
109 lines
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Stephen Dolan, University of Cambridge *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2016 Stephen Dolan. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Insert instrumentation for afl-fuzz *)
open Lambda
open Cmm
module V = Backend_var
module VP = Backend_var.With_provenance
let afl_area_ptr dbg = Cconst_symbol ("caml_afl_area_ptr", dbg)
let afl_prev_loc dbg = Cconst_symbol ("caml_afl_prev_loc", dbg)
let afl_map_size = 1 lsl 16
let rec with_afl_logging b dbg =
if !Clflags.afl_inst_ratio < 100 &&
Random.int 100 >= !Clflags.afl_inst_ratio then instrument b else
let instrumentation =
(* The instrumentation that afl-fuzz requires is:
cur_location = <COMPILE_TIME_RANDOM>;
shared_mem[cur_location ^ prev_location]++;
prev_location = cur_location >> 1;
See http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/technical_details.txt or
docs/technical_details.txt in afl-fuzz source for for a full
description of what's going on. *)
let cur_location = Random.int afl_map_size in
let cur_pos = V.create_local "pos" in
let afl_area = V.create_local "shared_mem" in
let op oper args = Cop (oper, args, dbg) in
Clet(VP.create afl_area,
op (Cload (Word_int, Asttypes.Mutable)) [afl_area_ptr dbg],
Clet(VP.create cur_pos, op Cxor [op (Cload (Word_int, Asttypes.Mutable))
[afl_prev_loc dbg]; Cconst_int (cur_location, dbg)],
op (Cstore(Byte_unsigned, Assignment))
[op Cadda [Cvar afl_area; Cvar cur_pos];
op Cadda [op (Cload (Byte_unsigned, Asttypes.Mutable))
[op Cadda [Cvar afl_area; Cvar cur_pos]];
Cconst_int (1, dbg)]],
op (Cstore(Word_int, Assignment))
[afl_prev_loc dbg; Cconst_int (cur_location lsr 1, dbg)]))) in
Csequence(instrumentation, instrument b)
and instrument = function
(* these cases add logging, as they may be targets of conditional branches *)
| Cifthenelse (cond, t_dbg, t, f_dbg, f, dbg) ->
Cifthenelse (instrument cond, t_dbg, with_afl_logging t t_dbg,
f_dbg, with_afl_logging f f_dbg, dbg)
| Ctrywith (e, ex, handler, dbg) ->
Ctrywith (instrument e, ex, with_afl_logging handler dbg, dbg)
| Cswitch (e, cases, handlers, dbg) ->
let handlers =
Array.map (fun (handler, handler_dbg) ->
let handler = with_afl_logging handler handler_dbg in
handler, handler_dbg)
Cswitch (instrument e, cases, handlers, dbg)
(* these cases add no logging, but instrument subexpressions *)
| Clet (v, e, body) -> Clet (v, instrument e, instrument body)
| Cphantom_let (v, defining_expr, body) ->
Cphantom_let (v, defining_expr, instrument body)
| Cassign (v, e) -> Cassign (v, instrument e)
| Ctuple es -> Ctuple (List.map instrument es)
| Cop (op, es, dbg) -> Cop (op, List.map instrument es, dbg)
| Csequence (e1, e2) -> Csequence (instrument e1, instrument e2)
| Ccatch (isrec, cases, body) ->
let cases =
List.map (fun (nfail, ids, e, dbg) -> nfail, ids, instrument e, dbg)
Ccatch (isrec, cases, instrument body)
| Cexit (ex, args) -> Cexit (ex, List.map instrument args)
(* these are base cases and have no logging *)
| Cconst_int _ | Cconst_natint _ | Cconst_float _
| Cconst_symbol _ | Cconst_pointer _ | Cconst_natpointer _
| Cblockheader _ | Cvar _ as c -> c
let instrument_function c dbg =
with_afl_logging c dbg
let instrument_initialiser c dbg =
(* Each instrumented module calls caml_setup_afl at
initialisation, which is a no-op on the second and subsequent
calls *)
(Cop (Cextcall ("caml_setup_afl", typ_int, false, None),
[Cconst_int (0, dbg ())],
dbg ()),
(dbg ())