
193 lines
7.7 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Sebastien Hinderer, projet Gallium, INRIA Paris *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2016 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Main program of the ocamltest test driver *)
open Ocamltest_stdlib
open Tsl_semantics
type behavior =
| Skip_all_tests
| Run of Environments.t
let first_token filename =
let input_channel = open_in filename in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel input_channel in
Location.init lexbuf filename;
let token =
try Tsl_lexer.token lexbuf with e -> close_in input_channel; raise e
in close_in input_channel; token
let is_test filename =
match first_token filename with
| exception _ -> false
| _ -> false
(* this primitive announce should be used for tests
that were aborted on system error before ocamltest
could parse them *)
let announce_test_error test_filename error =
Printf.printf " ... testing '%s' => unexpected error (%s)\n%!"
(Filename.basename test_filename) error
let tsl_block_of_file test_filename =
let input_channel = open_in test_filename in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel input_channel in
Location.init lexbuf test_filename;
match Tsl_parser.tsl_block Tsl_lexer.token lexbuf with
| exception e -> close_in input_channel; raise e
| _ as tsl_block -> close_in input_channel; tsl_block
let tsl_block_of_file_safe test_filename =
try tsl_block_of_file test_filename with
| Sys_error message ->
Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" message;
announce_test_error test_filename message;
exit 1
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
Printf.eprintf "Could not read test block in %s\n%!" test_filename;
announce_test_error test_filename "could not read test block";
exit 1
let print_usage () =
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" Options.usage
let rec run_test log common_prefix path behavior = function
Node (testenvspec, test, env_modifiers, subtrees) ->
Printf.printf "%s %s (%s) => %!" common_prefix path test.Tests.test_name;
let (msg, b) = match behavior with
| Skip_all_tests -> "n/a", Skip_all_tests
| Run env ->
let testenv0 = interprete_environment_statements env testenvspec in
let testenv = List.fold_left apply_modifiers testenv0 env_modifiers in
let (result, newenv) = Tests.run log testenv test in
let s = Result.string_of_result result in
if Result.is_pass result then (s, Run newenv)
else (s, Skip_all_tests) in
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" msg;
List.iteri (run_test_i log common_prefix path b) subtrees
and run_test_i log common_prefix path behavior i test_tree =
let path_prefix = if path="" then "" else path ^ "." in
let new_path = Printf.sprintf "%s%d" path_prefix (i+1) in
run_test log common_prefix new_path behavior test_tree
let get_test_source_directory test_dirname =
if (Filename.is_relative test_dirname) then
Sys.with_chdir test_dirname Sys.getcwd
else test_dirname
let get_test_build_directory_prefix test_dirname =
let ocamltestdir_variable = "OCAMLTESTDIR" in
let root =
Sys.getenv_with_default_value ocamltestdir_variable
(Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) "_ocamltest")
if test_dirname = "." then root
else Filename.concat root test_dirname
let tests_to_skip = ref []
let init_tests_to_skip () =
tests_to_skip := String.words (Sys.safe_getenv "OCAMLTEST_SKIP_TESTS")
let test_file test_filename =
(* Printf.printf "# reading test file %s\n%!" test_filename; *)
(* Save current working directory *)
let cwd = Sys.getcwd() in
let skip_test = List.mem test_filename !tests_to_skip in
let tsl_block = tsl_block_of_file_safe test_filename in
let (rootenv_statements, test_trees) = test_trees_of_tsl_block tsl_block in
let test_trees = match test_trees with
| [] ->
let default_tests = Tests.default_tests() in
let make_tree test = Node ([], test, [], []) in
List.map make_tree default_tests
| _ -> test_trees in
let used_tests = tests_in_trees test_trees in
let used_actions = actions_in_tests used_tests in
let action_names =
let f act names = StringSet.add (Actions.action_name act) names in
Actions.ActionSet.fold f used_actions StringSet.empty in
let test_dirname = Filename.dirname test_filename in
let test_basename = Filename.basename test_filename in
let test_prefix = Filename.chop_extension test_basename in
let test_directory =
if test_dirname="." then test_prefix
else Filename.concat test_dirname test_prefix in
let test_source_directory = get_test_source_directory test_dirname in
let hookname_prefix = Filename.concat test_source_directory test_prefix in
let test_build_directory_prefix =
get_test_build_directory_prefix test_directory in
ignore (Sys.command ("rm -rf " ^ test_build_directory_prefix));
Sys.make_directory test_build_directory_prefix;
Sys.with_chdir test_build_directory_prefix
(fun () ->
let log =
if !Options.log_to_stderr then stderr else begin
let log_filename = test_prefix ^ ".log" in
open_out log_filename
end in
let promote = string_of_bool !Options.promote in
let install_hook name =
let hook_name = Filename.make_filename hookname_prefix name in
if Sys.file_exists hook_name then begin
let hook = Actions_helpers.run_hook hook_name in
Actions.set_hook name hook
end in
StringSet.iter install_hook action_names;
let reference_filename = Filename.concat
test_source_directory (test_prefix ^ ".reference") in
let make = try Sys.getenv "MAKE" with Not_found -> "make" in
let initial_environment = Environments.from_bindings
Builtin_variables.make, make;
Builtin_variables.test_file, test_basename;
Builtin_variables.reference, reference_filename;
Builtin_variables.test_source_directory, test_source_directory;
Builtin_variables.promote, promote;
] in
let root_environment =
initial_environment rootenv_statements in
let rootenv = Environments.initialize log root_environment in
let common_prefix = " ... testing '" ^ test_basename ^ "' with" in
let initial_status =
if skip_test then Skip_all_tests else Run rootenv
(run_test_i log common_prefix "" initial_status)
if not !Options.log_to_stderr then close_out log
(* Restore current working directory *)
Sys.chdir cwd
let main () =
if !Options.files_to_test = [] then begin
exit 1
List.iter test_file !Options.files_to_test
let _ = main()