
224 lines
7.7 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Leo White *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Documentation comments
{b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
(** (Re)Initialise all docstring state *)
val init : unit -> unit
(** Emit warnings for unattached and ambiguous docstrings *)
val warn_bad_docstrings : unit -> unit
(** {2 Docstrings} *)
(** Documentation comments *)
type docstring
(** Create a docstring *)
val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
(** Register a docstring *)
val register : docstring -> unit
(** Get the text of a docstring *)
val docstring_body : docstring -> string
(** Get the location of a docstring *)
val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
(** {2 Set functions}
These functions are used by the lexer to associate docstrings to
the locations of tokens. *)
(** Docstrings immediately preceding a token *)
val set_pre_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
(** Docstrings immediately following a token *)
val set_post_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
(** Docstrings not immediately adjacent to a token *)
val set_floating_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
(** Docstrings immediately following the token which precedes this one *)
val set_pre_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
(** Docstrings immediately preceding the token which follows this one *)
val set_post_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
(** {2 Items}
The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
type docs =
{ docs_pre: docstring option;
docs_post: docstring option; }
val empty_docs : docs
val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
(** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
attribute list *)
val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
(** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
val symbol_docs : unit -> docs
val symbol_docs_lazy : unit -> docs Lazy.t
(** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
warnings). *)
val rhs_docs : int -> int -> docs
val rhs_docs_lazy : int -> int -> docs Lazy.t
(** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
warnings). *)
val mark_symbol_docs : unit -> unit
(** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
val mark_rhs_docs : int -> int -> unit
(** {2 Fields and constructors}
The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
constructor. *)
type info = docstring option
val empty_info : info
val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
(** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
attribute list *)
val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
(** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
val symbol_info : unit -> info
(** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
val rhs_info : int -> info
(** {2 Unattached comments}
The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
anything. *)
type text = docstring list
val empty_text : text
val empty_text_lazy : text Lazy.t
val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
(** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
(** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
val symbol_text : unit -> text
val symbol_text_lazy : unit -> text Lazy.t
(** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
val rhs_text : int -> text
val rhs_text_lazy : int -> text Lazy.t
(** {2 Extra text}
There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
(e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
than the delimiters. *)
(** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
val symbol_pre_extra_text : unit -> text
(** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
val symbol_post_extra_text : unit -> text
(** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
val rhs_pre_extra_text : int -> text
(** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
val rhs_post_extra_text : int -> text
(** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
val rhs_post_text : int -> text
module WithMenhir: sig
(** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
val symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs
val symbol_docs_lazy : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
(** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
warnings). *)
val rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs
val rhs_docs_lazy : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
(** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
warnings). *)
val mark_symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> unit
(** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
val mark_rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
(** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
val symbol_info : Lexing.position -> info
(** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
val rhs_info : Lexing.position -> info
(** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
val symbol_text : Lexing.position -> text
val symbol_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
(** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
val rhs_text : Lexing.position -> text
val rhs_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
(** {3 Extra text}
There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
(e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
than the delimiters. *)
(** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
val symbol_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
(** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
val symbol_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
(** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
val rhs_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
(** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
val rhs_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
(** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
val rhs_post_text : Lexing.position -> text