1043 lines
32 KiB
1043 lines
32 KiB
(* camlp4r *)
(* *)
(* Camlp4 *)
(* *)
(* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* This file has been generated by program: do not edit! *)
open Stdpp;;
open Gramext;;
open Format;;
let rec flatten_tree =
DeadEnd -> []
| LocAct (_, _) -> [[]]
| Node {node = n; brother = b; son = s} ->
List.map (fun l -> n :: l) (flatten_tree s) @ flatten_tree b
let print_str s = print_string ("\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"");;
let rec print_symbol =
Slist0 s -> print_string "LIST0"; print_string " "; print_symbol1 s
| Slist0sep (s, t) ->
print_string "LIST0";
print_string " ";
print_symbol1 s;
print_string " SEP ";
print_symbol1 t
| Slist1 s -> print_string "LIST1"; print_string " "; print_symbol1 s
| Slist1sep (s, t) ->
print_string "LIST1";
print_string " ";
print_symbol1 s;
print_string " SEP ";
print_symbol1 t
| Sopt s -> print_string "OPT "; print_symbol1 s
| Stoken (con, prm) when con <> "" && prm <> "" ->
print_string con; print_space (); print_str prm
| Snterml (e, l) ->
print_string e.ename;
print_space ();
print_string "LEVEL";
print_space ();
print_str l
| s -> print_symbol1 s
and print_symbol1 =
Stoken ("", s) -> print_str s
| Snterm e -> print_string e.ename
| Sself -> print_string "SELF"
| Snext -> print_string "NEXT"
| Stoken (con, "") -> print_string con
| Stree t -> print_level print_space (flatten_tree t)
| s -> print_string "("; print_symbol s; print_string ")"
and print_rule symbols =
open_hovbox 0;
let _ =
(fun sep symbol ->
sep ();
print_symbol symbol;
fun () -> print_string ";"; print_space ())
(fun () -> ()) symbols
close_box ()
and print_level print_space rules =
open_hovbox 0;
print_string "[ ";
let _ =
(fun sep rule ->
sep (); print_rule rule; fun () -> print_space (); print_string "| ")
(fun () -> ()) rules
print_string " ]"; close_box ()
let print_levels elev =
let _ =
(fun sep lev ->
let rules =
List.map (fun t -> Sself :: t) (flatten_tree lev.lsuffix) @
flatten_tree lev.lprefix
sep ();
open_hovbox 2;
begin match lev.lname with
Some n ->
print_string ("\"" ^ String.escaped n ^ "\""); print_break 1 2
| _ -> ()
begin match lev.assoc with
LeftA -> print_string "LEFTA"
| RightA -> print_string "RIGHTA"
| NonA -> print_string "NONA"
close_box ();
print_break 1 2;
print_level force_newline rules;
fun () -> print_cut (); print_string "| ")
(fun () -> ()) elev
let print_entry e =
open_vbox 0;
print_string "[ ";
begin match e.edesc with
Dlevels elev -> print_levels elev
| Dparser _ -> print_string "<parser>"
print_string " ]";
close_box ();
print_newline ()
type g = Gramext.grammar;;
external grammar_obj : g -> grammar = "%identity";;
let floc = ref (fun _ -> failwith "internal error when computing location");;
let loc_of_token_interval bp ep =
if bp == ep then
if bp == 0 then 0, 1 else let a = snd (!floc (bp - 1)) in a, a + 1
let (bp1, bp2) = !floc bp in
let (ep1, ep2) = !floc (pred ep) in
(if bp1 < ep1 then bp1 else ep1), (if bp2 > ep2 then bp2 else ep2)
let rec name_of_symbol entry =
Snterm e -> "[" ^ e.ename ^ "]"
| Snterml (e, l) -> "[" ^ e.ename ^ " level " ^ l ^ "]"
| Sself | Snext -> "[" ^ entry.ename ^ "]"
| Stoken tok -> entry.egram.glexer.Token.text tok
| _ -> "???"
let rec get_token_list entry tokl last_tok tree =
match tree with
Node {node = Stoken tok as s; son = son; brother = DeadEnd} ->
begin match entry.egram.glexer.Token.tparse tok with
Some _ ->
if tokl = [] then None
else Some (List.rev (last_tok :: tokl), last_tok, tree)
| None -> get_token_list entry (last_tok :: tokl) tok son
| _ ->
if tokl = [] then None
else Some (List.rev (last_tok :: tokl), last_tok, tree)
let rec name_of_symbol_failed entry =
Slist0 s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
| Slist0sep (s, _) -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
| Slist1 s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
| Slist1sep (s, _) -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
| Sopt s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
| Stree t -> name_of_tree_failed entry t
| s -> name_of_symbol entry s
and name_of_tree_failed entry =
Node {node = s; brother = bro; son = son} ->
let tokl =
match s with
Stoken tok when entry.egram.glexer.Token.tparse tok = None ->
get_token_list entry [] tok son
| _ -> None
begin match tokl with
None ->
let txt = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
let txt =
match s, son with
Sopt _, Node _ -> txt ^ " or " ^ name_of_tree_failed entry son
| _ -> txt
let txt =
match bro with
DeadEnd | LocAct (_, _) -> txt
| _ -> txt ^ " or " ^ name_of_tree_failed entry bro
| Some (tokl, last_tok, son) ->
(fun s tok ->
(if s = "" then "" else s ^ " ") ^
entry.egram.glexer.Token.text tok)
"" tokl
| DeadEnd | LocAct (_, _) -> "???"
let search_tree_in_entry prev_symb tree =
Dlevels levels ->
let rec search_levels =
[] -> tree
| level :: levels ->
match search_level level with
Some tree -> tree
| None -> search_levels levels
and search_level level =
match search_tree level.lsuffix with
Some t -> Some (Node {node = Sself; son = t; brother = DeadEnd})
| None -> search_tree level.lprefix
and search_tree t =
if tree <> DeadEnd && t == tree then Some t
match t with
Node n ->
begin match search_symbol n.node with
Some symb ->
Some (Node {node = symb; son = n.son; brother = DeadEnd})
| None ->
match search_tree n.son with
Some t ->
Some (Node {node = n.node; son = t; brother = DeadEnd})
| None -> search_tree n.brother
| _ -> None
and search_symbol symb =
match symb with
Snterm _ | Snterml (_, _) | Slist0 _ | Slist0sep (_, _) | Slist1 _ |
Slist1sep (_, _) | Sopt _ | Stoken _ | Stree _
when symb == prev_symb ->
Some symb
| Slist0 symb ->
begin match search_symbol symb with
Some symb -> Some (Slist0 symb)
| None -> None
| Slist0sep (symb, sep) ->
begin match search_symbol symb with
Some symb -> Some (Slist0sep (symb, sep))
| None ->
match search_symbol sep with
Some sep -> Some (Slist0sep (symb, sep))
| None -> None
| Slist1 symb ->
begin match search_symbol symb with
Some symb -> Some (Slist1 symb)
| None -> None
| Slist1sep (symb, sep) ->
begin match search_symbol symb with
Some symb -> Some (Slist1sep (symb, sep))
| None ->
match search_symbol sep with
Some sep -> Some (Slist1sep (symb, sep))
| None -> None
| Sopt symb ->
begin match search_symbol symb with
Some symb -> Some (Sopt symb)
| None -> None
| Stree t ->
begin match search_tree t with
Some t -> Some (Stree t)
| None -> None
| _ -> None
search_levels levels
| _ -> tree
let error_verbose = ref false;;
let tree_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb tree =
let txt = name_of_tree_failed entry tree in
let txt =
match prev_symb with
Slist0 s ->
let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
| Slist1 s ->
let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
| Slist0sep (s, sep) ->
begin match Obj.magic prev_symb_result with
[] ->
let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
| _ ->
let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry sep in
txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
| Slist1sep (s, sep) ->
begin match Obj.magic prev_symb_result with
[] ->
let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
| _ ->
let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry sep in
txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
| Sopt _ | Stree _ -> txt ^ " expected"
| _ -> txt ^ " expected after " ^ name_of_symbol entry prev_symb
if !error_verbose then
let tree = search_tree_in_entry prev_symb tree entry.edesc in
set_formatter_out_channel stderr;
open_vbox 0;
print_newline ();
print_string "----------------------------------";
print_newline ();
printf "Parse error in entry [%s], rule:" entry.ename;
print_break 0 2;
open_vbox 0;
print_level force_newline (flatten_tree tree);
close_box ();
print_newline ();
print_string "----------------------------------";
print_newline ();
close_box ();
print_newline ()
txt ^ " (in [" ^ entry.ename ^ "])"
let symb_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb symb =
let tree = Node {node = symb; brother = DeadEnd; son = DeadEnd} in
tree_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb tree
external app : Obj.t -> 'a = "%identity";;
let is_level_labelled n lev =
match lev.lname with
Some n1 -> n = n1
| None -> false
let level_number entry lab =
let rec lookup levn =
[] -> failwith ("unknown level " ^ lab)
| lev :: levs ->
if is_level_labelled lab lev then levn else lookup (succ levn) levs
match entry.edesc with
Dlevels elev -> lookup 0 elev
| Dparser _ -> raise Not_found
let rec top_symb entry =
Sself | Snext -> Snterm entry
| Snterml (e, _) -> Snterm e
| Slist1sep (s, sep) -> Slist1sep (top_symb entry s, sep)
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
let entry_of_symb entry =
Sself | Snext -> entry
| Snterm e -> e
| Snterml (e, _) -> e
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
let top_tree entry =
Node {node = s; brother = bro; son = son} ->
Node {node = top_symb entry s; brother = bro; son = son}
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
let skip_if_empty bp p strm =
if Stream.count strm == bp then Gramext.action (fun a -> p strm)
else raise Stream.Failure
let continue entry bp a s son p1 (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
let a = (entry_of_symb entry s).econtinue 0 bp a strm__ in
let act =
try p1 strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a s son))
Gramext.action (fun _ -> app act a)
(strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
try parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn (top_tree entry son) strm__ with
Stream.Failure ->
skip_if_empty bp (fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
Stream.Failure ->
continue entry bp a s son (parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son)
let strict_parsing = ref false;;
let recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bp a s son strm =
if !strict_parsing then raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a s son))
else do_recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bp a s son strm
let std_token_parse =
p_con, "" ->
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
match Stream.peek strm__ with
Some (con, prm) when con = p_con -> Stream.junk strm__; prm
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
| p_con, p_prm ->
fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
match Stream.peek strm__ with
Some (con, prm) when con = p_con && prm = p_prm ->
Stream.junk strm__; prm
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
let peek_nth n strm =
let list = Stream.npeek n strm in
let rec loop list n =
match list, n with
x :: _, 1 -> Some x
| _ :: l, n -> loop l (n - 1)
| [], _ -> None
loop list n
let rec parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn =
DeadEnd -> (fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
| LocAct (act, _) -> (fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> act)
| Node {node = Sself; son = LocAct (act, _); brother = DeadEnd} ->
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let a = entry.estart alevn strm__ in app act a)
| Node {node = Sself; son = LocAct (act, _); brother = bro} ->
let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
try Some (entry.estart alevn strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some a -> app act a
| _ -> p2 strm__)
| Node {node = s; son = son; brother = DeadEnd} ->
let tokl =
match s with
Stoken tok when entry.egram.glexer.Token.tparse tok = None ->
get_token_list entry [] tok son
| _ -> None
begin match tokl with
None ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = ps strm__ in
let act =
try p1 bp a strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
app act a)
| Some (tokl, last_tok, son) ->
let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn (Stoken last_tok) son in
parser_of_token_list p1 tokl
| Node {node = s; son = son; brother = bro} ->
let tokl =
match s with
Stoken tok when entry.egram.glexer.Token.tparse tok = None ->
get_token_list entry [] tok son
| _ -> None
match tokl with
None ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son in
let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
try Some (ps strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some a ->
let act =
try p1 bp a strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
app act a
| _ -> p2 strm__)
| Some (tokl, last_tok, son) ->
let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn (Stoken last_tok) son in
let p1 = parser_of_token_list p1 tokl in
let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro in
fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
try p1 strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> p2 strm__
and parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son bp a (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
try p1 strm__ with
Stream.Failure ->
try recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bp a s son strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a s son))
and parser_of_token_list p1 tokl =
let rec loop n =
[p_con, ""] ->
let ps strm =
match peek_nth n strm with
Some (con, prm) when p_con = "ANY" || con = p_con ->
for i = 1 to n do Stream.junk strm done; Obj.repr prm
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = ps strm__ in
let act =
try p1 bp a strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
app act a)
| [p_con, p_prm] ->
let ps strm =
match peek_nth n strm with
Some (con, prm)
when (p_con = "ANY" || con = p_con) && prm = p_prm ->
for i = 1 to n do Stream.junk strm done; Obj.repr prm
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = ps strm__ in
let act =
try p1 bp a strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
app act a)
| (p_con, "") :: tokl ->
let ps strm =
match peek_nth n strm with
Some (con, prm) when p_con = "ANY" || con = p_con -> prm
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
let p1 = loop (n + 1) tokl in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let a = ps strm__ in let act = p1 strm__ in app act a)
| (p_con, p_prm) :: tokl ->
let ps strm =
match peek_nth n strm with
Some (con, prm)
when (p_con = "ANY" || con = p_con) && prm = p_prm ->
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
let p1 = loop (n + 1) tokl in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let a = ps strm__ in let act = p1 strm__ in app act a)
| [] -> invalid_arg "parser_of_token_list"
loop 1 tokl
and parser_of_symbol entry nlevn =
Slist0 s ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
let rec loop al (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
try Some (ps strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some a -> loop (a :: al) strm__
| _ -> al
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let a = loop [] strm__ in Obj.repr (List.rev a))
| Slist0sep (symb, sep) ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn symb in
let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn sep in
let rec kont al (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
try Some (pt strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some v ->
let a =
try ps strm__ with
Stream.Failure ->
raise (Stream.Error (symb_failed entry v sep symb))
kont (a :: al) strm__
| _ -> al
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
try Some (ps strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some a -> Obj.repr (List.rev (kont [a] strm__))
| _ -> Obj.repr [])
| Slist1 s ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
let rec loop al (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
try Some (ps strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some a -> loop (a :: al) strm__
| _ -> al
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let a = ps strm__ in Obj.repr (List.rev (loop [a] strm__)))
| Slist1sep (symb, sep) ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn symb in
let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn sep in
let rec kont al (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
try Some (pt strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some v ->
let a =
try ps strm__ with
Stream.Failure ->
parser_of_symbol entry nlevn (top_symb entry symb) strm__
Stream.Failure ->
raise (Stream.Error (symb_failed entry v sep symb))
kont (a :: al) strm__
| _ -> al
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let a = ps strm__ in Obj.repr (List.rev (kont [a] strm__)))
| Sopt s ->
let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
try Some (ps strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some a -> Obj.repr (Some a)
| _ -> Obj.repr None)
| Stree t ->
let pt = parser_of_tree entry 1 0 t in
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = pt strm__ in
let ep = Stream.count strm__ in
let loc = loc_of_token_interval bp ep in app a loc)
| Snterm e -> (fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> e.estart 0 strm__)
| Snterml (e, l) ->
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> e.estart (level_number e l) strm__)
| Sself -> (fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> entry.estart 0 strm__)
| Snext -> (fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> entry.estart nlevn strm__)
| Stoken ("ANY", v) ->
if v = "" then
fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
match Stream.peek strm__ with
Some (_, x) -> Stream.junk strm__; Obj.repr x
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
(fun (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
match Stream.peek strm__ with
Some (_, x) when x = v -> Stream.junk strm__; Obj.repr x
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
| Stoken tok ->
match entry.egram.glexer.Token.tparse tok with
Some f -> (Obj.magic f : Token.t Stream.t -> Obj.t)
| None -> (Obj.magic (std_token_parse tok) : Token.t Stream.t -> Obj.t)
let rec continue_parser_of_levels entry clevn =
[] -> (fun levn bp a (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
| lev :: levs ->
let p1 = continue_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) levs in
match lev.lsuffix with
DeadEnd -> p1
| tree ->
let alevn =
match lev.assoc with
LeftA | NonA -> succ clevn
| RightA -> clevn
let p2 = parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn tree in
fun levn bp a strm ->
if levn > clevn then p1 levn bp a strm
let (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = strm in
try p1 levn bp a strm__ with
Stream.Failure ->
let act = p2 strm__ in
let ep = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = app act a (loc_of_token_interval bp ep) in
entry.econtinue levn bp a strm
let rec start_parser_of_levels entry clevn =
[] -> (fun levn (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
| lev :: levs ->
let p1 = start_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) levs in
match lev.lprefix with
DeadEnd -> p1
| tree ->
let alevn =
match lev.assoc with
LeftA | NonA -> succ clevn
| RightA -> clevn
let p2 = parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn tree in
match levs with
[] ->
(fun levn strm ->
let (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = strm in
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
let act = p2 strm__ in
let ep = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = app act (loc_of_token_interval bp ep) in
entry.econtinue levn bp a strm)
| _ ->
fun levn strm ->
if levn > clevn then p1 levn strm
let (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = strm in
let bp = Stream.count strm__ in
try Some (p2 strm__) with
Stream.Failure -> None
Some act ->
let ep = Stream.count strm__ in
let a = app act (loc_of_token_interval bp ep) in
entry.econtinue levn bp a strm
| _ -> p1 levn strm__
let continue_parser_of_entry entry =
match entry.edesc with
Dlevels elev ->
let p = continue_parser_of_levels entry 0 elev in
(fun levn bp a (strm__ : _ Stream.t) ->
try p levn bp a strm__ with
Stream.Failure -> a)
| Dparser p -> fun levn bp a (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure
let empty_entry ename levn strm =
raise (Stream.Error ("entry [" ^ ename ^ "] is empty"))
let start_parser_of_entry entry =
match entry.edesc with
Dlevels [] -> empty_entry entry.ename
| Dlevels elev -> start_parser_of_levels entry 0 elev
| Dparser p -> fun levn strm -> p strm
let parse_parsable entry efun (cs, (ts, fun_loc)) =
let restore = let old_floc = !floc in fun () -> floc := old_floc in
floc := fun_loc;
try let r = efun ts in restore (); r with
Stream.Failure ->
let loc =
try fun_loc (Stream.count ts) with
_ -> Stream.count cs, Stream.count cs + 1
restore ();
raise_with_loc loc (Stream.Error ("illegal begin of " ^ entry.ename))
| Stream.Error _ as exc ->
let loc =
try fun_loc (Stream.count ts) with
_ -> Stream.count cs, Stream.count cs + 1
restore (); raise_with_loc loc exc
| exc ->
let loc = Stream.count cs, Stream.count cs + 1 in
restore (); raise_with_loc loc exc
let wrap_parse entry efun cs =
let parsable = cs, entry.egram.glexer.Token.func cs in
parse_parsable entry efun parsable
let create_toktab () = Hashtbl.create 301;;
let create lexer = {gtokens = create_toktab (); glexer = lexer};;
(* Extend syntax *)
let extend_entry entry position rules =
let elev = Gramext.levels_of_rules entry position rules in
entry.edesc <- Dlevels elev;
entry.estart <-
(fun lev strm ->
let f = start_parser_of_entry entry in
entry.estart <- f; f lev strm);
entry.econtinue <-
fun lev bp a strm ->
let f = continue_parser_of_entry entry in
entry.econtinue <- f; f lev bp a strm
Token.Error s ->
Printf.eprintf "Lexer initialization error:\n- %s\n" s;
flush stderr;
failwith "Grammar.extend"
let extend entry_rules_list =
let gram = ref None in
(fun (entry, position, rules) ->
begin match !gram with
Some g ->
if g != entry.egram then
Printf.eprintf "Error: entries with different grammars\n";
flush stderr;
failwith "Grammar.extend"
| None -> gram := Some entry.egram
extend_entry entry position rules)
(* Deleting a rule *)
let delete_rule entry sl =
match entry.edesc with
Dlevels levs ->
let levs = Gramext.delete_rule_in_level_list entry sl levs in
entry.edesc <- Dlevels levs;
entry.estart <-
(fun lev strm ->
let f = start_parser_of_entry entry in
entry.estart <- f; f lev strm);
entry.econtinue <-
(fun lev bp a strm ->
let f = continue_parser_of_entry entry in
entry.econtinue <- f; f lev bp a strm)
| _ -> ()
(* Unsafe *)
let clear_entry e =
e.estart <- (fun _ (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
e.econtinue <- (fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
match e.edesc with
Dlevels _ -> e.edesc <- Dlevels []
| Dparser _ -> ()
let reinit_gram g lexer = Hashtbl.clear g.gtokens; g.glexer <- lexer;;
module Unsafe =
struct let clear_entry = clear_entry;; let reinit_gram = reinit_gram;; end
exception EntryFound of g_entry;;
let find_entry e s =
let rec find_levels levs =
List.iter (fun lev -> find_tree lev.lsuffix; find_tree lev.lprefix)
raise Not_found
EntryFound e -> e
| _ -> raise Not_found
and find_symbol =
Snterm e -> if e.ename = s then raise (EntryFound e)
| Snterml (e, _) -> if e.ename = s then raise (EntryFound e)
| Slist0 s -> find_symbol s
| Slist0sep (s, _) -> find_symbol s
| Slist1 s -> find_symbol s
| Slist1sep (s, _) -> find_symbol s
| Sopt s -> find_symbol s
| Stree t -> find_tree t
| _ -> ()
and find_tree =
Node {node = s; brother = bro; son = son} ->
find_symbol s; find_tree bro; find_tree son
| _ -> ()
match e.edesc with
Dlevels levs -> find_levels levs
| Dparser _ -> raise Not_found
let of_entry e = e.egram;;
module Entry =
type 'a e = g_entry;;
let create g n =
{egram = g; ename = n; estart = empty_entry n;
econtinue = (fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
edesc = Dlevels []}
let parse (entry : 'a e) cs : 'a =
Obj.magic (wrap_parse entry (entry.estart 0) cs)
let parse_token (entry : 'a e) ts : 'a = Obj.magic (entry.estart 0 ts);;
let name e = e.ename;;
let of_parser g n (p : Token.t Stream.t -> 'a) : 'a e =
{egram = g; ename = n; estart = (fun _ -> Obj.magic p);
econtinue = (fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
edesc = Dparser (Obj.magic p)}
external obj : 'a e -> Gramext.g_entry = "%identity";;
let print e = print_entry (obj e);;
let find e = Obj.magic (find_entry (obj e));;
let tokens g con =
let g = grammar_obj g in
let list = ref [] in
(fun (p_con, p_prm) c -> if p_con = con then list := (p_prm, !c) :: !list)
let warning_verbose = Gramext.warning_verbose;;
(* Functorial interface *)
module type LexerType = sig val lexer : Token.lexer;; end;;
module type S =
type parsable;;
val parsable : char Stream.t -> parsable;;
val tokens : string -> (string * int) list;;
module Entry :
type 'a e;;
val create : string -> 'a e;;
val parse : 'a e -> parsable -> 'a;;
val parse_token : 'a e -> Token.t Stream.t -> 'a;;
val name : 'a e -> string;;
val of_parser : string -> (Token.t Stream.t -> 'a) -> 'a e;;
val print : 'a e -> unit;;
external obj : 'a e -> Gramext.g_entry = "%identity";;
module Unsafe :
val reinit_gram : Token.lexer -> unit;;
val clear_entry : 'a Entry.e -> unit;;
val extend :
'a Entry.e -> Gramext.position option ->
(string option * Gramext.g_assoc option *
(Gramext.g_symbol list * Gramext.g_action) list)
list ->
val delete_rule : 'a Entry.e -> Gramext.g_symbol list -> unit;;
module Make (L : LexerType) : S =
type parsable =
char Stream.t * (Token.t Stream.t * Token.location_function)
let gram = create L.lexer;;
let parsable cs = cs, L.lexer.Token.func cs;;
let tokens = tokens gram;;
module Entry =
type 'a e = g_entry;;
let create n =
{egram = gram; ename = n; estart = empty_entry n;
econtinue =
(fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
edesc = Dlevels []}
let parse (e : 'a e) p : 'a =
Obj.magic (parse_parsable e (e.estart 0) p)
let parse_token (e : 'a e) ts : 'a = Obj.magic (e.estart 0 ts);;
let name e = e.ename;;
let of_parser n (p : Token.t Stream.t -> 'a) : 'a e =
{egram = gram; ename = n; estart = (fun _ -> Obj.magic p);
econtinue =
(fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
edesc = Dparser (Obj.magic p)}
external obj : 'a e -> Gramext.g_entry = "%identity";;
let print e = print_entry (obj e);;
module Unsafe =
let reinit_gram = Unsafe.reinit_gram gram;;
let clear_entry = Unsafe.clear_entry;;
let extend = extend_entry;;
let delete_rule e r = delete_rule (Entry.obj e) r;;