
361 lines
12 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
open Typedtree
open Lambda
open Location
let is_inline_attribute = function
| {txt=("inline"|"ocaml.inline")} -> true
| _ -> false
let is_inlined_attribute = function
| {txt=("inlined"|"ocaml.inlined")} -> true
| {txt=("unrolled"|"ocaml.unrolled")} when Config.flambda -> true
| _ -> false
let is_specialise_attribute = function
| {txt=("specialise"|"ocaml.specialise")} when Config.flambda -> true
| _ -> false
let is_specialised_attribute = function
| {txt=("specialised"|"ocaml.specialised")} when Config.flambda -> true
| _ -> false
let is_local_attribute = function
| {txt=("local"|"ocaml.local")} -> true
| _ -> false
let find_attribute p attributes =
let inline_attribute, other_attributes =
List.partition (fun a -> p a.Parsetree.attr_name) attributes
let attr =
match inline_attribute with
| [] -> None
| [attr] -> Some attr
| _ :: {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt;loc}; _} :: _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute txt);
attr, other_attributes
let is_unrolled = function
| {txt="unrolled"|"ocaml.unrolled"} -> true
| {txt="inline"|"ocaml.inline"|"inlined"|"ocaml.inlined"} -> false
| _ -> assert false
let get_payload get_from_exp =
let open Parsetree in
| PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, [])}] -> get_from_exp exp
| _ -> Result.Error ()
let get_optional_payload get_from_exp =
let open Parsetree in
| PStr [] -> Result.Ok None
| other -> Result.map Option.some (get_payload get_from_exp other)
let get_id_from_exp =
let open Parsetree in
| { pexp_desc = Pexp_ident { txt = Longident.Lident id } } -> Result.Ok id
| _ -> Result.Error ()
let get_int_from_exp =
let open Parsetree in
| { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer(s, None)) } ->
begin match Misc.Int_literal_converter.int s with
| n -> Result.Ok n
| exception (Failure _) -> Result.Error ()
| _ -> Result.Error ()
let get_construct_from_exp =
let open Parsetree in
| { pexp_desc =
Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident constr }, None) } ->
Result.Ok constr
| _ -> Result.Error ()
let get_bool_from_exp exp =
Result.bind (get_construct_from_exp exp)
| "true" -> Result.Ok true
| "false" -> Result.Ok false
| _ -> Result.Error ())
let parse_id_payload txt loc ~default ~empty cases payload =
let[@local] warn () =
let ( %> ) f g x = g (f x) in
let msg =
|> List.map (fst %> Printf.sprintf "'%s'")
|> String.concat ", "
|> Printf.sprintf "It must be either %s or empty"
Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Attribute_payload (txt, msg));
match get_optional_payload get_id_from_exp payload with
| Error () -> warn ()
| Ok None -> empty
| Ok (Some id) ->
match List.assoc_opt id cases with
| Some r -> r
| None -> warn ()
let parse_inline_attribute attr =
match attr with
| None -> Default_inline
| Some {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt;loc} as id; attr_payload = payload} ->
if is_unrolled id then begin
(* the 'unrolled' attributes must be used as [@unrolled n]. *)
let warning txt = Warnings.Attribute_payload
(txt, "It must be an integer literal")
match get_payload get_int_from_exp payload with
| Ok n -> Unroll n
| Error () ->
Location.prerr_warning loc (warning txt);
end else
parse_id_payload txt loc
"never", Never_inline;
"always", Always_inline;
"hint", Hint_inline;
let parse_specialise_attribute attr =
match attr with
| None -> Default_specialise
| Some {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt; loc}; attr_payload = payload} ->
parse_id_payload txt loc
"never", Never_specialise;
"always", Always_specialise;
let parse_local_attribute attr =
match attr with
| None -> Default_local
| Some {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt; loc}; attr_payload = payload} ->
parse_id_payload txt loc
"never", Never_local;
"always", Always_local;
"maybe", Default_local;
let get_inline_attribute l =
let attr, _ = find_attribute is_inline_attribute l in
parse_inline_attribute attr
let get_specialise_attribute l =
let attr, _ = find_attribute is_specialise_attribute l in
parse_specialise_attribute attr
let get_local_attribute l =
let attr, _ = find_attribute is_local_attribute l in
parse_local_attribute attr
let check_local_inline loc attr =
match attr.local, attr.inline with
| Always_local, (Always_inline | Hint_inline | Unroll _) ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "local/inline")
| _ ->
let add_inline_attribute expr loc attributes =
match expr, get_inline_attribute attributes with
| expr, Default_inline -> expr
| Lfunction({ attr = { stub = false } as attr } as funct), inline ->
begin match attr.inline with
| Default_inline -> ()
| Always_inline | Hint_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "inline")
let attr = { attr with inline } in
check_local_inline loc attr;
Lfunction { funct with attr = attr }
| expr, (Always_inline | Hint_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _) ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute "inline");
let add_specialise_attribute expr loc attributes =
match expr, get_specialise_attribute attributes with
| expr, Default_specialise -> expr
| Lfunction({ attr = { stub = false } as attr } as funct), specialise ->
begin match attr.specialise with
| Default_specialise -> ()
| Always_specialise | Never_specialise ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "specialise")
let attr = { attr with specialise } in
Lfunction { funct with attr }
| expr, (Always_specialise | Never_specialise) ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute "specialise");
let add_local_attribute expr loc attributes =
match expr, get_local_attribute attributes with
| expr, Default_local -> expr
| Lfunction({ attr = { stub = false } as attr } as funct), local ->
begin match attr.local with
| Default_local -> ()
| Always_local | Never_local ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "local")
let attr = { attr with local } in
check_local_inline loc attr;
Lfunction { funct with attr }
| expr, (Always_local | Never_local) ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute "local");
(* Get the [@inlined] attribute payload (or default if not present).
It also returns the expression without this attribute. This is
used to ensure that this attribute is not misplaced: If it
appears on any expression, it is an error, otherwise it would
have been removed by this function *)
let get_and_remove_inlined_attribute e =
let attr, exp_attributes =
find_attribute is_inlined_attribute e.exp_attributes
let inlined = parse_inline_attribute attr in
inlined, { e with exp_attributes }
let get_and_remove_inlined_attribute_on_module e =
let rec get_and_remove mod_expr =
let attr, mod_attributes =
find_attribute is_inlined_attribute mod_expr.mod_attributes
let attr = parse_inline_attribute attr in
let attr, mod_desc =
match mod_expr.Typedtree.mod_desc with
| Tmod_constraint (me, mt, mtc, mc) ->
let inner_attr, me = get_and_remove me in
let attr =
match attr with
| Always_inline | Hint_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _ -> attr
| Default_inline -> inner_attr
attr, Tmod_constraint (me, mt, mtc, mc)
| md -> attr, md
attr, { mod_expr with mod_desc; mod_attributes }
get_and_remove e
let get_and_remove_specialised_attribute e =
let attr, exp_attributes =
find_attribute is_specialised_attribute e.exp_attributes
let specialised = parse_specialise_attribute attr in
specialised, { e with exp_attributes }
(* It also removes the attribute from the expression, like
get_inlined_attribute *)
let get_tailcall_attribute e =
let is_tailcall_attribute = function
| {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt=("tailcall"|"ocaml.tailcall")}; _} -> true
| _ -> false
let tailcalls, other_attributes =
List.partition is_tailcall_attribute e.exp_attributes
let tailcall_attribute = match tailcalls with
| [] -> Default_tailcall
| {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt; loc}; attr_payload = payload} :: r ->
begin match r with
| [] -> ()
| {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt;loc}; _} :: _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute txt)
match get_optional_payload get_bool_from_exp payload with
| Ok (None | Some true) -> Tailcall_expectation true
| Ok (Some false) -> Tailcall_expectation false
| Error () ->
let msg = "Only an optional boolean literal is supported." in
Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Attribute_payload (txt, msg));
tailcall_attribute, { e with exp_attributes = other_attributes }
let check_attribute e {Parsetree.attr_name = { txt; loc }; _} =
match txt with
| "inline" | "ocaml.inline"
| "specialise" | "ocaml.specialise" -> begin
match e.exp_desc with
| Texp_function _ -> ()
| _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
| "inlined" | "ocaml.inlined"
| "specialised" | "ocaml.specialised"
| "tailcall" | "ocaml.tailcall" ->
(* Removed by the Texp_apply cases *)
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
| _ -> ()
let check_attribute_on_module e {Parsetree.attr_name = { txt; loc }; _} =
match txt with
| "inline" | "ocaml.inline" -> begin
match e.mod_desc with
| Tmod_functor _ -> ()
| _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
| "inlined" | "ocaml.inlined" ->
(* Removed by the Texp_apply cases *)
Location.prerr_warning loc
(Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
| _ -> ()
let add_function_attributes lam loc attr =
let lam =
add_inline_attribute lam loc attr
let lam =
add_specialise_attribute lam loc attr
let lam =
add_local_attribute lam loc attr