
253 lines
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Representation and manipulation of classes and class types.*)
module Name = Odoc_name
(** To keep the order of elements in a class *)
type class_element =
Class_attribute of Odoc_value.t_attribute
| Class_method of Odoc_value.t_method
| Class_comment of Odoc_types.text
(** Used when we can reference t_class or t_class_type. *)
type cct =
Cl of t_class
| Cltype of t_class_type * Types.type_expr list (** class type and type parameters *)
and inherited_class = {
ic_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the inherited class *)
mutable ic_class : cct option ; (** The associated t_class or t_class_type *)
ic_text : Odoc_types.text option ; (** The inheritance comment, if any *)
and class_apply = {
capp_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the applied class *)
mutable capp_class : t_class option; (** The associated t_class if we found it *)
capp_params : Types.type_expr list; (** The type of expressions the class is applied to *)
capp_params_code : string list ; (** The code of these expressions *)
and class_constr = {
cco_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the applied class *)
mutable cco_class : cct option; (** The associated class of the class type if we found it *)
cco_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list; (** The type parameters of the class, if needed *)
and class_kind =
Class_structure of inherited_class list * class_element list
(** an explicit class structure, used in implementation and interface *)
| Class_apply of class_apply (** application/alias of a class, used in implementation only *)
| Class_constr of class_constr (** a class used to give the type of the defined class,
instead of a structure, used in interface only.
For example, it will be used with the name "M1.M2....tutu"
when the class toto is defined like this :
class toto : int -> tutu *)
| Class_constraint of class_kind * class_type_kind
(** A class definition with a constraint. *)
(** Representation of a class. *)
and t_class = {
cl_name : Name.t ; (** Name of the class *)
mutable cl_info : Odoc_types.info option ; (** The optional associated user information *)
cl_type : Types.class_type ;
cl_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** Type parameters *)
cl_virtual : bool ; (** true = virtual *)
mutable cl_kind : class_kind ;
mutable cl_parameters : Odoc_parameter.parameter list ;
mutable cl_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
and class_type_alias = {
cta_name : Name.t ;
mutable cta_class : cct option ; (** we can have a t_class or a t_class_type *)
cta_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** the type parameters *)
and class_type_kind =
Class_signature of inherited_class list * class_element list
| Class_type of class_type_alias (** a class type eventually applied to type args *)
(** Representation of a class type. *)
and t_class_type = {
clt_name : Name.t ;
mutable clt_info : Odoc_types.info option ; (** The optional associated user information *)
clt_type : Types.class_type ;
clt_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** type parameters *)
clt_virtual : bool ; (** true = virtual *)
mutable clt_kind : class_type_kind ;
mutable clt_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
(** {1 Functions} *)
(** Returns the text associated to the given parameter label
in the given class, or None. *)
let class_parameter_text_by_name cl label =
match cl.cl_info with
None -> None
| Some i ->
let t = List.assoc label i.Odoc_types.i_params in
Some t
Not_found ->
(** Returns the list of elements of a t_class. *)
let rec class_elements ?(trans=true) cl =
let rec iter_kind k =
match k with
Class_structure (_, elements) -> elements
| Class_constraint (c_kind, _ct_kind) ->
iter_kind c_kind
(* FIXME : use c_kind or ct_kind ?
For now, as ct_kind is not analyzed,
we search inside c_kind
class_type_elements ~trans: trans
{ clt_name = "" ; clt_info = None ;
clt_type_parameters = [] ;
clt_virtual = false ;
clt_kind = ct_kind }
| Class_apply capp ->
match capp.capp_class with
Some c when trans -> class_elements ~trans: trans c
| _ -> []
| Class_constr cco ->
match cco.cco_class with
Some (Cl c) when trans -> class_elements ~trans: trans c
| Some (Cltype (ct,_)) when trans -> class_type_elements ~trans: trans ct
| _ -> []
iter_kind cl.cl_kind
(** Returns the list of elements of a t_class_type. *)
and class_type_elements ?(trans=true) clt =
match clt.clt_kind with
Class_signature (_, elements) -> elements
| Class_type { cta_class = Some (Cltype (ct, _)) } when trans ->
class_type_elements ~trans ct
| Class_type { cta_class = Some (Cl c) } when trans ->
class_elements ~trans c
| Class_type _ ->
(** Returns the attributes of a t_class. *)
let class_attributes ?(trans=true) cl =
(fun acc -> fun ele ->
match ele with
Class_attribute a ->
acc @ [ a ]
| _ ->
(class_elements ~trans cl)
(** Returns the methods of a t_class. *)
let class_methods ?(trans=true) cl =
(fun acc -> fun ele ->
match ele with
Class_method m ->
acc @ [ m ]
| _ ->
(class_elements ~trans cl)
(** Returns the comments in a t_class. *)
let class_comments ?(trans=true) cl =
(fun acc -> fun ele ->
match ele with
Class_comment t ->
acc @ [ t ]
| _ ->
(class_elements ~trans cl)
(** Update the parameters text of a t_class, according to the cl_info field. *)
let class_update_parameters_text cl =
let f p =
Odoc_parameter.update_parameter_text (class_parameter_text_by_name cl) p
List.iter f cl.cl_parameters
(** Returns the attributes of a t_class_type. *)
let class_type_attributes ?(trans=true) clt =
(fun acc -> fun ele ->
match ele with
Class_attribute a ->
acc @ [ a ]
| _ ->
(class_type_elements ~trans clt)
(** Returns the methods of a t_class_type. *)
let class_type_methods ?(trans=true) clt =
(fun acc -> fun ele ->
match ele with
Class_method m ->
acc @ [ m ]
| _ ->
(class_type_elements ~trans clt)
(** Returns the comments in a t_class_type. *)
let class_type_comments ?(trans=true) clt =
(fun acc -> fun ele ->
match ele with
Class_comment m ->
acc @ [ m ]
| _ ->
(class_type_elements ~trans clt)
(** Returns the text associated to the given parameter label
in the given class type, or None. *)
let class_type_parameter_text_by_name clt label =
match clt.clt_info with
None -> None
| Some i ->
let t = List.assoc label i.Odoc_types.i_params in
Some t
Not_found ->