ITEM(Propertydisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Propertydisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Protectionframe, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Protectionframe, _) "
| ITEM(Pt, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Pt, _) "
| ITEM(Rangevector, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Rangevector, _) "
| ITEM(Rectangle, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Rectangle, _) "
| ITEM(Rectanglesize, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Rectanglesize, _) "
| ITEM(Rename, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Rename, _) "
| ITEM(Resolves, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Resolves, _) "
| ITEM(Scale, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Scale, _) "
| ITEM(Scalex, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Scalex, _) "
| ITEM(Scaley, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Scaley, _) "
| ITEM(Section, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Section, _) "
| ITEM(Shape, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Shape, _) "
| ITEM(Simulate, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Simulate, _) "
| ITEM(Simulationinfo, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Simulationinfo, _) "
| ITEM(Singlevalueset, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Singlevalueset, _) "
| ITEM(Site, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Site, _) "
| ITEM(Socket, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Socket, _) "
| ITEM(Socketset, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Socketset, _) "
| ITEM(Statement, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Statement, _) "
| ITEM(Status, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Status, _) "
| ITEM(Steady, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Steady, _) "
| ITEM(Strictlyincreasing, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Strictlyincreasing, _) "
| ITEM(String, _) -> failwith " ITEM(String, _) "
| ITEM(Stringdisplay, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Stringdisplay, _) "
| ITEM(Strong, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Strong, _) "
| ITEM(Subtract, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Subtract, _) "
| ITEM(Sum, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Sum, _) "
| ITEM(Symbol, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Symbol, _) "
| ITEM(Symmetry, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Symmetry, _) "
| ITEM(Table, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Table, _) "
| ITEM(Tabledefault, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Tabledefault, _) "
| ITEM(Technology, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Technology, _) "
| ITEM(Textheight, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Textheight, _) "
| ITEM(Then, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Then, _) "
| ITEM(Timeinterval, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Timeinterval, _) "
| ITEM(Timestamp, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Timestamp, _) "
| ITEM(Timing, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Timing, _) "
| ITEM(Transform, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Transform, _) "
| ITEM(Transition, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Transition, _) "
| ITEM(Trigger, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Trigger, _) "
| ITEM(True, _) -> failwith " ITEM(True, _) "
| ITEM(Typedvalue, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Typedvalue, _) "
| ITEM(Unconstrained, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Unconstrained, _) "
| ITEM(Undefined, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Undefined, _) "
| ITEM(Union, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Union, _) "
| ITEM(Unit, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Unit, _) "
| ITEM(Unused, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Unused, _) "
| ITEM(Userdata, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Userdata, _) "
| ITEM(Valuenameref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Valuenameref, _) "
| ITEM(Variable, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Variable, _) "
| ITEM(Version, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Version, _) "
| ITEM(View, _) -> failwith " ITEM(View, _) "
| ITEM(Viewlist, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Viewlist, _) "
| ITEM(Viewmap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Viewmap, _) "
| ITEM(Viewref, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Viewref, _) "
| ITEM(Viewtype, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Viewtype, _) "
| ITEM(Visible, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Visible, _) "
| ITEM(Voltagemap, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Voltagemap, _) "
| ITEM(Wavevalue, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Wavevalue, _) "
| ITEM(Weak, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Weak, _) "
| ITEM(Weakjoined, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Weakjoined, _) "
| ITEM(When, _) -> failwith " ITEM(When, _) "
| ITEM(While, _) -> failwith " ITEM(While, _) "
| ITEM(Written, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Written, _) "
| ITEM(Xcoord, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Xcoord, _) "
| ITEM(Xor, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Xor, _) "
| ITEM(Ycoord, _) -> failwith " ITEM(Ycoord, _) "
| ITEM(ILLEGAL _, _) -> failwith " ITEM(ILLEGAL _, _) "
| ITEM(ID _, _) -> failwith " ITEM(ID _, _) "
| ITEM(TLIST _, _) -> failwith " ITEM(TLIST _, _) "
| ITEM(TLIST2 _, _) -> failwith " ITEM(TLIST2 _, _) "
| ITEM(STRING _, _) -> failwith " ITEM(STRING _, _) "
| ITEM(INT _, _) -> failwith " ITEM(INT _, _) "
| ITEM(ENDOFFILE, _) -> failwith " ITEM(ENDOFFILE, _) "
| ITEM(EOL, _) -> failwith " ITEM(EOL, _) "
| ITEM(LPAREN, _) -> failwith " ITEM(LPAREN, _) "
| ITEM(RPAREN, _) -> failwith " ITEM(RPAREN, _) "
| ITEM(EMPTY, _) -> failwith " ITEM(EMPTY, _) "
| ITEM ((ITEM _|ITEM2 _), _) -> failwith " ITEM ((ITEM _|ITEM2 _), _) "
| ITEM2 ((ITEM _|ITEM2 _), _, _) -> failwith " ITEM2 ((ITEM _|ITEM2 _), _, _) "
let () = printf "PR#6646=Ok\n%!"
(* Simplified example, with application test *)
type t =
| B of int
| C of int
| I of t list
| A00
| A01
| A02
| A03
| A04
| A05
| A06
| A07
| A08
| A09
| A10
| A11
| A12
| A13
| A14
| A15
| A16
| A17
| A18
| A19
| A20
| A21
| A22
| A23
| A24
| A25
| A26
| A27
| A28
| A29
| A30
| A31
| A32
| A33
| A34
| A35
| A36
| A37
| A38
| A39
| A40
| A41
| A42
| A43
| A44
| A45
| A46
| A47
| A48
| A49
| A50
| A51
| A52
| A53
| A54
| A55
| A56
| A57
| A58
| A59
| A60
| A61
| A62
| A63
| A64
| A65
| A66
| A67
| A68
| A69
| A70
| A71
| A72
| A73
| A74
| A75
| A76
| A77
| A78
| A79
| A80
| A81
| A82
| A83
| A84
| A85
| A86
| A87
| A88
| A89
| A90
| A91
| A92
| A93
| A94
| A95
| A96
| A97
| A98
| A99
let test = function
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A00]]]] -> 1
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A01]]]] -> 2
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A02]]]] -> 3
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A03]]]] -> -3
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A04]]]] -> 4
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A05]]]] -> 5
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A06]]]] -> 6
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A07]]]] -> 7
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A08]]]] -> 8
| I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A09]]]] -> 9
| I [A00;I [I [_ ; I [A00]]]] -> 11
| I [A00;I [I [_ ; I [A01]]]] -> 12
| I [A00;I [I [_ ; I [A02]]]] -> 13
| _ -> -1
let () =
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A00]]]]) = 1) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A20;I [A00]]]]) = 11) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A01]]]]) = 2) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A20;I [A01]]]]) = 12) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A02]]]]) = 3) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A20;I [A02]]]]) = 13) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A00;I [A03]]]]) = -3) ;
assert (test (I [A00;I [I [A20;I [A03]]]]) = -1) ;
printf "PR#6646=Ok\n%!"
(* PR#6674, a compilation failure introduced by correcting PR#6646 *)
type t6674 =
| A1
| A2
| A3
| A4
| A5
| A6
| A7
| A8
| A9
| A10
| A11
| A12
| A13
| A14
| A15
| A16
| A17
| A18
| A19
| A20
| A21
| A22
| A23
| A24
| A25
| A26
| A27
| A28
| A29
| A30
| A31
| A32
| X of string
let f = function
| X _ -> true
| _ -> false
let () = printf "PR#6676=Ok\n%!"