
143 lines
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Types for the information collected in comments. *)
(** The different kinds of element references. *)
type ref_kind =
| RK_module_type
| RK_class
| RK_class_type
| RK_value
| RK_type
| RK_extension
| RK_exception
| RK_attribute
| RK_method
| RK_section of text
| RK_recfield
| RK_const
and text_element =
| Raw of string (** Raw text. *)
| Code of string (** The string is source code. *)
| CodePre of string (** The string is pre-formatted source code. *)
| Verbatim of string (** String 'as is'. *)
| Bold of text (** Text in bold style. *)
| Italic of text (** Text in italic. *)
| Emphasize of text (** Emphasized text. *)
| Center of text (** Centered text. *)
| Left of text (** Left alignment. *)
| Right of text (** Right alignment. *)
| List of text list (** A list. *)
| Enum of text list (** An enumerated list. *)
| Newline (** To force a line break. *)
| Block of text (** Like html's block quote. *)
| Title of int * string option * text
(** Style number, optional label, and text. *)
| Latex of string (** A string for latex. *)
| Link of string * text (** A reference string and the link text. *)
| Ref of string * ref_kind option * text option
(** A reference to an element. Complete name and kind. An optional
text can be given to display this text instead of the element name.*)
| Superscript of text (** Superscripts. *)
| Subscript of text (** Subscripts. *)
| Module_list of string list
(** The table of the given modules with their abstracts. *)
| Index_list (** The links to the various indexes (values, types, ...) *)
| Custom of string * text (** to extend \{foo syntax *)
| Target of string * string (** (target, code) : to specify code for a specific target format *)
(** [text] is a list of text_elements. The order matters. *)
and text = text_element list
(** The different forms of references in \@see tags. *)
type see_ref =
See_url of string
| See_file of string
| See_doc of string
(** The information in a \@see tag. *)
type see = see_ref * text
(** Parameter name and description. *)
type param = (string * text)
(** Raised exception name and description. *)
type raised_exception = (string * text)
(** Information in a special comment. *)
type info = {
i_desc : text option; (** The description text. *)
i_authors : string list; (** The list of authors in \@author tags. *)
i_version : string option; (** The string in the \@version tag. *)
i_sees : see list; (** The list of \@see tags. *)
i_since : string option; (** The string in the \@since tag. *)
i_before : (string * text) list; (** the version number and text in \@before tag *)
i_deprecated : text option; (** The textual description of the \@deprecated tag. *)
i_params : param list; (** The list of parameter descriptions. *)
i_raised_exceptions : raised_exception list; (** The list of raised exceptions. *)
i_return_value : text option ; (** The description text of the return value. *)
i_custom : (string * text) list ; (** A text associated to a custom @-tag. *)
(** An empty info structure. *)
val dummy_info : info
(** Location of elements in implementation and interface files. *)
type location = {
loc_impl : Location.t option ; (** implementation location *)
loc_inter : Location.t option ; (** interface location *)
(** A dummy location. *)
val dummy_loc : location
(** The information to merge from two elements when they both have some information. *)
type merge_option =
| Merge_description (** Descriptions are concatenated. *)
| Merge_author (** Lists of authors are concatenated. *)
| Merge_version (** Versions are concatenated. *)
| Merge_see (** See references are concatenated. *)
| Merge_since (** Since information are concatenated. *)
| Merge_before (** Before information are concatenated. *)
| Merge_deprecated (** Deprecated information are concatenated. *)
| Merge_param (** Information on each parameter is concatenated,
and all parameters are kept. *)
| Merge_raised_exception (** Information on each raised_exception is concatenated,
and all raised exceptions are kept. *)
| Merge_return_value (** Information on return value are concatenated. *)
| Merge_custom (** Merge custom tags (all pairs (tag, text) are kept). *)
(** The list with all merge options. *)
val all_merge_options : merge_option list
(** Type of magic numbers. *)
type magic
(** The magic number for the dumps of this version of ocamldoc. *)
val magic : magic
(** A dump of a structure. *)
type 'a dump
(** Create a dump structure. *)
val make_dump : 'a -> 'a dump
(** Verify that a dump has the correct magic number
and return its content. *)
val open_dump : 'a dump -> 'a