
112 lines
4.3 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Mark Shinwell, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2016--2017 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module RD = Reg_with_debug_info
module V = Backend_var
type t =
| Ok of RD.Set.t
| Unreachable
let inter regs1 regs2 =
match regs1, regs2 with
| Unreachable, _ -> regs2
| _, Unreachable -> regs1
| Ok avail1, Ok avail2 ->
let result =
RD.Set.fold (fun reg1 result ->
match RD.Set.find_reg_exn avail2 (RD.reg reg1) with
| exception Not_found -> result
| reg2 ->
let debug_info1 = RD.debug_info reg1 in
let debug_info2 = RD.debug_info reg2 in
let debug_info =
match debug_info1, debug_info2 with
| None, None -> None
(* Example for this next case: the value of a mutable variable x
is copied into another variable y; then there is a conditional
where on one branch x is assigned and on the other branch it
is not. This means that on the former branch we have
forgotten about y holding the value of x; but we have not on
the latter. At the join point we must have forgotten the
information. *)
| None, Some _ | Some _, None -> None
| Some debug_info1, Some debug_info2 ->
if RD.Debug_info.compare debug_info1 debug_info2 = 0 then
Some debug_info1
let reg =
RD.create_with_debug_info ~reg:(RD.reg reg1)
RD.Set.add reg result)
Ok result
let equal t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Unreachable, Unreachable -> true
| Unreachable, Ok _ | Ok _, Unreachable -> false
| Ok regs1, Ok regs2 -> RD.Set.equal regs1 regs2
let canonicalise availability =
match availability with
| Unreachable -> Unreachable
| Ok availability ->
let regs_by_ident = V.Tbl.create 42 in
RD.Set.iter (fun reg ->
match RD.debug_info reg with
| None -> ()
| Some debug_info ->
let name = RD.Debug_info.holds_value_of debug_info in
if not (V.persistent name) then begin
match V.Tbl.find regs_by_ident name with
| exception Not_found -> V.Tbl.add regs_by_ident name reg
| (reg' : RD.t) ->
(* We prefer registers that are assigned to the stack since
they probably give longer available ranges (less likely to
be clobbered). *)
match RD.location reg, RD.location reg' with
| Reg _, Stack _
| Reg _, Reg _
| Stack _, Stack _
| _, Unknown
| Unknown, _ -> ()
| Stack _, Reg _ ->
V.Tbl.remove regs_by_ident name;
V.Tbl.add regs_by_ident name reg
let result =
V.Tbl.fold (fun _ident reg availability ->
RD.Set.add reg availability)
Ok result
let print ~print_reg ppf = function
| Unreachable -> Format.fprintf ppf "<unreachable>"
| Ok availability ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{%a}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
(Reg_with_debug_info.print ~print_reg))
(RD.Set.elements availability)