
84 lines
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(* ocamlbuild *)
(* *)
(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
open My_std
open Pathname.Operators
open Tags.Operators
open Tools
open Command
open Ocaml_utils
let ocamlyacc mly env _build =
let mly = env mly in
let ocamlyacc = if !Options.ocamlyacc = N then V"OCAMLYACC" else !Options.ocamlyacc in
Cmd(S[ocamlyacc; T(tags_of_pathname mly++"ocaml"++"parser"++"ocamlyacc");
flags_of_pathname mly; Px mly])
let ocamllex mll env _build =
let mll = env mll in
Cmd(S[!Options.ocamllex; T(tags_of_pathname mll++"ocaml"++"lexer"++"ocamllex");
flags_of_pathname mll; Px mll])
let infer_interface ml mli env build =
let ml = env ml and mli = env mli in
let tags = tags_of_pathname ml++"ocaml" in
Ocaml_compiler.prepare_compile build ml;
Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlc; ocaml_ppflags tags; ocaml_include_flags ml; A"-i";
T(tags++"infer_interface"); P ml; Sh">"; Px mli])
let menhir mly env build =
let mly = env mly in
let menhir = if !Options.ocamlyacc = N then V"MENHIR" else !Options.ocamlyacc in
Ocaml_compiler.prepare_compile build mly;
A"--ocamlc"; Quote(S[!Options.ocamlc; ocaml_include_flags mly]);
T(tags_of_pathname mly++"ocaml"++"parser"++"menhir");
A"--infer"; flags_of_pathname mly; Px mly])
let ocamldoc_c tags arg odoc =
let tags = tags++"ocaml" in
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamldoc; A"-dump"; Px odoc; T(tags++"doc");
ocaml_ppflags tags; flags_of_pathname arg;
ocaml_include_flags arg; P arg])
let ocamldoc_l_dir tags deps _docout docdir =
Seq[Cmd (S[A"rm"; A"-rf"; Px docdir]);
Cmd (S[A"mkdir"; A"-p"; Px docdir]);
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamldoc;
S(List.map (fun a -> S[A"-load"; P a]) deps);
T(tags++"doc"++"docdir"); A"-d"; Px docdir])]
let ocamldoc_l_file tags deps docout _docdir =
Seq[Cmd (S[A"rm"; A"-rf"; Px docout]);
Cmd (S[A"mkdir"; A"-p"; Px (Pathname.dirname docout)]);
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamldoc;
S(List.map (fun a -> S[A"-load"; P a]) deps);
T(tags++"doc"++"docfile"); A"-o"; Px docout])]
let document_ocaml_interf mli odoc env build =
let mli = env mli and odoc = env odoc in
Ocaml_compiler.prepare_compile build mli;
ocamldoc_c (tags_of_pathname mli++"interf") mli odoc
let document_ocaml_project ?(ocamldoc=ocamldoc_l_file) odocl docout docdir env build =
let odocl = env odocl and docout = env docout and docdir = env docdir in
let contents = string_list_of_file odocl in
let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of (Pathname.dirname odocl) in
let to_build =
List.map begin fun module_name ->
expand_module include_dirs module_name ["odoc"]
end contents in
let module_paths = List.map Outcome.good (build to_build) in
let tags = (Tags.union (tags_of_pathname docout) (tags_of_pathname docdir))++"ocaml" in
ocamldoc tags module_paths docout docdir