167 lines
7.1 KiB
167 lines
7.1 KiB
(* *)
(* ocamlbuild *)
(* *)
(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
exception Error of string
open Glob_ast
type conf_values =
{ plus_tags : string list;
minus_tags : string list }
type conf = (Glob.globber * conf_values) list
let empty = { plus_tags = []; minus_tags = [] }
let newline = ('\n' | '\r' | "\r\n")
let space = [' ' '\t' '\012']
let space_or_esc_nl = (space | '\\' newline)
let blank = newline | space
let not_blank = [^' ' '\t' '\012' '\n' '\r']
let not_space_nor_comma = [^' ' '\t' '\012' ',']
let not_newline = [^ '\n' '\r' ]
let not_newline_nor_colon = [^ '\n' '\r' ':' ]
let normal_flag_value = [^ '(' ')' '\n' '\r']
let normal = [^ ':' ',' '(' ')' ''' ' ' '\n' '\r']
let tag = normal+ | ( normal+ ':' normal+ ) | normal+ '(' [^ ')' ]* ')'
let variable = [ 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_' '-' '0'-'9' ]*
let pattern = ([^ '(' ')' '\\' ] | '\\' [ '(' ')' ])*
rule ocamldep_output = parse
| ([^ ':' '\n' '\r' ]+ as k) ':' { let x = (k, space_sep_strings_nl lexbuf) in x :: ocamldep_output lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting colon followed by space-separated module name list") }
and space_sep_strings_nl = parse
| space* (not_blank+ as word) { word :: space_sep_strings_nl lexbuf }
| space* newline { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting space-separated strings terminated with newline") }
and space_sep_strings = parse
| space* (not_blank+ as word) { word :: space_sep_strings lexbuf }
| space* newline? eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting space-separated strings") }
and blank_sep_strings = parse
| blank* '#' not_newline* newline { blank_sep_strings lexbuf }
| blank* '#' not_newline* eof { [] }
| blank* (not_blank+ as word) { word :: blank_sep_strings lexbuf }
| blank* eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting blank-separated strings") }
and comma_sep_strings = parse
| space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) space* eof { [word] }
| space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) { word :: comma_sep_strings_aux lexbuf }
| space* eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting comma-separated strings (1)") }
and comma_sep_strings_aux = parse
| space* ',' space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) { word :: comma_sep_strings_aux lexbuf }
| space* eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting comma-separated strings (2)") }
and comma_or_blank_sep_strings = parse
| space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) space* eof { [word] }
| space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) { word :: comma_or_blank_sep_strings_aux lexbuf }
| space* eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting (comma|blank)-separated strings (1)") }
and comma_or_blank_sep_strings_aux = parse
| space* ',' space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) { word :: comma_or_blank_sep_strings_aux lexbuf }
| space* (not_space_nor_comma+ as word) { word :: comma_or_blank_sep_strings_aux lexbuf }
| space* eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Expecting (comma|blank)-separated strings (2)") }
and parse_environment_path_w = parse
| ([^ ';']* as word) { word :: parse_environment_path_aux_w lexbuf }
| ';' ([^ ';']* as word) { "" :: word :: parse_environment_path_aux_w lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
and parse_environment_path_aux_w = parse
| ';' ([^ ';']* as word) { word :: parse_environment_path_aux_w lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Impossible: expecting colon-separated strings") }
and parse_environment_path = parse
| ([^ ':']* as word) { word :: parse_environment_path_aux lexbuf }
| ':' ([^ ':']* as word) { "" :: word :: parse_environment_path_aux lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
and parse_environment_path_aux = parse
| ':' ([^ ':']* as word) { word :: parse_environment_path_aux lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
| _ { raise (Error "Impossible: expecting colon-separated strings") }
and conf_lines dir pos err = parse
| space* '#' not_newline* newline { conf_lines dir (pos + 1) err lexbuf }
| space* '#' not_newline* eof { [] }
| space* newline { conf_lines dir (pos + 1) err lexbuf }
| space* eof { [] }
| space* (not_newline_nor_colon+ as k) space* ':' space*
let bexpr = Glob.parse ?dir k in
let v1 = conf_value pos err empty lexbuf in
let v2 = conf_values pos err v1 lexbuf in
let rest = conf_lines dir (pos + 1) err lexbuf in (bexpr, v2) :: rest
| _ { raise (Error(Printf.sprintf "Bad key in configuration line at line %d (from %s)" pos err)) }
and conf_value pos err x = parse
| '-' (tag as tag) { { (x) with minus_tags = tag :: x.minus_tags } }
| '+'? (tag as tag) { { (x) with plus_tags = tag :: x.plus_tags } }
| (_ | eof) { raise (Error(Printf.sprintf "Bad value in configuration line at line %d (from %s)" pos err)) }
and conf_values pos err x = parse
| space_or_esc_nl* ',' space_or_esc_nl* { conf_values pos err (conf_value pos err x lexbuf) lexbuf }
| (newline | eof) { x }
| (_ | eof) { raise (Error(Printf.sprintf "Bad values in configuration line at line %d (from %s)" pos err)) }
and path_scheme patt_allowed = parse
| ([^ '%' ]+ as prefix)
{ `Word prefix :: path_scheme patt_allowed lexbuf }
| "%(" (variable as var) ')'
{ `Var (var, Bool.True) :: path_scheme patt_allowed lexbuf }
| "%(" (variable as var) ':' (pattern as patt) ')'
{ if patt_allowed then
let patt = My_std.String.implode (unescape (Lexing.from_string patt)) in
`Var (var, Glob.parse patt) :: path_scheme patt_allowed lexbuf
else raise (Error(
Printf.sprintf "Patterns are not allowed in this pathname (%%(%s:%s) only in ~prod)"
var patt)) }
| '%'
{ `Var ("", Bool.True) :: path_scheme patt_allowed lexbuf }
| eof
{ [] }
| _ { raise (Error("Bad pathanme scheme")) }
and unescape = parse
| '\\' (['(' ')'] as c) { c :: unescape lexbuf }
| _ as c { c :: unescape lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
and ocamlfind_query = parse
| newline*
"package:" space* (not_newline* as n) newline+
"description:" space* (not_newline* as d) newline+
"version:" space* (not_newline* as v) newline+
"archive(s):" space* (not_newline* as a) newline+
"linkopts:" space* (not_newline* as lo) newline+
"location:" space* (not_newline* as l) newline+
{ n, d, v, a, lo, l }
| _ { raise (Error "Bad ocamlfind query") }
and trim_blanks = parse
| blank* (not_blank* as word) blank* { word }
| _ { raise (Error "Bad input for trim_blanks") }
and tag_gen = parse
| (normal+ as name) ('(' ([^')']* as param) ')')? { name, param }