
115 lines
3.6 KiB

(* Test for output_value / input_value *)
type t = A | B of int | C of float | D of string | E of char
| F of t | G of t * t | H of int * t | I of t * float | J
let longstring =
let verylongstring =
let test_out filename =
let oc = open_out_bin filename in
output_value oc 1;
output_value oc (-1);
output_value oc 258;
output_value oc 20000;
output_value oc 0x12345678;
output_value oc 0x123456789ABCDEF0;
output_value oc "foobargeebuz";
output_value oc longstring;
output_value oc verylongstring;
output_value oc 3.141592654;
output_value oc ();
output_value oc A;
output_value oc (B 1);
output_value oc (C 2.718);
output_value oc (D "hello, world!");
output_value oc (E 'l');
output_value oc (F(B 1));
output_value oc (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e')))));
output_value oc (H(1, A));
output_value oc (I(B 2, 1e-6));
let x = D "sharing" in
let y = G(x, x) in
let z = G(y, G(x, y)) in
output_value oc z;
output_value oc [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|];
let rec big n = if n <= 0 then A else H(n, big(n-1)) in
output_value oc (big 1000);
close_out oc
let test n b =
prerr_string "Test "; prerr_int n;
if b then prerr_string " passed.\n" else prerr_string " FAILED.\n";
flush stderr
let test_in filename =
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
test 1 (input_value ic = 1);
test 2 (input_value ic = (-1));
test 3 (input_value ic = 258);
test 4 (input_value ic = 20000);
test 5 (input_value ic = 0x12345678);
test 6 (input_value ic = 0x123456789ABCDEF0);
test 7 (input_value ic = "foobargeebuz");
test 8 (input_value ic = longstring);
test 9 (input_value ic = verylongstring);
test 10 (input_value ic = 3.141592654);
test 11 (input_value ic = ());
test 12 (match input_value ic with
A -> true
| _ -> false);
test 13 (match input_value ic with
(B 1) -> true
| _ -> false);
test 14 (match input_value ic with
(C f) -> f = 2.718
| _ -> false);
test 15 (match input_value ic with
(D "hello, world!") -> true
| _ -> false);
test 16 (match input_value ic with
(E 'l') -> true
| _ -> false);
test 17 (match input_value ic with
(F(B 1)) -> true
| _ -> false);
test 18 (match input_value ic with
(G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) -> true
| _ -> false);
test 19 (match input_value ic with
(H(1, A)) -> true
| _ -> false);
test 20 (match input_value ic with
(I(B 2, 1e-6)) -> true
| _ -> false);
test 21 (match input_value ic with
G((G((D "sharing" as t1), t2) as t3), G(t4, t5)) ->
t1 == t2 & t3 == t5 & t4 == t1
| _ -> false);
test 22 (input_value ic = [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|]);
let rec check_big n t =
if n <= 0 then
test 23 (match t with A -> true | _ -> false)
match t with H(m, s) -> if m = n then check_big (n-1) s
else test 23 false
| _ -> test 23 false
check_big 1000 (input_value ic);
close_in ic
let main() = test_out "intext.data"; test_in "intext.data"
let _ = Printexc.catch main (); exit 0