
83 lines
2.4 KiB

(* From lambda to assembly code *)
open Format
open Clflags
open Misc
open Cmm
type error = Assembler_error of string
exception Error of error
let rec regalloc fd =
if !dump_live then Printmach.phase "Liveness analysis" fd;
Interf.build_graph fd;
if !dump_interf then Printmach.interferences();
if !dump_prefer then Printmach.preferences();
if !dump_regalloc then
Printmach.phase "After register allocation" fd;
let (newfd, redo_regalloc) = Reload.fundecl fd in
if !dump_reload then
Printmach.phase "After insertion of reloading code" newfd;
if redo_regalloc
then begin Reg.reinit(); Liveness.fundecl newfd; regalloc newfd end
else newfd
let compile_fundecl fd_cmm =
let fd_sel = Selection.fundecl fd_cmm in
if !dump_selection then
Printmach.phase "After instruction selection" fd_sel;
Liveness.fundecl fd_sel;
if !dump_live then Printmach.phase "Liveness analysis" fd_sel;
let fd_spill = Spill.fundecl fd_sel in
Liveness.fundecl fd_spill;
if !dump_spill then
Printmach.phase "After spilling" fd_spill;
let fd_split = Split.fundecl fd_spill in
Liveness.fundecl fd_split;
if !dump_split then
Printmach.phase "After live range splitting" fd_split;
let fd_reload = regalloc fd_split in
let fd_linear = Linearize.fundecl fd_reload in
if !dump_linear then begin
print_string "*** Linearized code"; print_newline();
Printlinear.fundecl fd_linear; print_newline()
Emit.fundecl fd_linear
let compile_phrase p =
if !dump_cmm then begin Printcmm.phrase p; print_newline() end;
match p with
Cfunction fd -> compile_fundecl fd
| Cdata dl -> Emit.data dl
let compile_implementation prefixname lam =
let asmfile =
if !assembler_only then prefixname ^ ".s" else temp_file "camlasm" ".s" in
let oc = open_out asmfile in
begin try
Emitaux.output_channel := oc;
List.iter compile_phrase (Cmmgen.compunit (Closure.intro lam));
close_out oc
with x ->
close_out oc;
if !assembler_only then () else remove_file asmfile;
raise x
if !assembler_only then () else begin
if Proc.assemble_file asmfile (prefixname ^ ".o") <> 0
then raise(Error(Assembler_error asmfile))
else remove_file asmfile
(* Error report *)
let report_error = function
Assembler_error file ->
print_string "Assembler error, input left in file ";
print_string file