
244 lines
7.1 KiB

(** Check reference to manual section in ml files
[cross-reference-cheker -auxfile tex.aux src.ml ]
checks that all expression and let bindings in [src.ml] annotated
with [[@manual.ref "tex_label"]] are integer tuple literals, e.g
let[@manual.ref "sec:major"] ref = 1, 1
(* or *)
let ref = (3 [@manual.ref "ch:pentatonic"])
and that their values are consistent with the computed references for the
payload labels (e.g "sec:major", "ch:pentatonic") present in the TeX
auxiliary file [tex.aux]
(** {1 Error printing } *)
type error =
| Reference_mismatch of
{loc:Location.t; label:string; ocaml:int list; tex:int list}
| Unknown_label of Location.t * string
| Tuple_expected of Location.t
| No_aux_file
| Wrong_attribute_payload of Location.t
let pp_ref ppf = Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:( fun ppf () ->
Format.pp_print_string ppf ".") Format.pp_print_int ppf
let print_error error =
Location.print_report Format.std_formatter @@ match error with
| Tuple_expected loc ->
Location.errorf ~loc
"Integer tuple expected after manual reference annotation@."
| Unknown_label (loc,label) ->
Location.errorf ~loc
"@[<hov>Unknown manual label:@ %s@]@." label
| Reference_mismatch r ->
Location.errorf ~loc:r.loc
"@[<v 2>References for label %S do not match:@,\
OCaml side %a,@,\
manual %a@]@."
pp_ref r.ocaml
pp_ref r.tex
| No_aux_file ->
Location.errorf "No aux file provided@."
| Wrong_attribute_payload loc ->
Location.errorf ~loc "Wrong payload for \"@manual.ref\"@."
(** {1 Main types} *)
(** Maps of ocaml reference to manual labels *)
module Refs = Map.Make(String)
(** Reference extracted from TeX aux files *)
type tex_reference =
{ label: string;
pos: int list;
level: string
type status = Ok | Bad | Unknown
(** Reference extracted from OCaml source files *)
type ml_reference = { loc: Location.t; pos: int list; status:status }
(** {1 Consistency check } *)
let check_consistency (ref:tex_reference) {loc; pos; _ } =
if ref.pos = pos then
{ loc; pos; status = Ok }
else begin
print_error @@ Reference_mismatch {loc;label=ref.label;tex=ref.pos;ocaml=pos};
{loc; pos; status = Bad }
let rec check_final_status label error = function
| { status = Ok; _ } -> error
| { status = Bad; _ } -> true
| { status = Unknown; loc; _} ->
print_error (Unknown_label (loc,label));
(** {1 Data extraction from TeX side} *)
module TeX = struct
(** Read reference information from a line of the aux file *)
let scan s =
Scanf.sscanf s
(fun label position_string level ->
let pos =
List.map int_of_string (String.split_on_char '.' position_string) in
Some {label;level;pos} )
| Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> None
| Failure _ -> None
let check_line refs line =
match scan line with
| None -> refs
| Some ref ->
match Refs.find_opt ref.label refs with
| None -> refs
| Some l ->
Refs.add ref.label
(List.map (check_consistency ref) l)
let check_all aux refs =
let chan = open_in aux in
let rec lines refs =
let s = try Some (input_line chan) with End_of_file -> None in
match s with
| None -> refs
| Some line ->
lines @@ check_line refs line in
let refs = lines refs in
close_in chan;
let error = Refs.fold (fun label ocaml_refs error ->
List.fold_left (check_final_status label) error ocaml_refs)
refs false in
if error then exit 2 else exit 0
(** {1 Extract references from Ocaml source files} *)
module OCaml_refs = struct
let parse sourcefile =
Pparse.parse_implementation ~tool_name:"manual_cross_reference_check"
(** search for an attribute [[@manual.ref "tex_label_name"]] *)
let manual_reference_attribute attr =
let open Parsetree in
if attr.attr_name.Location.txt <> "manual.ref"
then None
else begin match attr.attr_payload with
| PStr [{pstr_desc= Pstr_eval
({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant Pconst_string (s,_,_) },_) } ] ->
Some s
| _ -> print_error (Wrong_attribute_payload attr.attr_loc);
Some "" (* triggers an error *)
let rec label_from_attributes = function
| [] -> None
| a :: q -> match manual_reference_attribute a with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> label_from_attributes q
let int e =
let open Parsetree in
match e.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_constant Pconst_integer (s, _ ) -> int_of_string s
| _ -> raise Exit
let int_list l =
try Some (List.map int l) with
| Exit -> None
(** We keep a list of OCaml-side references to the same label *)
let add_ref label ref refs =
let l = match Refs.find_opt label refs with
| None -> [ref]
| Some l -> ref :: l in
Refs.add label l refs
let inner_expr loc e =
let tuple_expected () = print_error (Tuple_expected loc) in
match e.Parsetree.pexp_desc with
| Parsetree.Pexp_tuple l ->
begin match int_list l with
| None -> tuple_expected (); []
| Some pos -> pos
| Parsetree.Pexp_constant Pconst_integer (n,_) ->
[int_of_string n]
| _ -> tuple_expected (); []
(** extract from [let[@manual.ref "label"] x= 1, 2] *)
let value_binding m iterator vb =
let open Parsetree in
begin match label_from_attributes vb.pvb_attributes with
| None -> ()
| Some label ->
let pos = inner_expr vb.pvb_loc vb.pvb_expr in
m := add_ref label {loc = vb.pvb_loc; pos; status = Unknown } !m
iterator.Ast_iterator.expr iterator vb.pvb_expr
(** extract from [ (1,2)[@manual.ref "label"]] *)
let expr m iterator e =
let open Parsetree in
begin match label_from_attributes e.pexp_attributes with
| None -> ()
| Some label ->
let pos = inner_expr e.pexp_loc e in
m := add_ref label {loc = e.pexp_loc; pos; status = Unknown } !m
Ast_iterator.default_iterator.expr iterator e
let from_ast m ast =
let iterator =
let value_binding = value_binding m in
let expr = expr m in
Ast_iterator.{ default_iterator with value_binding; expr } in
iterator.structure iterator ast
let from_file m f =
from_ast m @@ parse f
(** {1 Argument handling and main function } *)
let usage =
"cross-reference-check -auxfile [file.aux] file_1 ... file_n checks that \
the cross reference annotated with [@manual_cross_reference] are consistent \
with the provided auxiliary TeX file"
(** the auxiliary file containing reference to be checked *)
let aux_file = ref None
let args =
"-auxfile",Arg.String (fun s -> aux_file := Some s),
"set the reference file"
let () =
let m = ref Refs.empty in
Arg.parse args (OCaml_refs.from_file m) usage;
match !aux_file with
| None -> print_error No_aux_file; exit 2
| Some aux ->
let error = TeX.check_all aux !m in
if error then exit 2 else exit 0