
258 lines
8.1 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* OCaml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Handling of symbol tables (globals and events) *)
open Instruct
open Debugger_config (* Toplevel *)
open Program_loading
open Debugcom
open Events
module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
let modules =
ref ([] : string list)
let program_source_dirs =
ref ([] : string list)
let events_by_pc =
(Hashtbl.create 257 : (pc, debug_event) Hashtbl.t)
let events_by_module =
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, int * debug_event array) Hashtbl.t)
let all_events_by_module =
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, int * debug_event list) Hashtbl.t)
let partition_modules evl =
let rec partition_modules' ev evl =
match evl with
[] -> [ev],[]
| ev'::evl ->
let evl,evll = partition_modules' ev' evl in
if ev.ev_module = ev'.ev_module then ev::evl,evll else [ev],evl::evll
match evl with
[] -> []
| ev::evl -> let evl,evll = partition_modules' ev evl in evl::evll
let relocate_event orig ev =
ev.ev_pos <- orig + ev.ev_pos;
match ev.ev_repr with
Event_parent repr -> repr := ev.ev_pos
| _ -> ()
let read_symbols' bytecode_file =
let ic = open_in_bin bytecode_file in
begin try
Bytesections.read_toc ic;
ignore(Bytesections.seek_section ic "SYMB");
with Bytesections.Bad_magic_number | Not_found ->
prerr_string bytecode_file; prerr_endline " is not a bytecode file.";
raise Toplevel
Symtable.restore_state (input_value ic);
begin try
ignore (Bytesections.seek_section ic "DBUG")
with Not_found ->
prerr_string bytecode_file; prerr_endline " has no debugging info.";
raise Toplevel
let num_eventlists = input_binary_int ic in
let dirs = ref String.Set.empty in
let eventlists = ref [] in
for _i = 1 to num_eventlists do
let orig = input_binary_int ic in
let evl = (input_value ic : debug_event list) in
(* Relocate events in event list *)
List.iter (relocate_event orig) evl;
let evll = partition_modules evl in
eventlists := evll @ !eventlists;
dirs :=
List.fold_left (fun s e -> String.Set.add e s) !dirs (input_value ic)
begin try
ignore (Bytesections.seek_section ic "CODE")
with Not_found ->
(* The file contains only debugging info,
loading mode is forced to "manual" *)
set_launching_function (List.assoc "manual" loading_modes)
close_in_noerr ic;
!eventlists, !dirs
let clear_symbols () =
modules := [];
program_source_dirs := [];
Hashtbl.clear events_by_pc; Hashtbl.clear events_by_module;
Hashtbl.clear all_events_by_module
let add_symbols frag all_events =
(fun evl ->
(fun ev ->
Hashtbl.add events_by_pc {frag; pos = ev.ev_pos} ev)
[] -> ()
| ev :: _ as evl ->
let md = ev.ev_module in
let cmp ev1 ev2 = compare (Events.get_pos ev1).Lexing.pos_cnum
(Events.get_pos ev2).Lexing.pos_cnum
let sorted_evl = List.sort cmp evl in
modules := md :: !modules;
Hashtbl.add all_events_by_module md (frag, sorted_evl);
let real_evl =
{ev_kind = Event_pseudo} -> false
| _ -> true)
Hashtbl.add events_by_module md (frag, Array.of_list real_evl))
let read_symbols frag bytecode_file =
let all_events, all_dirs = read_symbols' bytecode_file in
program_source_dirs := !program_source_dirs @ (String.Set.elements all_dirs);
add_symbols frag all_events
let erase_symbols frag =
let pcs = Hashtbl.fold (fun pc _ pcs ->
if pc.frag = frag then pc :: pcs else pcs)
events_by_pc []
List.iter (Hashtbl.remove events_by_pc) pcs;
let mds = Hashtbl.fold (fun md (frag', _) mds ->
if frag' = frag then md :: mds else mds)
events_by_module []
List.iter (Hashtbl.remove events_by_module) mds;
List.iter (Hashtbl.remove all_events_by_module) mds;
modules := List.filter (fun md -> not (List.mem md mds)) !modules
let code_fragments () =
let frags =
(fun _ (frag, _) l -> frag :: l)
all_events_by_module []
List.sort_uniq compare frags
let modules_in_code_fragment frag' =
Hashtbl.fold (fun md (frag, _) l ->
if frag' = frag then md :: l else l)
all_events_by_module []
let any_event_at_pc pc =
{ ev_frag = pc.frag; ev_ev = Hashtbl.find events_by_pc pc }
let event_at_pc pc =
match any_event_at_pc pc with
{ ev_ev = { ev_kind = Event_pseudo } } -> raise Not_found
| ev -> ev
let set_event_at_pc pc =
try ignore(event_at_pc pc); set_event pc
with Not_found -> ()
(* List all events in module *)
let events_in_module mdle =
Hashtbl.find all_events_by_module mdle
with Not_found ->
0, []
(* Binary search of event at or just after char *)
let find_event ev char =
let rec bsearch lo hi =
if lo >= hi then begin
if (Events.get_pos ev.(hi)).Lexing.pos_cnum < char
then raise Not_found
else hi
end else begin
let pivot = (lo + hi) / 2 in
let e = ev.(pivot) in
if char <= (Events.get_pos e).Lexing.pos_cnum
then bsearch lo pivot
else bsearch (pivot + 1) hi
if Array.length ev = 0 then
raise Not_found
bsearch 0 (Array.length ev - 1)
(* Return first event after the given position. *)
(* Raise [Not_found] if module is unknown or no event is found. *)
let event_at_pos md char =
let ev_frag, ev = Hashtbl.find events_by_module md in
{ ev_frag; ev_ev = ev.(find_event ev char) }
(* Return event closest to given position *)
(* Raise [Not_found] if module is unknown or no event is found. *)
let event_near_pos md char =
let ev_frag, ev = Hashtbl.find events_by_module md in
let pos = find_event ev char in
(* Desired event is either ev.(pos) or ev.(pos - 1),
whichever is closest *)
if pos > 0 && char - (Events.get_pos ev.(pos - 1)).Lexing.pos_cnum
<= (Events.get_pos ev.(pos)).Lexing.pos_cnum - char
then { ev_frag; ev_ev = ev.(pos - 1) }
else { ev_frag; ev_ev = ev.(pos) }
with Not_found ->
let pos = Array.length ev - 1 in
if pos < 0 then raise Not_found;
{ ev_frag; ev_ev = ev.(pos) }
(* Flip "event" bit on all instructions *)
let set_all_events frag =
(fun pc ev ->
match ev.ev_kind with
Event_pseudo -> ()
| _ when pc.frag = frag -> set_event pc
| _ -> ())
(* Previous `pc'. *)
(* Save time if `update_current_event' is called *)
(* several times at the same point. *)
let old_pc = ref (None : pc option)
(* Recompute the current event *)
let update_current_event () =
match Checkpoints.current_pc () with
None ->
Events.current_event := None;
old_pc := None
| (Some pc) as opt_pc when opt_pc <> !old_pc ->
Events.current_event :=
begin try
Some (event_at_pc pc)
with Not_found ->
old_pc := opt_pc
| _ ->