
285 lines
9.2 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Pretty-printing of pseudo machine code *)
open Format
open Cmm
open Reg
open Mach
open Interval
module V = Backend_var
let reg ppf r =
if not (Reg.anonymous r) then
fprintf ppf "%s" (Reg.name r)
fprintf ppf "%s"
(match r.typ with Val -> "V" | Addr -> "A" | Int -> "I" | Float -> "F");
fprintf ppf "/%i" r.stamp;
begin match r.loc with
| Unknown -> ()
| Reg r ->
fprintf ppf "[%s]" (Proc.register_name r)
| Stack(Local s) ->
fprintf ppf "[s%i]" s
| Stack(Incoming s) ->
fprintf ppf "[si%i]" s
| Stack(Outgoing s) ->
fprintf ppf "[so%i]" s
let regs ppf v =
match Array.length v with
| 0 -> ()
| 1 -> reg ppf v.(0)
| n -> reg ppf v.(0);
for i = 1 to n-1 do fprintf ppf " %a" reg v.(i) done
let regset ppf s =
let first = ref true in
(fun r ->
if !first then begin first := false; fprintf ppf "%a" reg r end
else fprintf ppf "@ %a" reg r)
let regsetaddr ppf s =
let first = ref true in
(fun r ->
if !first then begin first := false; fprintf ppf "%a" reg r end
else fprintf ppf "@ %a" reg r;
match r.typ with
| Val -> fprintf ppf "*"
| Addr -> fprintf ppf "!"
| _ -> ())
let intcomp = function
| Isigned c -> Printf.sprintf " %ss " (Printcmm.integer_comparison c)
| Iunsigned c -> Printf.sprintf " %su " (Printcmm.integer_comparison c)
let floatcomp c =
Printf.sprintf " %sf " (Printcmm.float_comparison c)
let intop = function
| Iadd -> " + "
| Isub -> " - "
| Imul -> " * "
| Imulh -> " *h "
| Idiv -> " div "
| Imod -> " mod "
| Iand -> " & "
| Ior -> " | "
| Ixor -> " ^ "
| Ilsl -> " << "
| Ilsr -> " >>u "
| Iasr -> " >>s "
| Icomp cmp -> intcomp cmp
| Icheckbound { label_after_error; spacetime_index; } ->
if not Config.spacetime then " check > "
Printf.sprintf "check[lbl=%s,index=%d] > "
match label_after_error with
| None -> ""
| Some lbl -> Int.to_string lbl
let test tst ppf arg =
match tst with
| Itruetest -> reg ppf arg.(0)
| Ifalsetest -> fprintf ppf "not %a" reg arg.(0)
| Iinttest cmp -> fprintf ppf "%a%s%a" reg arg.(0) (intcomp cmp) reg arg.(1)
| Iinttest_imm(cmp, n) -> fprintf ppf "%a%s%i" reg arg.(0) (intcomp cmp) n
| Ifloattest cmp ->
fprintf ppf "%a%s%a"
reg arg.(0) (floatcomp cmp) reg arg.(1)
| Ieventest -> fprintf ppf "%a & 1 == 0" reg arg.(0)
| Ioddtest -> fprintf ppf "%a & 1 == 1" reg arg.(0)
let print_live = ref false
let operation op arg ppf res =
if Array.length res > 0 then fprintf ppf "%a := " regs res;
match op with
| Imove -> regs ppf arg
| Ispill -> fprintf ppf "%a (spill)" regs arg
| Ireload -> fprintf ppf "%a (reload)" regs arg
| Iconst_int n -> fprintf ppf "%s" (Nativeint.to_string n)
| Iconst_float f -> fprintf ppf "%F" (Int64.float_of_bits f)
| Iconst_symbol s -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" s
| Icall_ind _ -> fprintf ppf "call %a" regs arg
| Icall_imm { func; _ } -> fprintf ppf "call \"%s\" %a" func regs arg
| Itailcall_ind _ -> fprintf ppf "tailcall %a" regs arg
| Itailcall_imm { func; } -> fprintf ppf "tailcall \"%s\" %a" func regs arg
| Iextcall { func; alloc; _ } ->
fprintf ppf "extcall \"%s\" %a%s" func regs arg
(if alloc then "" else " (noalloc)")
| Istackoffset n ->
fprintf ppf "offset stack %i" n
| Iload(chunk, addr) ->
fprintf ppf "%s[%a]"
(Printcmm.chunk chunk) (Arch.print_addressing reg addr) arg
| Istore(chunk, addr, is_assign) ->
fprintf ppf "%s[%a] := %a %s"
(Printcmm.chunk chunk)
(Arch.print_addressing reg addr)
(Array.sub arg 1 (Array.length arg - 1))
reg arg.(0)
(if is_assign then "(assign)" else "(init)")
| Ialloc { bytes = n; _ } ->
fprintf ppf "alloc %i" n;
if Config.spacetime then begin
fprintf ppf "(spacetime node = %a)" reg arg.(0)
| Iintop(op) -> fprintf ppf "%a%s%a" reg arg.(0) (intop op) reg arg.(1)
| Iintop_imm(op, n) -> fprintf ppf "%a%s%i" reg arg.(0) (intop op) n
| Inegf -> fprintf ppf "-f %a" reg arg.(0)
| Iabsf -> fprintf ppf "absf %a" reg arg.(0)
| Iaddf -> fprintf ppf "%a +f %a" reg arg.(0) reg arg.(1)
| Isubf -> fprintf ppf "%a -f %a" reg arg.(0) reg arg.(1)
| Imulf -> fprintf ppf "%a *f %a" reg arg.(0) reg arg.(1)
| Idivf -> fprintf ppf "%a /f %a" reg arg.(0) reg arg.(1)
| Ifloatofint -> fprintf ppf "floatofint %a" reg arg.(0)
| Iintoffloat -> fprintf ppf "intoffloat %a" reg arg.(0)
| Iname_for_debugger { ident; which_parameter; } ->
fprintf ppf "name_for_debugger %a%s=%a"
V.print ident
(match which_parameter with
| None -> ""
| Some index -> sprintf "[P%d]" index)
reg arg.(0)
| Ispecific op ->
Arch.print_specific_operation reg op ppf arg
let rec instr ppf i =
if !print_live then begin
fprintf ppf "@[<1>{%a" regsetaddr i.live;
if Array.length i.arg > 0 then fprintf ppf "@ +@ %a" regs i.arg;
fprintf ppf "}@]@,";
if !Clflags.dump_avail then begin
let module RAS = Reg_availability_set in
fprintf ppf "@[<1>AB={%a}" (RAS.print ~print_reg:reg) i.available_before;
begin match i.available_across with
| None -> ()
| Some available_across ->
fprintf ppf ",AA={%a}" (RAS.print ~print_reg:reg) available_across
fprintf ppf "@]@,"
begin match i.desc with
| Iend -> ()
| Iop op ->
operation op i.arg ppf i.res
| Ireturn ->
fprintf ppf "return %a" regs i.arg
| Iifthenelse(tst, ifso, ifnot) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>if %a then@,%a" (test tst) i.arg instr ifso;
begin match ifnot.desc with
| Iend -> ()
| _ -> fprintf ppf "@;<0 -2>else@,%a" instr ifnot
fprintf ppf "@;<0 -2>endif@]"
| Iswitch(index, cases) ->
fprintf ppf "switch %a" reg i.arg.(0);
for i = 0 to Array.length cases - 1 do
fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>@[";
for j = 0 to Array.length index - 1 do
if index.(j) = i then fprintf ppf "case %i:@," j
fprintf ppf "@]@,%a@]" instr cases.(i)
fprintf ppf "@,endswitch"
| Icatch(flag, handlers, body) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>catch%a@,%a@;<0 -2>with"
Printcmm.rec_flag flag instr body;
let h (nfail, handler) =
fprintf ppf "(%d)@,%a@;" nfail instr handler in
let rec aux = function
| [] -> ()
| [v] -> h v
| v :: t ->
h v;
fprintf ppf "@ and";
aux t
aux handlers;
fprintf ppf "@;<0 -2>endcatch@]"
| Iexit i ->
fprintf ppf "exit(%d)" i
| Itrywith(body, handler) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>try@,%a@;<0 -2>with@,%a@;<0 -2>endtry@]"
instr body instr handler
| Iraise k ->
fprintf ppf "%s %a" (Lambda.raise_kind k) reg i.arg.(0)
if not (Debuginfo.is_none i.dbg) then
fprintf ppf "%s" (Debuginfo.to_string i.dbg);
begin match i.next.desc with
Iend -> ()
| _ -> fprintf ppf "@,%a" instr i.next
let fundecl ppf f =
let dbg =
if Debuginfo.is_none f.fun_dbg then
" " ^ Debuginfo.to_string f.fun_dbg in
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s(%a)%s@,%a@]"
f.fun_name regs f.fun_args dbg instr f.fun_body
let phase msg ppf f =
fprintf ppf "*** %s@.%a@." msg fundecl f
let interference ppf r =
let interf ppf =
(fun r -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" reg r)
r.interf in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a:%t@]@." reg r interf
let interferences ppf () =
fprintf ppf "*** Interferences@.";
List.iter (interference ppf) (Reg.all_registers())
let interval ppf i =
let interv ppf =
(fun r -> fprintf ppf "@ [%d;%d]" r.rbegin r.rend)
i.ranges in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a:%t@]@." reg i.reg interv
let intervals ppf () =
fprintf ppf "*** Intervals@.";
List.iter (interval ppf) (Interval.all_fixed_intervals());
List.iter (interval ppf) (Interval.all_intervals())
let preference ppf r =
let prefs ppf =
(fun (r, w) -> fprintf ppf "@ %a weight %i" reg r w)
r.prefer in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a: %t@]@." reg r prefs
let preferences ppf () =
fprintf ppf "*** Preferences@.";
List.iter (preference ppf) (Reg.all_registers())